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Mira-Bhayandar elections: Jain monk urged devotees to vote for BJP to create vegetarian society

Fascist tendency? Really ..
You are just acting like an intolerant bitch.
Have i lost my rights to voice what i want and what i don't want. Is freedom of speech, freedom to eat and freedom to wish only for you lot. Others can't even say what's on their mind. You are acting like a totalitarian shit.
If you have your personal liberty so do others.
How am I intolerant? People are asking for a vegetarian society, not the same as personal liberties being exercised.

A. example of personal liberty being exercised:
Dem!god- hi I like vegetarian food, hence I will eat vegetarian food

B. asking for a vegetarian society:
Dem!god - hi we would like to have people eating vegetarian food around us in India

Please understand the difference. A. is good B. is bad. As long as you go for A. you are not a fascist. B makes you one.

I'll be honest (as I tend to be).

I don't specifically ask the restaurant cook which bovine the beef I'm eating is from.

I don't specifically ask the supermarket or the frozen foods guys in Shivaji Market whether the steak or the sausages or the kababs or marinated beef chunks are cow or buffalo.

I am not a butcher. Neither am I a Muslim or Hindu who sacrifice animals.

Am just a Parsi who will eat beef as long as he pleases.

Who will not go out of his way to eat a cow in India. But eats only cow beef abroad (you don't get buffalo, and is an inferior meat). And has been eating bulls and bullocks for nearly 30 years now.

And will eat them again when these goons go and normal service is resumed.

You see, I do not follow your faith. I follow mine. And I do what I like to do. Not what you like to do.

Hope that clarifies my stand on adoptive cow paternity.

Cheers, Doc
It's just ridiculous having to explain your food choices to these cyber cow vigilantes. Their cow mata tastes really good truth be told.
B. asking for a vegetarian society:
Dem!god - hi we would like to have people eating vegetarian food around us in India

Please understand the difference. A. is good B. is bad. As long as you go for A. you are not a fascist. B makes you one.

There is nothing fascist about preferring a vegetarian society until and unless its not forced on you. If someone tries to convince you having non veg food is bad, he has the complete right to do so as long as he does not force his believes on you. It is simple as having an opinion. Its a new tendency in India to tag somebody as fascist if his opinions don't match yours.
I can see my parents, I look like them, a DNA test validates the genetic heritage I inherit.
Value system is a choice I make through a rational analysis of the causalities of the options presented. God and religions are intangible, unproven concepts. You analogies miss their mark.

So everything you do is after rational evaluation and choice? I think you must be more intelligent than Einstein though you look very ordinary from your post.
There is nothing fascist about preferring a vegetarian society until and unless its not forced on you. If someone tries to convince you having non veg food is bad, he has the complete right to do so as long as he does not force his believes on you. It is simple as having an opinion. Its a new tendency in India to tag somebody as fascist if his opinions don't match yours.
Can you please explain what a vegetarian society is? and how does an Indian exhibit himself/herself in a vegetarian society? When you take your preferences to a social scale in a pluralist society, you become fascist.

So everything you do is after rational evaluation and choice? I think you must be more intelligent than Einstein though you look very ordinary from your post.
Don't need accreditations. Cognition is a parity concept in humans, some still grapple to achieve it
Can you please explain what a vegetarian society is? and how does an Indian exhibit himself/herself in a vegetarian society? When you take your preferences to a social scale in a pluralist society, you become fascist.

Don't talk in circles, my point is that the person has the right to ask for a vegetarian society and tagging that person as fascist only makes you intolerant.
Can you please explain what a vegetarian society is? and how does an Indian exhibit himself/herself in a vegetarian society? When you take your preferences to a social scale in a pluralist society, you become fascist.

Indian's meat consumption per capit is just 3% of what US and other western countries have. So it is naturally a vegetarian society. Had this not been a ethos of the land there had not been such a big difference. So it is a preference of whole society and not of Individual.

Can you please explain what a vegetarian society is? and how does an Indian exhibit himself/herself in a vegetarian society? When you take your preferences to a social scale in a pluralist society, you become fascist.

Don't need accreditations. Cognition is a parity concept in humans, some still grapple to achieve it

Some people responds with some vague and generic answer when they do not have specific point to prove in any discussion.
Don't talk in circles, my point is that the person has the right to ask for a vegetarian society and tagging that person as fascist only makes you intolerant.
How am I 'talking in circles' by asking you to define what asking for a vegetarian society means? You should look up what a circular argument means, I have not mentioned anything to that effect.
Facism, intolerance - let's loose these big words for a moment as clearly one of us in not using them right.
If you ask for common goals based on the utilitarian concept of social justice, then you'd ask for things like a society free of crime, a society free of injustice, etc. an since these are utilitarian concepts all rational citizens would agree to them.
Asking for a society to just represent a part of its citizens based on 'your' preferences is asking everyone to either convert to 'your' preferences or to declare the ones who don't align with your preferences as parriahs, outcasts.
that's when the society becomes fascist.

Indian's meat consumption per capit is just 3% of what US and other western countries have. So it is naturally a vegetarian society. Had this not been a ethos of the land there had not been such a big difference. So it is a preference of whole society and not of Individual.
you take a poll and then find out that most people are vegetarians and then declare that the indian society is mostly vegetarian, then that's perfectly fine as it represents a snapshot of personal liberties caught in action.
If however you go on pursuing the establishment of a vegetarian society which has an entry barrier for non-vegetarian consumer, that is pure fascism and I have a problem with that.

Some people responds with some vague and generic answer when they do not have specific point to prove in any discussion.
Yeah I have been wondering the same when I am asking people to describe what a vegetarian society means to them and when I get a recycled dump of their last 15 posts' content.
How am I intolerant? People are asking for a vegetarian society, not the same as personal liberties being exercised.

A. example of personal liberty being exercised:
Dem!god- hi I like vegetarian food, hence I will eat vegetarian food

B. asking for a vegetarian society:
Dem!god - hi we would like to have people eating vegetarian food around us in India

Please understand the difference. A. is good B. is bad. As long as you go for A. you are not a fascist. B makes you one.

It's just ridiculous having to explain your food choices to these cyber cow vigilantes. Their cow mata tastes really good truth be told.

My point was to explain the delicate tolerance of love and let live sanghis are trying hard to disrupt.

Beyond a point if they continue to dance on our balls, cows will start getting cut.

Let's see who wants to start a civil war on a cow.

Cheers, Doc
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How am I 'talking in circles' by asking you to define what asking for a vegetarian society means? You should look up what a circular argument means, I have not mentioned anything to that effect.
Facism, intolerance - let's loose these big words for a moment as clearly one of us in not using them right.
If you ask for common goals based on the utilitarian concept of social justice, then you'd ask for things like a society free of crime, a society free of injustice, etc. an since these are utilitarian concepts all rational citizens would agree to them.
Asking for a society to just represent a part of its citizens based on 'your' preferences is asking everyone to either convert to 'your' preferences or to declare the ones who don't align with your preferences as parriahs, outcasts.
that's when the society becomes fascist.

Stop calling people fascist just because they disagree with you, they have the right to their own opinions. As long as in a democracy people vote for her on her stance and she manages to legally do what ever or how ever she wants to do something, it is NOT fascism. Rest of your post is nonsense as it applies to each and every disagreement or decision on the planet.
Oh Is it or is it not:undecided:

"The vast majority of its supporters are working-class and middle-class Hindus from the rural areas of Haryana and Rajasthan"

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dera_Sacha_Sauda#Membership
Gurmeet ram rahim is a Sikh.he doesn't worship idols or Hindu gods.He is self declared god of a religion Hindu,Muslim,Sikh,Christians...His name Gurmeet ram rahim singh is a mixture of religions

The 50-year-old was born to Sikh parents in the western Indian state of Rajasthan.

In 1990, at the age of 23, he was anointed head of Dera Sacha Sauda, a sect that was established in 1948 and to which Singh had been introduced by his father, Maghar Singh.

WATCH: Violence after Indian sect leader convicted for rape (2:01)

Under Singh, the sect, which is headquartered in the city of Sirsa in Haryana, about 260km from the capital, New Delhi, has grown substantially. It now has nearly 50 branches across the country and claims 60 million followers, mainly from Haryana, Punjab and New Delhi. Its headquarters boasts a cinema, hotel, sports stadium and schools.

The Dera, which describes itself as a "non-profit social welfare and spiritual organisation", advocates vegetarianism and opposes drug and alcohol consumption. High rates of drug and alcohol addiction pose a major problem in the region.

In recent years, Singh - who is married with a son and two daughters but now claims to be celibate - has acquired a colourful persona, making films and producing music albums. His penchant for bright outfits and jewellery has earned him the name the "guru of bling".

His Facebook profile describes him as "Saint Dr. MSG", while his Twitter bio presents him as: Spiritual Saint/Philanthropist/Versatile Singer/Allrounder Sportsperson/Film Director/Actor/Art Director/Music Director/ Writer/Lyricist/Autobiographer/DOP.

In 2002, one of his female followers wrote an anonymous letter to the country's then prime minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, alleging that she had been raped by Singh and that other women had also been sexually exploited. This triggered a CBI investigation, which eventually led to Singh's conviction.

But to millions of his followers, Singh remains a figure to be revered, despite his conviction.

"He can't do any wrong ... He works to rid the world of all its troubles," Rajkumar, a shopkeeper from Haryana, told the AFP news agency.

Singh's political links
Since Friday's deadly violence, there has been a public outcry over Singh's close connection to the corridors of power, particularly the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which runs the government at the federal level, as well as in Haryana state.

In the 2014 Haryana assembly election, Singh issued a public statement calling on his followers to vote for the BJP. The state's chief minister and other ministers have shared a stage with him despite the fact that he was under investigation for rape.

In a 2014 tweet, Prime Minister Narendra Modi applauded Dera's efforts to take part in a campaign to clean up the streets.

Singh also lent tacit support to the opposition Congress party in 2007.

In Haryana and Punjab state, there are tens of thousands of sects known as deras. A dera is a spiritual centre with living gurus around which the dera is organised.

Deras often attract members of the most disadvantaged castes, whether Hindu or Sikh.

In Punjab, where one-third of the population are Dalits, the most disadvantaged caste, whose members often face daily discrimination, there are more than 10,000 deras.

"People go to the new deras because they find them offering a vital space for recognition and identity," Panjab University Professor Ronki Ram told Scroll.in news site.
Gurmeet ram rahim is a Sikh.he doesn't worship idols or Hindu gods.He is self declared god of a religion Hindu,Muslim,Sikh,Christians...His name Gurmeet ram rahim singh is a mixture of religions
Maybe you missed on my post, let me repost...

"The vast majority of its supporters are working-class and middle-class Hindus from the rural areas of Haryana and Rajasthan"

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dera_Sacha_Sauda#Membership
Even vast majority of Christi visitors are Hindus that does not make him Hindu saint.
Even vast majority of Christi visitors are Hindus that does not make him Hindu saint.
Visiting Chisti or Dera doesn't turn a Hindu into a Non-Hindu. So as mentioned previously majority of Dera followers were Hindus. And it was the followers who threatened to wipe-off India, it was the followers who went on a rampage. Denial won't help here:disagree:
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