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West Bengal - Radical Hindu BJP supporters throwing bombs to disrupt state polls


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They rained bombs, looted booths: Witnesses of West Bengal panchayat poll violence​

ByPramod Giri, Sreyasi Pal
Jul 09, 2023 04:40 AM IST

At least 18 people were killed in the state on Saturday on the day ofpolling for the three-tier panchayat elections.​

Dulali Karjee and her son Chiranjit were looking forward to exercise their franchise, along with friends and neighbours, in Bhagni village in Cooch Behar on Saturday, but the day brought a lifetime of grief for the 64-year-old woman instead as her son was among the 18 people killed in widespread violence that marred the West Bengal panchayat elections.
Police personnel baton charge after a clash between rival political groups during panchyat elections in Malda district of West Bengal on Saturday. (PTI)

Police personnel baton charge after a clash between rival political groups during panchyat elections in Malda district of West Bengal on Saturday. (PTI)

“We were going towards the polling booth when some men, who had their faces covered, started firing indiscriminately at people without any provocation. We ran towards a house for cover, but a bullet hit Chiranjit in the chest and he fell,” Karjee said. “While several people survived with injuries, my 29-year-old son wasn’t so lucky. He died at the hospital.”
At least 18 people were killed in West Bengal on Saturday as the polling for the three-tier panchayat elections witnessed violence and looting of ballots in eight districts, the opposition parties alleged.
Also Read: WB Guv CV Ananda Bose hits violence-hit areas on polling day
Chiranjit Karjee was a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) worker. Two more people — another BJP worker and a Trinamool Congress (TMC) supporter — were also killed in violence in Cooch Behar.

While both the ruling TMC and Opposition BJP distanced themselves from the incidents, locals alleged that people involved in violence were political workers.
“The men who hurled bombs at us were BJP supporters,” Saidul Mian, a resident of Hajarhat village in Cooch Behar, alleged. “They looted three ballot boxes from our local polling booth.”
Muhammed Hamid, a resident of Beltapara village, claimed: “Some TMC supporters forcibly entered the booth in our area, hurled bombs and decamped with three ballot boxes.”
Also Read: Bengal poll body under fire for its failing to control violence
The situation was worse in Murshidabad district.
Sariful Islam, a government staff on poll duty in Raninagar area, broke down while talking to media persons after miscreants attacked his booth inside a school building.

“A mob appeared from nowhere after around 800 people had cast their votes. They rained bombs around the booth. My colleagues and I crawled under the wooden benches to hide. We don’t know which party these people represent,” Islam said.
The district witnessed five deaths on Saturday, the highest in the eastern state. At least 40 people sustained bullet and bomb injuries in Murshidabad on Saturday, police officers said, requesting anonymity.
The first victim of the polling-day violence was a TMC worker, Babar Ali (45), from Murshidabad. He was talking to fellow party workers near his house at Beldanga on Friday night when he was attacked by some armed miscreants, police said.
“He was mercilessly bludgeoned. He died in hospital in the early hours of Saturday,” a senior police officer said, declining to be named.

Ismail Sheikh, a resident of Dafarpur gram panchayat area said: “A local TMC leader did not allow any voter to enter the booth. His henchmen hurled at least 25-30 bombs to terrorise us.”
Ratan Das, a voter from Manindranagar gram panchayat area, said: “I went to cast my vote around 9 am. When I reached the booth, I was told by the polling personnel that my vote had already been cast. Only TMC-backed goons could have done this.”


They rained bombs, looted booths: Witnesses of West Bengal panchayat poll violence​

ByPramod Giri, Sreyasi Pal
Jul 09, 2023 04:40 AM IST

At least 18 people were killed in the state on Saturday on the day ofpolling for the three-tier panchayat elections.​

Dulali Karjee and her son Chiranjit were looking forward to exercise their franchise, along with friends and neighbours, in Bhagni village in Cooch Behar on Saturday, but the day brought a lifetime of grief for the 64-year-old woman instead as her son was among the 18 people killed in widespread violence that marred the West Bengal panchayat elections.
Police personnel baton charge after a clash between rival political groups during panchyat elections in Malda district of West Bengal on Saturday. (PTI)

Police personnel baton charge after a clash between rival political groups during panchyat elections in Malda district of West Bengal on Saturday. (PTI)

“We were going towards the polling booth when some men, who had their faces covered, started firing indiscriminately at people without any provocation. We ran towards a house for cover, but a bullet hit Chiranjit in the chest and he fell,” Karjee said. “While several people survived with injuries, my 29-year-old son wasn’t so lucky. He died at the hospital.”
At least 18 people were killed in West Bengal on Saturday as the polling for the three-tier panchayat elections witnessed violence and looting of ballots in eight districts, the opposition parties alleged.
Also Read: WB Guv CV Ananda Bose hits violence-hit areas on polling day
Chiranjit Karjee was a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) worker. Two more people — another BJP worker and a Trinamool Congress (TMC) supporter — were also killed in violence in Cooch Behar.

While both the ruling TMC and Opposition BJP distanced themselves from the incidents, locals alleged that people involved in violence were political workers.
“The men who hurled bombs at us were BJP supporters,” Saidul Mian, a resident of Hajarhat village in Cooch Behar, alleged. “They looted three ballot boxes from our local polling booth.”
Muhammed Hamid, a resident of Beltapara village, claimed: “Some TMC supporters forcibly entered the booth in our area, hurled bombs and decamped with three ballot boxes.”
Also Read: Bengal poll body under fire for its failing to control violence
The situation was worse in Murshidabad district.
Sariful Islam, a government staff on poll duty in Raninagar area, broke down while talking to media persons after miscreants attacked his booth inside a school building.

“A mob appeared from nowhere after around 800 people had cast their votes. They rained bombs around the booth. My colleagues and I crawled under the wooden benches to hide. We don’t know which party these people represent,” Islam said.
The district witnessed five deaths on Saturday, the highest in the eastern state. At least 40 people sustained bullet and bomb injuries in Murshidabad on Saturday, police officers said, requesting anonymity.
The first victim of the polling-day violence was a TMC worker, Babar Ali (45), from Murshidabad. He was talking to fellow party workers near his house at Beldanga on Friday night when he was attacked by some armed miscreants, police said.
“He was mercilessly bludgeoned. He died in hospital in the early hours of Saturday,” a senior police officer said, declining to be named.

Ismail Sheikh, a resident of Dafarpur gram panchayat area said: “A local TMC leader did not allow any voter to enter the booth. His henchmen hurled at least 25-30 bombs to terrorise us.”
Ratan Das, a voter from Manindranagar gram panchayat area, said: “I went to cast my vote around 9 am. When I reached the booth, I was told by the polling personnel that my vote had already been cast. Only TMC-backed goons could have done this.”

The accepted headline of thread by the naming of a rival nationalist political party for making bombs from a Pakistani OP, they will not accept that only peaceful make and hurls bombs in West Bengal.

While the truth is - peaceful members of the local ruling party TMC, have bomb-making industries. Here peaceful supporters of 1 political party, the Communists, and the Mamata party are killing each other. you know no peaceful are is in BJP. So total planted headline. Yes, there is big ruling party-sponsored political carnage going on killing opponents and winning the elections.
West Bengal and everything east of it should be under Bangladesh's administration. These pajeets clearly cannot govern,
they will not accept that only peaceful make and hurls bombs in West Bengal.

RSS Worker Injured While Making Bomb In Kerala: Second Incident In 30 Days (Maktoob)​


Read more: https://www.deshabhimani.com/englis...ur-s-eranjoli-rss-worker-s-palm-rips-off/8136


RSS Worker Injured While Making Bomb In Kerala: Second Incident In 30 Days (Maktoob)​


Read more: https://www.deshabhimani.com/englis...ur-s-eranjoli-rss-worker-s-palm-rips-off/8136

Seems you have a serious reading/ comprehension issue. I mentioned "West Bengal' the locations you mentioned are from 'Kerala'.

Kerala is the case where bomb-making competition is going on between BJP, Communists and Congress. Right now Communists are winning against BJP, but the death finale is still far.
Seems you have a serious reading/ comprehension issue. I mentioned "West Bengal' the locations you mentioned are from 'Kerala'.

Kerala is the case where bomb-making competition is going on between BJP, Communists and Congress. Right now Communists are winning against BJP, but the death finale is still far.

So those who can make and use bombs in Kerala can't do the same in West Bengal?

RSS Worker Injured While Making Bomb In Kerala: Second Incident In 30 Days (Maktoob)​


Read more: https://www.deshabhimani.com/englis...ur-s-eranjoli-rss-worker-s-palm-rips-off/8136

Mate , everything an Indian says on this forum is cow shit . Do not stoop to toilet bowl level where these Indian live .

They have no life except to pander to Pakistanis for social media likes who abhor them .

Another of these dirty little cunts will be along in a second begging for attention and a “ like “ from the other rat to make his day .


Seems you have a serious reading/ comprehension issue. I mentioned "West Bengal' the locations you mentioned are from 'Kerala'.

Kerala is the case where bomb-making competition is going on between BJP, Communists and Congress. Right now Communists are winning against BJP, but the death finale is still far.

Right on cue lmao

Fucking rat

So those who can make and use bombs in Kerala can't do the same in West Bengal?

😂🤣😂🤣 Lol
Mate , everything an Indian says on this forum is cow shit . Do not stoop to toilet bowl level where these Indian live .

They have no life except to pander to Pakistanis for social media likes who abhor them .

Another of these dirty little cunts will be along in a second begging for attention and a “ like “ from the other rat to make his day .


Right on cue lmao

Fucking rat

😂🤣😂🤣 Lol
says a person whose country is fighting between believers-non believers, shia-sunni, Pashtun-Punjabi, good Taliban- bad Taliban, TTP-Lashkar and so on and so forth. India is dove place in that comparison.

So those who can make and use bombs in Kerala can't do the same in West Bengal?
I am sure that serious reading problem with you. West Bengal is totally gone case between Indian Muslims and Bangladeshi Muslims fight of supremacy
Seems you have a serious reading/ comprehension issue. I mentioned "West Bengal' the locations you mentioned are from 'Kerala'.

Kerala is the case where bomb-making competition is going on between BJP, Communists and Congress. Right now Communists are winning against BJP, but the death finale is still far.

True, I can easily say that Left is soo deep rooted in Kerala that even dreaming of RSS or BJP having a big role is just like Politician's of Pakistan successfully brought the country out of IMF clutches :rofl:.
Bangladesh will have to annex West Bengal as a measure for its own security.
Bangldesh was infamous for political violence until Hasina wiped out the other party. Modi will also have to do the same and dismantle communists and TMC. Ideally i wouldt want it to be a "democratic" dismantling like he pulled out in Maharashtra by engineering a split rather than outright ban. Plenty of other ways - like convincing Modi B team(owaisi sahab) to contest in WB.

Both Hindus and muslims are claiming it was TMC goons

Ismail Sheikh, a resident of Dafarpur gram panchayat area said: “A local TMC leader did not allow any voter to enter the booth. His henchmen hurled at least 25-30 bombs to terrorise us.”

Muhammed Hamid, a resident of Beltapara village, claimed: “Some TMC supporters forcibly entered the booth in our area, hurled bombs and decamped with three ballot boxes.”

Ratan Das, a voter from Manindranagar gram panchayat area, said: “I went to cast my vote around 9 am. When I reached the booth, I was told by the polling personnel that my vote had already been cast. Only TMC-backed goons could have done this.”
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Bangldesh was infamous for political violence until Hasina wiped out the other party. Modi will also have to do the same and dismantle communists and TMC. Ideally i wouldt want it to be a "democratic" dismantling like he pulled out in Maharashtra by engineering a split rather than outright ban. Plenty of other ways - like convincing Modi B team(owaisi sahab) to contest in WB.

Both Hindus and muslims are claiming it was TMC goons

Ismail Sheikh, a resident of Dafarpur gram panchayat area said: “A local TMC leader did not allow any voter to enter the booth. His henchmen hurled at least 25-30 bombs to terrorise us.”

Muhammed Hamid, a resident of Beltapara village, claimed: “Some TMC supporters forcibly entered the booth in our area, hurled bombs and decamped with three ballot boxes.”

Ratan Das, a voter from Manindranagar gram panchayat area, said: “I went to cast my vote around 9 am. When I reached the booth, I was told by the polling personnel that my vote had already been cast. Only TMC-backed goons could have done this.”
Bengalis are the most violent society in the Indian sub continent, they were curtailed by Congress post-independence. However, Communists gave them a free hand and created Naxlas and other liberal stuff to give pain to the whole of India.

Violence is the same in Bangladesh with a twist of religion.
Seems you have a serious reading/ comprehension issue. I mentioned "West Bengal' the locations you mentioned are from 'Kerala'.

Kerala is the case where bomb-making competition is going on between BJP, Communists and Congress. Right now Communists are winning against BJP, but the death finale is still far.
It seemj you have reading comprehension / zahiliyat issues too because the article clearly provides eyewitness accounts stating that BJP beasts were also throwing bombs.
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