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Mira-Bhayandar elections: Jain monk urged devotees to vote for BJP to create vegetarian society

Perhaps for you.
Not for those in the villages and the poor for whom a government honestly delivering a stable and growing economy and welfare funds which actually reach them.

Personal liberty laissez faire is a luxury for those whose belly is full and roofs are not thatched. Who were supposed to get rations but somebody siphoned them off.

And the value of your vote is the same as the one that poor people have. One of the reasons why BJP is continuing to win. And will win again in 2019.
Completely agree to your post. My welfare although is important to me.
You can't create a society akin to a mosaic and then try to streamline all the pieces to deliver a sharp potrait. India is defined by it's diversity, any attempt at pushing policies conducive to one culture/religion will be counter-productive to the overall health of the nation.

Well said, why don't you go to US, UK, Australia, Europe, Canada & even India, Take a Labrador puppy, cut it's head, distribute the meat and parade the head in the street, you know, like how the Congress people did in Kerala and see what happens.
I bet you would wish you have killed a cow instead of a dog.
I have no idea what your post is supposed to imply. I like to eat chicken, pork, beef and seafood. Pretty standard food choices for most countries. Don't think anybody would mind me distributing the said food items in all the nations you mentioned except in india.
Why don't you try and stop people in bengal, nagaland and south india from indulging in their traditional cuisine. I am quite certain you would end-up flaring secessionist sentiments.
It divides people. So much of what is wrong today in the world can be attributed to religion. It hampers development. It is a neurological illness.

It is not religion. If any ideology is misused as a tool of exploitation, tghis happens. It happed with Communism also where there was no religion.

no problem with the concept, just that
a. I don't think any religion has been non-violent
b. It's not a practical concept

Non violence does not mean the gandhian non violence which does not react even in the case you are attacked. Hinduism is founded on the principle of non violence (Part of Yama in Yog darshan) but it is not for every one. Iyf you are an administrator, you have to do violence. But when a society becomes so violent and celebrate violence and killing, it will become a society without mercy and this will reach to a level where even human being do not bother to kill fellow human. You see this all around in many countries where the killing of people is very common and it is celebrated. Do you want to make a society like that?
It is not religion. If any ideology is misused as a tool of exploitation, tghis happens. It happed with Communism also where there was no religion.
I wouldn't compare religion to communism. Communism has social utility. It has a tangible objective.
Religion is just faith and invokes a much deeper fear and by extension, a much deeper conviction amongst it's followers.
Religion is always an ideology, empowers few to rule over the masses and is extremely inconsiderate of other narratives.

Non violence does not mean the gandhian non violence which does not react even in the case you are attacked. Hinduism is founded on the principle of non violence (Part of Yama in Yog darshan) but it is not for every one. Iyf you are an administrator, you have to do violence. But when a society becomes so violent and celebrate violence and killing, it will become a society without mercy and this will reach to a level where even human being do not bother to kill fellow human. You see this all around in many countries where the killing of people is very common and it is celebrated. Do you want to make a society like that?
I can't think of any country where the overall social objective is to not strive for peace and prosperity. All religions, socio-economic structures aim for peace and prosperity. Violence and retribution are necessary evils.
I don't think the dharmic religions do anything special in terms of promoting non-violence.
The rapes and crime stats for India are on the higher side. I am not sure what makes you think that hinduism fares any better in being non-violent over other religions
I wouldn't compare religion to communism. Communism has social utility. It has a tangible objective.
Religion is just faith and invokes a much deeper fear and by extension, a much deeper conviction amongst it's followers.
Religion is always an ideology, empowers few to rule over the masses and is extremely inconsiderate of other narratives.

more than what you are is 90% faith.
I don't think the dharmic religions do anything special in terms of promoting non-violence.
The rapes and crime stats for India are on the higher side

Factually wrong. It is very low because of Dharmic religion. Compare it with anywhere in the world and prove your claim.
I am not sure what makes you think that hinduism fares any better in being non-violent over other religions

It is not me and Indias who believe this but millions across the world also believe this.
more than what you are is 90% faith.
What does that even mean? What parts about the human anatomy did you not learn about in school?
Factually wrong. It is very low because of Dharmic religion. Compare it with anywhere in the world and prove your claim.
When you use words like 'facts' please quote some yourself. My bad that I did not quote statistics in my previous post:
1. http://www.socialprogressindex.com/...St_5x85TYR1JJHNhaozvXzQsmpLu4viMaAroMEALw_wcB - shows how it's mostly the african nations and some other south asian nations that fare worse than us in social prosperity
2. http://www.hindustantimes.com/india...r-un-survey/story-w90eTiHhYZj8p4UPJvtgLN.html
3. http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/why-india-has-a-low-crime-rate/ - in case you want to dig into the methodology behind the statistics giving inverted insights
It is not me and Indias who believe this but millions across the world also believe this.
What millions?
What does that even mean? What parts about the human anatomy did you not learn about in school?

It means that human being is driven by faith and all your value system is not something you have rationally choosen after analysis? Why do you respect your parents (If at all you respect)? Had you made any study and concluded that they should be respected?
http://www.socialprogressindex.com/...St_5x85TYR1JJHNhaozvXzQsmpLu4viMaAroMEALw_wcB - shows how it's mostly the african nations and some other south asian nations that fare worse than us in social prosperity
2. http://www.hindustantimes.com/india...r-un-survey/story-w90eTiHhYZj8p4UPJvtgLN.html
3. http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/why-india-has-a-low-crime-rate/ - in case you want to dig into the methodology behind the statistics giving inverted insights

First you talked about rape and violence and when I asked for figure you quoted the figures of social prosperity. Do you understand the difference between the two?
Don't eat non-vegetarian food yourself, wtf is a 'vegetarian society'? you are exhibiting fascist tendencies.
On topic - One of the biggest reasons I hate the current govt. is because of it's totalitarian tendencies. Will tolerate scamgress govt. but not a fasicst govt. dictating what i should eat. Personal liberty is paramount.

Since when is desiring a Vegetarian society a sign of "exhibiting fascist tendencies" ?

Will having a desire to slaughter cows make him less of a "Fascist" ? :lol:

You are free to hate this current govt. but you need to explain what you mean by "it's totalitarian tendencies" :cheesy:

Its one thing to be a Moron, but its quite another to demonstrating it to everybody.

It divides people. So much of what is wrong today in the world can be attributed to religion. It hampers development. It is a neurological illness.

Politics divide people too, so maybe we should not have politics either.

Economics divide people too, so we should not have a modern economy.

Beauty divides people, so we should all be ugly.

Intelligence divides people, so we should all be stupid.

LOL at your stupidity. Thanks but no thanks. Keep your foolish communist views to yourself.
Exactly. Hindu monks must get politically active like Mullahs. See, how mullahs got active to keep muslim women enslaved after the Sharia Judgement. So what is wrong if we unite and vote to upheld our ethos such as non violence.
You are up to the mark:enjoy:

Non violence...Er? You meant Dera kind of non-violence like "We will wipe off India";)
Don't eat non-vegetarian food yourself, wtf is a 'vegetarian society'? you are exhibiting fascist tendencies.
On topic - One of the biggest reasons I hate the current govt. is because of it's totalitarian tendencies. Will tolerate scamgress govt. but not a fasicst govt. dictating what i should eat. Personal liberty is paramount.
Fascist tendency? Really ..
You are just acting like an intolerant bitch.
Have i lost my rights to voice what i want and what i don't want. Is freedom of speech, freedom to eat and freedom to wish only for you lot. Others can't even say what's on their mind. You are acting like a totalitarian shit.
If you have your personal liberty so do others.
@padamchen are you ready to be a Cow Pita for rest of your life ?

I'll be honest (as I tend to be).

I don't specifically ask the restaurant cook which bovine the beef I'm eating is from.

I don't specifically ask the supermarket or the frozen foods guys in Shivaji Market whether the steak or the sausages or the kababs or marinated beef chunks are cow or buffalo.

I am not a butcher. Neither am I a Muslim or Hindu who sacrifice animals.

Am just a Parsi who will eat beef as long as he pleases.

Who will not go out of his way to eat a cow in India. But eats only cow beef abroad (you don't get buffalo, and is an inferior meat). And has been eating bulls and bullocks for nearly 30 years now.

And will eat them again when these goons go and normal service is resumed.

You see, I do not follow your faith. I follow mine. And I do what I like to do. Not what you like to do.

Hope that clarifies my stand on adoptive cow paternity.

Cheers, Doc
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You are up to the mark:enjoy:

Non violence...Er? You meant Dera kind of non-violence like "We will wipe off India";)

Yes Dera like violence shall be dealt with they did with Dera. Rioters shall be shoot down. Now do not cry if we do same in Kashmir.
It means that human being is driven by faith and all your value system is not something you have rationally choosen after analysis? Why do you respect your parents (If at all you respect)? Had you made any study and concluded that they should be respected?
I can see my parents, I look like them, a DNA test validates the genetic heritage I inherit.
Value system is a choice I make through a rational analysis of the causalities of the options presented. God and religions are intangible, unproven concepts. You analogies miss their mark.
First you talked about rape and violence and when I asked for figure you quoted the figures of social prosperity. Do you understand the difference between the two?
khol ke padh le ek baar. Crime statistics are detailed out for all social crime categories.

Since when is desiring a Vegetarian society a sign of "exhibiting fascist tendencies" ?
You have a choice to choose how you want to satiate your pallet, when you use words like 'society' you are implying that other private citizens also subscribe to your choices. That is when its starts leaning towards fascism. Most right-wingers unknowingly are against pluralism in our country.
Will having a desire to slaughter cows make him less of a "Fascist" ? :lol:
Its one thing to be a Moron, but its quite another to demonstrating it to everybody.
been on forums long enough to connect defeat with the introduction of personal attacks. No worries, your adjectives are irrelevant.
Politics divide people too, so maybe we should not have politics either.
Economics divide people too, so we should not have a modern economy.
Beauty divides people, so we should all be ugly.
Intelligence divides people, so we should all be stupid.
Everything mentioned above has social utility.
LOL at your stupidity. Thanks but no thanks. Keep your foolish communist views to yourself.
Why are you on a Pakistani forum if you only like hearing your own voice? Personal attacks show your immaturity along with the heavy usage of emojis. A forum runs on people commenting on topics, suggest you spend some time observing other posters for sometime before you take the plunge.
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