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Mira-Bhayandar elections: Jain monk urged devotees to vote for BJP to create vegetarian society

You have a choice to choose how you want to satiate your pallet, when you use words like 'society' you are implying that other private citizens also subscribe to your choices. That is when its starts leaning towards fascism. Most right-wingers unknowingly are against pluralism in our country.

You are free to eat $hit and satiate your pallet. That is YOUR problem.

The world "society" means "aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community". So Yes, it is a group of private citizens who subscribe to a common values and choices.

"Desiring" a vegetarian society does not make anyone "Fascist" , any more than desiring a safe society for women and children make anyone a Nazi.

In fact calling people with a different opinion and desires as "Fascist" is demonstrating Fascist tendencies.

Scratch that, its not demonstrating fascist tendencies, its IS Fascist behavior. So the only Fascist here seems to be you.

been on forums long enough to connect defeat with the introduction of personal attacks. No worries, your adjectives are irrelevant.

Everything mentioned above has social utility.

Calling you a fool is not a personal attack. Its just an acknowledgement of reality based on your posts.

IF Religion had NO social utility then there would not have been so many religious in the world or so many millions church's, mosques and temples and so many religious people :lol:

That is like saying a Toilet has no utility since we can all take a dump in the ground.

The man who cannot see the Obvious is called a Fool. Its really not a personal attack. Its just who you are.

Why are you on a Pakistani forum if you only like hearing your own voice? Personal attacks show your immaturity along with the heavy usage of emojis. A forum runs on people commenting on topics, suggest you spend some time observing other posters for sometime before you take the plunge.

Peoples reasons are their own, and its certainly not to give space to foolish ideas and ignorant Fascist beliefs.

Spare us your lectures, give that to someone who actually respects your posts. Not to a man who thinks you are a fool and a Fascist.
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