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military watch magazine anylsis f14 tomcat vs f15 Eagle

Bribing a school to give you a degree does not make you "educated". If your people were truly educated you wouldn't need all those ex pats to run your little country!
You can deflect and twist in the wind, but the fact is nobody, not even the Iranians want to live in Iran. IRGC generals defecting is one good example.

Btw, there are +/- half a million of your brethren here as well, what do you think they are doing?
You can deflect and twist in the wind, but the fact is nobody, not even the Iranians want to live in Iran. IRGC generals defecting is one good example.

Btw, there are +/- half a million of your brethren here as well, what do you think they are doing?
They along with the rest of the foreigners are running the day to day affairs of your country for your fat useless "educated" population. That's what I think they are doing! Take them away and you'd be worst off than Somalia.
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the entire UAE could be anahilated with Iranian missiles without a single aircraft needing to take off.

when Iran was at its weakest in 1980, and one of saddams aims was to take back the 3 Iranian islands the UAE has delusions on. even then they wouldn't dare to engage Iran.

the mighty UAE, led by ex pat generals are not in Iran's class to even there be a discussion . they are only good at building prisons in yemen and torturing and raping Yemenis from their allied territory.
The article does not paint the entire picture. USN's F-15's will have the support of AWEACS & EW Platforms in addition to Carrier Battle Group Missile Defence Shields which will protect the Jets within their range. The AWEACS and EW Platforms will play a role even when F-15's fly over Iranian Airspace.

And all that is speculative, because as per practice, the USAF/USN will take out all Iranian SAM and Radar sites with their stealth bombers before enforcing full on Air Superiority.
The article does not paint the entire picture. USN's F-15's will have the support of AWEACS & EW Platforms in addition to Carrier Battle Group Missile Defence Shields which will protect the Jets within their range. The AWEACS and EW Platforms will play a role even when F-15's fly over Iranian Airspace.

And all that is speculative, because as per practice, the USAF/USN will take out all Iranian SAM and Radar sites with their stealth bombers before enforcing full on Air Superiority.
You are right about AWACS, and other Intel a/c's datalink real time updates / support, but USN does not fly F15's. Super Hornets i.e. F18 is their forte.

They along with the rest of the foreigners are running the day to day affairs of your country for your fat useless "educated" population. That's what I think they are doing! Take them away and you'd be worst off than Somalia.
You can sit here and stroke your ego, and deflect any which way you like, but ground realities are very different.

Ever heard of any one except poor Afghanis, who wants to move to the land of the retard mullahs?

Exactly which one?
Clueless as usual, Thanks!


the entire UAE could be anahilated with Iranian missiles without a single aircraft needing to take off.

when Iran was at its weakest in 1980, and one of saddams aims was to take back the 3 Iranian islands the UAE has delusions on. even then they wouldn't dare to engage Iran.

the mighty UAE, led by ex pat generals are not in Iran's class to even there be a discussion . they are only good at building prisons in yemen and torturing and raping Yemenis from their allied territory.
You can dream, or you could try, and then see what happens.
I very well knew you meant Sardar Nasiri ,I just wanted you to show every one how you guys repeat fake news without evidence.
Here is the picture of Sardar Nasiri in the introduction ceremony of Sardar Salami the commander in chief of IRGC on 24 of April of 2019

While your fake news dated at 22 April claimed he defected in 13th April
Clueless and gullible as usual.
Honestly, the American's know the F-14 in and out; it's their damn product. Iran too knows that the jets they have are the wee end of their life and would fall apart at the slightest >5g maneuver. Check out the F-14 flyby explosion if you haven't yet already. Any superiority that Iran wants to assign it against any F-15 is spurious at best.

Though i'd really like for US to calm its tits, and leave our immediate neighborhood and not spoil the relatively little peace that we are enjoying. It's behaving like a rabid dog; biting everyone (Venezuela, ME, China) until someone puts it in its place.
Talking about F-14 vs anything is useless given no matter how much Iran upgrades it's F-14, there is the simple issue of numbers. Iran does not have enough of them. Iran needs to completely overhaul it's force, and it needs numbers, at minimum 300-400 4th++ /5th gen in next 10 years. I am seeing positive signs from Iran that airforce will be given good priority.

Iran missile forces and air defence are already very potent, imagine if those were complemented by a potent airforce. The regional balance of power would shift even much more so in Iran's favour.
@Horus @The Eagle @Oscar @waz @WAJsal

Houthis - Yes, this is why they are dropping like flies and having thier behinds handed to them. But you carry on with your Velayet e Faqih propaganda.

Keep drinking that cool aid,


Tanker attacks near UAE expose weaknesses in Gulf Arab security


Even bunch of bare foot fighters are humiliating you like this. Only ones dying like flies are your brothers. You're lucky I can't post graphic pictures here.
F14 vs F15... two American products ...who cares! ..Why not compare latest Saudi made supper camel (special pepper dispenser installed in their butts ..courtesy of Saudi institute of camel production!)..vs Iran's Kowsar jet fighter... (you get the point!!!!).

To Mr Khafee.I intend no personal insults but if you are an educated Saudi citizen or an honest Saudi sympathizer (not in their payroll)...please keep in mind that in a case of direct war between Iran and Saudi your beloved country is so badly exposed that no amount of F-15 or F-xx will give you a victory ...Just look at the performance of your armed forces against flip flop wearing tobacco chewing Houthis... making topics such as F-15 vs F-14 for people who's contribution to these aircrafts has been only to sign the cheques is absurd.

Just to make sure you understand my point ..yes your foreign made weapons will make some damage to Iran but Iran is self sufficient in food production, Industrial production and natural water availability so Iran will suffer but will not be defeated..In the other hand Saudi controlled Arabia will be:

  • 30 million inhabitant looking for water (your water desalination facilities gone!)
  • No food (your ports badly damaged so no imported food!)
  • The professional ranks of foreign experts already gone so no power ,no phone, no Internet, no airlines..etc
  • NO oil income (oil facilities all gone and your paid admirers have stopped admiring you since cheques have not arrived!)
  • ISIL savages that you trained are looking at what is left and you guess the rest..
So how do I see Arabia after the war with Iran..... Back to your tents and camels in the middle of sand just as it has been for ever...

conclusion: Dont F**ck with Iran.
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Honestly, the American's know the F-14 in and out; it's their damn product. Iran too knows that the jets they have are the wee end of their life and would fall apart at the slightest >5g maneuver. Check out the F-14 flyby explosion if you haven't yet already. Any superiority that Iran wants to assign it against any F-15 is spurious at best.

Though i'd really like for US to calm its tits, and leave our immediate neighborhood and not spoil the relatively little peace that we are enjoying. It's behaving like a rabid dog; biting everyone (Venezuela, ME, China) until someone puts it in its place.
US f-14D had 5000 hours service life, ours gonna be less than that considering it uses tf-30 engine. if we only used 12 plane to provide air cover over our airspace during war with iraq for 24 hours a simple calculations would give this numbers:
12*24=288 hours
8*365=2920 days of war
288*2920=840960 hours
840960/5000=168 tomcats
so if we couldn't make parts by ourselves we should had at least 168 planes, so if they are still flying we are making their parts. according to one of our pilots that i was talking to him, we are producing 80% of tomcat locally. so no they have no old structure and their g limit is 7g not 5.

according to the same source iran can make up to 2 tomcats per year if she pleases...
Every asset with GCC countries except their training aircraft is levels superior to anything Iran fields today.
Their 25 odd operational F-14s are going to be outmatched by a F-15SA in BVR combat 4 times out of 5 if the Saudis are given access to AIM-120D.

The rest of Iranian fleet is obsolete and will have better effectiveness only when operating under SAM cover over their own airspace.

Where the Iranian own the upper hand against states like UAE is with ballistic and cruise(likely) systems that can deploy across the Strait of Hormuz against critical infrastructure along the GCC coast.

Additionally, Iran can increase attacks by its proxies in Yemen to offset conventional losses and fallbacks.
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