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Military not satified with Nato inquiry

Mehdi Naqvi


New Recruit

Dec 7, 2011
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ISLAMABAD: The inquiries carried out by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato) into the attacks on Pakistan's border posts by the allied forces have never yielded results, Pakistan armed forces believed.

And the military also hopeless about the recent inquiry into the Mohmand post attack. Some highly credible sources revealed that the number of coordination centers at the Pakistan-Afghan border is also being increased from 4 to 5.

Pakistan has also decided to not to take part in any of Nato inquiries
Massive huge protest in Blue Area Islamabad

Traders, Welfare, Political, College and University students and many other organization grand protest in front of parliament against NATO and America.
Massive huge protest in Blue Area Islamabad

Traders, Welfare, Political, College and University students and many other organization grand protest in front of parliament against NATO and America.

today when i was coming back frm SCM i hav noticed many Cars n Motorcycles holding Pakistani Flag on Islamabad Express Highway with no part flags..(the first thing came in my mind was dat zardari is dead :P ) i was curious.. thanx fa telling dude.. ")
A full depth investigation into this “Salala” incident is underway by both US CENTCOM and NATO. Can’t we put conspiracy theories to rest and wait for the inquiry to end and details to come out before forming an opinion and making irresponsible statements? We understand that this tragic incident is forcing us to react in an emotional way, but we must not underestimate the consequences associated with us parting ways. Therefore, it is now more important to work together and target those who are fully focused on infiltrating the region with their acts of terror. We hope our nations will be able to recover from this tragic incident. If we don’t, the only ones who will benefit are the terrorists.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
ISLAMABAD: The inquiries carried out by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato) into the attacks on Pakistan's border posts by the allied forces have never yielded results, Pakistan armed forces believed.

And the military also hopeless about the recent inquiry into the Mohmand post attack. Some highly credible sources revealed that the number of coordination centers at the Pakistan-Afghan border is also being increased from 4 to 5.

Pakistan has also decided to not to take part in any of Nato inquiries
Yes We will be satisfied only when the pilots of the two helis be handed over to us and we can even arrest their General Allen the chief of the Army ,ISAAF commander there, if he gave those orderz...If we are not given the full authority to any of these things then its no use for us to do anything or accept their inquiry......:smokin:

Your own officials are responsible for stoking the fire by issuing various verdicts.... as usual via media, even before the investigation was announced and after.

If you wish to keep Pakistan as partner than jut deliver those, who celebrated the funeral of Pakistani soldiers.

Perhaps, Pak army consider it as a good will gesture and resume your transit aid.
A full depth investigation into this “Salala” incident is underway by both US CENTCOM and NATO. Can’t we put conspiracy theories to rest and wait for the inquiry to end and details to come out before forming an opinion and making irresponsible statements? We understand that this tragic incident is forcing us to react in an emotional way, but we must not underestimate the consequences associated with us parting ways. Therefore, it is now more important to work together and target those who are fully focused on infiltrating the region with their acts of terror. We hope our nations will be able to recover from this tragic incident. If we don’t, the only ones who will benefit are the terrorists.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
no one is ready to buy your crap anymore :tdown:
A full depth investigation into this “Salala” incident is underway by both US CENTCOM and NATO. Can’t we put conspiracy theories to rest and wait for the inquiry to end and details to come out before forming an opinion and making irresponsible statements? We understand that this tragic incident is forcing us to react in an emotional way, but we must not underestimate the consequences associated with us parting ways. Therefore, it is now more important to work together and target those who are fully focused on infiltrating the region with their acts of terror. We hope our nations will be able to recover from this tragic incident. If we don’t, the only ones who will benefit are the terrorists.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

lol no one in Pakistan trust these investigations by NATO or US CENTCOM..... CIA was behind these illegal killings

can you tell us what steps US will take if NATO or CIA proved to be the one on wrong side? will they hand over those people to Pakistan? as PENTAGON is not in US gov. control these days....
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