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Militants attack govt building in Kashmir’s Pampore, 1 soldier injured

Its alright, it's okay, let them rake in trillions while we rake in billions. You don't need to lactate over worrying about us, here here, it'll be alright, don't you worry your lil heart. :laugh:
I said if you rake in Billions....Thats a big "IF"....I am not worrying about you little boy!...I was only suggesting your thought process is as tiny as you!...thats all..Now you do understand the term Bleeding right, hope you dont bleed out..too quickly.:laugh:
I said if you rake in Billions....Thats a big "IF"....I am not worrying about you little boy!...I was only suggesting your thought process is as tiny as you!...thats all..Now you do understand the term Bleeding right, hope you dont bleed out..too quickly.:laugh:
Speaking of little boy, I'm old enough to be your father lil girl. And your lower iq still doesn't get it, we will rake in billions in the trans fees alone. That's not even taking into account the resulting investments we'll be getting and the resulting tax revenue. And that is just for starters. Considering that Pakistan is already raking in billions in Chinese investments all centered around CPEC, the bleeding I see right now is from modi's @ss. :omghaha: run along now and play with your hanumaan doll lil girl. ;)
Combodia,Russia,Israel or the US can't talk them into what they are doing is wrong. So why should we?

So it seems you have no solution for Kashmir right ? just let them die or do what ? Attack India right ? and you think they will let it go ? they got an Army bigger than yours not to mention they got Nukes.. Even if ( Hypothetically Speaking ) they are defeated on ground , they will bring Nukes into the scene to force Pakistan back to table and talk ..
or if you have a better Solution i am here to listen .
How do you know my age?.....The only way you can be my fathers age is if you are a grand father. Hopefully you know to calculate..little boy clown!...the big If..If we do that..If we get that If this happens,........Then all of a sudden..KABOOM..the bad terrorists destroyed this and that..lets contact the good terrorists and see if we can do the same...Then go open your cult book written by your whatever/messenger of whatever and then again blow yourself up...oh you little child..your whole world now depends on CPEC...all the best(lol!)......Now go run along and go cuddle with your local Mullah and play with his whatever ....;)

Your typing style and lack of intellect speaks for itself regarding your age. And we've already crushed all your terrorist assets and there indian government supporters. your monkey kalbhusan is the only one we've announced. The most your terrorists can do now is shoot on women in buses traveling in remote areas just like your indian army. And that too is soon going to be stamped or 8. As for the messenger (pbuh), hey at least we know that historically existed. You believe in mythical individuals and creatures that have never existed like hanuman and ginesh and believe in fantasies that never took place like mahabharat and your sirjeekal strike. :lol:
So it seems you have no solution for Kashmir right ? just let them die or do what ? Attack India right ? and you think they will let it go ? they got an Army bigger than yours not to mention they got Nukes.. Even if ( Hypothetically Speaking ) they are defeated on ground , they will bring Nukes into the scene to force Pakistan back to table and talk ..
or if you have a better Solution i am here to listen .
My solution is that we sit this one out and wait for them to do something stupid.
Endian army ? Any update ? Come on surgical strike with commandos and no result here
My solution is that we sit this one out and wait for them to do something stupid.

Yep , shows the capabilities of Indian army commandos
Can't take on couple of guys and have to set the building on fire

Big questions on Indian army now
Yep , shows the capabilities of Indian army commandos
Can't take on couple of guys and have to set the building on fire

Big questions on Indian army now

Don't go in that way my friend India is not Pakistan where almost 780+ SSG operatives are killed by irregular TTP militias in 2 years. Stated none other than head of SSG

My god that a battalion level casualties

Means a whole battalion strength of SSG SF operatives are wasted on fighting irregular Militia what a waste to human capital
[QUOTE="GumNaam, post: 8800503, member: 179321"
Ever heard of tranquilizers or sleeping gas? Admit it, this was a hour op even to catch them alive. Also admit that your army is both scared of going near them and being sloppy at the same time which maybe related to being fear stricken.

Oh, for parading. :lol:
Do you even use your brain?
Sleeping gas on such a large building means you will have to enter the building and place gas canisters at several places.
Tranquilizers means that we will have to take unnecessary risk and enter the building to shoot them with tranqs, why take such risks when there not much use in catching them alive.[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah that's right, I forgot, your solgirls scared thru their crapholes of broken finger nails let alone risking their lives. :wacko:
They are trying to bring down the building and the stupid building is not ready to come down, Ambuja cement se banayi thi kya? :hitwall::hitwall:
They are trying to bring down the building and the stupid building is not ready to come down, Ambuja cement se banayi thi kya? :hitwall::hitwall:

You might as well use a nuclear bomb, that building isn't coming down anytime soon. Made a laughing stock out of yourselves. 800,000 of you guys can't handle 3 men cordoned in a building and no sign of special forces. Because in reality you don't have any. They only exist in bollywood movies :pop:
Two terrorists killed. There is one more hiding in the basement.

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