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Militants attack govt building in Kashmir’s Pampore, 1 soldier injured

The only country that is imploding right now is Pakistan!...If India did not self destruct during 1970's(Emergency) or during the 1980's (My sincere apologies to my Sikh brothers)....it aint gonna happen now.... you guys had a chance then ....Too late now.

CPEC, Russia wanting alliance, the UN singing our tunes on kashmir, top 25 fastest growing economies, third largest nuclear power, a united nation firmly standing behind a powerful military, that looks like imploding to you? :lol:

Oh I'm sorry, my apologies, I should've known better than to expect anything else from someone who believes in flying monkeys and make belief sirjeekal fantasies. :lol:

Oh and most of your sikh brothers actually consider US as their brothers. ;)

Breaking: One terrorist killed after Army sprayed ~200 litres of fuel on the part of building where the terrorist were hiding and set it on fire

200 litres and only one militant? What a waste of fuel. :lol:
Please do..I read about him in school ...and also paid a lot of intetrest on his methods of spreading his seeds...and how the Foriegn religion got here in the first place..Please do..show me all the pictures of the invaders....I have stories for your kind..your history...get the drift.

Off course you have stories, stories like Kashmir, like 71, like Surgical strikes, like Vedic Inventions, like space travel 5000 years ago....when people sit in the communal open air shit grounds there is nothing but stories.
Yes we have many more from how the invaders did what they did ..that gave birth to your forefathers and so on want to hear more....Take the per capita to open air shitting and compare to your country..you will get the answer. At leat India is doing something about this..whereas you guys are making and investing in you know hat!

yes they gave birth to my and your forefather so did everyone in the world, thats the world was in those times. but what you did in 71 is in recent times under the hats of mukti bahni, what you are doing is Kashmir is now not 700 years ago. World has moved on from this barbarity yet you still practicing it on your own people. At least 700 years ago they we decent enough to do it only to their enemies. Gujarat, 71, Kashmir....this is your ugly face...today...and now you are doing it to your own daughters...India's Daughters
yes they gave birth to my and your forefather so did everyone in the world, thats the world was in those times. but what you did in 71 is in recent times under the hats of mukti bahni, what you are doing is Kashmir is now not 700 years ago. World has moved on from this barbarity yet you still practicing it on your own people. At least 700 years ago they we decent enough to do it only to their enemies. Gujarat, 71, Kashmir....this is your ugly face...today...and now you are doing it to your own daughters...India's Daughters
Please read my post again..I know you understood what I said..No worries..carry on....and we will keep being Barbarians(as per your comment)....Only 1 option left..Kashmir stays with India...If you want to stop the killing ..you guys need to understand that fast.
  • CPEC..Its Chinese...(Lets the eggs hatch, we will count when that happens)...what are you guys doing thetre except working for the chinese.
Pakistan will raking in billions in the transit fees alone per month. There is a reason why modi doval and co having bitching at the Chinese regarding CPEC. But of course the bitching is falling on deaf ears while they keep blocking all your un resolutions and your nsg dreams. :lol:
  • UN is NOT singing your tunes...UN is following what it has always said (Bilateral Issue between India and Pakistan).
The UN human rights commission is demanding unhindered access to iok which is exactly what Pakistan has been demanding.
  • Top 25 fastest?..so what if North Korea also has a small movement in its economy it will be the top 3 fastest growing from where it is today.
Well you may want to direct your complaints to the international economic institutions as they are the ones who said this, not us. Good luck with that.
  • Third largest Nuclear Power or 10th Largest the destruction will be the same and the reply as well....so non issue.
Uhm, that's a negative. Our missiles are more numerous and faster than yours, before your single missile even makes it off the launchpad, you'll be glowing florescent green with radiation north to south, east to west. So the largest destruction will primarily be on your side. And that's by design.
  • Your Military is not powerful..its falling apart, just like your country.is! .and No UN is not standing by you.
:lol: The only military to have astounding success in wot that is so lethaly trained and armed that your own generals advised modi not to piss us off. Sounds like the indian military is falling apart, partly due to its diarreah that it gets at the very thought of fighting Pakistan.
  • The make belief is your make belief, which is a cult (A Book)..you dont even know who is your GOD except by name ..lol.(Your own followers dont know which is the right Islam and you are talking about flying monkeys..that is awesome)....yes we destroyed the Terrorist camps ...you can call it what you want, our objective has been met..this will soon be the new reqular, live with it..
Study Islam. The very premise of an unseen God is the very reason we were created with human intelligence and intellect so that we can recognize the one true God using our brains instead of believing monkeys as gods. No Islamic school of thought had any difference on that and the knowledge is very well defined and well known. The fact you do believe in that speaks wonders about your mental intelligence (rather the lack there of) . :lol: As for your sirjeekal strikes, yeah I conducted a surgical strike on modi and shoved doval's head up modi's @ss. But I won't present evidence of that, it would give away my secrets. I don't need to prove anything, I've achieved my objectives. :wacko:

In bold
When are you guys gonna think long term...Billions in Transit fees!..Sheesh!...I know you guys are better than that...at least learn the good qualities from the Chinese, how to sustain and build on a good thing...Its your land..they are building on, If you rake in Billions in Transit fees, guess how much they willl be raking in.
Why should we risk the lives of swat team when there are no hostages or any threat to any security asset or equipment.
That is what they are trained for......Why on earth would one have a special forces unit then.
When are you guys gonna think long term...Billions in Transit fees!..Sheesh!...I know you guys are better than that...at least learn the good qualities from the Chinese, how to sustain and build on a good thing...Its your land..they are building on, If you rake in Billions in Transit fees, guess how much they willl be raking in.

Its alright, it's okay, let them rake in trillions while we rake in billions. You don't need to lactate over worrying about us, here here, it'll be alright, don't you worry your lil heart. :laugh:

Why should we risk the lives of swat team when there are no hostages or any threat to any security asset or equipment.
Ever heard of tranquilizers or sleeping gas? Admit it, this was a hour op even to catch them alive. Also admit that your army is both scared of going near them and being sloppy at the same time which maybe related to being fear stricken.

That is what they are trained for......Why on earth would one have a special forces unit then.
Oh, for parading. :lol:
Mujahids should not stop attacking occupying Indian army, they should keep attacking the occupying force on regular bases.
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