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Militant Outfits in Punjab have a good number of retired military personnel


May 27, 2009
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Express Tribune

Fearing a bloody blowback, the authorities seem to have given up the idea of launching a military campaign in the tribal region. Negotiating another peace deal also seems to be out of the question because experience has shown that these deals were only used as breathers by terrorists to resume their murderous mission with extra vigour and redoubled vengeance after having recouped their losses in men and material. So, what do we do now? Let militancy thrive and take over the state in due course of time? Or try a different strategy? I am more than convinced that if the security agencies took care of the ****** outfits operating from inside Pakistan, those running the rogues from inside the tribal region would simply wither away in no time because it is the mainland thugs that provide the logistics support to their tribal counterparts in choosing targets and mounting attacks. A smarter strategy, therefore, would entail infiltrating these outfits to annihilate them from inside, and in tandem, tearing down the network that keeps them regularly supplied with generous loads of guns and gold.

There are about 10 to 15 major jih*d# outfits in the country, mostly located in Punjab, with a couple of them having emerged in Sindh, in recent years. These outfits get a regular supply of jihadis from the 30,000 or so madrassas spread all over the country. Both these institutions — jih*d# outfits and the madrassas — are the residual but have decidedly criminal legacies of the first Afghan war and the now-defunct Kashmir jihad. Perhaps, angry at the khakis for abandoning the Kashmir jihad, these institutions have now started biting the very hand that had been feeding them, funding them, arming them and training them on how to kill. The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) seems to be a more dangerously callous off-shoot of these ****** outfits. The TTP’s stated objective is to introduce sharia in Pakistan. But the methods it has so far employed in achieving this objective — large-scale massacres, blowing up of mosques and shrines, kidnappings for ransom, etc., all being criminal acts — appear to be in direct conflict with sharia as it is understood by the majority of Muslims the world over.

To destroy the jih*d# outfits from inside, it would require employing a well thought-out counterinsurgency strategy based as well on experiences drawn from countries that had successfully overcome such insurgencies. So far, I have not seen a single move or sign indicating that our security agencies are even thinking along these lines. All that one could gather from media reports is that the security agencies and the civil administration have been discussing only two options for all these years: whether or not to send the army into North Waziristan/whether or not to negotiate another peace deal with the criminals. The third option, which is being misused to the point of being downright sickening is Mr Know-it-all’s mugshot-spouting, day in and day out from TV screens and newspaper pages, and all kinds of bizarre reasons for the latest criminal act and how he would not rest until the perpetrators are brought to book, only to repeat the same nauseating performance after the next terror attack. Mr Rehman Malik does not squander the slightest opportunity to hog the media glare, no matter what the subject. At times, he seems to be doubling for the entire cabinet including the prime minister. My late friend Khalid Hasan had nicknamed him after the bumbling movie character, Inspector Clouseau.

But coming back to the terror topic, most of the mainland jih*d# organisations seem to have a good number of former services’ personnel in leadership positions. With their insider knowledge, which they have mounted in the name of the TTP’s partially successful attacks on the GHQ, Mehran naval base, Kamra Air Force base and other sensitive installations of the ISI and the police. But the khakis have continued to shy away from destroying the demon, hoping perhaps, to continue to use them for waging proxy wars, for promoting their foreign policy agenda and for keeping the civilians from posing a serious threat to their domestic political dominance. But if they wait any longer, these murderous hordes are likely to leave nothing for the khakis or the civilians to rule!
As the article highlights above, there seems to be a disconcerting pattern of retired military personnel joining militant outfits post-retirement. It is imperative the military stem this pattern of reverse-indoctrination, where retired soldiers are attacking the very state they had sworn to protect.

The military must clearly pursue a break from its past policies of cultivating such groups. One way to stem this trend of reverse indoctrination is to help our soldiers understand the nature of the militant threat to our country. A good way would be to institutionalize courses in the PMA and staff college curriculums with a focus on ' Know Your Enemy' - specifically Salafi-inspired TTP(KP TTP, Punjabi Taliban, HUJI, Lashkar e Jhangvi etc.), Al Qaeda and their affiliates.

The content of the coursework could include:

- Identifying the Enemy
- Discussion of the Ideological Agenda driving the TTP, Al Qaeda and their affiliates
- Literature distributed by the Salafi-inspired TTP-Al Qaeda syndicate maligning the pakistani state and military
- Origins of the Salafi Ideology and its violent evolution across the globe in recent decades
- Discussion around how the Salafi militant ideology threatens the very foundation of our constitution and nation.
- Profiles of the TTP -affiliated militant groups and madrassas operating in Punjab and KP
What do we do now is restructure PA and court martial a bunch of PA generals and kernels who are more interesting in minting money than securing country borders. PA and ISI is inevitability corrupt playing on public emotions and a drama of protecting the nation when it is evident that a few rag tag terrorist are able to corner them and slaughter PA soldiers like sheeps and cows while the PA, a world class well equipped force find themselves too timid to take any action.
As the article highlights above, there seems to be a disconcerting pattern of retired military personnel joining militant outfits post-retirement. It is imperative the military stem this pattern of reverse-indoctrination, where retired soldiers are attacking the very state they had sworn to protect.

The military must clearly pursue a break from its past policies of cultivating such groups. One way to stem this trend of reverse indoctrination is to help our soldiers understand the nature of the militant threat to our country. A good way would be to institutionalize courses in the PMA and staff college curriculums with a focus on ' Know Your Enemy' - specifically Salafi-inspired TTP(KP TTP, Punjabi Taliban, HUJI, Lashkar e Jhangvi etc.), Al Qaeda and their affiliates.

The content of the coursework could include:

- Identifying the Enemy
- Discussion of the Ideological Agenda driving the TTP, Al Qaeda and their affiliates
- Literature distributed by the Salafi-inspired TTP-Al Qaeda syndicate maligning the pakistani state and military
- Origins of the Salafi Ideology and its violent evolution across the globe in recent decades
- Discussion around how the Salafi militant ideology threatens the very foundation of our constitution and nation.
- Profiles of the TTP -affiliated militant groups and madrassas operating in Punjab and KP

These trends only started to take place in military after the compulsory islamizaton of zia ul haq appointing military brass based on the religious zeal as well allowing JI to openly distribute religious material inside the military. Islamic zeal is the very core of problem this country is suffering today..

If the military cannot protect citizen against terrorist then it is time to call in the army from India or United States for help. While PA coward generals can be given some bangles to wear and entertain. What good an army is going to defend against well equipped Indian forces if they cannot face some rag tag terrorists?? It is also time to sweep religious parties from the country especially Jamat e Non Islami.
These trends only started to take place in military after the compulsory islamizaton of zia ul haq appointing military brass based on the religious zeal as well allowing JI to openly distribute religious material inside the military. Islamic zeal is the very core of problem this country is suffering today..

If the military cannot protect citizen against terrorist then it is time to call in the army from India or United States for help. While PA coward generals can be given some bangles to wear and entertain. What good an army is going to defend against well equipped Indian forces if they cannot face some rag tag terrorists?? It is also time to sweep religious parties from the country especially Jamat e Non Islami.

The underlined part I am sure has been written in extreme frustration and would attract the ire of your fellow countrymen.

As regards the rest. yes its Zia's time when the rot set in.
The underlined part I am sure has been written in extreme frustration and would attract the ire of your fellow countrymen.

As regards the rest. yes its Zia's time when the rot set in.

I am from a influential family and do happen to move among a lot retired and active duty generals, kernals and upper brass of military. These people would run at first sign of Indian attack - all their patriotism is hollow and they have no courage to fight. PA literally disowned their dead who fought fanatically in Kargil despite lack of supply lines and a general would would instigate the war only to betray his men.

PA soldiers at large are sincere and patriotic but the top brass is nothing but corrupt. Keeping emotions aside, it would be a much fair deal to invite American and Indian commands to take a stiff action in northern areas and root out terrorist then taking a bet on PA which is betraying all senses of military doctrine by trying to strike peace deals with the very terrorists who are slaughtering PA soldiers like sheep. This in essence is victory for the Taliban and therefore it is highly justified to fear our nukes and the risk of Pakistan becoming hijacked by religious zealots. The rot has begin to take its toll.
These trends only started to take place in military after the compulsory islamizaton of zia ul haq appointing military brass based on the religious zeal as well allowing JI to openly distribute religious material inside the military. Islamic zeal is the very core of problem this country is suffering today..

If the military cannot protect citizen against terrorist then it is time to call in the army from India or United States for help. While PA coward generals can be given some bangles to wear and entertain. What good an army is going to defend against well equipped Indian forces if they cannot face some rag tag terrorists?? It is also time to sweep religious parties from the country especially Jamat e Non Islami.

Call army from india?

O bhai dimagh tu theek hai na tumhara? :angry:
I am from a influential family and do happen to move among a lot retired and active duty generals, kernals and upper brass of military. These people would run at first sign of Indian attack - all their patriotism is hollow and they have no courage to fight. PA literally disowned their dead who fought fanatically in Kargil despite lack of supply lines and a general would would instigate the war only to betray his men.

PA soldiers at large are sincere and patriotic but the top brass is nothing but corrupt. Keeping emotions aside, it would be a much fair deal to invite American and Indian commands to take a stiff action in northern areas and root out terrorist then taking a bet on PA which is betraying all senses of military doctrine by trying to strike peace deals with the very terrorists who are slaughtering PA soldiers like sheep. This in essence is victory for the Taliban and therefore it is highly justified to fear our nukes and the risk of Pakistan becoming hijacked by religious zealots. The rot has begin to take its toll.

I will agree with one thing here.

Current Pakistani generals are of no use.
I am from a influential family and do happen to move among a lot retired and active duty generals, kernals and upper brass of military. These people would run at first sign of Indian attack - all their patriotism is hollow and they have no courage to fight. PA literally disowned their dead who fought fanatically in Kargil despite lack of supply lines and a general would would instigate the war only to betray his men.

PA soldiers at large are sincere and patriotic but the top brass is nothing but corrupt. Keeping emotions aside, it would be a much fair deal to invite American and Indian commands to take a stiff action in northern areas and root out terrorist then taking a bet on PA which is betraying all senses of military doctrine by trying to strike peace deals with the very terrorists who are slaughtering PA soldiers like sheep. This in essence is victory for the Taliban and therefore it is highly justified to fear our nukes and the risk of Pakistan becoming hijacked by religious zealots. The rot has begin to take its toll.

Extreme views.

I wonder how many Pakistanis agree with this view.
Call army from india?

O bhai dimagh tu theek hai na tumhara? :angry:

When you have an army which is too afraid of few rag tag terrorist and beghairt generals who cannot take action despite their men being slaughtered like cow on camera and then the footage aired around the world then in the better interest of common Pakistan citizen - it is only a logical choice to invite assistance from India or USA.

At the end of the day, it is important to get rid of talibaboon terrorist and is PA generals refuse to take action it only affirms cowardice and corruption of military. By refusing to take action in larger interest of protecting Pakistani citizen lives, the army has lost all its legitimacy and has by striking peace deals with the terrorist it has become complicity in enemy activities against the state.
Extreme views.

I wonder how many Pakistanis agree with this view.

The menace in northern areas has to come to an end. it almost a decade now since Pakistani citizens are bearing the punishment of PA incompetency generals. What good is a world class equipped force if it cannot take out a few rag tag terrorists?? I had a chance to meet a group of PA personal visit KSA for hajj. Seeing their religious zeal and soft corner for bigotry I am forced to change my views on PA. The loyalty of these zealots lies with the Talibans and madrassashs. Not in greater good of the nation, they would rather advocate their own agenda of turning the country to "true" Islam.

Whatever operations have been done by PA were largely cosmetic measures and terrorists returned to business as usual in a short period of time but they did serve Kayani the opportunity to have photo-shoots with F16. It would be honest to deduce that PA is not sincere in rooting out a bunch of talibaboons and there is a genuine need of reliving the nation from this menace.

The tribals have betrayed the nation in securing the lands entrusted to them therefore have lost any legitimacy of self rule. It is time to step aside peacefully or be cornered by force.
why do I get the feeling that thread is heading for closure ?
The menace in northern areas has to come to an end. it almost a decade now since Pakistani citizens are bearing the punishment of PA incompetency generals. What good is a world class equipped force if it cannot take out a few rag tag terrorists?? I had a chance to meet a group of PA personal visit KSA for hajj. Seeing their religious zeal and soft corner for bigotry I am forced to change my views on PA. The loyalty of these zealots lies with the Talibans and madrassashs. Not in greater good of the nation, they would rather advocate their own agenda of turning the country to "true" Islam.

But you can not kill that religious zeal and soft corner for bigotry with armies imported from USA or any other country. At the end of the day, the root of the present mess in Pakistan lies in the radicalization of religion and fixing it will require the balance 99% of moderate Pakistanis to come together and defeat this radicalization in the civil society. War is simply prolonging the inevitable..
When you have an army which is too afraid of few rag tag terrorist and beghairt generals who cannot take action despite their men being slaughtered like cow on camera and then the footage aired around the world then in the better interest of common Pakistan citizen - it is only a logical choice to invite assistance from India or USA.

At the end of the day, it is important to get rid of talibaboon terrorist and is PA generals refuse to take action it only affirms cowardice and corruption of military. By refusing to take action in larger interest of protecting Pakistani citizen lives, the army has lost all its legitimacy and has by striking peace deals with the terrorist it has become complicity in enemy activities against the state.


Think again.

Indians are no way your well wisher, Keep this in mind.
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