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MIG 29 deployment near Pakistan border Is PAF ready for the threat ?

Secondly, the PAF's commanders decided that F-16 war reserve spares were being eaten into during the Kargil conflict. Mirage spares have never been an issue, Mirage III/5 is practically manufactured in Pakistan. Posting despite lack of accurate knowledge proves you're the one displaying blind patriotic jingoism. The likes of you should be removed from this forum because nobody can discuss anything with a know-it-all who has the nerve to call the words of a serviceman "jingoism", despite the fact that the above serviceman is merely responding to the know-it-all's own countrymen posting blind, jingoistic TRASH.
My bad. I had read somewhere that PAF Mirages too were facing spares shortages. As for your 'serviceman', there are far more respectable and knowledgeable Pakistani servicemen here than the one in question. No other comments.
I would tell you how the Pakistani military intends to respond to Indian attacks, but its already obvious to anyone who knows anything about the PAF's arsenal of weaponry based on South African (and/or Chinese) technology so I won't bother, you already proved you're an ignoramus anyway.
Sorry to offend you, and yes I am what you call an ignoramus. I am here to expand my little/meager knowledge.
Firstly, if I remember correctly, the InAF did NOT conduct any such strikes. Why is that? Surely they would not be scared of a response from the "inferior" PAF?

So they flew into Pakistani airspace but did not have the balls to attack? What on earth were they afraid of? Surely not the insignificant Pakistani military.
There were far more complex geopolitical politics into play here than just simply firing a missile/dropping a bomb or fighting off bogies. Its beyond my comprehension to fully understand why IAF didnt attack despite having such an overwhelming capability to do so. Do you know why? IAF does not work on its own, its controlled by politicial masters in New Delhi and they better understand causality! What do politicians understand about military capabilities and yet they refrained. Why?
No, but the PAF's F-104 Starfighters probably did the same thing back in the 1960s.
Indian radars? I'm sure the PAF refers to those as targets for its precision guided stand-off weaponry.

You've got kinetic kill AS missiles to knock out satellites? in space? Wow!
Can you elaborate on that one please? Indian Defense establishment does not have any role to play in elections, afaik :azn:, and the last time any party (read BJP) used that in elections they were routed badly! What has stationing of Mig-29s at Adhampur AFB got to do with Indian elections which btw arent due for another 5 years?
What exactly do you understand by this "Cold Start" doctrine? And how would PAF give a 'dangerous reaction' given that any military aircraft taking off from any runway in Pakistan would be immediately picked up on Indian radars (IAF has that capability!).

its a sick , doctrine devoped after the MUMBAI atacks, to show pakistan a lesson ,that INDA is super, in many ways, economicly, defencivly!
systemticly , INDIAN defence establishment is mounting a preasure, on CONGRESS to, have a limmited strikes over some parts of pakistan, also they are lobbying in US to support THIS CRSAP!
but Usa KNOWs what will happen Next!
so they arnt in the favour of it, but RAW doing every thing it can do!
MuradK respects the PAF's adversary far more than you and your keyboard warrior ilk would ever respect the InAF's adversaries, he also firmly believes the InAF cannot overcome the PAF and their secret weapons. Good job to the Indian armed forces splitting a country in two that was already split in two... seriously, you sound like a moron, just go back to BRF and Youtube. Please. (QUOTE]

Dont get your panties in a bunch over nothing.....
The comment wasnt directed towards you....

Ill ignore the rest of your BS coz frankly I dont care when little dogs bark

watch out BOY!
your language is dirty, & its PAKISTAN DEFENCE FOURM, you can be kicked out of here in 2nds!:angry::pakistan::angry::angry::angry:
Ill ignore the rest of your BS coz frankly I dont care when little dogs bark

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. Facts can do that sometimes.
Please find a better put-down, that one is pretty lame.

You've got kinetic kill AS missiles to knock out satellites? in space? Wow!
I don't know about satellite killers, but you'd be surprised at what the PAF have. I don't think those satellites would be used to find jets taking off from runways, I reckon they'd be used for finding which roads are being used to launch, land and re-arm the PAF's strike fighters. The ones that recently knocked up hundreds of hours of sorties during an exercise from those roads; I guess they'd be targeting Indian satellite communications systems and networks too.
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You've got kinetic kill AS missiles to knock out satellites? in space? Wow!

FYI, there are other ways that can be used to render a satellite useless without destroying it with AS missile.
The deployment decision could be because of recent credible warning about threat of attacks from JuD/Let terrorists the warning from Israel, Australia, NATO etc. Even Australian minister canceled his planned tour because of same.

If it happens then it may attract swift response of surgical strikes. These aircraft may be in alert mode. Pakistan has few or no aircraft to counter Mig-29 at present.
This time India is much better prepared and its better strategy then praying for action against such terrorist.

Its seems to be only a precautionary measure in my opinion.

You sure about that, i dont indulge in these fan boy arguments but all i will say is that you are quite mistaken my friend. If you think PAF will just sit back and the let the MIG29's carry out surgical strikes you are quite wrong.
Every military move by Indian defense forces is crtically reviewed by the Pakistani defense forces. There are far more competent and able professionals doing their job than those discussing the matter here. So rest assured that PAF has already reviewed the situation.

On a lighter note had it been for the arm chair warriors here we might have had another two to three wars by now :lol:
What threat?...the Mig 29's have been around since the late 80's with India.

BTW they are supposed to have structural faults in their airframes.

Its not about , that how long the migs have been arround for or , they have faults in the Airframes.

The thing is , are they preparing for a surgical strike ??

If they are we must do any thing about it! , i am sure that something must be being discussed in the AHQ's top brass to counter this potential threat!
Nukes are not the answer for any problem. You do understand that if you do launch nukes at major cities/ towns or strategic assets in India, there will be a retaliation in which Pakistan would essentially cease to exist as we know it, keeping in mind the size difference of the two nations and coverage of each warhead. The only thing arising out of a nuclear exchange is an unimaginable humanity crisis and Mutually Assured Destruction.... Please don't throw around such casual statements. :argh:


I already have answerd this question .
Anyhow i must not agree with both of you guys.

There is no winning in Nuke wars , its only loss that you get out of it!

And i must say that the source you are talking about was a book by an american author if i am not mistaken. Who talked about a nuke war sanario rite?
Now welcome to the Mirror:bunny:
My dear friend if you read carefully , you must find that the book was talking about the nuclear stance in 1998.
Now 2009 = 11 years means in 1998 Pakistan had between 20 -40 warheads after ten years are we sitting still on the same number??

I think No .2009's estimation is 70-90 warheads with a range available of 2500 kms and proceeding to 7000kms soon.
This is a western source , and God know what is the real number that we have built.
So if you even take 90 warheads according to the western estimation , guess what?
You guys will case to exist too , with all of your LARGE population and land that you like to claim on every forum.
in the end i must say again i am not in the favour of any war between Pak-india because it will be a foolish move :flame:and rest of the world will laugh on our stupid legacy!
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its a sick , doctrine devoped after the MUMBAI atacks, to show pakistan a lesson ,that INDA is super, in many ways, economicly, defencivly!
systemticly , INDIAN defence establishment is mounting a preasure, on CONGRESS to, have a limmited strikes over some parts of pakistan, also they are lobbying in US to support THIS CRSAP!
but Usa KNOWs what will happen Next!
so they arnt in the favour of it, but RAW doing every thing it can do!

Cold Start doctrine, AFAIK, was established way before Mumbai '08 terrorist attacks. It's a leaf taken out of NATO's book. I thought you would know that, considering PA carries out exercises with NATO forces so often.
BTW what do you know about Cold Start doctrine that you call it sick and crappy? Please do enlighten us my friend. And how are these MiG-29s related to the 'Cold Start' doctrine?
So you mean so say that our Military Brass has guts to pressure a democratically elected adamantly centrist party for a military action now, when they couldn't ask permission form the rightist BJP to attack Pakistan in Dec'01? Hmmmn. Interesting observation my friend.
I don't know about satellite killers, but you'd be surprised at what the PAF have. I don't think those satellites would be used to find jets taking off from runways, I reckon they'd be used for finding which roads are being used to launch, land and re-arm the PAF's strike fighters. The ones that recently knocked up hundreds of hours of sorties during an exercise from those roads; I guess they'd be targeting Indian satellite communications systems and networks too.

Oh yes, I did forget that one! Oh my, all those MiG29s and all those radars along the border, which continually monitor Pak airspace, will be sitting ducks in the event of a PAF preemptive strike? I guess IAF does not teach its pilots to scramble fighters/interceptors when put on high alert!

FYI, there are other ways that can be used to render a satellite useless without destroying it with AS missile.
Ofcourse, ofcourse. Like?
Anti-Satellite weapons
Now which among these does PAF/PA possess? You surely must then be in a very elite league!!
can you confirm this :pop:

In 1997, an IAF Foxbat famously darted into Pakistani airspace and its sonic boom alerted ground radars into action. But zooming back towards the Indian border, the Foxbat was just a blur to Pakistani air defence missiles and F-16s scrambling up from Sargodha.

You just stole words out of my mouth. Mig-25 is indeed a unique aircraft and has ceiling of 90,000 ft (27,000 m) although it has reached 123,523.62 ft (37,650 m).The record is the only recognized absolute record not held by a pilot from the United States.

You can find complete story here
Vayu Sena - IAF MiG-25R incursion over Pakistan in 1997

I was fascinated by Mig-25 foxbat since i watched this video years ago on youtube. I felt like i am with god or in heavens

Too bad they are retired from InAF. Wiki also states that it uses vaccum tube electronics instead of solid state semiconductor to make it more rugged and insulate it from electromagnetic pulse.

A marvel, indeed :smitten::cheers:
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India to Put Upgraded MiG-29s Near Pakistan Border
By vivek raghuvanshi
Published: 6 Oct 2009 12:42

NEW DELHI - The Indian Air Force has decided to station its upgraded MiG-29 aircraft close to the Pakistan border.

The first lot of the 62 upgraded Russian-built aircraft will be deployed at Adampur air base in the border state of Punjab, a Defence Ministry official said.

The first six MiG-29s will be delivered by mid-2010 following upgrades in Russia, with the remaining aircraft to follow by 2013, the official said.

Under an $850 million contract signed with Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG in early 2008, the 62 MiGs are being upgraded from aerial interceptor and air dominance aircraft to fighter-bombers capable of striking mobile and stationary targets on the ground and at sea, in all weather conditions, with high-precision weapons.

Upgrades to the MiG-29s will include multifunctional Zhuk-ME radar, and new weapon control and avionics systems. The aircraft also will be capable of beyond-visual-range combat, armed with new-generation air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, and smart aerial bombs.

Additionally, the Air Force's remaining MiG-29 fleet will be retrofitted at the service's repair depot at Nashik, under transfer of technology from Russia, extending their service life to 40 years and turning the air-superiority fighters into more lethal multi-role jets.

India to Put Upgraded MiG-29s Near Pakistan Border - Defense News
I already have answerd this question .
Anyhow i must not agree with both of you guys.

There is no winning in Nuke wars , its only loss that you get out of it!

And i must say that the source you are talking about was a book by an american author if i am not mistaken. Who talked about a nuke war sanario rite?
Now welcome to the Mirror:bunny:
My dear friend if you read carefully , you must find that the book was talking about the nuclear stance in 1998.
Now 2009 = 11 years means in 1998 Pakistan had between 20 -40 warheads after ten years are we sitting still on the same number??

I think No .2009's estimation is 70-90 warheads with a range available of 2500 kms and proceeding to 7000kms soon.
This is a western source , and God know what is the real number that we have built.
So if you even take 90 warheads according to the western estimation , guess what?
You guys will case to exist too , with all of your LARGE population and land that you like to claim on every forum.
in the end i must say again i am not in the favour of any war between Pak-india because it will be a foolish move :flame:and rest of the world will laugh on our stupid legacy!

Well said.

I didn't really have any source as it was a reply to an opinion and not a fact.

But yes nukes mean MAD and that is to be considered seeing that hypothetically if India were to conduct surgical strikes and Pakistan replies with nukes (that's what the original post implied to which i replied), would it be in Pakistans interests to lose so much in reply to a surgical strike. I'm sure there would be other options on the table as well. For every action the only threat cannot be a nuclear one.
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