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MIG 29 deployment near Pakistan border Is PAF ready for the threat ?

True. And so can any aircraft if flown effectively. hit us, we'll hit you back 15 times harder. Simple as that. ;)

And how exactly do you intend to do that, Sir? As far as I remember, post Mumbai '08 PAF was flying CAPs over major Pakistani cities in fear of an Indian 'surgical strike'. Consequently, soon enough, officers were demanding to scale back (read stop) the CAPs for they were eating into F-16 and your Mirage spares rapidly and you had no means to replenish the stocks.
Seriously? Blind patriotic jingoism! You know, the likes of you end up causing more harm than good for the country.
indian listen up. You talk about implications and all. You really think our skies or our men would allow your migs to casually enter our space, especially during such tense times? Keep dreaming. First deal with the 13 naxal affected states in your own country. Our skies are not friendly to indian aircrafts, and that is well established by now. Look at history. Fathom. Digest. Think. Then think again. It might just help you people.

nice reply pakistani. There have been numerous instance of Pak airspace violations by IAF have there's nothing PAF did. IAF rookies presumably find Pak airspace more friendly, thats why they go a visiting there so often calling their visits technical violations. And that includes not only the Su-30MKIs but also the much maligned Migs!
indians are just fed the same lines over and over. Too bad they can never think cogently or independently. Media could tell them if they push a cow off a cliff then kashmir would be theirs, they would do it. As i said earlier, history is history. indian aircrafts have always encountered hell when they tried entering Pakistan air space. india is strange bc they make hostile moves but then quiver and end up doing nothing. india needs to understand that we are prepared for war, but we are also pointing and laughing at them - especially at india's brahmin owners

In 1997, an IAF Foxbat famously darted into Pakistani airspace and its sonic boom alerted ground radars into action. But zooming back towards the Indian border, the Foxbat was just a blur to Pakistani air defence missiles and F-16s scrambling up from Sargodha.

can you confirm this :pop:
No matter who's air force is in power, ground have to be occupied by land forces, and i do not see Indian soldiers entering Pakistani territory and leaving alive.

U can talk all about superiority but if looked at big powers and their wars only little ones won, let me give u examples.

indians are just fed the same lines over and over. Too bad they can never think cogently or independently. Media could tell them if they push a cow off a cliff then kashmir would be theirs, they would do it. As i said earlier, history is history. indian aircrafts have always encountered hell when they tried entering Pakistan air space. india is strange bc they make hostile moves but then quiver and end up doing nothing. india needs to understand that we are prepared for war, but we are also pointing and laughing at them - especially at india's brahmin owners

Where are you getting your grade A information from fella??

As a military professional, you should know better and learn to respect your adversary.....better learn a thing or two about respect from seniors such as Mr.MuradK (Pray to god for his health)

So much for the "Gentlemen" in the armed forces of your nation.....I pray that the rest of your armed forces are not as arrogant after failing to achieve their objective of "taking Kashmir" for the last 60 years from the "quivering" Indian armed forces and failing to prevent your nation from being split into two ......but hey who's boasting right??

Anyways, we dont need to sacrifice cows over cliffs to win Kashmir, we already have it....now better pull a rabbit out of your arse to change this scenario.....
Its not that easy to do......
It wont be a surgical after all .... nukes must be in just after ur so called surgical strike... mind it ....:sniper:

Nukes are not the answer for any problem. You do understand that if you do launch nukes at major cities/ towns or strategic assets in India, there will be a retaliation in which Pakistan would essentially cease to exist as we know it, keeping in mind the size difference of the two nations and coverage of each warhead. The only thing arising out of a nuclear exchange is an unimaginable humanity crisis and Mutually Assured Destruction.... Please don't throw around such casual statements. :argh:

And how exactly do you intend to do that, Sir? As far as I remember, post Mumbai '08 PAF was flying CAPs over major Pakistani cities in fear of an Indian 'surgical strike'. Consequently, soon enough, officers were demanding to scale back (read stop) the CAPs for they were eating into F-16 and your Mirage spares rapidly and you had no means to replenish the stocks.
Seriously? Blind patriotic jingoism! You know, the likes of you end up causing more harm than good for the country.

Can someone help me understand this, why spares will be consumed and what kind of spares are consumed by flying. I heard the same thing when Kargil was on that Pakistan was fast loosing spares at that time.
Can someone help me understand this, why spares will be consumed and what kind of spares are consumed by flying. I heard the same thing when Kargil was on that Pakistan was fast loosing spares at that time.

I honestly dont know what spares are eaten into with every sortie, but these are jet machines we are talking about, very complex pieces of engineering. I think, if I am not wrong, that the quickest time period between two 1 hour long sorties for an F-16 is around 7-8 hrs? It involves a thorough check up of each and every part of the machine and replacements wherever necessary.
Comparatively a simple car requires a daily routine to keep it running in good condition and these planes are kept in flying condition for decades together.
i guss, indian defence establishment wana , show of power to win the next elections, its a dangerous sgins, even whtever PAF reacts to that!
but , the thing is clear, that they got, some death wish?
it would be a dangerous reaction from PAF, for a "COLD START INVASION", any ways!
In kargil It was Mig-29 which locked on F-16 as Mig-29 had R77 BVR missile and F-16 had none.
Source - Warplanes: <b>May 20, 2005</b>
That website is trash, not a source. If the above event happened, why didn't the MiG fire? After all, according to you and your ilk, the PAF would have been "helpless" in the face of such "superior" foes.

And how exactly do you intend to do that, Sir? As far as I remember, post Mumbai '08 PAF was flying CAPs over major Pakistani cities in fear of an Indian 'surgical strike'. Consequently, soon enough, officers were demanding to scale back (read stop) the CAPs for they were eating into F-16 and your Mirage spares rapidly and you had no means to replenish the stocks.
Seriously? Blind patriotic jingoism! You know, the likes of you end up causing more harm than good for the country.
Firstly, if I remember correctly, the InAF did NOT conduct any such strikes. Why is that? Surely they would not be scared of a response from the "inferior" PAF?

Secondly, the PAF's commanders decided that F-16 war reserve spares were being eaten into during the Kargil conflict. Mirage spares have never been an issue as far as I know, Mirage III/5 is practically manufactured in Pakistan. Posting despite lack of accurate knowledge proves you're the one displaying blind patriotic jingoism. The likes of you should be removed from this forum because nobody can discuss anything with a know-it-all who has the nerve to call the words of a serviceman "jingoism", despite the fact that the above serviceman is merely responding to the know-it-all's own countrymen posting blind, jingoistic TRASH.

I would tell you how the Pakistani military intends to respond to Indian attacks, but its already obvious to anyone who knows anything about the PAF's arsenal of weaponry based on South African (and/or Chinese) technology so I won't bother, you already proved you're an ignoramus anyway.

nice reply pakistani. There have been numerous instance of Pak airspace violations by IAF have there's nothing PAF did. IAF rookies presumably find Pak airspace more friendly, thats why they go a visiting there so often calling their visits technical violations. And that includes not only the Su-30MKIs but also the much maligned Migs!
So they flew into Pakistani airspace but did not have the balls to attack? What on earth were they afraid of? Surely not the insignificant Pakistani military.

In 1997, an IAF Foxbat famously darted into Pakistani airspace and its sonic boom alerted ground radars into action. But zooming back towards the Indian border..."
can you confirm this :pop:
No, but the PAF's F-104 Starfighters probably did the same thing back in the 1960s.

As a military professional, you should know better and learn to respect your adversary.....better learn a thing or two about respect from seniors such as Mr.MuradK (Pray to god for his health)

So much for the "Gentlemen" in the armed forces of your nation.....I pray that the rest of your armed forces are not as arrogant after failing to achieve their objective of "taking Kashmir" for the last 60 years from the "quivering" Indian armed forces and failing to prevent your nation from being split into two ......but hey who's boasting right??

Anyways, we dont need to sacrifice cows over cliffs to win Kashmir, we already have it....now better pull a rabbit out of your arse to change this scenario.....
MuradK respects the PAF's adversary far more than you and your keyboard warrior ilk would ever respect the InAF's adversaries, he also firmly believes the InAF cannot overcome the PAF and their secret weapons. Good job to the Indian armed forces splitting a country in two that was already split in two... seriously, just go back to BRF and Youtube. Please. :Mod Edit:

Can someone help me understand this, why spares will be consumed and what kind of spares are consumed by flying. I heard the same thing when Kargil was on that Pakistan was fast loosing spares at that time.
It was during Kargil. The PAF's commanders wanted to save their F-16 spare parts stockpile for a possible full-scale war. batmannow, who is a Kargil veteran, stated in a very recent post that the F-16s were kept back to protect Pakistan's nuclear facilities from attack. Perhaps both.
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i guss, indian defence establishment wana , show of power to win the next elections, its a dangerous sgins, even whtever PAF reacts to that!
but , the thing is clear, that they got, some death wish?
it would be a dangerous reaction from PAF, for a "COLD START INVASION", any ways!

Can you elaborate on that one please? Indian Defense establishment does not have any role to play in elections, afaik :azn:, and the last time any party (read BJP) used that in elections they were routed badly! What has stationing of Mig-29s at Adhampur AFB got to do with Indian elections which btw arent due for another 5 years?
What exactly do you understand by this "Cold Start" doctrine? And how would PAF give a 'dangerous reaction' given that any military aircraft taking off from any runway in Pakistan would be immediately picked up on Indian radars (IAF has that capability!).
What exactly do you understand by this "Cold Start" doctrine? And how would PAF give a 'dangerous reaction' given that any military aircraft taking off from any runway in Pakistan would be immediately picked up on Indian radars (IAF has that capability!).
Indian radars? I'm sure the PAF refers to those as targets for its precision guided stand-off weaponry.
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