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MIG 29 deployment near Pakistan border Is PAF ready for the threat ?

According to several insiders, in the 90s (possibly 2000s also) the PAF operated a squadron of MiG-29s as "aggressors", acquired from Ukraine along with supplies of spare parts.

How many they could be any ideas...

I think we have only F-16 that can counter Mig -29.
What threat?...the Mig 29's have been around since the late 80's with India.

BTW they are supposed to have structural faults in their airframes.

I heard that IAF overcome Mig-29 Critical problems.
Intresting for me ....Can PAF using only F-16 can counter these upgraded Mig - 29.

I am not sure....How much PAF F-16's are capable after MLU.

PAF desparetly neeeds latest F-16's or 4.5th generation jets.
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The deployment decision could be because of recent credible warning about threat of attacks from JuD/Let terrorists the warning from Israel, Australia, NATO etc. Even Australian minister canceled his planned tour because of same.

If it happens then it may attract swift response of surgical strikes. These aircraft may be in alert mode. Pakistan has few or no aircraft to counter Mig-29 at present.

This time India is much better prepared and its better strategy then praying for action against such terrorist.

Its seems to be only a precautionary measure in my opinion.
The deployment decision could be because of recent credible warning about threat of attacks from JuD/Let terrorists the warning from Israel, Australia, NATO etc. Even Australian minister canceled his planned tour because of same.

If it happens then it may attract swift response of surgical strikes. These aircraft may be in alert mode. Pakistan has few or no aircraft to counter Mig-29 at present.

This time India is much better prepared and its better strategy then praying for action against such terrorist.

Its seems to be only a precautionary measure in my opinion.
Its not that easy to do......
It wont be a surgical after all .... nukes must be in just after ur so called surgical strike... mind it ....:sniper:
The deployment decision could be because of recent credible warning about threat of attacks from JuD/Let terrorists the warning from Israel, Australia, NATO etc. Even Australian minister canceled his planned tour because of same.

If it happens then it may attract swift response of surgical strikes. These aircraft may be in alert mode. Pakistan has few or no aircraft to counter Mig-29 at present.

This time India is much better prepared and its better strategy then praying for action against such terrorist.

Its seems to be only a precautionary measure in my opinion.

well i think , that if India stops spreading the BS in the region it would be more safer , its simple You kill kashmiries they will kill you , You demolished Babri Mosque one day india will pay such a price that it would be rememberd for Centuries to come.
You killed fifteen thousand Sikhs in their HOLIEST Tample , U must admit that India's hand are full of Innocent Blood , and it causes revenge.:sniper:
Man , why are you guys living in dreams ? :hitwall::hitwall:
Do you really think that IAF's MIG'29's will do a surgical strike in Pakistan and then go home without being Knocked out'a the sky?
F-16 had locked on a Mig 29 close to Mumbai darama , after it came into Pakistani airspace...:chilli:

Ghaznavi & Babur Cruize missiles Loaded with Cluster warheads will be soaring towards your airbases in seconds .

Hope it helps:smitten:
Its not that easy to do......
It wont be a surgical after all .... nukes must be in just after ur so called surgical strike... mind it ....:sniper:

Really? Mind it? And will you be the one who gets to hit that red button, Sir?
You people really think that lobbing nukes is that easy? Do you ever think about the implications and the consequences that might follow? Kiddo, your country as you know it, might cease to exist politically if you people, even as a last resort, dare to follow through with that stupid irrational threat!

note to self: never ever reply to newbies or others who dont know anything they are posting about!
indian listen up. You talk about implications and all. You really think our skies or our men would allow your migs to casually enter our space, especially during such tense times? Keep dreaming. First deal with the 13 naxal affected states in your own country. Our skies are not friendly to indian aircrafts, and that is well established by now. Look at history. Fathom. Digest. Think. Then think again. It might just help you people.
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indians are so despicxxxx!!! when facing pakistan they weilded their big sticks threatening the people to submit to him, and by this way india subdued the surrounding immediate weak neighbours to make him the unchallengeable big brother!!!
neither have we dictated any policy to the Pakistanis nor have to the Chinese in the recent past.We are not an island nation in the far-east.we have a long border with Pakistan and a shared history of three wars and many many skirmishes.We have the migs for taking to the skies against an aggression...when they get old...hopefully we'd put them in a nice museum...but till then they have to be kept ready to be used.if it was upto us...we'd have preferred to spend more on hastening the tectonic movement of our country as far away from this god-forsaken hot-spot of the world as possible...but that can't happen...hence the deployment.

But when facing china, it pretended to be the innocent victim to draw international sympathy to gain aids and assistance to contain china.
I assume that your notion of hostility between India and China stem from this forum?
I would tell you two different versions of the same story....
a)India and China wouldn't go to war for their own gains...and the negotiation process that is actually working out.
b)If it comes to it...we can very well contain China on our own.Ours is a big nation of a billion people.We hate the prospect of going to war with Pakistan as much as we hate fighting with China.

such weaklixx.. if you dont want to confront with china, then dont make any aggressive stance to your neighbours or someday you shall get your retribution. the one oppresses others may get oppressed by stronger one eventually..stop this vicious cycle of hatred, if you truly has the will to abandon the hegemonic mindset !!! just a piece of sincere advice.

a misplaced advice...you in your mind are seeing things that don't exist.
These indians are getting really desperate so that's why they are taking such measures to show their muscles which they like to show in every field.

We really have to be very cautious about the current situation to be able to survive because it's a history behind these indians since the days of Mughal emperors time they are famous for back stabbing others.

GOD bless Pakistan
These indians are getting really desperate so that's why they are taking such measures to show their muscles which they like to show in every field.

We really have to be very cautious about the current situation to be able to survive because it's a history behind these indians since the days of Mughal emperors time they are famous for back stabbing others.

GOD bless Pakistan

They cant do any thing.............
If war in there mind then that would happened in last weeks of 2008.
They just showed aggressions and brought their forces alert....not more then that.
Look at the bright side....
We can do "preemptive strikes" and take out those Mig 29's on the ground. Then there will be no threat to us from at least the Migs.
neither have we dictated any policy to the Pakistanis nor have to the Chinese in the recent past.We are not an island nation in the far-east.we have a long border with Pakistan and a shared history of three wars and many many skirmishes.We have the migs for taking to the skies against an aggression...when they get old...hopefully we'd put them in a nice museum...but till then they have to be kept ready to be used.if it was upto us...we'd have preferred to spend more on hastening the tectonic movement of our country as far away from this god-forsaken hot-spot of the world as possible...but that can't happen...hence the deployment.

:rofl: nice one.:rofl:

Look at the bright side....
We can do "preemptive strikes" and take out those Mig 29's on the ground. Then there will be no threat to us from at least the Migs.
Exactly! The failed strategy of 1971(because there were no aircraft stationed:lol:), the gem of 6-day war, this can be tried again with India. But it entirely depends on the confidence of PAF and the generals.
I dont want to write a lot to answer you. I only want to say "Remember 1971 war when pakistan was divided by India and kargil when Nawaj Sarif was begging to stop the war and let Pakistani army quit."

See that's above mention post is what I fear most from these back stabbers indians so that's why we as a nation must unite and be careful from these indians they are not trust worthy in any field.
realistically in the present scenario the indians and pakistanis both over estimate their capabilities!!!

pakistanis can fight a blitzkrieg type of war very efficiently....and the indians well they will come out top in a long grueling fight!!!

eventually the indians will have the air superiority just because of sheer technology on display but the cost would be way to high for them to maintain it!
indians are just fed the same lines over and over. Too bad they can never think cogently or independently. Media could tell them if they push a cow off a cliff then kashmir would be theirs, they would do it. As i said earlier, history is history. indian aircrafts have always encountered hell when they tried entering Pakistan air space. india is strange bc they make hostile moves but then quiver and end up doing nothing. india needs to understand that we are prepared for war, but we are also pointing and laughing at them - especially at india's brahmin owners
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