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Miftah Ismail tenders resignation as finmin ahead of Ishaq Dar's arrival to Pakistan

Okay, I'm out of guesses. Let's see who gets more upset :lol:

@Mav3rick ....he is a Dar fan!

On a more serious note though, expect populist economics to make a come back.

Dar will inflate figures, fudge numbers, inject stimuli, manipulate the markets to bring a temporary feel good factor until the next elections, and then N can say see, Miftah was bad, but we are good and all hail N.

And the people will probably fall for it, because we are suckers for short term beauty.
On a more serious note though, expect populist economics to make a come back.

Dar will inflate figures, fudge numbers, inject stimuli, manipulate the markets to bring a temporary feel good factor until the next elections, and then N can say see, Miftah was bad, but we are good and all hail N.

And the people will probably fall for it, because we are suckers for short term beauty.

In other words, business as usual. :D
@Mav3rick ....he is a Dar fan!

On a more serious note though, expect populist economics to make a come back.

Dar will inflate figures, fudge numbers, inject stimuli, manipulate the markets to bring a temporary feel good factor until the next elections, and then N can say see, Miftah was bad, but we are good and all hail N.

And the people will probably fall for it, because we are suckers for short term beauty.
Where will the money for populism come from? I don't think this is possible now.

Mr. Dar seems to be the pinch hitter on economic management for the Sharif family. Let's wait to see what he can do differently to raise Pakistan's macro economic indicators before next election.
Where will the money for populism come from? I don't think this is possible now.

Jahan say pehle ata tha.

Divert funds from long term projects, pump into new. Take expensive loans, attract investement on unreasonable terms (capacity payments) and much more.
By continuous stealing from the nation's future and social development. As usual.
You mean borrow more money? This is not a possibility now. But there is a $2 billion pledge for flood relief from international community along with a memo from UN to suspend debt payments 🤔
You mean borrow more money? This is not a possibility now. But there is a $2 billion pledge for flood relief from international community along with a memo from UN to suspend debt payments 🤔

Well, as I have said many times, let's wait and see what he does this time around. Hucksters tend to prefer their known tricks. :D
You reap what you sow. Give me my popcorn.
We are living in circus with bunch of jokers who live abroad and make our future decisions we need completely new constitution which clearly prohibits any one living outside pak can stand for elections we need people who has future in pak

People who get appointed as a parliamentarian should be banned for atleast ten years to move out of country
Economic hitman en route to Pakistan.

$7 bn reserves or whatever is left will be gone for good. And this guy’s forte is money laundering for his bosses.

Looking forward to seeing Bajwa saluting Dar at the airport.
Imran should give a call and people must over run the Islamabad and burn down the GHQ, Supreme court NAB and Election commission. If imported and their handlers are not lynched country will keep on going in circles and it will be too late to save the country.
We had enough of seeing our country going down the pan while these kunjars and kunjari's shows carries on. I always wonder how much is these bastards general's cut is.

Perhaps he resigned after the berating he got from his political masters (n the hacked audios) and had an ounce of shame to walk away, one can only hope.
You are too naive bro when does shameless have got any shame and don't expect from these Son of bi**hes.
Economic hitman en route to Pakistan.

$7 bn reserves or whatever is left will be gone for good. And this guy’s forte is money laundering for his bosses.

Looking forward to seeing Bajwa saluting Dar at the airport.
Not really..he was smart move.

Pakistan is getting 4b in flood aid. That alng with 7b$ and some short term t bills will be enough to last till 2023 . When new govt comes it will face -10b$ of reserves.
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