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Mid-East conflict: Palestinians blame Israel over teenager's death


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia

The Palestinian teenager's funeral was held in the Jalazoun refugee camp on Sunday

The Palestinian presidency has blamed Israel for the killing of a 15-year-old boy near Ramallah in the West Bank.

The teenager, Wajdi Wajih al-Ramahi, was killed in the Jelazoun refugee camp on Saturday night.

A Palestinian medical source told AFP he was dead on arrival at a Ramallah hospital, from a single gunshot wound, in what President Mahmoud Abbas said was a "cold-blooded assassination".

The Israeli army says it is investigating the reports.

Some reports say the boy was killed during a clash in the refugee camp between the Israeli army and Palestinian protesters.

The camp is close to the Israeli settlement of Beit El and is the scene of frequent clashes between young Palestinians and Israeli soldiers.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement: "There was an IDF activity that took place between Beit El and Il Azoun north of Ramallah. During the activity reports regarding the death of a Palestinian were filled, the IDF is currently reviewing the reports."

But the boy's father says an IDF soldier shot a single bullet in the direction of his son from a watch tower.

According to the father, his son was not involved in any clashes with the IDF.

"I will send the body of my son for autopsy to prove he was killed by Israeli army gunfire and I will sue them," he said.

President Abbas said the death was destructive to the peace process.

BBC News - Mid-East conflict: Palestinians blame Israel over teenager's death
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