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Mi17 Helicopter Crash in Budgam: IAF to Probe All Angles (Read Friendly Fire)

digitally targets cannot lock on friendly aircraft , this is how you identify and donot fire on friendly aircraft.
however with 40 year old aircraft it is expected ,
and from indians it is very much expected
Humm got it.
Mi-17 is not a combat heli, it is a transport helicopter and highly unlikely that Pakistan jets can shoot down a transport, non combat helicopter.

Also when Pak jets attacked six targets and deliberately missed the military targets where there could be casualties and fired on depots or on empty areas...so as to give a clear and pertinent message, we could have fired to kill!!.

And Pakistan jets JF-17 engaged the intruding Indian jets, and in the dogfight shot the 2 jets, one is obviously Mig-21 Bison, other could be a Su-30 MKI. The idea is Pakistan did not 'shoot to kill' in the attack, rather on the defensive.
Another Pakistani version of Feb 27 events proven to be true or more likely to be true. Feb 27 was nothing short than a nightmare for IAF which will have deep impact in their psyche and operational SOPs moving forward.

Ispr said we will be surprise them and Ohh boy they did.
i hope the story of Su 30 will be revealed in days to come...

Not a credible source of course, but some one shot that helicopter and it didn't go down by accident.
Was it Pakistani Jets sending a clear message to indians or was it an indian pilot gone crazy seeing death on his tail?

I mean their air command fella got sacked, and of course because PAF could have killed their Army Chief that night if we wanted to, and not to forget the damage done on the ground which they are too ashamed to admit and our guys preferred not to talk about, but then ... who shot that MI-17 and why was the father of that kid crying for a war with Pakistan?
Did India shoot down its own helicopter?

News Desk
February 28, 2019

Six Indian Air Force officers and a civilian were killed after an Indian Air Force (IAF) chopper crashed in Jammu and Kashmir’s Budgam on Wednesday morning, a senior police officer told NDTV. The crash took place in the backdrop of a retaliatory strike by Pakistan Air Force aircraft and was followed by two Indian MiG21s shot down and a pilot captured. However, the crash of the helicopter has been ground in mystery.

Indian media has quickly jumped on the bandwagon that the “crash” was due to bad weather and technical fault. However, Indian media themselves have reported local witnesses stating that the helicopter broke into two and fell after being struck by “something”.

The Indian govt was at great pains to emphasize that they had somehow avenged PAF’s retaliatory strike into IOK. But perhaps this “Pakistani aircraft” shot down is sourced in the fog of war than black propaganda.

According to the Kashmir Reader, A local resident, who identified himself as Syed Arshad, narrated how the crash happened. “It was 10:09 in the morning; we had just finished our morning tea when we saw a chopper flying too close to our houses,” he said.
“It created panic in the area. When we came out of our homes to investigate, we found that the chopper had caught fire and flames were rising out of it. It fell down in the open in paddy fields,” Arshad said.

According to the Greater Kashmir, A witness said he saw an aircraft in flames coming down at Garend-Kalan village. “It fell on the ground with a loud bang and a thick cover of smoke and flames started emanating from it. I called a local police officer and informed him about the incident. Till the police reached the spot, locals tried to pull out those on board,” said Showkat Ahmad, a local resident.

However, Indian media was beset on the Indian helicopter having crashed due to “glitch”. Indian reporters parroting the line were immediately taken to task by Social Media.

Meanwhile, Indian media was at great pain to paint the fatal crash of the helicopter as “an accident” and not a strike by PAF JF17s.
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Their view was actually corroborated by Pakistan DG ISPR Major General Abdul Ghafoor who stated that Pakistan had nothing to do with the crash in Budgam.

DG ISPR, Pakistan, Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor: There are reports of crash of an Indian aircraft on the Indian side (in Budgam), we had no engagement with that aircraft.

International observers meanwhile also ruled out that Pakistani JF17s that were used in retaliation could not have struck down the helicopter as it was too far into Indian Occupied Kashmir.

#BREAKING: An #India Air Force's Mi-17V-5 transport helicopter crashed at Srinagar airfield, #Kashmir and its pilot and co-pilot were killed few minutes ago. It is being claimed that #Pakistan shot it down. But there is No evidence.
(Image credit: Wassem Andrabi/ Hindustan Times)

Babak Taghvaee@BabakTaghvaee

#BREAKING: This is the burning wreckage of #India Air Force's Mi-17V-5 which crashed near Srinagar airport. It is located within 120km from #Pakistan's territory which makes it impossible for #Pakistan to have shot it down by means of any SAM system or even fighter jets. pic.twitter.com/9Uiu3jbGO0

An attack would also have gone against the perimeters of the Pakistani engagement which called for attacks without collateral damage as well as engagement from within its side of the Line Of Control. This leads to a new dimension of the Indian claims that ‘it had shot down a Pakistani aircraft”. While the Indian Ministry of External Affairs spokesmen in a terse press briefing gave a one-liner that looked more like a run of the mill propaganda than anything else. In fact, the MEA conference was roundly criticized by Indian circles.

Considering the fact that the only @MEAIndia spoke from a short written statement and didn’t take questions, why was Air Vice Marshal there? And why couldn’t this be released as a written statement.
The Indian govt was at great pains to emphasize that they had somehow avenged PAF’s retaliatory strike into IOK. But perhaps this “Pakistani aircraft” shot down is sourced in the fog of war than black propaganda. The Pakistani side also faced it when the government erroneously thought it had two Indian pilots in custody in place of one.

The Russian defense ministry said Israeli jets put the Il-20 plane into the path of Syrian air defense systems after failing to give Moscow enough warning of a strike on Syrian targets.

It was perhaps in this fog of war that the Mi17v was shot down by Indian fire in IOK. Budgam while at least 120 km away from the LoC but it is only 27.3 km away from Srinagar where the airbase containing Indian MiG 21 interceptors are situated. It is plausible that during Pakistan’s nonfatal retaliatory strike that Indian air defenses or scrambling aircraft mistook their own helicopter as an enemy plane (conflated by Indian media as a F16) and shot it down.

#BREAKING: #Pakistan Army has released pictures of the downed #Indian Air Force MiG-21Bison of 51st Squadron. Pilot of the airplane who is captured is 1st Wing Commander, Abhi Nandan from Srinagar AFS. He had been scrambled to intercept two JF-17A fighters of #Pakistan Air Force!

These are the 3 MiG-21 fighter jets of #Indian Air Force for Quick Reaction Alert duty at Srinagar AFS. The 51sq of Indian AF's 1st Wing has 16 to 18 MiG-21Bison there to protect #India's airspace over and near #Kashmir. If they had Su-30MKI there, this had not happened!

It was this act of shooting down that was mistakenly reported by the Indian side as a “Pakistani aircraft” shot down. Such mistakes are common in violent conflicts the most recent was the downing of a Russian airplane in Syria on 18 September 2018. The Il-20 aircraft was returning to a Russian base on the north-western coast of Syria when it was shot down by Syrian defenses during an aerial incursion by Israeli jets. The Russian defense ministry said Israeli jets put the Il-20 plane into the path of Syrian air defense systems after failing to give Moscow enough warning of a strike on Syrian targets.

So it is plausible that the Mi17v was a victim of its own people who were in a panic or fog of war. So in order to deflect from this self-goal, Indian media is on overdrive in claiming an F16 was shot down, which has been clarified that were not used in the operation.

IAF MIG-21 shot down rescue Helicopter on 27th February
DATE POST : 2019/Mar/06 02:47:25PM


It has been confirmed on the basis of anonymity; an IAF person revealed that fateful Helicopter Mi-17 on 27th Feb was shot down by MiG-21 Bison from IAF station Srinagar killing all six on board and one civilian on ground. A unique case of Fratricide (shooting down own aircraft). The Chief of Western Air Command reportedly was sacked on IAF losses on 27th Feb and incompetence shown by IAF aircrew.

Indian own news agency had solved the issue. Lagta ha ahista ahista khul rhe han.
Intehai fake website lagti hy. Baz ajao PDF walon.
I am sure he was due to retire on 28 and following has nothing to do with him.
1-Surgical strike planned in his AOR did failed badly,due to timely response by PAF,IAF had to dash back.
2-Failed to protect IOK Air space in less then 24 hours after enemy did said about response.
3-Div HQ in his AOR got bombed.
4-Bogies safely did head back and upon achieving safe air space did ambushed IAF Aircrafts which did lead to 2 being shot down from sky.
5-One IAF Mi-17 shot down from sky,let's say that IAF fighter failed to recognise own's heli inspite of presence of modern IFF system on both aircrafts.
‘Friendly fire’ possible reason behind Indian Air Force chopper crash


Investigators are not ruling out any possible cause of Indian Air Force’s Mi-17 helicopter crash, which killed six officers and a citizen in occupied Kashmir’s Budgam area on February 27, including ‘friendly fire’.

The Russian-made chopper had crashed near Srinagar on the same day Pakistan Air Force (PAF) downed two IAF fighter jets killing one pilot while capturing the other in a dogfight. The helicopter was crashed in an open field near Garend Kalaan village in Budgam at around 10am, according to the Indian officials.

Pakistan’s chief military spokesperson Major General Asif Ghafoor had also mentioned the incident in a news conference as the country’s armed forces struck back following unprovoked Indian aggression a day earlier. Pakistan, however, denied playing a role in the chopper’s crash.

According to a defence source, all possible angles would be probed with regard to the crash, including that of friendly fire, keeping in mind the fact that air defence systems near Srinagar were operational at the time of crash, The Economic Times reported.

Senior Indian military officials, at the time of the incident, had claimed that the chopper went down after developing a “technical snag” despite the fact that Mi-17 is considered as one of the sturdiest choppers in service across the world and does not usually develop technical snags.

“A court of inquiry has been ordered and we cannot speculate on the reason behind the crash before it submits its report,” an IAF officer was quoted by the Indian daily as saying.

However, eyewitnesses had reportedly heard a loud explosion in the air just before the helicopter went down, indicating the possibility of some external event causing the crash. Besides, both command and control systems were functioning under extreme pressure at the time as a ‘fog of war’ prevailed, the report added.

The Indian air defence systems, mostly controlled by the IAF, purportedly have inbuilt safeguards to identify and distinguish between friend and foe and if friendly fire is found to be the reason behind the crash, “this would mean breach in multiple layers of safeguards”, according to the report.

It may be mentioned here that the families of those killed in the crash have been promised answers within ten to 15 days.
You know what they say, “Half of the dead are killed by their friends. Maybe that's the history of everything.”
India has friend and foe system in place. How a friendly fire happened?
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