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Merkel has no regrets over refugee policy despite political cost


Feb 21, 2012
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Merkel has no regrets over refugee policy despite political cost

Posted on August 27, 2017

BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she has no regrets about her 2015 decision to open the country’s borders to hundreds of thousands of refugees and added she will not be deterred from campaigning by angry hecklers.

In an interview with the Welt am Sonntag newspaper on Sunday, Merkel denied she had made any mistakes with her open-door policy even though the arrival of a million refugees over the last two years from Syria and Iraq opened deep rifts in her conservative party and depressed its support.

Four weeks before the Sept. 24 election, an Emnid opinion poll on Sunday showed Merkel’s conservatives would win 38 percent, or 15 points ahead of the center-left Social Democrats (SPD). That is up from 32 percent in February but well below the 41.5 percent her party won in the last election in 2013.

”I’d make all the important decisions of 2015 the same way again,“ Merkel said. ”It was an extraordinary situation and I made my decision based on what I thought was right from a political and humanitarian standpoint.

“Those kinds of extraordinary situations happen every once in a while in a country’s history,” she added. “The head of government has to act and I did.”

Her decision to open the borders contributed to a surge in support for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which pollsters say could win up to 10 percent in the September election.

Merkel, seeing a fourth term, has had to contend with loud and sustained heckling from demonstrators strongly opposed to her refugee policies so far on the campaign trail.

The volume and intensity of the protests have been especially strong in her home region in formerly communist eastern Germany. But the 63-year-chancellor said she would not be kept away from areas where animosity towards her runs high.

“We’re a democracy and everyone can freely express themselves in public the way they want,” she said. “It’s important that we don’t go out of our way to avoid certain areas only because there are a bunch of people screaming.”

Support for Merkel and her party has recovered somewhat after the influx of refugees slowed in 2016 to 280,000 and fell even further to about 106,000 in the first seven months of this year.

Merkel said it was unfair that Greece and Italy were left on their own carrying the full burden of the refugee crisis “simply because of their geography”. She added she would not stop pushing for the fair distribution of refugees across the European Union.

“That some countries refuse to accept any refugees is not on. That contradicts the spirit of Europe. We’ll overcome that. It will take time and patience but we will succeed.”

Germany needs Syrian refugees who are young, energetic, and mostly educated folks.

Germany should stop sub-Saharan christian refugees though. They are the problem as they have very little civilization and no education etc.

Turks and Syrians etc are not that bad to be honest.

Germany needs more Muslims Inshallah :D
What else could she say...that she had made a mistake? :lol:
But she should not expect that Europe would bring the chestnuts out of the fire, because that isn`t really in sight.

This is too much sarcasm for me at once...:azn:
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No regrets, no remorse....the trademark of a psychopath.
Don`t be so hard, i`m sure see feels some remorse and thinks sometime, what she have could do better, but what are you awaiting...a politcian who say really sorry? Short before an election? Show me this politician, please.
What else could she say...that she had made a mistake? :lol:
But she should not expect that Europe would bring the chestnuts out of the fire, because that isn`t really in sight.

This is too much sarcasm for me at once...:azn:
She has weak rivals why should she be worried :D

Germany needs Syrian refugees who are young, energetic, and mostly educated folks.

Germany should stop sub-Saharan christian refugees though. They are the problem as they have very little civilization and no education etc.

Turks and Syrians etc are not that bad to be honest.

Germany needs more Muslims Inshallah :D

You dont understand Merkel. She stands for nothing. The Syriaans are mostly terrorists and hated evrywhere. She closed the border for them. She did evrything she could to get rid of them. She does exactly what the far right demands. She just doesnt say it. And thats Merkel. She only wants power, no matter what. She would shot them, if that means election for her.

You are not used to that form of politics. You are easy to fool.

She has weak rivals why should she be worried :D

She has nothing to worry. She stands for nothing. She can switch from liberal left to neo nazi within a day.

We live in bad times. All of europe. We have so much pathetic politicians. A problem we share with Turkey. If i look back in history and see the political Titans we had in Italy...and then see the dwarfs now...i can puke.
We live in bad times. All of europe. We have so much pathetic politicians. A problem we share with Turkey. If i look back in history and see the political Titans we had in Italy...and then see the dwarfs now...i can puke.

The Italians are looking forward to the change in Europe.
Especially when you are liberated from the influence of the Germans.
how do you get a green card?......just asking.

It's a pretty complex process and I would be lying if I say that I remember each and every step.

You can go to the link -


Just a note - My employer had petitioned it for me !

@Vergennes Long time brother. Hope you are doing well in life ! I am super busy these days.
It's a pretty complex process and I would be lying if I say that I remember each and every step.

You can go to the link -


Just a note - My employer had petitioned it for me !

@Vergennes Long time brother. Hope you are doing well in life ! I am super busy these days.

I am fine,how are you doing ? Yeah,we don't see you much here lately. :agree:

It's understandable. But it's good that you come from time to time to say Hi! :cheers:
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