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Merkel has no regrets over refugee policy despite political cost


Who told you what my sex life is like?

Wow, a sex joke on internet. Oh God, how would I respond to this?! So original and witty :lol::lol::lol:

That is why we all see you as a lonely loser. Posting constantly about genetic superiority, racial purity, bodybuilding, and even your PERSONAL matters on a fucking Internet forum where no one could care less about white nationalism and what have u. And responding to people's jibs at you with a fucking 15-year old's humor...even when you are a grown *** man

You live a sad, lonely life. Stop trying to be the savior of Whites and Europeans. Live your life,have fun, enjoy and so on. Don't waste it by sitting at home all day fighting imaginary Syrian "invaders" of Europa "fatherland" or whatever fantasy fairytale you tell yourself to give your lonely life some meaning.

Man, you really took him to the laundry ....have mercy on the poor lonely soul. A lot of jobless people find refuge on internet. That's the only fun left in his life and you are depriving him of that too how...cruel.
Man, you really took him to the laundry ....have mercy on the poor lonely soul. A lot of jobless people find refuge on internet. That's the only fun left in his life and you are depriving him of that too how...cruel.

He has no siblings. Grew up alone with old parents. And now most likely have developed psychological issues as we can see from his postings, insecurities, and savior wanna be complex.

He's a nobody. And thus he wants to find a bigger cause to adhere to...to give some meaning to his empty life. And hence you see him wanting to "save" Europe and whites from imagined enemies and all.

We ALL can see clearly...even the fellow European posters on this forum who might also want to limit immigration and all.

@ValerioAurelius has no real life friends that he can rely on for emotional support. It's very obvious from his behavior.
He has no siblings. Grew up alone with old parents. And now most likely have developed psychological issues as we can see from his postings, insecurities, and savior wanna be complex.

He's a nobody. And thus he wants to find a bigger cause to adhere to...to give some meaning to his empty life. And hence you see him wanting to "save" Europe and whites from imagined enemies and all.

We ALL can see clearly...even the fellow European posters on this forum who might also want to limit immigration and all.

@ValerioAurelius has no real life friends that he can rely on for emotional support. It's very obvious from his behavior.

In my experience, normally it is the invalids who can't find any reasonable job or do anything positive with life are normally drawn to such issues and everyone seems to be a competitor for their sorry existence and they find immigrants to be an easier target.

These countries invite immigrants to fill the gap in their labor market. In 1960's Germany asked Pakistan to provide a loan and labor to replenish its depleted man power in WWII.

Ayyub Khan accepted the loan request and provided but refused to provide the labor since Pakistan needed people itself. So Germany knocked the doors of its old ally Turkey and the latter accepted its request. Right now Turkish diaspora has become well developed part of their society. Now they can't do much against them since they came legally and now they are all citizens of Germany. However German economy has grown at an even faster pace but their growth population could not keep up with it. Now they have an inverted pyramid model of the demography that means more older people than the younger lot which is needed to support the ageing population especially when they have been guaranteed by the state of old age benefits.

Syrian people are well mannered, well-educated and extremely good looking people. They have been displaced by this war imposed by USA and NATO. Thus Merkel, a smart politician with a PhD in physics and the only person who has been able to keep the EU from disintegration, has rightly decided to take the refugees and kill two birds with a single stone, replenish the labor and also appear good to the world. Really a smart move.

But invalid illegitimately born racist peace of stinky meat are trying problems for the refugees and also for their own state.
And why it is a problem for a person born in USA and living in Mexico?
BTW how is the Trump wall project coming along the Mexico?

Why does and Pakistani Swede care about what an American in Mexico thinks about Europe's refugee crisis?

ps I am a Bulgarian Turk so I have much to say about those "well mannered, well-educated and extremely good looking" Syrians you are talking about. If you ask me I am all for Merkel taking all the Syrian Kurds and Arabs in her country as long as she keeps them away from Turkey and Eastern Europe.
Why does and Pakistani Swede care about what an American in Mexico thinks about Europe's refugee crisis?

ps I am a Bulgarian Turk so I have much to say about those "well mannered, well-educated and extremely good looking" Syrians you are talking about. If you ask me I am all for Merkel taking all the Syrian Kurds and Arabs in her country as long as she keeps them away from Turkey and Eastern Europe.
What a pity no one seems to buy "jems" from a Turk-Bulgarian born in USA and living in Mexico.
BTW, how would you convey your message to Merkel? Are you planning a one-on-one meeting with her?
We need to send the 3 million syrians to europe somehow. Two birds with one stone if we do
@war&peace , we are sexting...

Here's Angela with the Bulgarian Prime minister.


And here she is with Erdo.

She's melting like ice cream... now imagine her in a Bulgarian-Turkish hands after a one on one "talk". I might even convince her to pressure the Swedish government to deport you back to Pakistan if you are not a good boy. :enjoy:
Why does and Pakistani Swede care about what an American in Mexico thinks about Europe's refugee crisis?

ps I am a Bulgarian Turk so I have much to say about those "well mannered, well-educated and extremely good looking" Syrians you are talking about. If you ask me I am all for Merkel taking all the Syrian Kurds and Arabs in her country as long as she keeps them away from Turkey and Eastern Europe.
There are plenty of German reports that these immigrants are basically illiterates who can't integrate on the labour market.
@war&peace , we are sexting...

Here's Angela with the Bulgarian Prime minister.


And here she is with Erdo.

She's melting like ice cream... now imagine her in a Bulgarian-Turkish hands after a one on one "talk". I might even convince her to pressure the Swedish government to deport you back to Pakistan if you are not a good boy. :enjoy:
Swedish girls won't accept that and women rule here.

However if, you by any chance survive the Mexican drug mafia and have any leverage over EU, ask Merkel to let Bulgaria and Turkey be a part of the EU.

BTW what happened to the wall Trump is building along Mexican border?
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There are plenty of German reports that these immigrants are basically illiterates who can't integrate on the labour market.

But if you ask Erdogan, Merkel or the other idiots around Europe they will tell you that most of those people are all with bachelor degrees and at least some profesional qualifications etc. People that will become loyal and good citizens of their new host countries and not a bunch of leeches and cowards. :D

All that when a big part of those refugees are actually illiterate and didn't even want to protect their own country and families but ran away when they got the chance. Most of them want to go to Germany, Sweden, Denmark etc. not because they want to work and prosper there and live in peace but because they know that there they will suck on those sweet well fare money...
All that when a big part of those refugees are actually illiterate and didn't even want to protect their own country and families but ran away when they got the chance. Most of them want to go to Germany, Sweden, Denmark etc. not because they want to work and prosper there and live in peace but because they know that there they will suck on those sweet well fare money...

The strange part is these arab "refugee" cowards have more rights to well fare and education than the local people in those countries. Even in Turkey, they go to universities without passing exams while the turkish citizens need to take exams.

I think there is a global agenda behind all of this. Turkey and Germany acting in same way (showing too much love to coward arabs).

I think we should gather up all these coward arabs and send them back to syria and iraq.

I'd rather have monkeys in my country, at least they are cute.
It has to do allot with media sensationalism.

Nobody's interested in hearing how a refugee family began a business and are doing well with their new lives.

But we all want to hear about how horny refugee men are touching up some of the ladies on a new years party.

Thats why she has no regrets. on the ground things didn't change much but the tabloid headlines did light up big time.
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