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Merkel has no regrets over refugee policy despite political cost

Yo plannin' to flee north England for 'Muricah ? :nana:
not really just out of curiosity, besides there's plenty of asians (indians and pakistanis) in nearby larger towns and cities so i dont care. i just feel a bit weird when talking to kurds and eastern Europeans you see them popping up more ofen by the day.
hows france, does france have as much indians and Pakistanis as Africans?
i know parts of paris(tourist areas) are full of gypsies
and what about other eastern europeans and kurds.

It's a pretty complex process and I would be lying if I say that I remember each and every step.

You can go to the link -


Just a note - My employer had petitioned it for me !

@Vergennes Long time brother. Hope you are doing well in life ! I am super busy these days.
ok id probably get a vis for a short term stay. via the vwp(90 days via free).

Well honestly, I miss you guys :P

@Vergennes @waz @Blue Marlin @SMS Derfflinger @Taygibay and couple more !
hows muricaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
No regrets, no remorse....the trademark of a psychopath.
Yes most of the western leadership are psychopaths who are behind killing of millions of people around the globe especially in the middle east and if they are taking few of them as refugees, it is not a favor or kind gesture but a political stunt. If NATO didn't go and destroyed the their country, they won't leave their countries.

Well honestly, I miss you guys :P

@Vergennes @waz @Blue Marlin @SMS Derfflinger @Taygibay and couple more !

Am I the one in that couple more :p::p:
You dont understand Merkel. She stands for nothing. The Syriaans are mostly terrorists and hated evrywhere. She closed the border for them. She did evrything she could to get rid of them. She does exactly what the far right demands. She just doesnt say it. And thats Merkel. She only wants power, no matter what. She would shot them, if that means election for her.

You are not used to that form of politics. You are easy to fool.

She has nothing to worry. She stands for nothing. She can switch from liberal left to neo nazi within a day.


MarkusS is on suicide watch these days. Lonely Loser that keeps thinking about shit that nobody cares about in real world.
not really just out of curiosity, besides there's plenty of asians (indians and pakistanis) in nearby larger towns and cities so i dont care. i just feel a bit weird when talking to kurds and eastern Europeans you see them popping up more ofen by the day.
hows france, does france have as much indians and Pakistanis as Africans?
i know parts of paris(tourist areas) are full of gypsies
and what about other eastern europeans and kurds.

There aren't that much Indians and Pakistanis here as they tend more to migrate to the UK for various reasons like family,language and because they were your former colonies. Same goes for north African people here.

There's a crackodwn about roma gypsies who steal and beg as they are a nuisance for everyone. Sometimes Romanian police officers come here to help us as they have greater experiances to deal with those people.

Well,we have an increasing trend of Europeans immigrating and settling in France (Portuguese,Spanish,Italians,Germans,British.....) but also eastern Europeans. With the Brexit,more eastern Euros will probably immigrate and settle here.
Well ! For a start, there's much more sunshine here than what we had back in Chester :lol:
true, dont you live in texas? how are you affected by the floods? a you ok?

Hell no !!
So the Lucifer didn't enter UK ?? Good for you because it wreck havoc in the southern Europe

I heard UK was really warm this summer
it spiked really high on and off for about 3 weeks then it good old rain.

Says a guy who never fucked a women :D
how much did you pay?
She is most sensible world leaders currently i don't see any leader in world of his calliber she is great woman leaded German nation well
how much did you pay?

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