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Merkel has no regrets over refugee policy despite political cost

Merci beaucoup, mec but I was around
recently. May-early July was my absence.

I'm just avoiding trolling threads altogether
due to lack of time which translates into less
intervening and more reading.

Plus, the present news cycle is more political
to maybe the exception of the Dokhlam thang
and as a foreign devil, I'm not about to get in
the middle of such a major Desi hissy fit! :crazy:

:cheers: À plus, Tay.
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@ValerioAurelius 1/2 of bngldsh is underwater so get ready for millions of them to flood into Italy and the rest of Europe. I hope you enjoy to learn to love the taste of the mighty hilsa, a fish that carries the izzat of a whole nation.
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