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Memoirs of a (Pakistani) Hindu girl

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Now this shows that u possess a small brain! Congratulations kid
Sad story, I feel sorry for this woman. The question is; why do the religious minorities feel alienated? After all, the only difference between some of them & us is "belief". They may belong to the same ethnicities that we do. The part where the author states that people refused to sit with her or drink from the same cup as her was just shameful. Abductions, forced conversions & marriages are inexcusable too, protecting the religious minorities isn't the government's job alone, but that of the society as well. I must state that the actions of these so-called "Muslims" are completely against Islamic teachings. People have probably heard that many times, but it must be repeated to inform the readers that the source of this trouble is the society, not the belief.

Perhaps religious minorities feel alienated due to the difference between their religious customs & the majority's. It may also be that the overemphasis on the society's Islamic (religious) identity could be a factor leading to the majority rejecting the minority, even though this religious "minority" belongs to the same ethnic group as the majority. Incorrect religious teachings naturally play a role in inciting hatred against followers of different faiths. A combination of the three is the most probable cause of these issues. The solution? A strong & binding ethnic, cultural & linguistic identity with religion & education thrown in to the mix. It's amazing how many issues can be traced back to a lack of education. That alone enunciates its importance. Until this solution can be implemented, those of good character & judgment must take it upon themselves to ensure religious minorities feel proud of residing in what is essentially their own land.
Shias can look after themselves man. If anything, they are even more psyched in the head when you come down to it.
Surely you have studied mathematics. So I guess you are not seriously offering that as a rebuttal, just a typically emotional response.

Never mind, the proof of the pudding is in eating it.

Just pointing out the hypocracy of a "liberal" RSS and Nathu Ram Godse lover. Looks like you didn't like it.

Surveys can easily be manipulated and can have their own agenda. In many cases they are for the apetite of bigots like you. :)
Is it true that you guys have thrown a kid with Down's into the locker for burning the Koran?
Yep, all one 180million of us got into a mob and beat the **** of of the evil blasphemous kid.
Btw, same story for OBL, we all knew where he lived, we went and met old uncle osama for lunch every now and then and ate roasted kafir with him and 179,999,999 kept his location secret and then that guy revealed it to nato. Same thing in 71, all of us travelled back in time before we were born to 1971 and had a massive orgy in bangladesh and when we(all 180million of us) hung over bangladesh was made
Is it true that you guys have thrown a kid with Down's into the locker for burning the Koran?

tell me one thing if a muslim girl burns you BHAGWANT GITA what will u hindus do to them? if it was up to LK ADVANI and his BJP supporters then they will burn not only that girl but all her family members
Just pointing out the hypocracy of a "liberal" RSS and Nathu Ram Godse lover. Looks like you didn't like it.

Surveys can easily be manipulated and can have their own agenda. In many cases they are for the apetite of bigots like you. :)

So you did not study mathematics, logic, compassion, manners but lots of denial, blind anger and moral name calling and hatred of the Hindu!

Educational reform in Pakistan is a pressing need. You are not aware but your contribution on the thread is actually very informative so far. We are getting to the bottom of it. Keep it coming.
These things are foreign to us, when we see these news our parents and they're generation are more surprised about his as it never happened back then in the good days of Pakistan.
While the opposite is true in India.
So you did not study mathematics, logic, compassion, manners but lots of blind anger and moral name calling and hatred of the Hindu!

Educational reform in Pakistan is a pressing need.

I have read mathematics, logic, compassion, manners. Only thing lacking is how to be secular while being a Bigot. Would learn it from sickluar Bharatis very soon.
tell me one thing if a muslim girl burns you BHAGWANT GITA what will u hindus do to them? if it was up to LK ADVANI and his BJP supporters then they will burn not only that girl but all her family members

Bro she is a kid. Plus she has Down's - a severe form of congenital mental and physical retardation.
Its important that every one understands whatever these forced conversions are they are mostly happening in rural areas of Pakistan , one has to understand not only hindus but muslims are also treated like slaves the laws are like 17th century england. The landlord owns lives of people hindus have a little edge that they can cry out and will be heard as a minority but muslims they own their lives and families to these landlords. I knew a landlord who has his own jail where he kept families for begging no one knows what happens to the women.

However in cities there are no cases as such neigbours help each other regardless of religion and most minorities have progressed. Considerable no of hindus live in karachi who own large business and are very well off.
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