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meet the jf-17 15-201 the one shot down indian mig-21


two pilots ejecting, the color of parachute shows indian flag

listen to the conversation.

Please someone translate word for word for urdu speaking. Exact please, i already know enough Punjabi to get the jist.
great find. The men are debating what nationality the pilots are and they agree that based on colour of the chutes they are Indian.
Another video, does the language of the commentator change? Is this observed from the Kashmir part?

Just thought to put this here as well, we've seen it multi times here on pdf but good to have all in one place.

And another:

Retired AVM gives a very detailed account including a very interesting bit about the MI17. His version makes alot of sense. No way did that Mi17 just fall out of the sky due to malfunction just when the dogfight was going on. No wonder Modi is saying that the outcome would have been 'different' if India had the Rafale. Personaly I'm not convinced, give a chimp a knife or give him a gun, he's still gonna do something stupid with it.

Retired AVM gives a very detailed account including a very interesting bit about the MI17. His version makes alot of sense. No way did that Mi17 just fall out of the sky due to malfunction just when the dogfight was going on. No wonder Modi is saying that the outcome would have been 'different' if India had the Rafale. Personaly I'm not convinced, give a chimp a knife or give him a gun, he's still gonna do something stupid with it.

This anchor should learn to shut up and let him talk. at 2:28 he was about to say something about AWACS after the JF-17 had locked on and got interrupted. That would have been gold. @Oscar @Bilal Khan 777 @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
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Note how the AVM says that the pilot of the second PAF fighter that downed the 2nd IAF fighter was a Wing Commander but avoided naming him and was also vague about what aircraft he was in. You can read between the lines. 2 fighters & 1 heli down. Pakistan gave them a bloody nose they will long remember but Pakistan didn't want a war so avoided rubbing salt in the Indian publics wounds who inturn would have pressured Modi to get revenge. Can you imagine what India would have done if the boot was on the other foot.
Another video, does the language of the commentator change? Is this observed from the Kashmir part?

Just thought to put this here as well, we've seen it multi times here on pdf but good to have all in one place.

And another:

I was quite doubtful of the SU 30 MKI kill claims but those two parachutes have cleared everything for me ..... Superb job done by PAF!
Rumors are their COAS was there...:whistle::whistle::whistle::secret:

Are we trading with Indians? or are we at war with Indians?

Ah... i understand all state machinery is busy doing efforts to win Imran Khan a peace prize.
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