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meet the jf-17 15-201 the one shot down indian mig-21


Thanks how come Hasan got all the media attention?
not everyone likes attention some like to remain anonymous
remember 8 pass charlie
Are there any other interviews with ACM(r) Latif? I cant believe I missed this one up to now :hitwall:
Sqn Ldr Hasan Siddiqui. He is reported as having flown JF-17 Block 2 serial 15-201.
this was first plane made jf-17 block-2 :bounce: with serial #2P01 and then was repainted as 15-201 upon induction




This pic is reminds me another pic : Child Raheel Sharif in the lap of Major Aziz Bhatti.
Ok and who was the pilot who was injured lying on the ground and Pakistani was telling it’s ok sir it’s ok sir ?

That wasn't recent, it was suriya kiran crash, happened few years ago in India.
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