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Massive protest in India against Palestinian massacre








it is funny how the pictures that came with OP and article had pictures giving the impression that majority are Muslims recognized by their distinctive hats that are protesting --

All aren't Muslims in them but many look like left-winger or communists who hate America, Israel, free-market economy, privatization ;)
you learn to live with peace or suffer just like Indian kashmiris let's not preach israel on humanity and all that when we know what is happening in kashmir why should we care?why must our government speak against Israel as per their demand?when israel supports our Kashmir claim are we not being hypocrites here?

You didn't reply my question. What would you do if samebody come from
europe and push you out from your home
and force you to live as refugee? Will you resist them from occupying even more land or run away like a coward and continue to live as refugee?
You didn't reply my question. What would you do if samebody come from
europe and push you out from your home
and force you to live as refugee? Will you resist them from occupying even more land or run away like a coward and continue to live as refugee?

well i did respond to your question you learn to live with peace now you answer mine what would you suggest to solve the kashmir issue since they are also protesting for freedom what should we do?and that is not the point of this threat why should we as indians care about what is happening why must we condemn and spoil our relationship with israel what would we as a nation gain from it?nothing mate think logical realistically we've suffered from Islamic terrorism for so many many years why should we care?the same Palestinian will tomorrow fight for Kashmir i hope you are aware
Some of these "HR activists" bombed Bodh Gaya and rioted in Azad Maidan over an issue which did not concern us, but they never protested against terror strikes in India. Says a lot about their loyalty. These people must either be dumped in the Indian Ocean or sent to their dream land wherever it is.

You didn't reply my question. What would you do if samebody come from
europe and push you out from your home
and force you to live as refugee? Will you resist them from occupying even more land or run away like a coward and continue to live as refugee?

Typical Indian mentality which includes timidity and cowardice (packaged as Morality and Non-violence) is responsible for 1000s years of slavery which was imposed upon our ancestors. Many of our fellow citizens carry the burden of the same version of morality.
Jonhy, there are many Hindus in India who see western world, capitalism as evil thus no surprise if they are anti-America and anti-Israel but most of Indians don't care what goes in Middle East. ;)

Yep. I am anti-sunni islam,and wary of USA,Israel,Saudi Arabia,West and most of islam (exception shias ,ahmaddiya). .
Yup...the "Yankee go home......and take me with you" club

Just fascination with communism is one of the main reasons that India is still one of the most economically backward countries in the world.
These Munafiqs won't utter a word when their own country butcheres Kashmiri people.

The day such thing happens, there will be no doubt left in the minds of the non-Muslim nations all over the world about the Muslim residents.
PDF Indians are not representing true India.Very very bad!
does a pdf Indian truly represents his/her country?-
They do.
An example - people on PDF overwhelmingly supported BJP. The rest of India voted exactly as they said they would.

The people who protested are Muslims, the same people who voted against BJP, but the end result was...what the majority wanted?

Now add on to the fact that Muslims are the poorest,most uneducated and most unemployed group in India. This makes popular protests by Muslims a given fact.

The rest of Indians, dont have time to wave slogans on the street, dont have time for standing on the street for something happening 1000kms away, but most do support Israel.
India, the Most Pro-Israel Country :: Daniel Pipes
These Munafiqs won't utter a word when their own country butcheres Kashmiri people.

That's your personal emotion filled viewpoint but tell me how many of the 54 Muslim countries support you except some Lip services for Kashmir . Even you accepted as many occasion either a Indian Hindu or an Indian Muslims support Kashmir as an integral part of India. ;)
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