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Massive protest in India against Palestinian massacre

35% Muslims don't even make 2% of the Indian army. India's main enemy is Pakistan which is an Islamic state and we cannot fight our Muslim brothers. If India makes friendship with Pakistan and shifts focus on China we Muslims will start joining Indian armed forces in hordes.


Can you take action against this troll for calling me flase-flagger in every thread when you location is already verified several times.
shows your worth

and 35% muslims LMAO :lol:

stupid false flagger
Only in cases where there isn't conflict of interests. Since we can't put nation above the Islam.
So you put religion before your country? Jis thhali men khathe ho usi men thuk sakhe ho? You're living in the dark ages, man. Snap out of it! If you prefer religion over your nation, then go live in an Islamic Republic.
bro this type of behavior will alienate your population, you should build connection with your muslim community and make them happy to be in india, cut your ties with israel and your muslims will love never mind even cutting ties just have modi make a statement condemning the gaza strikes or something.

India is not a Muslim or Hindu country. India will take care of all the citizens irrespective of religion.

On the same time India will form the policy for the benefit of India and Indians not for Muslims or Hindus. Appeasement policies on religious line will take us to where Pakistan is today. Implement your policies in pakistan and be happy.
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why don't you just tell it directly: massive protest by indian muslims?

Rights activists protest outside Israeli Embassy in New Delhi. Photo by Mukul Dube.



NEW DELHI — Massive protests were held across India on Sunday against continuing Israeli onslaught on Gaza with rights groups, political parties and Muslim groups expressing solidarity with the Palestinians. From Delhi to Mumbai, and from Hyderabad to Bangalore, popular protests were held in several parts of the country including outside Israeli Embassy and consulates.

On Sunday, thousands of protesters, that included students, youths, intellectuals, artists and ordinary citizens, gathered carrying banners and posters outside the Embassy under the banner of ‘Indian People in Solidarity with Gaza’. They submitted a memorandum to the Israeli ambassador in India and demanded to immediately put an end to the attacks.

Anti-Zionist-imperialist, anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian people slogans were raised in this demonstration too, as the speakers expressed their solidarity with the innocent ordinary population of Gaza and demanded from Israel to immediately put an end to what they termed as genocide.

A similar protest was organized outside the Israeli Consulate in Mumbai too on Sunday. People in Hyderabad too raised strong voice condemning Israel’s recent air strikes on the Palestinian lands, which killed at least 165 innocent civilians and injured thousands other while also damaging numerous properties. Over 1500 protesters gathered near PV Narsimha Rao Express Way in Mehdipatnam area under the banner of Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) Hyderabad chapter on Sunday to express their anguish over killings and destruction in Gaza.

Protestors have been assembling in different parts of the country from Kerala to Kashmir expressing their solidarity with the Palestinians, while condemning the Israeli attack.

Popular Front of India protest in New Delhi on July 12.

On Saturday too several members of the Popular Front of India marched towards the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi, condemning what they termed “Zionist attack” on innocent Palestinians that included women and children.

All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat, the apex body of Indian Muslim organisations, has also condemned the continuing Israeli aggression against the people of Gaza Strip who are already reeling under the Israeli blockade since 2006.

Protest in Hyderabad
President of AIMMM, Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan, said it is lamentable that the Arab countries, especially Egypt, have failed to stop the Israeli aggression. Dr Khan said this is the third Israeli war on the people of Gaza Strip since 2006 when it started its illegal blockade after Hamas came to power through a fair election.

Israel’s aggression on a territory which is under its occupation since June 1967, is a simple war crime. Dr Khan said, it is the duty of the Arab countries and human rights organisaitons to take Israel to the World Court of Justice and to impose strict boycott of Israel until it is forced to see reason, stops aggression and withdraws from occupied territories.

Earlier, on July 12 Welfare Party of India had expressed “serious concern over the worst human crisis at Gaza created by the inhuman, violent and disproportionate use of aerial force by Israel.” The Federal Executive meeting of the Party held here, presided over by national President Mujthaba Farooque also expressed anguish over the apathy of the international community. The Party asked the UN and other countries to put sufficient political and diplomatic pressure on Israel and to use economic embargo to halt the attack. The Party came down heavily on the Arab and Gulf states for not fulfilling their moral responsibility in reaching out to Gaza.

Thousands protested outside Israeli mission in Mumbai

Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Omari, Amir (National President) of India’s influential Islamic group Jamaat-e-Islami Hind’s (JIH) too has “strongly condemned” Israeli air strikes and termed the offensive “immoral and illegal” which is “against peace and justice”.

He asked Palestinians not to feel lonely for not having “no strong and sincere supportive Muslim nation in its neighbourhood” and assured that peace and justice-loving sympathizers are with them in their 65-year struggle for due rights.

While asking Muslim nations to help Palestinians in this difficult time as part of “religious and moral duty”, Maulana Omari urged Indian government not fall prey to Israel and continue its old policy of supporting Palestinian cause.

Civil rights groups believe that the Israeli onslaught is the reaction to thwart the unity effort between Fatah and Hamas. The siege of Gaza by Israel for the last many years have resulted in the deaths of many including innocent women and children.

Demonstrations were held in Hyderabad and other cities in the SouthIndia was one of the first countries outside the Arab world to support the Palestinian cause and had boycotted Israel till 1980s. It now, however, enjoys strong strategic and business relations with Israel too, although it maintains to support the Palestine’s right to freedom. The response of the Indian Government, hence, was cautious as it tried to maintain a balance.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs said, “India is deeply concerned at the steep escalation of violence between Israel and Palestine, particularly heavy air strikes on Gaza resulting in tragic loss of civilian lives and heavy damage to property. At the same time India is alarmed at the cross border provocations resulting from rocket attacks against targets in parts of Israel. India calls upon both sides to exercise maximum restraint and avoid taking actions that may further exacerbate the situation and threaten the peace and security of the region.”
So you put religion before your country? Jis thhali men khathe ho usi men thuk sakhe ho? You're living in the dark ages, man. Snap out of it! If you prefer religion over your nation, then go live in an Islamic Republic.
Stfu Muslim-hater. We Muslims can't put Nation above Islam. We have right to practise our religion and preserve our culture.
India's main enemy is Pakistan which is an Islamic state and we cannot fight our Muslim brothers.
What shit are you talking? We've had the bravest of Muslim warriors in the Indian Army who've fought against Pakistan in all wars. The Army has had a plethora of senior generals commanding divisions, corps and Commands! And needless to say, Mulims have won numerous gallantry awards fighting what you say are 'Pakistani Muslim brothers'! Which world are you living in?

I think you need to get your head examined, pronto.
What shit are you talking? We've had the bravest of Muslim warriors in the Indian Army who've fought against Pakistan in all wars. The Army has had a plethora of senior generals commanding divisions, corps and Commands! And needless to say, Mulims have won numerous gallantry awards fighting what you say are 'Pakistani Muslim brothers'! Which world are you living in?
I think you need to get your head examined, pronto.

You buy that false-propoganda. All major clerics have already issued a fatwa to Indian Muslims asking them not to join the army. There are few Muslims in the army I agree but 99.9% of Muslims will never join the Indian army due to present circumstances.
Stfu Muslim-hater. We Muslims can't put Nation above Islam. We have right to practise our religion and preserve our culture.
If pakistan attacks us tomorrow, u will stay quite? if they drop missiles on Indians (including muslims), will u stay quite?
If pakistan attacks us tomorrow, u will stay quite? if they drop missiles on Indians (including muslims), will u stay quite?
If that happens will all Hindu civilians fight alongside army? I don't think so. If they attack borders why do you expect us to do something.

I don't think they will every target Indian Muslims. So that scenario is out of picture.
Stfu Muslim-hater. We Muslims can't put Nation above Islam. We have right to practise our religion and preserve our culture.
Mind your language you false flagger! If you can't put your nation above religion then you need to see a psychiatrist, not a mullah who's brainwashed every single brain cell of yours.

And what do you mean 'WE' Muslims? How do you know I ain't a Muslim myself? You've really lost it.
And what do you mean 'WE' Muslims? How do you know I ain't a Muslim myself? You've really lost it.
If you are a Muslim and you put Nation above Islam then don't call yourself Muslim. Even Deobanids and Barelvis agree that we can put nation above Islam. So you are an ignorant person.

I speak for the majority of Indian Muslims. Not for those idiots who have been brainwashed by their favorite khan of bollywood.
If you are a Muslim and you put Nation above Islam then don't call yourself Muslim. Even Deobanids and Barelvis agree that we can put nation above Islam. So you are an ignorant person.

I speak for the majority of Indian Muslims.
Balls! Who are you to speak for all Muslims? You're just a nobody.

I'm putting you on my 'ignore' list as I don't want to waste time on turds like you. Don't bother to reply to this post.
If you are a Muslim and you put Nation above Islam then don't call yourself Muslim. Even Deobanids and Barelvis agree that we can put nation above Islam. So you are an ignorant person.

I speak for the majority of Indian Muslims. Not for those idiots who have been brainwashed by their favorite khan of bollywood.
Then why pakistani muslims join pak army, arent they putting nation above islam

Balls! Who are you to speak for all Muslims? You're just a nobody.

I'm putting you on my 'ignore' list as I don't want to waste time on turds like you. Don't bother to reply to this post.
arreh bhai he is false flagger
peace? I will take that as run away when invaders attack you and forget about your homeland
We didn't push kashmiri away from their homeland like Israeli. They have more right than any average Indian. They have no excuse to ask for a separate nation.
[quote and that is not the point of this threat why should we as indians care about what is happening why must we condemn and spoil our relationship with israel what would we as a nation gain from it?
exactly. Why should we jump in every israel related thread and defend them or create threads like " why should israel destroy hamas " or change avatar to show support to their cause. Its none of our business[/quote]
Its not about jews vs muslim. Its about invaders vs local people. Whom you support locals or invaders. I also dislike muslim ut I can see that jews are invaders in this case

We will see when that happens.[/quote]

you take it as you want if you want to live in peace stop shooting rockets into israel kidnapings Israelis and killing them later ,you have to be an idiot to fight with somebody which is far more powerful than you pride is one thing stupidity is another you either learn or you get killed which is reality you like it or not

well you ask pakistanis about kashmiris rights and how happy they are how many kashmiris have been killed worlds knows mate you can talk about rights but in reality things are different...you must know that jihad is their appetite if it wasn't palestine/kashmir then it would have been something else and i will not take your (indian point of view )if you want me to take your pov then you must also consider Israeli point of view as a reality ...

because Israel is an ally and we must support israel and defend against these stupid terrorists sympathizers ...the same terrorists will wage jihad against India one day they must be stopped ...and as for our support goes no its just not us indian but the world as a whole stands beside Israel World Leaders Express Support for Israel | The Tower are you suggesting tht all of these world leaders are either blind stupid or wrong?

i don't care what israel does they are our ally they can go ahed and nuke Bangladesh for all i care it is non of our concern.@!it is disgusting that you are going against israel who stood next to you during war time they also support our kashmir claim yet you are ranting against the Israelis ?pathetic dude (thank god you are just a minority hater) !!remember you are siding with the same people who ruled us destroyed our temples raped and converted hindus and now they are demanding action against israel tomorrow they will ask our government to fight against nato and other world powers these are just bunch of nut jobs
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