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Mass graves in Kashmir: India officially guilty

This is how your mind participates in a discussion? Complete BS!

There is nothing to discuss, so its not a discussion to begin with. We are never going to leave Kashmir, and if you (Pakistanis) think sending a few (thousand) militants is going to cause a problem for us, you are sadly mistaken, as past experience I am sure has taught you.

The song is very appropriate for the situation, we are never going to give up Kashmir (this the song), so don't hold your breath for it. Political and Military wrongdoings can be discussed between the Kashmiri Govt and the central GoI, but separatism will never be on the cards, ever. That is all I want to say on this topic.

You Pakistanis can keep enjoying this song while thinking about India's stance on Kashmir :cheers: :

Despite all discussions ground reality will not change. Kashmir is remains a part of of India. Pakistan could not grab Kashmir in 80's when it has everything was favoring them. U.N. didn't do anything in the past even when U.S. has heavily favoring Pakistan. Present India is too strong to let go of Kashmir anyway. Kashmir independence is much as realistic goal as Balochistan gaining independence. I support Indian Army , they are given a tough task and they are doing good job. All Indian Army needs to do is hold present status quo , sooner than later Kashmir issue will be resolved according to Indian agenda. People who think otherwise will carry on living in Lala land.
Hehe... Most of the people Indians kill are women and children in Kashmir. Check previous reports, it's always Indian soldiers killed children from villages so pakistani sldeirs responded

Well Who started this all??? The first bullet that was fired in Kashmir was funded by Pakistani & first time when kashmiri blood was splashed was by again Pakistani non-state actors long before indian troops arrived on kashmir soil

The king of Kashmir (Hari Singh) was a Hindu and wanted Kashmir to be an independent country just like Present dat Nepal & Bhutan.

But Pakistan wanted Kashmir not for love of kashmiris but for its riches & water resources , so it funded insurgents against Kashmir. Muslim non-state insurgents who invaded kashmir were armed & trained by PA, these insurgents when entered kashmir they started looting & raping Kashmiri awam.

When the Kashmir king couldn't face them, he sought India's military help. India agreed on the condition that Kashmir should be annexed to India.

The UN resolution says that India should conduct a free and fair election in the entire Kashmir to know what Kashmiris want (self determination or joining india or pak). But for that, Pakistan should surrender its Pakistan-Administered-Kashmir to India and China should surrender Aksai Chin (if it has any population).

So people who sympathize kashmiri women & children with ever vacate their armies & assets from kashmir including G-B so India can conduct elections under UN supervision??

These crocodile tears are just for making world fool.If Pakistan wanted well being of kashmir it would have never invaded Kashmir in first place & sent jihadis for decades.
No PAF operations in Balochistan... Mountains are too high - too much risk the airplanes will hit a mountain
So PAF pilots are only qualified to fly over plains :D ???

I'm only not giving links because my mobile can't handle it. What's your excuse? Laziness?
So you agree that you are making excuses ;) ?

What else arguments you want to stop shamelessly taking pride in national criminal acts?

They are not criminal unless proven so in Indian court (remember Hafiz saeed). Whichever have been proven have been handled . Rest are simply useless rants from Pakistani members.
There is a TV extension which is going to be the biggest atrocities expose of the year easily :

Kashmir's Torture Trail.

I am talking in English, perhaps your mind is not used to understand anything like that.

Perhaps I should explain in more simple terms. But I dont have the time for that.

Please do so -- I'm on vacations and have some time to spare.
There is a TV extension to the easily the becoming biggest atrocities of the year:


Didnt your inhuman Govt kill 2,000,000 during the cultural revolution?
These Chinese are pros when it comes to getting rid of people who don't agree with the Govt. Millions killed in the cultural revolution.

What happened in Kashmir in 60 years is just another day for the Chinese Communist Party, I believe a few thousand deaths is what the Chinese refer to as "A quick Tiananmen Square" fix :guns:
HIDDEN TRUTH: A documetnary about unknown, unmarked and mass graves in Kashmir

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