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Mass graves in Kashmir: India officially guilty


Thank you for that piece. Although I already read it in the Guardian but it was still a painful, difficult read.

"Or are we Kashmiris invisible?" Yes, we are. Even across the LOC most Pakistani's are consumed by Isreal, the Jews, Palestine and America. Does anybody really think that what the Palestinians in West Bank face at the hands of Isreali's even compares remotely to what is happening in Kashmir?

West Bank is probably one of the most media covered zones in the world. A Palestinian stray cat gets killed whilst running across the road by a Isreali Army Jeep and the news will reverberate around the world. 1,000s of mass graves and not a blip on the world media.

"Or are we Kashmiris invisible?" Yes, indeed true, even to your Pakistani' neighbours.
LAST September, a lawmaker in Indian-controlled Kashmir stood up in the state’s legislative assembly and spoke of a valley filled with human carcasses near his home constituency in the mountains: “In our area, there are big gorges, where there are the bones of several hundred people who were eaten by crows.”

I read about this in faraway London and was filled with a chill — I had written of a similar valley, a fictional one, in my novel about the lost boys of Kashmir. The assembly was debating a report on the uncovering of more than 2,000 unmarked and mass graves not far from the Line of Control that divides Indian- and Pakistani-controlled Kashmir. The report, by India’s government-appointed State Human Rights Commission, marked the first official acknowledgment of the presence of mass graves. More significantly, the report found that civilians, potentially the victims of extrajudicial killings, may be buried at some of the sites.

Corpses were brought in by the truckload and buried on an industrial scale. The report cataloged 2,156 bullet-riddled bodies found in mountain graves and called for an inquiry to identify them. Many were men described as “unidentified militants” killed in fighting with soldiers during the armed rebellion against Indian rule during the 1990s, but according to the report, more than 500 were local residents. “There is every probability,” the report concluded, that the graves might “contain the dead bodies of enforced disappearances,” a euphemism for people who have been detained, abducted, taken away by armed forces or the police, often without charge or conviction, and never seen again.

Had the graves been found under Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s compound in Libya or in the rubble of Homs in Syria, there surely would have been an uproar. But when over 2,000 skeletons appear in the conflict-ridden backyard of the world’s largest democracy, no one bats an eye. While the West proselytizes democracy and respect for human rights, sometimes going so far as to cheerlead cavalier military interventions to remove repressive regimes, how can it reconcile its humanitarianism with such brazen disregard for the right to life in Kashmir? Have we come to accept that there are different benchmarks for justice in democracies and autocracies? Are mass graves unearthed in democratic India somehow less offensive?

Much more>
Yeah they are terrorists from across the border. Indian Government should have never burried them in the first them, if no one claims the body just dump it in an industrial furnace or something. Rookie Mistake.

So you believe that? You really believe that all those dead in the mass graves are from across the border. Those who blow themselves up in middle of market have a excuse, they are going to Allah and the virgins etc. I can see what your excuse is for the mass graves.
So you believe that? You really believe that all those dead in the mass graves are from across the border. Those who blow themselves up in middle of market have a excuse, they are going to Allah and the virgins etc. I can see what your excuse is for the mass graves.

Lol so are you telling me that there is no infiltration from the across the border?
If these same western news papers and media outlet says in support of Balochistan liberation, 1971 massacre, Kashmir insurgency....they call it western propaganda,trying to malign their country..... and they never believe it. They go to any extent to debunk them with their ranting.

But if these agencies something about India, it becomes message of God, the ultimate and pure truth.

And where did you get that from?

Hehe... Most of the people Indians kill are women and children in Kashmir. Check previous reports, it's always Indian soldiers killed children from villages so pakistani sldeirs responded
Munshi, you love digging up such crap, don't you? Desperate for a pat on your back by your 'well wishers' here, what?

Ok, so how about digging up the atrocities and deaths committed by whoever, in Balochistan right from the days the PAF bombed them to submission? How about copy/pasting the hundreds of thousands of deaths, murders and rapes that happened in your benighted country in 1971? How about the gross human rights violations - murders, rapes, ethnic cleansing, and point blank killings by the Sri Lankan Army of tens of thousands of Tamils living there?

But since you're a totally biased anti India yahoo, and blind to what's happening and happened around you, your India bashing clap trap and sources (Guardian in this case) are not even worth a glance.

Your anti-India rants are getting tiring.
Hehe... Most of the people Indians kill are women and children in Kashmir. Check previous reports, it's always Indian soldiers killed children from villages so pakistani sldeirs responded

No, if you are going to make some bs claims the onus is on you to show me these "previous reports". Its very easy to give a sweeping statement like "Most of the People Indians kill are women and children", but coming from a nincompoop, it has zero credibility.
No, if you are going to make some bs claims the onus is on you to show me these "previous reports". Its very easy to give a sweeping statement like "Most of the People Indians kill are women and children", but coming from a nincompoop, it has zero credibility.

First of all, I'm not here to babysit you. Search up Indian-Pakistan encounters and CHECK and READ te reports. There's mostly always a line that says "India fired on women and children" , simple.
First of all, I'm not here to babysit you. Search up Indian-Pakistan encounters and CHECK and READ te reports. There's mostly always a line that says "India fired on women and children" , simple.

Ok, most of the people killed in Balochistan by Pakistanis are Women and Children. There I made a statement, and yes there are many previous reports which proves that.

Don't ask me for links cause am not here to babysit you. See how stupid I sound?
Ok, so how about digging up the atrocities and deaths committed by whoever, in Balochistan right from the days the PAF bombed them to submission?

No PAF operations in Balochistan... Mountains are too high - too much risk the airplanes will hit a mountain

Ok, most of the people killed in Balochistan by Pakistanis are Women and Children. There I made a statement, and yes there are many previous reports which proves that.

Don't ask me for links cause am not here to babysit you. See how stupid I sound?

I'm only not giving links because my mobile can't handle it. What's your excuse? Laziness?
I'm only not giving links because my mobile can't handle it. What's your excuse? Laziness?

Well fair enough, then please do give me links when you can, which says that "most of the people killed are Women and Children". Cause I can assure you right now that there is no such report. If anything most of the people killed by terrorists are Women and Children.
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