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Mass graves in Kashmir: India officially guilty

SRINAGAR: Security forces Tuesday killed a senior Hizbul Mujahideen commander in Jammu and Kashmir's Ganderbal district, police here said.

Ghulam Nabi War alias 'Naba Commander', the district commander of the Hizbul Mujahideen, was killed in a gunfight with troops of 24 Rashtriya Rifles and state police in Hayan Palpora village in the district, 45 km from here, a police officer told IANS.

Another officer said the slain guerrilla had been operating in the area for six years and was on the most wanted list of security forces.

"He was a local and belonged to Akhal village in Ganderbal", the officer said.

Hizbul Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir - The Times of India

Hey! Another One Bites :guns:The Dust & Another One Gone, Another one Gone :sniper::cheesy:

Welcome to Kashmir:toast_sign: haha
Report On Mass Graves Discovered in Kashmir - A BBC Report by Nayeema Mahjoor

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Hey! Another One Bites :guns:The Dust & Another One Gone, Another one Gone :sniper::cheesy:
These poor sods are being used as cannon fodder by LeT's Hafiz Saeed and Co!! They are excellent target practice for our recruits in the Valley. Nothing like on-the-job training, what? And these yahoos are cheaper than buying cardboard and tin targets from the market place for target practice!!

But damn! We're running out of targets! Seems these guys are chickening out! They're hardly seen in the Valley nowadays. Jeeez! That sucks! :undecided:
Theyve already managed to rid kashmir of thousands if hindus, what else do you want
Good Terrorist pigs should be killed :rofl:

Wait till sir Modi comes in power, we will make more graves of these terrorists
This is the reason why pandits will never return to kashmir, the people have been oppressed there family members killed and the people hate the hindus for it

This is why they forced the pandits out and refuse to be there neighbours
This is the reason why pandits will never return to kashmir, the people have been oppressed there family members killed and the people hate the hindus for it

This is why they forced the pandits out and refuse to be there neighbours

Another terrorist apologist. The pundits were kicked out right at the beginning of the terrorism. And the hatred they have faced is nothing new, right from the time Guru Tegh Bahadur gave his life away to protect the Pundits they have faced these foreign intolerant ideas of violence, hatred and supremacy.

And in the name of Santaji and Dhanaji, those ideas will find their anonymoud grave in the land of Rishi Kashyap. Eat your heart out.
Yeah they are terrorists from across the border. Indian Government should have never burried them in the first place, if no one claims the body just dump it in an industrial furnace or something. Rookie Mistake.

Yup they were terrorists. Not to forget two year old terrorist.

Atta Mohamad Raja Khan, the 70-year-old farmer who dug the graves, said one plot
contained the remains of a 2-year-old boy. Others held teenagers and dowagers. Mr. Khan's graveyard quickly filled, so he buried only a fraction of the tens of thousands killed over more than 20 years of dirty warfare.


this is a terrible terrible present day crime to humanity! a 21st century genocide!
where are the bigger voices of the usa? uk? human rights watch? amnesty international? reporters without borders? ...on the perpetrating country!

where are the thousands of family and friends asking about the so called killed Kashmiri's? :lol:
similar to what these family members in china are asking for their missing relatives China
Thats the point dope, the ideas WONT go away

Do you know why, its because the indian army has killed so many innocent kashmiris

The kashmiri people nevrr wanted to be with india, the pandits supported india being hindu so the kashmiris pushed them out, the kashmiris can accept alot of things, roads, things being built etc but they will never accept the hindus return
Indian genocide in Kashmir over the past 60 years will surpass those of Nazi germany and their ethnic cleansing of kashmiri muslims is unparalleled in this world if not comparable to the zionist genocide of palestanians. PAK did a grave mistake by not freeing kashmir back in 1962. Kashimiris
are going through hell over the past 60 years. Hope my Kashmiri brothers and sister stay strong
and always hold on to the rope of Allah(swt) and never let it go.
World is silent , but not everyone , world is blind but not everyone. One day India would be held to account , the judgement day thy shall fear. Kashmir is not visible to the world , but not to Pakistanis . By going down the path of slaughter ,it is only fueling the gun that shall blow its head off one day.

KASHMIR has become calm , but its the calmness just before the storm. Everyone may forget Pakistanis will not , we will fight for a 1000 years for our brothers , until the chains of slavery have been broken.
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