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Mass demonstrations shake Kiev as Ukrainians call for revolution

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You embarass yourself.Well,that "agricultural country" is sky rocketing Ukraine on GDP numbers and the gap widens.We go up,they tank in poverty.So much good it did to them to be close to Russia.

Agreed,let's finish,i gave up listening to commie propaganda in 1989.
Still, to answer your stupid thoughts. I was born in Ukraine, still have a lot of friends there, and I have much more correct understanding of situation then you even can imagine from your Romania.
Still, to answer your stupid thoughts. I was born in Ukraine, still have a lot of friends there, and I have much more correct understanding of situation then you even can imagine from your Romania.

Lol,apparently not enough to know that our GDP just surpassed their with less then half population.

Anyway,i think that those people in the street are ukrainians to,not martians,and they have a good ideea about what they're talking about.It's obvious that when beaten in logic you've become frustrated.
Still, to answer your stupid thoughts. I was born in Ukraine, still have a lot of friends there, and I have much more correct understanding of situation then you even can imagine from your Romania.

In my opinion, Your problem is that you guys, specially vostok, are heavily biassed, so you see everything with a thick anti-west and pro Russian glass.

Lol,apparently not enough to know that our GDP just surpassed their with less then half population.

Anyway,i think that those people in the street are ukrainians to,not martians,and they have a good ideea about what they're talking about.It's obvious that when beaten in logic you've become frustrated.
Turkey is muslim and has no place in the EU. Turkey is also an asian country. If we let Turkey in we can also accept Iran or Japan.
and what did you report me for? That i give a shit about palestine? I´m german. Palestine as as much meaning for me like hmmmm Angola?

I agree with you about Turkey. Even Iran, and Japan have more links to Europe. Since Iranians are linguistically and racially connected to Europe while Turks do not claim so, and Japan is much more westernized than Turkey.
I agree with you about palestine as well. It is only Arabs problem and it is not anyone else's problem.
1. Wrong. What about India, UAE, South Korea, Malaysia?
2. What about China? Communists are still rule there.

1. Can you compare arm imports of UAE or SK from west to their imports from Russia? Again you would see a large gap. Sometimes they have tried to put pressure on US for getting more advanced stuff by buying Russian products.
BTW, I don't have any idea about India, and Malaysia army is a joke in my opinion.
2. About China, you can compare it with Taiwan which actually her name is Chinese Taipei. Anyway, China has started to keep a distance from Russian camp after Nixon trip to China in 1972.
In my opinion, Your problem is that you guys, specially vostok, are heavily biassed, so you see everything with a thick anti-west and pro Russian glass.
Have you read my previous posts? Where have you found any bias? Nothing personal, just economy and some understanding of people.
And on your opinion for those who live in Russia being pro-Russian is bad? A great part of Ukrainians also identify themselves as Russians.
1. Can you compare arm imports of UAE or SK from west to their imports from Russia? Again you would see a large gap. Sometimes they have tried to put pressure on US for getting more advanced stuff by buying Russian products.
BTW, I don't have any idea about India, and Malaysia army is a joke in my opinion.
2. About China, you can compare it with Taiwan which actually her name is Chinese Taipei. Anyway, China has started to keep a distance from Russian camp after Nixon trip to China in 1972.

Weapon trade is always a policy. I even can not imagine that a member of NATO block will buy weapons from someone else than NATO. The same is true for SK and Japan, and Gulf monarchies. Despite of it Korea, Greece and UAE have bought some in Russia.
China started to keep a distance from Russian camp after a death of Stalin.
Have you read my previous posts? Where have you found any bias? Nothing personal, just economy and some understanding of people.
And on your opinion for those who live in Russia being pro-Russian is bad? A great part of Ukrainians also identify themselves as Russians.

Actually, as I said in my comment, I was more referring to vostok. Actually, you are a new member here and I thought that you think the same as him.
buddy, I don't wanna judge anyone. You are free to think and believe in anything you want.
Anyway, You have no country flags, so it is not possible for me to know that where are you from. Actually, It would be a help if you add your country and your location flags.

Weapon trade is always a policy. I even can not imagine that a member of NATO block will buy weapons from someone else than NATO. The same is true for SK and Japan, and Gulf monarchies. Despite of it Korea, Greece and UAE have bought some in Russia.
China started to keep a distance from Russian camp after a death of Stalin.

That's what I meant. Weapon trade has been more related to policies rather than technologies used, quality, or ...
Actually, as I said in my comment, I was more referring to vostok. Actually, you are a new member here and I thought that you think the same as him.
buddy, I don't wanna judge anyone. You are free to think and believe in anything you want.
Anyway, You have no country flags, so it is not possible for me to know that where are you from. Actually, It would be a help if you add your country and your location flags.

That's what I meant. Weapon trade has been more related to policies rather than technologies used, quality, or ...
Thanks for remark. I do not hide my identity if someone asks me. And I agree that flag is helpful.
You are heavily pro Russian, and dreaming for another USSR to be formed. so it is not surprising to hear this from you. I am sure Ukraine will receive much more money, and investment from the west if they decide to abandon the Russian camp. you can look at North korea, and South Korea or in older times, East and West Germany. You can obviously see how much is the difference between the foreign investments in West supported countries and Russian supported ones.
North Korea almost immediately came out of the Soviet camp.
And on account of East Germany - they achieved enormous success in the sport. United Germany will never repeat that again.
If you think that joining the European Union can solve some problems - you need to visit Bulgaria or Greece. Once it was the industrialized countries, and now it is black holes, from where the population flees like rats. The same applies to the Baltic states - there are almost no industry and half of population are working for penny in western Europe, as negros.
North Korea almost immediately came out of the Soviet camp.
And on account of East Germany - they achieved enormous success in the sport. United Germany will never repeat that again.
If you think that joining the European Union can solve some problems - you need to visit Bulgaria or Greece. Once it was the industrialized countries, and now it is black holes, from where the population flees like rats. The same applies to the Baltic states - there are almost no industry and half of population are working for penny in western Europe, as negros.

NK is still in China-Russia-Iranian mullahs camp.
comparing East Germany with the West Germany is ridiculous. If they were more prosperous than West Germany, They would not try to break the berlin wall and join West Germany. I believe @MarkusS can explain it to you with much more details.
Anyway, Greece had problems even before joining to EU. Anyway, I am sure Germans and other giant european economies will help them to recover.
NK is still in China-Russia-Iranian mullahs camp.
comparing East Germany with the West Germany is ridiculous. If they were more prosperous than West Germany, They would not try to break the berlin wall and join West Germany. I believe @MarkusS can explain it to you with much more details.
Anyway, Greece had problems even before joining to EU. Anyway, I am sure Germans and other giant european economies will help them to recover.
No. North Korea expelled the Soviet troops and tore economic ties with the Soviet Union, trying to build socialism in own way.
I did not say that in the GDR lived more prosperous than in FRG. But there were some pluses.
Look, capitalists less reminding people in this world like those who care about neighbors. They destroy the industry in Eastern Europe to gain new markets and cheap labor. That's it. The rest - cheap propaganda.

Ever heard of doping(East Germany DDR)?
I'm not saying the EU is heaven,but for small(mostly economic) countries it is.
Everybody using doping. This does not cancel the fact that in East Germany was a world-class sporting school, able to compete with the U.S. and the USSR.
You are racist Kraut,your dreams finished in '45.
Russia is superpower and it will be forever.Russia is dream for Germany.

Turks dont belong to Europe?
It is shameful that you toilet of Europe say something bad about Turks,when Turk boys dominated German girls,you are country under foreign rule - US.
Your powerful economy is just a PLACEBO effect,only to your US masters feed you German arogance.

@Sinan ,@T-123456 Please report him.Today he insult Turks and Muslims,tommorow Serbs and Orthodox.

I see, no insult as he only says "Tuks don't belong EU as they are not Europeans."

That is his personal thought and i respect him.
No. North Korea expelled the Soviet troops and tore economic ties with the Soviet Union, trying to build socialism in own way.
I did not say that in the GDR lived more prosperous than in FRG. But there were some pluses.
Look, capitalists less reminding people in this world like those who care about neighbors. They destroy the industry in Eastern Europe to gain new markets and cheap labor. That's it. The rest - cheap propaganda.

Everybody using doping. This does not cancel the fact that in East Germany was a world-class sporting school, able to compete with the U.S. and the USSR.

To have a market you need people having money to buy your products.For people to have money to buy things they need a job.To have many jobs a country needs a viable economy.Nobody wants a dirt poor E. Europe that can't afford a glass of tap water.Did western countries pushed some of their eastern counterparts out of business for strategic reasons ? Ofcourse .But the main guilt in EE remains with the local elites that were to stupid or to corrupt and took a hammer at their industry/economy after 1989.

The fact remains that currently the EU is pouring billions in EE and not as investments but direct money to help those countries in this manner:"Hey you,take this money and build a factory.And these for a new motorway.All i want to see from you is a solid business plan and that you will use them just for the factory/motorway and not steal them."

He lives in Middle Age when Muslims hate Christians and Christians hate Muslims.
If EU is so liberal,why dont accept Turkey like nations with its culture?

I think there are other problems. Such as Turkey with it's huge population can disturb the German&French dominion.

If he say "Fu*k Palestinians" do you think that he have other impressions on other Muslims?

That is wrong thing to say.
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