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Mass demonstrations shake Kiev as Ukrainians call for revolution

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Anyway, sharing these pictures was not appropriate at all.
Over those generals made court like in Nuremberg and they were executed according to the law, and not out for revenge.
Kiev - the first Russian capital. Sooner or later we shall expel invaders from our land. Whatever nice words they do not cover, they come here to rob us, kill and destroy our faith and our sanctuaries.
But it will not go unpunished.
Over those generals made court like in Nuremberg and they were executed according to the law, and not out for revenge.
Kiev - the first Russian capital. Sooner or later we shall expel invaders from our land. Whatever nice words they do not cover, they come here to rob us, kill and destroy our faith and our sanctuaries.
But it will not go unpunished.

Sometimes I wonder if there is any humanitarian sense in communists or not. I have the same sense about religious extremists Arabs.
What do you wanna do now? Do you wanna go and kill Germans and west Europeans? First of all, such a brutal idea is not possible even in wet dreams. but, even if it was possible, Have you ever thought that how much stupid and inhumane this idea is?
You need to learn some history of Europe. They are always attacked Russia, not vice versa. We only defended. They started crusades against us, although we have long been Christians!
I do not want to fight them. Where did you get all that? I want them to leave Russia alone did not climb to us with their godless values.
Build New Sodom, if you wish so. And we will build the Holy Russia.

Actually, I have some knowledge about Europe. Honestly, based on the fact that I am originally from Iran, and you guys have always attacked us, ... I can never see Russians as innocents.
Anyway, what do you mean by Holy Russia?:o::what:
Germany is the strongest economy worldwide. The rest of your bla bla is monkey uga uga and not worth commenting. You are a prime example for devolution. You want build a base on the moon? how cute. We concentrate on Titan and Callisto. But hey...your mars probe did not even leave earth orbit ha ha...
Germany is not even strongest economy in Europe. Russia is. And the gap will only increase.

Looks like you already live on the backside of the moon. To be honest, your poverty and low living standards are disgusting.

The poverty on the rise in Germany. While it is rapidly decreasing in Russia. Some of your pathetic living standrds would be considered horrible for 90% of Russians. Half of German population are freezing in their homes because gas cost fortune. They dont wash often because the water cost fortune. Electricity prices are skyrocketing. Anyone in Russia can use gas and water in unlimited amounts almost for free. Your living standards will only continue to fall down and poverty will only rise in future. Make sure you have prepared additional 100 billions of Euros to save Ukraine from bankruptcy.
Russia? russia economy is 2.015 trillion USD GDP in 2012... Germany is 3.4 trillion...your economy is patheticly weak compared to ours :D Poveryt is on the rise in germany? You do realize that the basic Hartz IV money the most poor in germany get is 120 € more than what an average russian earns per month? yu are dirt poor. Germany is rich. You live like dirt. Beside that electricty, gas and water is paid from the state here when you can´t afford it....whats even more pathetic is that thousands of russians try to escape their shithole...we should shot them right at the boarder. your poverty disgusts me. poor people are worthless.
on a sidenote, what we have here is pure delusion of a 3 rd world country. he is from russia...a dirt poor country with no imdustrial complex left. And he compares it with germany, the leading industrial naton worldwide. you can see same delusion in north korea and other isolated regimes.

the sad fact is, the absolute poorest class in germany, called Hartz IV has 150€ more monthly income as the russian middle class. :(

The lifespan in russia is almost 10 years lower than any western country.

So whats lefts from the rubbish he said? high gas prices in germany? irrelevant. if you are Hartz IV...you know, those who have 150€ more per month than the average russian...you get gas, water and electricity paid. because Hartz IV is the lowest you can get in germany...you know...thats 150€ more than average russian middle class.

only good thing about russkies is, their girls are easy to **** at holiday.
Russia? russia economy is 2.015 trillion USD GDP in 2012... Germany is 3.4 trillion...your economy is patheticly weak compared to ours :D Poveryt is on the rise in germany? You do realize that the basic Hartz IV money the most poor in germany get is 120 € more than what an average russian earns per month? yu are dirt poor. Germany is rich. You live like dirt. Beside that electricty, gas and water is paid from the state here when you can´t afford it....whats even more pathetic is that thousands of russians try to escape their shithole...we should shot them right at the boarder. your poverty disgusts me. poor people are worthless.

Your GDP figures only show how much prices are different in Russia. Russian economy is 3,373 trillion PPP USD, Germany - 3,349 trillion. Average Russian earn 800 euro per month, dumby. And if you deduct all the expenses and taxes from average German salary remains could be even smaller than that. Gas, water and electricity are extremely cheap in Russia and thats why Russians CAN afford it in unlimited amounts contrary to poor Germans. There are more people immigrated from Germany to Russia in recent years than vice versa. That is the grim reality for you.
hahahahahaha come on, post a credible scource for that immigration for example. prove sour numbers with hard facts...russkie. :D

you make shit up. thats all. typical.. beside that...you look ugly i guess. like all your race.

and now you strikes everyone with your IQ :lol: strange that all the world consider German women to be one of the most ugly.
This thread needs to be locked down.

@Jungibaaz seems like Europe section also suffers the same issues.

I mean, 120 posts of insult and off-topic post.
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