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But why does it fail so spectacularly? That is the question.

Because of Feudal System.

As long as the country's resources are held hostage by the same families which monopolize the political system
There will be NO solution; Martial Law or otherwise.

I have a suggestion, why don't learn it from Indonesia story ? We have Independent Anti Corruption Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi/KPK). India in the beginning of this year has tried to learn it from us as well and has made a cooperation with our Anti Corruption Body. Hongkong is also quite successful with their Anti Corruption Body. If any one study our Anti-Corruption body, they will have more conviction that Democracy will be able to do something hard for any corruption wrong doing, even if it runs while the current administration is still corrupt. You can see that our ruling party now (democrat) has become half of its power in a current election (April 2014) because KPK is also targeting this party.

This commission has captured so many high end politicians, including the chairman and treasury of democrat party (ruling party) and one chairman from middle level party (welfare party). It has save huge money in oil and gas sector, including capturing the chairman of our oil and gas regulator (SKK Migas). Some judges are also in custody, including our Constitutional Judge Chairman (I think it is a world record).

None of that is going to work.
Due to Feudal System.
See .. A family owns huge land, they send some sons to bureaucracy, some to politics, and rest to Army.

The family controls the country's resources and the power structure.
What tops is intimidation, availability of weapons and lack of LEA.
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Because of Feudal System.

As long as the country's resources are held hostage by the same families which monopolize the political system
There will be NO solution; Martial Law or otherwise.

None of that is going to work.
Due to Feudal System.
See .. A family owns huge land, they send some sons to bureaucracy, some to politics, and rest to Army.

The family controls the country's resources and the power structure.
What tops is intimidation, availability of weapons and lack of LEA.
how many feudals were in army now, before?
can they control pakarmy just becauce they belongs to , a elite family?
sorry but i, guss its an overstatment friend?
how many feudals were in army now, before?
can they control pakarmy just becauce they belongs to , a elite family?
sorry but i, guss its an overstatment friend?

The selection procedures are kept in place to filter these people from going too high;
however there are exceptions.

I am surprised you do not know how many senior officers are directly or indirectly related to the same Feudal families.
The selection procedures are kept in place to filter these people from going too high;
however there are exceptions.

I am surprised you do not know how many senior officers are directly or indirectly related to the same Feudal families.
how many of them, get the battons?
how many of them , became COAS?
sorry its a negetive point, if you in army?
but its a open right, to every one , if he can prove it in the field, but not just having a dinner in some 5 stars?
As simple as Army's Job is not fixing economy regardless of civilian rule delivers according to the standards of "establishment" or not, this is FACT nobody can deny. Those who advocate Martial Law should understand that removing a civilian rule is illegal by all means which is called breaking laws disrespecting laws, how can than Establishment consider it self legal and morally right to fix/save the Nation from the brink of destruction when They themselves break the rules and laws and make mockery out of it...same same..

I Think this discussion is going no where this is not a progress when at the end of dictatorship's rule and his lot fails to deliver and the economic statistics show Flat curve and all departments related to finances/economy declares poor performance of the said illegal Government. [State Bank of Pakistan report]

Musharraf's ridiculous statement mulk ko bachana hai to constitution tutah hai aur agar constitution ko bachana hai tu mulk tutah hai.

You don't have to break Constitution of Pakistan to save Country.
How was Country breaking up when nawaz was in power? there were financial problems not internal danger to break up was the Country that weak despite nuclear tests?

Even a General has to follow rules and constitution when they take oath they promise to not break constitution as well there is nothing in Army book of rules to break Constitution of Pakistan to save it both are remotely not inter-linked.
As simple as Army's Job is not fixing economy regardless of civilian rule delivers according to the standards of "establishment" or not, this is FACT nobody can deny. Those who advocate Martial Law should understand that removing a civilian rule is illegal by all means which is called breaking laws disrespecting laws, how can than Establishment consider it self legal and morally right to fix/save the Nation from the brink of destruction when They themselves break the rules and laws and make mockery out of it...same same..

I Think this discussion is going no where this is not a progress when at the end of dictatorship's rule and his lot fails to deliver and the economic statistics show Flat curve and all departments related to finances/economy declares poor performance of the said illegal Government. [State Bank of Pakistan report]

Musharraf's ridiculous statement mulk ko bachana hai to constitution tutah hai aur agar constitution ko bachana hai tu mulk tutah hai.

You don't have to break Constitution of Pakistan to save Country.
How was Country breaking up when nawaz was in power? there were financial problems not internal danger to break up was the Country that weak despite nuclear tests?

Even a General has to follow rules and constitution when they take oath they promise to not break constitution as well there is nothing in Army book of rules to break Constitution of Pakistan to save it both are remotely not inter-linked.

As I have asked before, if insubordination within the ranks by not obeying a superior officer is punishable by a Court Martial, why should Generals, Corps Commanders and the COAS be exempt from this rule? The answer lies in their arrogant and illegal behavior that is considered by them and their lackeys to be above the law. They are not.
Being a writer and being an accomplished and established writer are two far far different things.

With all due respect I never claimed to be the accomplished and established writer, I am an ordinary Joe who likes to express his views in print and published form which is read my many arcoss the globe. You have a right to disagree with my opinion and I do respect your right to be a critic.
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But why does it fail so spectacularly? That is the question.

The thing is either democracy or dictatorship is in place, it should be pure not a "blend" which is the case in pakistan. when army takes over they do dictate but after some time they also start politics which is where the problem starts and a "leader" like bhutto, nawaz or zardari is born... which then take over democratically but then rule like dictators..... that's why each of our so called leaders are from military cradle.... That is the reason why our democracy and so called martial law fails....
The thing is either democracy or dictatorship is in place, it should be pure not a "blend" which is the case in pakistan. when army takes over they do dictate but after some time they also start politics which is where the problem starts and a "leader" like bhutto, nawaz or zardari is born... which then take over democratically but then rule like dictators..... that's why each of our so called leaders are from military cradle.... That is the reason why our democracy and so called martial law fails....

The Martial Law can't deliver because after abrogating the Constitution, the Army seeks illegalities for its coup. Its seeks help from the Supreme Court which validate the ML with a condition that within 90 days to 3 years, you have to bring the country back to democracy.

That is where trouble starts, with top crooks like Zardari and Sherif out of the picture, army than makes its B team to play( Junejo and Q league) which eventually become a political liability for the army. The lack of experience of the B team and army not having any experience of their own to run political, layered with lies of the ousted crook parties, forces public to reelect the crooks again, once the election are called. The process has been repeating again and again.

If a Martial Law Dictatorship is so good, then why is it that if fails so spectacularly in about 10 years or so in Pakistan? Why does it not continue? The answer lies in foundations of treasonous sand which cannot support what is patently unjust.

The Martial Law can't deliver because after abrogating the Constitution, the Army seeks illegalities for its coup. Its seeks help from the Supreme Court which validate the ML with a condition that within 90 days to 3 years, you have to bring the country back to democracy.

That is where trouble starts, with top crooks like Zardari and Sherif out of the picture, army than makes its B team to play( Junejo and Q league) which eventually become a political liability for the army. The lack of experience of the B team and army not having any experience of their own to run political, layered with lies of the ousted crook parties, forces public to reelect the crooks again, once the election are called. The process has been repeating again and again.
The Martial Law can't deliver because after abrogating the Constitution, the Army seeks illegalities for its coup. Its seeks help from the Supreme Court which validate the ML with a condition that within 90 days to 3 years, you have to bring the country back to democracy.

That is where trouble starts, with top crooks like Zardari and Sherif out of the picture, army than makes its B team to play( Junejo and Q league) which eventually become a political liability for the army. The lack of experience of the B team and army not having any experience of their own to run political, layered with lies of the ousted crook parties, forces public to reelect the crooks again, once the election are called. The process has been repeating again and again.

The Martial Law can't deliver because after abrogating the Constitution, the Army seeks illegalities for its coup. Its seeks help from the Supreme Court which validate the ML with a condition that within 90 days to 3 years, you have to bring the country back to democracy.

That is where trouble starts, with top crooks like Zardari and Sherif out of the picture, army than makes its B team to play( Junejo and Q league) which eventually become a political liability for the army. The lack of experience of the B team and army not having any experience of their own to run political, layered with lies of the ousted crook parties, forces public to reelect the crooks again, once the election are called. The process has been repeating again and again.
with rotation in the command, grand marshall revolution is comming, with brutal effection, it will adress all of your great thoughts?

The Martial Law can't deliver because after abrogating the Constitution, the Army seeks illegalities for its coup. Its seeks help from the Supreme Court which validate the ML with a condition that within 90 days to 3 years, you have to bring the country back to democracy.

That is where trouble starts, with top crooks like Zardari and Sherif out of the picture, army than makes its B team to play( Junejo and Q league) which eventually become a political liability for the army. The lack of experience of the B team and army not having any experience of their own to run political, layered with lies of the ousted crook parties, forces public to reelect the crooks again, once the election are called. The process has been repeating again and again.

So why does the Army seek help from the Supreme Court to validate the treason it just committed? Lock up the Judges too, and appoint Generals in their place instead. Problem solved? Or may be not, since the worldwide condemnation affects the money coming in.

No matter how you try to spin it Sir, it is patently illegal and treasonous for the Army to usurp civilian power for itself. And as the record shows, such treason by imposing Martial Law, no matter how dressed up in a veneer of forced "validity", still inevitably ends in disaster, for which the whole nation pays the price. Time and again.
So why does the Army seek help from the Supreme Court to validate the treason it just committed? Lock up the Judges too, and appoint Generals in their place instead. Problem solved? Or may be not, since the worldwide condemnation affects the money coming in.

No matter how you try to spin it Sir, it is patently illegal and treasonous for the Army to usurp civilian power for itself. And as the record shows, such treason by imposing Martial Law, no matter how dressed up in a veneer of forced "validity", still inevitably ends in disaster, for which the whole nation pays the price. Time and again.
this time it would be like that you hve suggested in your post, will you come back to stop it?
So why does the Army seek help from the Supreme Court to validate the treason it just committed? Lock up the Judges too, and appoint Generals in their place instead. Problem solved? Or may be not, since the worldwide condemnation affects the money coming in.

No matter how you try to spin it Sir, it is patently illegal and treasonous for the Army to usurp civilian power for itself. And as the record shows, such treason by imposing Martial Law, no matter how dressed up in a veneer of forced "validity", still inevitably ends in disaster, for which the whole nation pays the price. Time and again.

and what about Nation pay the price will billions stolen by the gang of professional thugs. I rather army shoot them and bring on new leadership. In ideal democracies like Britian, Canada and USA, i agree with your position that if army exceeds its limits, its mutiny but in a country like Pakistan, its service to the people and people have always been better served under Martial Law. Like i said, if picking between to crooks is democracy, I rather have a ML.
and what about Nation pay the price will billions stolen by the gang of professional thugs. I rather army shoot them and bring on new leadership. In ideal democracies like Britian, Canada and USA, i agree with your position that if army exceeds its limits, its mutiny but in a country like Pakistan, its service to the people and people have always been better served under Martial Law. Like i said, if picking between to crooks is democracy, I rather have a ML.

It is not up the Army to bring on new leadership. That is the right of the people via elections. And you may prefer Martial Law by virtue of false pretenses, but the people clearly do not, given the disastrous history of Martial in Pakistan.
It is not up the Army to bring on new leadership. That is the right of the people via elections. And you may prefer Martial Law by virtue of false pretenses, but the people clearly do not, given the disastrous history of Martial in Pakistan.

You are so wrong or you just don't know the political structure. You think the guy in Gujranwala selling milk or a women in Thar milking her cow know what a political manifesto is? which democracy are you talking about. 70 percent of the population lives under Lords and vote where the Saain or Chaudhari says... you call it democracy.... Weird to see someone living in USA, where true democracy has brought a slave boy to white house, feels the same democratic conviction for Pakistan.
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