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MAR-1 - Capabilities


Oct 30, 2012
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ok guys need your opinion, according to wiki MAR-1 is guided by a Brazilian-developed passive anti-radiation seeker designed to target different types of land-based and sea-based[3] radars with different modes, including high power surveillance radars, low power mobile radars and radars used by surface-to-air missile systems. Enemy radars can be targeted by the missile independently or with targeting data from the launch aircraft's electronic warfare systems, such as the radar warning receiver. The missile has full ECCM capability and uses passive guidance on pre-programmed self defense (reactive mode) or ópportunity used primarily for area suppression or attack of unexpected targets.[8] In order to improve survivability, the missile's airframe is constructed from composite materials to reduce its radar cross-section.as there were no discussions on mar-1 and its operational capabilities i thought we should discuss it here
OP you should provide more details and info about this MAR-1
OP you should provide more details and info about this MAR-1
how much do u want,its an anti radiation missile and is excellent fr SEAD ops and was acquired by PAF in 2008
Pakistan is acquiring 100 MAR-1 SEAD Anti Radiation air to surface missiles from Brazil based company Mectron. The deal is worth approximately $108 million and was signed in April, 2008. The detail information about these missiles can be found below from an article on Defence Industry Daily (DID) website

Anti-radiation missiles are designed to find, home in on, and destroy enemy air defense radars; they are often carried by specialist aircraft that accompany air strikes to perform the SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) mission. In contrast with other Mectron Engenharia missiles, such as the MAA-1 SRAAM or the forthcoming A-Darter partnership, Mectron appears to be working hard to avoid publicity for the MAR-1. The firm would not even acknowledge the missile’s existence for many years, and details remain sketchy. Pictures like this one show a MAR-1 that appears to be similar in size to counterparts like Raytheon’s AGM-88 HARM, and has a reported range of 25 km when launched from an altitude of about 33,000 feet/ 10 km. A sale to Pakistan, followed by integration into a platform like the Pakistani-Chinese JF-17 lightweight fighter, could also open up a number of new markets for Mectron

These missiles will increase the ability of Pakistan Air Force to hit the Air Defence Sites of our enemies. These missiles are generally carried by special planes attached with a formation to clear enemy air defence radars and hence technically blinding them. Pakistan arch rival India has used every method to stall the sale of these missiles to Pakistan and even used the Mumbai attacks to ask Brazil to cancel the deal but Brazil has plainly refused them. Brazilian Defence Minister said the following when forced to answer a query about the missile deal in the aftermath of Mumbai attacks
Pakistan is acquiring 100 MAR-1 SEAD Anti Radiation air to surface missiles from Brazil based company Mectron. The deal is worth approximately $108 million and was signed in April, 2008. The detail information about these missiles can be found below from an article on Defence Industry Daily (DID) website

Anti-radiation missiles are designed to find, home in on, and destroy enemy air defense radars; they are often carried by specialist aircraft that accompany air strikes to perform the SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) mission. In contrast with other Mectron Engenharia missiles, such as the MAA-1 SRAAM or the forthcoming A-Darter partnership, Mectron appears to be working hard to avoid publicity for the MAR-1. The firm would not even acknowledge the missile’s existence for many years, and details remain sketchy. Pictures like this one show a MAR-1 that appears to be similar in size to counterparts like Raytheon’s AGM-88 HARM, and has a reported range of 25 km when launched from an altitude of about 33,000 feet/ 10 km. A sale to Pakistan, followed by integration into a platform like the Pakistani-Chinese JF-17 lightweight fighter, could also open up a number of new markets for Mectron

These missiles will increase the ability of Pakistan Air Force to hit the Air Defence Sites of our enemies. These missiles are generally carried by special planes attached with a formation to clear enemy air defence radars and hence technically blinding them. Pakistan arch rival India has used every method to stall the sale of these missiles to Pakistan and even used the Mumbai attacks to ask Brazil to cancel the deal but Brazil has plainly refused them. Brazilian Defence Minister said the following when forced to answer a query about the missile deal in the aftermath of Mumbai attacks

You have already provided sufficient information yourself...You have left others nothing to discuss...
@gambit sir do mar-1, agm-88 have any chance against sams like prithvi,s-300 and aad,i would love to have ur professional opinion,thanks
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@gambit sir do mar-1 have any chance against sams like prithvi,s-300 and aad,i would love to have ur professional opinion,thanks
Anti-radiation, or beamrider, missiles are designed to go after -- radiation. Specifically, radar transmission radiation.

ALL air defense platforms have three levels of radar transmissions:

- Search: Long wavelengths and continuous.
- Track: Shorter wavelengths and is usually silent until active and slaved to Search commands (direction).
- Targeting: Shortest wavelengths and is usually silent until the missile is ready to launch. The missile itself can have its own Targeting radar.

The degradation of any of these levels WILL degrade the operation of the air defense unit. In other words, it will need only a force of a hand grenade to degrade or even destroy the operation of any antenna to render that particular unit useless in the overall air defense network.

Most easily for any beamrider missile is 'Search' because it is continuous transmission. This antenna is usually physically apart from the others, sometimes tens of kms away. Knocking this one out of operation will make it difficult, but not impossible, for the air defense system to work.

The Track and Targeting antennas are more difficult to hit because they are usually silent until Search declare a suspicious target and instructs Track to orient itself to that direction, then Targeting may or may not be active.

So we cannot simply say a missile will be successful against A, X, or Z air defense system. The USAF have Wild Weasel missions and they are not free for all missile shoot. Fighters must coordinate their baiting and attacking of air defense ground radar transmissions in order to give the beamrider missile the best possible transmissions for it to work. Best possible meaning amplitude and longevity of those transmissions. Having a particular brand of missile does not guarantee success. Tactics and experience matters more.
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@gambit sir do mar-1, agm-88 have any chance against sams like prithvi,s-300 and aad,i would love to have ur professional opinion,thanks

AAD, prithvi, s-300 are anti-ballistic missile which are placed far away from border. mar-1 have only 100km range cannot do anything to the radar which is placed far inside india. the anti ballistic missile have a network of radars placed at different locations. and it is protected by number of ant-aircraft missiles. if pakistan have to destroy the radar the fighter jets have to go deep inside india which is not possible, as the reaction time of IAF is around 3-5 min and it is also supported by number of air defence systems. even if PAF manage to destroy any radars there are other systems as back it up. loosing single radar did not affect the network. if PAF wants to destroy the network they must have stealth aircafts such as F-22 to go deep inside india.
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@gambit sir do mar-1, agm-88 have any chance against sams like prithvi,s-300 and aad,i would love to have ur professional opinion,thanks

well bro IAF is not just about prithvi , AAD & S 300 we have much much more than u ever imagined the tip is latest french & isreali 3D radars + SPYDER SAMS backed by Akaash SAMS + we also have a huge nos or Latest Russian and few American Green Pine Radars & few Isreali Aerostats how will you bypass them not to forget SAT Cover we have + the regular inputs we have from Isrealies also & the best thing is you dont have Numbers .............. Kindli do tell me how will you /PAF gonna stage a SEAD mission and the last thing Pakistan is not the onli one to have ANTY Radiation Missiles if i tell you about the Indian inoventory(have not talked about IAF ground attack fleet) you will really loose some sleep:cheers:
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We have never underestimated our enemies. We never made claims we can not backup with facts.

Sleepless nights for Pakistanis is the wish of an Indian member because he believes Indian military to be way superior to Pakistani.

The claim of max 100 km range(as mentioned by OP), that too from high altitude anti radiation missile against a layered air defense (few on WIP) is indeed underestimation. And yes we believe some of our weapon systems are very much superior than Pakistani systems, what wrong in it? it is backed by facts.
well bro IAF is not just about prithvi , AAD & S 300 we have much much more than u ever imagined the tip is latest french & isreali 3D radars + SPYDER SAMS backed by Akaash SAMS + we also have a huge nos or Latest Russian and few American Green Pine Radars & few Isreali Aerostats how will you bypass them not to forget SAT Cover we have + the regular inputs we have from Isrealies also & the best thing is you dont have Numbers .............. Kindli do tell me how will you /PAF gonna stage a SEAD mission and the last thing Pakistan is not the onli one to have ANTY Radiation Missiles if i tell you about the Indian inoventory(have not talked about IAF ground attack fleet) you will really loose some sleep:cheers:
don't worry bro we're not producing all those babur,mar-1 and ra'ad missiles in huge numbers to eat them :D
don't worry bro we're not producing all those babur,mar-1 and ra'ad missiles in huge numbers to eat them :D

well buddy we are already in process of deploying Bhramos and its air launched version

do you know how much time it will take for your babur and raad to reach its target + the indian inoventory in place to welcome/intercept it and how much time it will take for bhramos to reach its targets and what and how will you intercept it:azn:

Kawaa jitna merzi uncha ur le rehta cheel ke neeche hi hai :yay:
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