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If missing jet made it to Andaman Sea, did Indian radars fail to detect it?

Senior IAF and Navy officers admitted there were “a few gaps” in India’s civil and military radar networks but stressed it would be “virtually impossible” for a jetliner to fly undetected across the Indian mainland. “The five Airports Authority of India radars at Delhi, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Chennai and Mumbai are integrated with IAF’s air defence network. The possibility is far-fetched,” said an officer.

Just by switching off the transponders can a plane become near stealth??
Civilian tracking is more difficult...shouldn't effect Military radar at all.....in fact should be more noticeable since it isn't saying "ignore me, I'm friendly". Still, unless it looks like a threat, they aren't gonna rush to shoot it down or scramble fighters. Always "trash" contacts.
Again mate why would a nation willingly give up its radar position, type and range. That would be like saying that we can only cover this much, so feel free to just pass through this gap.
Not to mention that if you scrambled for every stray contact....your Air force would never touch the ground. You watch for patterns that indicate an attack, or possibly un-wanted recon. You make note of strange contacts....but as you said, maybe you aren't going to give out that info....as then any unfriendly nation only has to "lose" a few civie aircraft to map your capabilities.
Hyderabad techie uploads satellite image of missing plane over A&N islands on CNN site


The satellite image of the purported Malaysian plane over Andaman Islands.

Going about his work nonchalantly at his office in Gachibowli, this techie probably beat search teams of various countries in finding a probable vital clue related to the missing Malaysian plane.
An IT analyst by profession, Anoop Madhav Yeggina had been scurrying through innumerable images of DigitalGlobe Satellite QB02 over the past few days until he stumbled upon an image which almost took his breath away.

He had found a satellite image of a large aircraft flying very low above the Andaman Islands on March 8 which he believes is the Boeing 777 of Malaysian airlines.

The 29-year-old is among the lakhs of people from across the globe involved in the ‘crowd-sourcing’ project to find the missing plane with more than 200 passengers on board. He had uploaded his “discovery” along with a write-up on the CNN website on Friday, March 14, and since then received more than 16,000 views, followed by many comments from viewers. “I am confident that the image is that of the missing plane because of many reasons.

First giveaway is the fact that the image was captured just above a forest and very close to the Shibpur air strip of Andaman Islands. The air strip is exclusively used by the defence forces with no permission for civilian aircraft in this area. A close look at the image will reveal if it is flying extremely low so much so that the clouds are above it which suggests it was done to avoid detection by radar. Most importantly, the standard scale measurement and colour of the missing plane matches with that of the plane in the image,” said Mr. Anoop. Wishing for safety of the passengers, he had appealed online to people with technical know-how of aircraft to further investigate the image in order to trace its whereabouts.

Indian Strategic Studies: Hyderabad techie uploads satellite image of missing plane on CNN site
Missing jet's pieces found on Andhra coast?
4:05 pm: Missing aircraft's pieces found floating on Andhra coast?

Pieces of what is suspected to be an aircraft were seen washed up on Andhra coast Wednesday, a Telugu television channel reported, as per IANS news report.

However, there was no confirmation from any official if the objects seen floating were indeed pieces of an aircraft.
Malaysia Airlines plane search LIVE: Missing jet`s pieces found on Andhra coast?
Today some news reports suggesting that a low flying(white and red) Jambojet was seen in Southern part of Maldives hours after Malaysian airline aircrafts went missing.
INcredible ...INdia....just incredible....now the world not just your citizens will realize how corrupt and backward our defence and govt really is.
INcredible ...INdia....just incredible....now the world not just your citizens will realize how corrupt and backward our defence and govt really is.

It is good where it counts. A single balloon on the western border is enough to scramble jets. There is no threat from the south to invest heavily there. India has limited resources and big borders/area. Somewhere the corners have to be cut.
It is good where it counts. A single balloon on the western border is enough to scramble jets. There is no threat from the south to invest heavily there. India has limited resources and big borders/area. Somewhere the corners have to be cut.

I hear what you are saying but in terms of national security, there can be no compromise.....we need to push harder because these gaps turn into nightmares. Now if this plane made it, guess what? Our enemies will already be plotting to make such moves....and with over 500 islands uninhabited......I spell a disaster coming...
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