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If missing jet made it to Andaman Sea, did Indian radars fail to detect it?

No, they will be easily detected by flights in the region because the plane would then not know its own route or route of other aircrafts and will most likely accidentally fly into someone else flight path.

I may be asking the wrong question..........

But aren't there analog systems on board to judge the altitude & other parameters necessary for flight (old school)??

Also, what happened during 9/11, was USAF able to track the flight path of the planes enroute WTC & Pentagon??
Mate, no country ever gives its exact range of radar or the type of radar it has installed, it would be quite foolish for the Navy officer to simply come out and give the range.

the report suggest India has plans to acquire the radars but there are no reports that India has such radars.
I may be asking the wrong question..........

But aren't there analog systems on board to judge the altitude & other parameters necessary for flight (old school)??

There are but, most of the time aircrafts have to continuously change altitude when they enter a new zone controlled by other air traffic controllers. The flight paths remain the same only the altitude changes, and these changes are made on the go by the air traffic controllers. So the big question is how on earth did the air traffic controller in Malaysia or whoever country's zone the plane was didn't notice that the aircraft has simply vanished.

the report suggest India has plans to acquire the radars but there are no reports that India has such radars.

Depends, if we already have bought it from Israel, since the radar will make up the Ballistic missile defense program, it might not be reported. On the other hand we already have radar such as the Swordfish LRTR that can cover the region of Malacca strait since China has a presence there, so we have to under rate our radar range otherwise it will be easy for Chinese ships to simply pass by unnoticed.
I may be asking the wrong question..........

But aren't there analog systems on board to judge the altitude & other parameters necessary for flight (old school)??

Also, what happened during 9/11, was USAF able to track the flight path of the planes enroute WTC & Pentagon??

All commercial jets will also have analog controls and basic flight data instrumentation systems. In fact, triple redundancy in critical subsystems is the new norm in most such planes.

Regarding 9/11, it's not the same case here. There wasn't enough time for NORAD to mount a successful interception, as the time at hand to understand that a hijacking had taken place was actually very less. All 4 planes involved were airborne less than a hour after hijacking, and the hijackers were smart enough to prevent ground control stations from getting word that they had been hijacked.

AA11--------0813-------0846-----33 minutes
UA175-------0847-------0903-----16 minutes
AA77--------0856-------0937-----41 minutes
UA93--------0928-------1003-----35 minutes
Depends, if we already have bought it from Israel, since the radar will make up the Ballistic missile defense program, it might not be reported. On the other hand we already have radar such as the Swordfish LRTR that can cover the region of Malacca strait since China has a presence there, so we have to under rate our radar range otherwise it will be easy for Chinese ships to simply pass by unnoticed.

It is clear that BMD is not yet deployed not operationally ready and those RADARS are not installed in A&N Islands. I think as of now A&N has limited capability by the words of the Naval officers.
It is clear that BMD is not yet deployed not operationally ready and those RADARS are not installed in A&N Islands. I think as of now A&N has limited capability by the words of the Naval officers.

Again mate why would a nation willingly give up its radar position, type and range. That would be like saying that we can only cover this much, so feel free to just pass through this gap.
Again mate why would a nation willingly give up its radar position, type and range. That would be like saying that we can only cover this much, so feel free to just pass through this gap.

India has the authority to until 200 Nmi based on UNCLOS and I think India has the capability to scan upto that limit. This is what IN officers is highlighting.

I think long range radars are not yet deployed yet.
All commercial jets will also have analog controls and basic flight data instrumentation systems. In fact, triple redundancy in critical subsystems is the new norm in most such planes.

Regarding 9/11, it's not the same case here. There wasn't enough time for NORAD to mount a successful interception, as the time at hand to understand that a hijacking had taken place was actually very less. All 4 planes involved were airborne less than a hour after hijacking, and the hijackers were smart enough to prevent ground control stations from getting word that they had been hijacked.

AA11--------0813-------0846-----33 minutes
UA175-------0847-------0903-----16 minutes
AA77--------0856-------0937-----41 minutes
UA93--------0928-------1003-----35 minutes

Also the point being that no one back then had actually thought that terrorists could actually use the aircrafts as a missile. The report that came out after the incident shown on NATGEO showed that the government and other agencies had not thought of such methods.

India has the authority to until 200 Nmi based on UNCLOS and I think India has the capability to scan upto that limit. This is what IN officers is highlighting.

I think long range radars are not yet deployed yet.

There is no restriction on radar ranges, the only restriction are on the area that the country can enforce their laws in. US has its radar deployed in Hawaii and California that have much greater range that the 200 Nmi stated, they conduct BMD test almost every year, so there is no point in installing a radar and have just a 200 Nmi range on it.
Again mate why would a nation willingly give up its radar position, type and range. That would be like saying that we can only cover this much, so feel free to just pass through this gap.

Mate, once assume that the plane indeed pass through Andamans..........

You mean to say that the navy intercepted it but deliberately chose not to disclose as there radar capabilities will be out in open??
There is no restriction on radar ranges, the only restriction are on the area that the country can enforce their laws in. US has its radar deployed in Hawaii and California that have much greater range that the 200 Nmi stated, they conduct BMD test almost every year, so there is no point in installing a radar and have just a 200 Nmi range on it.

By the official confirmation India has the capability upto 200 Nmi at A&N Islands ...... :coffee:
Also the point being that no one back then had actually thought that terrorists could actually use the aircrafts as a missile. The report that came out after the incident shown on NATGEO showed that the government and other agencies had not thought of such methods.

But hijackings weren't an unknown commodity, and would have elicited the same response from NORAD. An armed combat aircraft would have tailed the jet had they intercepted it. Whether they would shoot down the planes mid-air or not on learning of the possibility of a suicide attack is something which we might never know.:)
One imp question is -

What would be the IAF response if such aircraft enters Indian airspace with all communication system turned off?
By the official confirmation India has the capability upto 200 Nmi at A&N Islands ...... :coffee:

Mate that's like me installing a alarm system in my house and telling people, yeah that window over there is not covered so feel free to come in through there. The official confirmation have to be taken will a pinch of salt since no one will tell you their defense detail.
Mate that's like me installing a alarm system in my house and telling people, yeah that window over there is not covered so feel free to come in through there. The official confirmation have to be taken will a pinch of salt since no one will tell you their defense detail.

what is the range of India Radars in A&N ??

what kind of Radars are installed in A&N?
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