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Mao's Murders

Because children are...Children? Or are you saying that the Chinese people are children in the eyes of the government?

You cannot know what is acceptable unless you are presented with its contrast, the thing that is unacceptable. You must present arguments as to why A is acceptable but B is unacceptable. You cannot know what is truthful unless you exposed the lie as to why it is a falsehood and you must make that exposure public.

If the book Tombstone is a lie made up by Yang Jisheng, then let the book fall on its own weight -- IN PUBLIC. What are you afraid of? Are you that mentally weak when confronted with a book? Har...The Chinese talk tough to Americans but are terrified of a book written by one of their own countrymen.

So you think children will not have the chance to play Video game like BF ?

And The little child in US TV show said "kill Chinese" is just because his nature but not affected by the movies/game or the other propaganda ?
So you think children will not have the chance to play Video game like BF ?

And The little child in US TV show said "kill Chinese" is just because his nature but not affected by the movies/game or the other propaganda ?
You are avoiding the question: Do you believe the Chinese people is too immature to handle the book Tombstone?
You are avoiding the question: Do you believe the Chinese people is too immature to handle the book Tombstone?

Of course most of us are mature enough , but some people can be affected by propaganda.

And answer my question , why the little kid say "Kill Chinese"?
Of course most of us are mature enough , but some people can be affected by propaganda.
Then why is Tombstone banned in China? Surely the mature ones outnumber the few so easily brainwashed, no? But of course, the fact that you persists in this line of argument means you are of those few, along with your fellow Chinese here.

And answer my question , why the little kid say "Kill Chinese"?
Because they are children and they do not know any better.

So here is something for you, child...

Grow up soon...
Then why is Tombstone banned in China? Surely the mature ones outnumber the few so easily brainwashed, no? But of course, the fact that you persists in this line of argument means you are of those few, along with your fellow Chinese here.

Because they are children and they do not know any better.

So here is something for you, child...

Grow up soon...

Coz he is a child.... what kind of reason !!!

Child should be naive and cute, "kill chinese" should not come out from a child's mouth !

Perhaps you will teach your child to kill creditor.
What a ridiculous argument...!!! :lol:

You really think people cannot tell the difference between video games and real combat, between pornography and real emotional relationships?

If something is a lie, dubious, or outright falsehood, all the more reason it should be allowed. Let the people see for themselves. Look at you guys for example. Look at how much crap you guys spewed based upon your ignorance and deceit. Look at the technical nonsense the readers have to put up with from the Chinese members here when it comes to the J-20 and 'stealth'. Look how at how often I have to play janitor and shovel your guys' bullshit out of the readers' way when it comes to technical issues. If the admin staff of this forum thinks like you do, all of the Chinese members here would be banned toot-sweet.
Now you're going the full retard route. Like I said, plenty of things are banned in China that are works of fiction, lies, imagination and half-truths. Although I don't agree with them being banned, just because it carries the "banned" label doesn't make it the truth. It's funny how you lumped me together with things others said. I suppose I should lump you in with the rest of retard Viet monkeys too?
Now you're going the full retard route. Like I said, plenty of things are banned in China that are works of fiction, lies, imagination and half-truths. Although I don't agree with them being banned, just because it carries the "banned" label doesn't make it the truth. It's funny how you lumped me together with things others said. I suppose I should lump you in with the rest of retard Viet monkeys too?

He is, but he loves to consider himself like a White Anglo-Saxon.
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Now you're going the full retard route. Like I said, plenty of things are banned in China that are works of fiction, lies, imagination and half-truths. Although I don't agree with them being banned, just because it carries the "banned" label doesn't make it the truth. It's funny how you lumped me together with things others said. I suppose I should lump you in with the rest of retard Viet monkeys too?
Right...Basically, you are saying that the Chinese people are too stupid and too emotionally fragile to handle their own internal discourses about what they ingest thru the media. Let the government select for them what they can read and you hope eventually -- think.
Right...Basically, you are saying that the Chinese people are too stupid and too emotionally fragile to handle their own internal discourses about what they ingest thru the media. Let the government select for them what they can read and you hope eventually -- think.
I never said the government was right to censor and ban information. Lack of freedom of expression in China is not in dispute here. However, just because something is banned, does not make it truthful either. You seem to have trouble getting this very basic idea, thus I do question your intelligence.
I never said the government was right to censor and ban information. Lack of freedom of expression in China is not in dispute here. However, just because something is banned, does not make it truthful either. You seem to have trouble getting this very basic idea, thus I do question your intelligence.
How do you know it Tombstone is a lie if you ban it? If anything, precisely because the book is filled with facts and truths that the Party knew and hid from the public that the book is banned. Looks like we should question YOUR intelligence since you consistently showed illogical thinking about this issue.
How do you know it Tombstone is a lie if you ban it? If anything, precisely because the book is filled with facts and truths that the Party knew and hid from the public that the book is banned. Looks like we should question YOUR intelligence since you consistently showed illogical thinking about this issue.

What is a lie? What is the truth? His information may be some what true, it's accuracy debatable, due to the way information was kept and scope of the subject, to go with a lot of other factors.

But his intent or at least impact is a lie. China is behind America, and not by a little, our people shouldn't think anything else, when you are hungry and poor, maybe you let any grudges and previous issues go, and just focus on improving your situation, people that stay on things are rich or bums, and since we don't want to be bums, guess what we should do.

Did the government screw up all those years? Nobody would think otherwise, but that is in the past. It contributes nothing to today's world. It's not a lesson, because those years are just stupid, no sane person would do it.

As to your previous assessment that we think Chinese are too emotional to handle something like this, no, we think common idiots are. Obama's middle name is Hassan and there are accusations that he's Muslim, a terrorist, not born in the country, a communist, and all that. These are "news" published on major publications. IS there any truth to this?

I have no illusion of what the common man will think and do for the stupidest reasons, but you seem to harbor this illusion that somehow Chinese and Americans are different, when in fact, stupid and irrational is the same everywhere. Chinese is no better or worse than Americans.
How do you know it Tombstone is a lie if you ban it? If anything, precisely because the book is filled with facts and truths that the Party knew and hid from the public that the book is banned. Looks like we should question YOUR intelligence since you consistently showed illogical thinking about this issue.
I did not imply the book was a lie. Simply I told you the author could not have possibly have macro and meta data needed to support the numbers, and was relying on patchy estimate based on what he can find. He concluded 70 million population was wiped off by the famine, a figure which he included those that were never born. That was retarded beyond measure. Obviously the government finds the work offensive and banned it. However, just because it was banned does not validate its truthfulness. You seem to be unable to understand this basic concept.

Here is your ill-logic at work:
1. Chinese government bans publications which may or may not be truthful.
2. Tombstone is banned
3. Therefore, tombstone is truth.

Falun Gong is also banned in China. Their spiritual publications stated there is a magical Buddhist wheel within the human body. Since it is banned, therefore the wheel must exist. You see how retarded your logic is? Being banned is not evidence, but merely a reaction. Mein Kampf is banned in Germany, does that mean everything Hitler wrote was true? How's the ride on the stupid wagon?
During this period (58-62), there was sanctions on China. The west uses sanctions to kill people into submission. The west uses the same methods in North Korea, Viet Nam, Myanmar, Iraq, Cuba, Iran, and many more to kill millions of people. The idea is that if they put the country through pure chaos and agony, then the country will agree to whatever political terms the west dictates. Then the west uses their media as a weapon, as they usually do, and blame the victims for what happened, but they omit the part where they were involved. They call these countries "dictatorships", but the west is trying to be the real dictator. During this period (58-62), Mao didn't allow the west to open up sweat shops or peddle their luxury items, so the west was obviously mad. This period was arguably the most democratic of all of China's 5000 years. The poor people could beat up the rich. That's why they hated Mao so much. He wouldn't allow Chinese to be exploited, and like most normal Chinese, he felt China didn't need luxury items. In the west, they look down upon farmers, and labourers, like India does on its untouchables. (1958-62) Farmers, and labourers were viewed with prestige. Government officials would farm the land along with the rest of the people, not sit in villas sipping on rice wine. Rich people were viewed with contempt. When Mao was alive, there was no corruption, pollution, gangs, or prostitution. Everyone was equal. They wore the same clothes. Lived in ordinary houses. The west hates that. They want to turn every country into a sex tourism country like Thailand, and the Philipines. If there was any period I would have liked to have lived in China, it would have been 1949-1978. I envy those who lived through this period, and even if I would have died of starvation, at least China had dignity. If the west was going to smear China in the media, then China was going to reciprocate, not keep silent (like they do today). It was pure. People trusted each other. Kids didn't fear being kidnapped walking home from school. Nowadays, you go to China, people are scared to even give you directions. That's what capitalism does. The more rich people, and shills hate Mao, the more I love him, because shills will always represent the rich, who will always try to exploit the poor.

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