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Many Indian Defence Analysts FEAR China May Attack India in the Next Few Days


Sep 26, 2018
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Since the summer of 2020 the Indians have been on their toes. The humiliation of losing 1200 sqkm of land to the enemy without firing a bullet and the constant threat of Chinese invasion on other states along the LAC is taking a big toll on the Indian morale. If this was not enough the fear of dozens of secessionists movements aided by China and the mounting PLAN presence in the Indian Ocean Territory(IOR)has eroded the last remaining confidence in the Indian establishment.With Uncle Sam changing guard and the economy in doldrums, their can never be a best moment to seize the opportunity to shake the Indian boat.
Below are a few tweets from worried Indian Defense intelligentsia.

Meanwhile the Chinese have stopped all flights from India citing covid.
Well I don't think there will be any war at least in coming winter,there might be some skirmishes but not full fledged war...
there might be some skirmishes
Thats how things start, I thing the Chinese believe in going for a slow kill. Achieving objectives without a major escalation is a hall mark of a brilliant strategy. Defeating the foe mentally and financially is the new Sun Tzu (Chinese Military Philosophy).
My bro we are already in war,if kashmir is going to be battlefield,we don't need to get ready we are already in it..

Watch Orya Maqbool Jan on Youtube, you will get some idea of what is going to happen in the near future.

He predicted many things, even the Balakot fiasco and Galwan. He is a student of Dr. Israr Ahmad.
Watch Orya Maqbool Jan on Youtube, you will get some idea of what is going to happen in the near future.

He predicted many things, even the Balakot fiasco and Galwan. He is a student of Dr. Israr Ahmad.
I do have a query if china attacks india what will be Pakistan's stand,will they join china or remain neutral
I do have a query if china attacks india what will be Pakistan's stand,will they join china or remain neutral

Join of course. I have a feeling that US will try to distract China with Taiwan when india attacks Pakistan this winter.

However, it is simply impossible for India to win such a war, we are a battle-hardened, patriotic, and monolithic nation. The last 20 years especially has tested the resolve of the Pakistani nation like no time before.

With a loyal government and a strong military, determined to fight until the end, Indian options are limited. Add in domestic discontent in India itself and in the occupied Kashmiri territories.

They have failed to find a base in Afghanistan and China has dissuaded iran.

This is a sign of desperation. I wonder what Israel will do when Pakistan is distracted.
Join of course. I have a feeling that US will try to distract China with Taiwan when india attacks Pakistan this winter.

However, it is simply impossible for India to win such a war, we are a battle-hardened, patriotic, and monolithic nation. The last 20 years especially has tested the resolve of the Pakistani nation like no time before.

With a loyal government and a strong military, determined to fight until the end, Indian options are limited. Add in domestic discontent in India itself and in the occupied Kashmiri territories.

They have failed to find a base in Afghanistan and China has dissuaded iran.

This is a sign of desperation. I wonder what Israel will do when Pakistan is distracted.
Bro I'm a bit confused,,u said earlier china will attack india,now u saying india will attack pakistan,,do u really think india hv enough balls to attack pakistan
Bro I'm a bit confused,,u said earlier china will attack india,now u saying india will attack pakistan,,do u really think india hv enough balls to attack pakistan

India will attack Azad Kashmir. China will aid Pakistan as much as possible, and probably keep taking territory on the borders.

How it will play out exactly, only Allah swt knows, but it is impossible for india to beat Pakistan. They won't be able to sustain an invasion because of their internal instability and general weakness, low morale.

This is not Ghazwa e Hind, that will come later (after india balkanizes,) that conquest will be just before Imam Mahdi.
Bro I'm a bit confused,,u said earlier china will attack india,now u saying india will attack pakistan,,do u really think india hv enough balls to attack pakistan
Looks like you're new to this forum. You're supposed to put flags of your origin's country and where you are currently located at...not the country you hate
Looks like you're new to this forum. You're supposed to put flags of your origin's country and where you are currently located at...not the country you hate
Bro there was no option of flag of kashmir
your so called fake war you call it is really against unarmed Kashmiri woman and children pretty awful and rubbish that is

when an outside strong force came and challenged you like China recently you just completely crumbled and gave in

1300km to China now. it’ called your bluff on Kashmir you did nothing. you are so clearly avoiding all out war with China that’s is quite clear.meaning you are going to lose
Bro believe me it will be my happiest day of life when china & Pakistan attacks india & free kashmiris from dirty india

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