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Many Indian Defence Analysts FEAR China May Attack India in the Next Few Days

Our spirit is high,since abrogation of 370 young guys are picking up arms,there is rise in encounters...
BJP had been trying to utilize kashmiri youths by giving them huge amount of money to work for india,to some extent in some places they were successful but freedom fighters after warning those black sheeps lot of them resigned & rest were killed even they were under heavy security.

Presently we all are waiting,hoping & praying for war.we want Pakistan to attack india,,

Let me tell you indian army are cowards,I say it coz a kashmiri fighter who is hardly 18 to 20 yrs old with almost no training gives them very hard time in encounters.imagine what a battle hardened pak army will do to these cowards.

Also since the defeat of ind air force on 27 Feb 2019 every kashmiri has high morale & we are proud of Pakistan..

Aldo since imran khan made the speech in UN we believe pak leadership is in right hands,,that is also a boost to our struggle...

The world will end,
before Pakistan and Pakistanis leave your side.

Stay strong, stay blessed.
good analysis
If being in a state of diplomatic shock, fear, global isolation and political dilemma without any significant accomplishment are your hallmarks for brilliant strategy then yes they are doing very well.
However, watch out brother - the enemies of islam and religion will come for you soon enough and they will bestow upon you the gifts of civilization, development and prosperity whether you want it or not.

Mark my words - CCP will never attack India because India is capable of a very strong counter offensive and China needs to be much stronger than what it is to be able to change territory unilaterally. This is why after the LOC was weapons free there has not been a single clash. The Chinese are extremely risk averse, unlike uncle Mushie.

Following are the circumstances under which China will "teach India a lesson":
i) Assurance of at least 70% lower casualties on Chinese side than on Indian side
ii) Assured gains in territory that they can comfortably hold onto.
iii) A very swift and control conflict in conditions where the odds are very much in favor of the Chinese attack plan and unfavorable for the Indian defence preparedness.

Otherwise it will be only tough talks and stalling until domestic and international pressures force China to reconcile and restore status quo.
Absolutely there is no doubt in it,,I can say with authority that a Pakistanis don't love pakistan as we love pakistan.

Pakistan is in our blood..
Pakistan is not only our destiny
Pakistan is our destination....

It is midnight if I will be allowed by indian authorities to go Pakistan I swear upon allah I along with my family will crawl to reach pakistan..

How can I change flag,,,kindly guide me

No need bro, you the people and valley will join us one day inshallah.
Meanwhile the Chinese have stopped all flights from India citing covid.
View attachment 685958
23 Indian Nationals landed in China in a plane and all 23 of them tested positive.
How did they board the plane in the first place? Same thing happened in ASEAN e.g. Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, etc

Are Made in India test kits faulty?
23 Indian Nationals landed in China in a plane and all 23 of them tested positive.
How did they board the plane in the first place? Same thing happened in ASEAN e.g. Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, etc

Are Made in India test kits faulty?

Indians cheated.
They learned that from skool days and still continued with what they learned.

Relatives scale buildings to help Indian students cheat on exams - video
Students in Hajipur, north-eastern India, were given a helping hand from friends and family as they sat state exams on Thursday.

@Saahir Malik
Indian armed forces cannot be underestimated, specially their human intelligence network.

Armed struggle should be indigenous and fierce to neutralize the intelligence network.

True friends and enemies must be clearly identified.

Terrain are most challenging, therefore indigenous support and cover will ease the offensive action and minimize the casualties.

Only then Pakistan armed forces can effectively take the offensive stance.

Well coordinated and meticulously planned offensive action with precise and timely execution of each stage of action will ensure the liberation of IOJK.

Otherwise, possibility of failure cannot be ruled out. We must learn from our past mistakes. Well planned but poorly executed operation "Gibraltar" resulted in total failure with large number casualties.
I agree with you bro,there are so many necks which could be broken,sametime PAF needs to destroy IAF air bases,meanwhile pak army need to put up batteries to handle IAF who will come to rescue from jammu air basis Punjab & haryana.

Main thing is kashmir air bases of IAF must be destroyed,remember it is a valley once pak army capture valley,,surrounded IAF can be handled easily from entering valley.

Keep in mind almost every kashmiri will provide necessary information about IAF bases ammunition dumps.
Two observations -

1. @Saahir Malik sprits are so high that given a slightest of opportunity by Indian forces, he will crawl to Pakistan with his family. By his own submission, quoted for for ease below.
2. Days of swords are over, wake up
@IMRV,bro I don't get you,what is your point??????
With Modi Phrand gone, Phat ka Haath main to ani he thi Indians ki......however i dont believe any attacks are coming but none the less China will now be more assertive as it wouldn't be facing the level of hostility from Biden as compared to Trump in the past.
Days of swords are over
War is a war. Whether adversaries fight with sword or bow and arrows or laser guns and ion cannons. In the end humanity will be at stake. Innocents are to die because of few egoist and sadists who decide the fate of millions.

We know we are fighting for justice and peace. In the end oppressed people of IOJK will be liberated from the clutches of tyrant Hindutva regime.
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Two observations -

1. @Saahir Malik sprits are so high that given a slightest of opportunity by Indian forces, he will crawl to Pakistan with his family. By his own submission, quoted for for ease below.
2. Days of swords are over, wake up
1. So what? It must be such fun living under a siege in terms of the physical siege and the mental subjugation these people have had to endure. Remember, the subjugation in its present form actually began when Delhi imposed direct governor rule over JnK years ago now, well before the abrogation event. At that moment it became clear that Delhi has broken its hollow promises to the Kashmiris. At that moment, the penny finally dropped for Kashmiris that Pakistan was right all along. Hence today, Mehbooba and Abdullah are united in condemnation of Modi's actions. We are fortunate we have not had to endure this great betrayal by Hindustan. Who are we to judge Kashmiris living under this subjugation? I'm not surprised they now long for Pakistan.

2. The sword will be the solution. It may not manifest as sharpened and tempered iron, but it will manifest nonetheless.
India has already given up 1000 sq km land to the Chinese, If a all out war starts then Modi should
get ready to serve tea to Chinese Generals in Delhi. lol

This consolation is good after loosing half of the country.

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