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Indian soldiers at LAC have go-ahead to open fire in self-defence, India tells China

Look at the broader picture,

India occupation will be vanished from Jammu and Kashmir in next 5 years.

The control of glacier rivers will be in China and Pakistan's hands.

You are not reading the signs. Your closest friends like Saudi are busy forming a block with US. You will be in the opposing block led by China. The situation got a lot complicated for the sub continent
So how many rounds have the Indian army fired in anger until now?

It is not in the best interest of China to entertain Indian antics on the escalation ladder.
Fire on the Chinese and everything north of New Delhi is lost ... simple. The Indians do not want a repeat of 1962 cranked up by a magnitude of 10.

That's just the first 10 ... a total of 60 of these cowards were captured, including multiple officers.

Nothing. The only capability India has is poverty, pollution, and overpopulation. That is literally it. Well at least those are the only areas India actually has any capabilities in lol.

Exactly. This is just talk. Nothing more.
Just beat these Indian fools with rods.
We know why you and your papa America is begging Pakistan to condemn China on fake Uyghur genocide.

It is funny how two Muslim hating nations like the US and India are pleading and harassing Muslim countries to be on their side against China LOL
No one is effing pleading. Open your eyes. I couldn't care less about what happens inside China. It's their BS, their internal matter. But, what amuses me no end is subjects of the great Islamic Jamhooriyat who lament about Palestinians, Chechens, Syrians etc are so silent about the Uighurs. New Papa. Have to be respectful maybe. Old papa has burnt their fingers after propping up your rogue leaders for such a long time. Money down the drain for them. Anyways have fun.
got the go ahead from Pompeo probably.

indians biggest tool of whites.

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