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Many Indian Defence Analysts FEAR China May Attack India in the Next Few Days

Don't you folks consider kashmir to be part of pak!!...just go ahead with that
Absolutely there is no doubt in it,,I can say with authority that a Pakistanis don't love pakistan as we love pakistan.

Pakistan is in our blood..
Pakistan is not only our destiny
Pakistan is our destination....

It is midnight if I will be allowed by indian authorities to go Pakistan I swear upon allah I along with my family will crawl to reach pakistan..
Absolutely there is no doubt in it,,I can say with authority that a Pakistanis don't love pakistan as we love pakistan.

Pakistan is in our blood..
Pakistan is not only our destiny
Pakistan is our destination....

It is midnight if I will be allowed by indian authorities to go Pakistan I swear upon allah I along with my family will crawl to reach pakistan..
How can I change flag,,,kindly guide me
your so called fake war you call it is really against unarmed Kashmiri woman and children pretty awful and rubbish that is

when an outside strong force came and challenged you like China recently you just completely crumbled and gave in

1300km to China now. it’ called your bluff on Kashmir you did nothing. you are so clearly avoiding all out war with China that’s is quite clear.meaning you are going to lose

He is one of us bro...
Absolutely there is no doubt in it,,I can say with authority that a Pakistanis don't love pakistan as we love pakistan.

Pakistan is in our blood..
Pakistan is not only our destiny
Pakistan is our destination....

It is midnight if I will be allowed by indian authorities to go Pakistan I swearb upon allah I along with my family will crawl to reach pakistan..

How can I change flag,,,kindly guide me

Contact admin team such as @waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Horus @LeGenD and they should be able to check your IP address and give you a Pakistani flag if applicable.
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Well I don't think there will be any war at least in coming winter,there might be some skirmishes but not full fledged war...

No war.

But if India start that war with China, China will end that war.

You feeling lucky? :pleasantry::pleasantry::pleasantry:

So start that war with China.

China will bring that war to those that brought the war to an end.

:D :D :D :enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy: :yay::yay::yay:


China Conducts Test Of Massive Suicide Drone Swarm Launched From A Box On A Truck
China shows off its ability to rapidly launch 48 weaponized drones from the back of a truck, as well as from helicopters.



China Is Hard At Work Developing Swarms Of Small Drones With Big Military Applications
Terrorist have shown the threat of swarm attacks is real, but nations such as China can make them much more dangerous.

You dont want to see drones?

Then you see this as they be just behind the drones with drones as their targeting eyes in addition to raining down smart bombs on you all

🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 WANG SUI WANG WANG SUI 萬歲 萬 萬歲🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

And Modi will see this at the same time as well







And read this too

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system casts shadow over Taiwan Strait

  • The ‘mystery’ hardware that appeared without a name at the National Day parade in October is the PLA’s most powerful MLRS ever, experts say
  • System capable of firing eight 370mm rockets 350km or two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km.

Besterest Modi should go to Beijing on hands and knees and kowtow 3 times and return the land back to China. And give back the freedom to Sikkim.

Or jawans might want to be eternally young.
Either way, China will grant their wishes. :enjoy: :enjoy::enjoy:
Absolutely there is no doubt in it,,I can say with authority that a Pakistanis don't love pakistan as we love pakistan.

Pakistan is in our blood..
Pakistan is not only our destiny
Pakistan is our destination....

It is midnight if I will be allowed by indian authorities to go Pakistan I swear upon allah I along with my family will crawl to reach pakistan..

Why are you so desperate to Crawl ? :cheesy:

Just go to pakistani embassy and ask for a VISA for you and your family, and then take a flight / train or Bus to pakistan. :lol:
No war.

But if India start that war with China, China will end that war.

You feeling lucky? :pleasantry::pleasantry::pleasantry:

So start that war with China.

China will bring that war to those that brought the war to an end.

:D :D :D :enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy: :yay::yay::yay:


China Conducts Test Of Massive Suicide Drone Swarm Launched From A Box On A Truck
China shows off its ability to rapidly launch 48 weaponized drones from the back of a truck, as well as from helicopters.



China Is Hard At Work Developing Swarms Of Small Drones With Big Military Applications
Terrorist have shown the threat of swarm attacks is real, but nations such as China can make them much more dangerous.

You dont want to see drones?

Then you see this as they be just behind the drones with drones as their targeting eyes in addition to raining down smart bombs on you all

🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 WANG SUI WANG WANG SUI 萬歲 萬 萬歲🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

And Modi will see this at the same time as well







And read this too

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system casts shadow over Taiwan Strait

  • The ‘mystery’ hardware that appeared without a name at the National Day parade in October is the PLA’s most powerful MLRS ever, experts say
  • System capable of firing eight 370mm rockets 350km or two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km.

Besterest Modi should go to Beijing on hands and knees and kowtow 3 times and return the land back to China. And give back the freedom to Sikkim.

Or jawans might want to be eternally young.
Either way, China will grant their wishes. :enjoy: :enjoy::enjoy:

If posting propaganda and Pictures can win wars, china has already won :lol:
No war.

But if India start that war with China, China will end that war.

You feeling lucky? :pleasantry::pleasantry::pleasantry:

So start that war with China.

China will bring that war to those that brought the war to an end.

:D :D :D :enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy: :yay::yay::yay:


China Conducts Test Of Massive Suicide Drone Swarm Launched From A Box On A Truck
China shows off its ability to rapidly launch 48 weaponized drones from the back of a truck, as well as from helicopters.



China Is Hard At Work Developing Swarms Of Small Drones With Big Military Applications
Terrorist have shown the threat of swarm attacks is real, but nations such as China can make them much more dangerous.

You dont want to see drones?

Then you see this as they be just behind the drones with drones as their targeting eyes in addition to raining down smart bombs on you all

🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 WANG SUI WANG WANG SUI 萬歲 萬 萬歲🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

And Modi will see this at the same time as well







And read this too

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system casts shadow over Taiwan Strait

  • The ‘mystery’ hardware that appeared without a name at the National Day parade in October is the PLA’s most powerful MLRS ever, experts say
  • System capable of firing eight 370mm rockets 350km or two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km.

Besterest Modi should go to Beijing on hands and knees and kowtow 3 times and return the land back to China. And give back the freedom to Sikkim.

Or jawans might want to be eternally young.
Either way, China will grant their wishes. :enjoy: :enjoy::enjoy:

Chinese Fire Crackers Display in different format, purely for entertainment. Thats how we see it. In a mountainous belt, we know what will happen to these rockets. Drones success is also overated when engaging with a Country like India.

In Galwan Valley, China borked the protocol on numbers of people that form patrol team. Not using the firearm they circumvent by using crude stone age weapon. It was an unexpected attack, however the small Indian Team gave such a rude shock to them that Chinese got the lesson and message. Further India told that going forward they will use firearms and post that no such tactics was deployed by Chinese Generals.

This is my assessment. You may disagree and that is fine. Its just a forum. We have varied views and we learn from each other.

When someone post irrelevant things, in a defence forum, he creates a perception about himself to others. Do you want to be taken seriously by others or treated like a joker. Abusing is easy ( shows the education level) but sane engagement requires use of grey cell.

And yes, Neither India , Nor China will go to war. China has met its objective of creating situation that ensured India will not react when Pakistan create new province from the Gilgit Balriatan area...not part of Pakistani Constitution.

China has met its objective...at the cost of a formidable alliance formation.

There is Price. Action and Reaction. You cannot control all variables.
Thats how things start, I thing the Chinese believe in going for a slow kill. Achieving objectives without a major escalation is a hall mark of a brilliant strategy. Defeating the foe mentally and financially is the new Sun Tzu (Chinese Military Philosophy).
If being in a state of diplomatic shock, fear, global isolation and political dilemma without any significant accomplishment are your hallmarks for brilliant strategy then yes they are doing very well.
However, watch out brother - the enemies of islam and religion will come for you soon enough and they will bestow upon you the gifts of civilization, development and prosperity whether you want it or not.

Mark my words - CCP will never attack India because India is capable of a very strong counter offensive and China needs to be much stronger than what it is to be able to change territory unilaterally. This is why after the LOC was weapons free there has not been a single clash. The Chinese are extremely risk averse, unlike uncle Mushie.

Following are the circumstances under which China will "teach India a lesson":
i) Assurance of at least 70% lower casualties on Chinese side than on Indian side
ii) Assured gains in territory that they can comfortably hold onto.
iii) A very swift and control conflict in conditions where the odds are very much in favor of the Chinese attack plan and unfavorable for the Indian defence preparedness.

Otherwise it will be only tough talks and stalling until domestic and international pressures force China to reconcile and restore status quo.
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If being in a state of diplomatic shock, fear, global isolation and political dilemma without any significant accomplishment are your hallmarks for brilliant strategy then yes they are doing very well.
I partially agree with your comments, but all is not that bad as you think. Yes we have issues but we will grow out of it. The issues in your country are far more complicated and severe.
the enemies of islam and religion will come for you soon enough
We have been their very very close allies for many many decades, we understand each other very well, so no WORRIES.
India will attack Azad Kashmir. China will aid Pakistan as much as possible, and probably keep taking territory on the borders.

How it will play out exactly, only Allah swt knows, but it is impossible for india to beat Pakistan. They won't be able to sustain an invasion because of their internal instability and general weakness, low morale.

This is not Ghazwa e Hind, that will come later (after india balkanizes,) that conquest will be just before Imam Mahdi.
:-) ,don't tell me you believe all that when you typed
hmm, yes we also got naimatullah shah wali's predicitons.

Yes brother. I noticed your flags, how is the situation in Afghanistan and for Afghans in Pakistan?

Orya Maqbool Jan and Dr. Shahid Masood have studied the relevant ahadith of fitan in great deal, as both learned Islam under Dr. Israr Ahmad RA.

No doubt also every prediction of Niamatullah Shah Wali RA has come true.

@PakFactor @Hakikat ve Hikmet

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