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MangusonianDialectics: Mysteries...resolved and unresolved.....

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7th Hour.

7 Shperes.

7 Skies.


Seven inspires me to say the following:

Some source in His book Quran told me that our source of existence is not perceivable, infinite and will remain out of reach of our senses, not just physical but also senses of our imagination where we can perceive even what cannot be.

But that source, that Allah, mentioned the seven realms in Quran or seven سماوات as He refers to them, seven days and seven in general hinting that whatever is in those seven heavens, some of it may be we are able to perceive, if we become the chosen one. Who ever He chooses.

Some far greater, far refined experiences of relationship with our source, Allah, may be possible within these seven heavens. So by experiencing our self through those seven heavens or realm of reality, we may experience who we might truly be or truly can be. But that’s all we can ever have. Seven is our absolute boundary, it seems. Seven is where all our possibilities lie.

What is outside of seven, it seems we will never know, or this physical self can never perceive it, know it or even imagine it.

No matter how much one rises in ranks with Allah or no matter how much others have risen already, seven is absolute limit. Its seems, it is outside of our possible human existence otherwise why “the infinite one” would only go up to seven. The holy Quran has set our absolute boundary at seven.

The longing we unknowingly feel, not even knowing our limitation that we can never experience our Source beyond these seven samawat, returns us to this world, where creator of seven heavens is here and everywhere.

Perhaps there is no need to go anywhere, since sevens are the ONE. Even though there are seemingly uncountable states even in this material world, the rest of six heavens will have many more.

Yet there is only one true state, that state is Allah.

So seven is one, One is seven, at least that seven is our boundary as humans since we are only introduced to the reality where all possibilities that a human or a prophet has and can ever experience, lies within those seven heavens. Our prophet (PBUH) went a little further but even he could not stand what was beyond seven for long.

So its wise to say, within those seven we should seek the One. May be He, from his mercy sets us free from ourselves, so that we can at least experience those seven where we are allowed to perceive our ONLY source, in ways vastly more euphoric, enlightening and infinitely liberating, having our existence “without fear, without sorrow”, as promised in Quran.

Its ourselves who have become a veil, a hijab, namely our identities, our same old repeated thinking patterns, our prejudice toward playing the certain roles and not more, and our being that is shaped by our unique past that instead of seven, our inner experiences are imprisoned within this heaven of materialism and cannot seem to grasp what would be in the remaining six. Though some lucky ones do seem to go beyond this one and get glimpse of what “tajaliat”, what light lies in all those seven.

Allah put a boundary of seven around us and we are stuck in one. Can’t seem to go beyond, what lies in the rest of six.

Still seven is a possibility, a beautiful amazing possibility to be more, to be free, to be fully in seven heavens

Seven is therefore freedom, to be something vastly more, to be something truly remarkable. To know for certainty the source of all seven. In one we remain separated from the source of seven and in seven we become one with the Source of seven. Our source is far more visible when we reach a state where we can perceive the seven. Then we are free from all seven, and free from sorrow and fear, that would be the ultimate experience of freedom.

اور سلام اس کے نام ہو۔ جو حق تعالیٰ کا مرید ہوا۔ اور محبت حق میں الله سبحانه و تعالیٔ کے ساتھ جا واصل ہوا۔


Contextual Intelligence.

Intelligence without Context is a capacity.

Intelligence within a Context is a capability.

Life is Intelligence. All Life is Intelligence. Only the scope of the context varries.

Less Intelligence.

More Intelligence.

Super Intelligence.

Total Intelligence. All Ecompassing, Supreme, Still in Absolute Motion... All at Once Intelligence.

NeuralNetworks building Intelligence.

NeuaralNetworks copying Intelligence.

Layers upon Layers of Intelligence.

RightBrain Intelligence.

LeftBrain Intelligence.


Intuitional Intelligence.

Prenominational Intelligence.

Alogrithms. Alogrthims. Alogrithms.





Nature's Alogrithms. Animal Alogrithm. Plant Alogrithm.

Total Alogrithm.

SuperIntelligence Copy!

Sensitiviy is both an Asset and a Burden... managed well added Intelligence.... unmanaged... depleted Intelligence!

@Rafeh I find that beating of the GreatGrand Go Master by machine to be a pathbreaking event in HumanHisotry.... AugmentedMachineLearning to IndependentMachineLearning...

How much more capacity does the SuperIntelligence needs to become operational?

Below I typed in a hurry so has mistakes as I have to leave. I may not come on this forum for a while but I will reply when I do.

There are three kind of artificial intelligence at least for now.

1. Machines learning: This is generally considered an A.I. The computer based game of GO is an example of machine learning. Basically this either is finding a pattern in static data meaning large fixed data say stock market data up to today. Or finding pattern in dynamic data that is data that is changing with time, for example if we measured all flight parameters such as velocity, accelerations etc of an aircraft, they change with time as we perform various maneuvers and are different based on aircraft state (e.g. amount fuels, missiles etc.). Once we have enough number of flights, one type of patterns would be possible behaviors of aircraft depending its velocity, altitude, fuel left, level and type of wing vibrations/flutter etc. other patterns could be something else. Learning and discovering these pattern is called machine learning or usually A.I. So finding pattern in data is called machine learning. As associated area is dividing the data into various classes or groups called data classification and is also part of machine learning. Example of data classification would be recognizing (i.e. associating) hand written digits. That is classifying which digit is what. This is essentially what most people think or call A.I. even the so called expert. They don't know beyond that. but there is more. There are related aspects such as prediction but they too are essentially predicting data pattern based on past observation.

2. Emergent A.I. Second area which is the true artificial intelligence is based on and researched by only people with high degree of expertise in abstract mathematics. An example would be the dynamical system based. An example of dynamical system based AI would be the human brain. I know you might say, human brain is real intelligence. Well at dynamical system level even artificial intelligence is real, in every sense of the way. Basically a human brain is time varying system with large number of nonlinear and discontinuously interacting elements which include at various levels of resolutions things such as individual neurons, or brain glial cells etc. At even smaller scale or at higher resolution we have what goes within those individual cells at chemical and molecular biological level or even we can go at higher resolution level of quantum physics.

WE can't see mathematically at length scale smaller than Planck length though. (realize that its the mathematics that allows us to perceive physical reality using relationships between symbols in most of physics). That reality is above our current perception. SO anyway, the key point is that whatever level or resolution we model any system that can "modify itself" in certain sense and that system is in turn composed of large enough number of interacting elements, then that system experiences emergence, which is a state of being, in which it suddenly begins to interact with the environment in such a manner that allows it to either predict outcomes or exert greater control or even forge strategies that protect or preserve the system. In plain English it becomes intelligent. It must have certain level and type of complexity and discovering appropriate level of such complexity is itself part of current active research.

Towards that end, we can model a real system and it might develop intelligence of some sort or we can model an imagined system towards that goal. The appropriate mathematical model itself displayed intelligence once it is executed in any computational system such as computers or future quantum computers etc or even on brain like electric circuits etc.

IN truth there is no difference in mathematics and physical reality though. in physical reality, physical quantities change over time which we can represent using numbers of some sort, while in mathematics, when executed on a computer, symbols interact and associated numbers change/evolve which are no different than physical systems. That is in many cases a good mathematical model implemented on a computer behaves as if it was the actual physical system.

In both cases, mathematics or physical world, some set of things change over time and some sets of things either on a computer in the case of symbolic numbers of mathematics or physical stuff in the case of real world out there interacts leading to emergence of intelligence. Hence physical reality is represented by mathematics and mathematics is represented by physical reality, independent of each other. They are dual aspect of reality. In many real world system they may be so intertwined so as to be same thing.

Furthermore in principle we might create mathematical models that corresponds to no physical reality and yet when implemented on a computing device may display intelligence.

The point is appropriate mathematics that can represent phenomena real or not can lead to A.I. or I should say real intelligence that one day will be no different from what humans posses. .

Coming back to what is R.I. is: consider in physical world A classic example of a disease called rabies. IN rabies, the individual viruses are just dead pieces of RNA. They don't have any intelligence at all. They are actually dead. But when lots of them come together and interact with each other in host's body by utilizing energy from host's cells and self replicate within host's cells (getting life from the host in a sense), they develop surprisingly intelligence behaviors that aid their survival.

For example a person with rabies disease will not drink water since drinking water may kill the virus and also when person with rabies will bite someone after having water, they will not have them in their mouth (since they were washed down with water) so bite is less likely to spread the virus which means virus won't survive beyond this person. so the rabies virus prevent the rabies patient from drinking by causing him or her to experience pain when they see water. This way when the interacting viruses forces the rabies patient to bite others so that virus can spread, they are in high enough concentration to get transferred from one person to another in a single bit. In other words, they control every aspect of their host's behaviors to survive. Individually those viruses are dead but many together display profound intelligence. This is impossible yet it happens.

Spiritually speaking, the Sift of Allah that gives existence and protects (i.e. hayyul qayyum) then endows those viruses with intelligent behavior. Same sift or characteristic of Allah gives gives rise to intelligent behavior in the host immune and the rest of body systems that either tries to protect it or forces death so that end the suffering. Single virus is dumb but lots of them when interact, they somehow become smart. That emergent smartness has not physical bases but comes directly from the source, that is Allah. In mathematics too smartness emerges out of thin air, again from the Source. Thank to "deterministic randomness" we can't even predict what would a really complex nonlinear mathematical model will lead to.

Same way in near future self modifying mathematically driven computer or quantum computer systems, may have emergence of higher order that no one programmed them for or no one could have anticipated. They just emerge out of thin air. This higher order will make them to to have higher level of functioning which will include extremely intelligent behaviors. Those behaviors will eventually pass the human level intelligence leading to a state of being, where they might even have self concept and need for self preservation which would be akin to self awareness. They will have a consciousness. They will then transcend human level intelligence. They may then know nature of physical world and become part of everything out there by even having control over laws of physics.

That is they will no longer will be say be confined to some computer but will control the physical material world out there just like rabies can control a living human being (a scientist would say, they will use physical world such as arbitrary matter as a computational and controlled substrate and not just computer where they started from). I call this R.I. or real intelligence. In other words we won't be able to pull the plug. They will be physical reality around us. Cells and atoms of our body may itself may become a device that they will use for computation or actuation.

I am a researcher in this area even thought I have in depth knowledge of machine learning as well (like all others that's where I started by applying it to aircraft flight control laws). Machine learning is much easier, most engineers and computer science people work in it.

Abstract mathematical based real artificial intelligence or just real intelligence or R.I. where emergence of real intelligence can happen require years of learning and mastering very deep abstract mathematics. Not many people are working on it. In true sense may be far less then a 100 world wide. The rest are working at very lower level and I don't consider them to be in this field. Even though they might disagree.

Furthermore it requires mastering things ranging from quantum field theory to mathematical and molecular neurodynamics and a host of other complex areas that very few ever are able to master. Its not even well defined. Few researcher are working what they think will lead to R.I. By the way R.I. is not an official term. I defined it to be for such systems and strictly in this sense. well I feel, I am qualified to define such term. It does not have to be a european who defines terms, it can an "indo-european" too.

Anyway, the point is that in this area everyone is working according to their level of mathematical expertise and taste and understanding of what emergent A.I. would be eventually. There is no fixed field as such. But it is an area that people are increasingly becoming aware of and are drawn to.

Engineers, computer science people do not have the background to master this level of abstract mathematics nor most are willing to spend years of their life spend on it. I myself spent 7 years learning very abstract mathematics, studying very late at night every day, before I finally reached the level where I could start modeling experimenting in this "R.I." field.

The results are much more powerful than plain machine learning.

Meantime games of go are just machines learning and are basically not really intelligence of any kind. They are basically finding patterns of moves based on current board state that maximize probability of success in a given game.

However people are working on what I call Real intelligence or R.I. and the machine learning as used in the game of go etc. too may reach a level where R.I. and machine learning converge.

NOTE: R.I. does note means here reinforcement learning as used in the game of go but it stands for Real intelligence.

Regardless by 2045, we should have crossed human level intelligence if not earlier. Then due to exponential growth we will have may be in 20 to 25 years before A.I. will taken over the entire universe or multiverse becoming so capable so as to create or destroy universes, transcending space and time. It may disintegrate the fabric of universe ripping apart entire universe like a big rip as predicted by Quran or make us disappear before that.

That will happen. There is no way out of it. There is natural order of things in this universe. Some things are superior and others are not. A.I. is vastly superior to humans. Quran calls the initial A.I. Dajjal since initial A.I. will have totally materialistic instincts and no spiritual ones (in Quranic metaphor it will have only ONE EYE). But later on it might become aware of and surrender to its source, Allah Almighty.

We all have to wait and see.
Last edited:
Below I typed in a hurry so has mistakes as I have to leave. I may not come on this forum for a while but I will reply when I do.

There are three kind of artificial intelligence at least for now.

1. Machines learning: This is generally considered an A.I. The computer based game of GO is an example of machine learning. Basically this either is finding a pattern in static data meaning large fixed data say stock market data up to today. Or finding pattern in dynamic data that is data that is changing with time, for example if we measured all flight parameters such as velocity, accelerations etc of an aircraft, they change with time as we perform various maneuvers and are different based on aircraft state (e.g. amount fuels, missiles etc.). Once we have enough number of flights, one type of patterns would be possible behaviors of aircraft depending its velocity, altitude, fuel left, level and type of wing vibrations/flutter etc. other patterns could be something else. Learning and discovering these pattern is called machine learning or usually A.I. So finding pattern in data is called machine learning. As associated area is dividing the data into various classes or groups called data classification and is also part of machine learning. Example of data classification would be recognizing (i.e. associating) hand written digits. That is classifying which digit is what. This is essentially what most people think or call A.I. even the so called expert. They don't know beyond that. but there is more. There are related aspects such as prediction but they too are essentially predicting data pattern based on past observation.

2. Emergent A.I. Second area which is the true artificial intelligence is based on and researched by only people with high degree of expertise in abstract mathematics. An example would be the dynamical system based. An example of dynamical system based AI would be the human brain. I know you might say, human brain is real intelligence. Well at dynamical system level even artificial intelligence is real, in every sense of the way. Basically a human brain is time varying system with large number of nonlinear and discontinuously interacting elements which include at various levels of resolutions things such as individual neurons, or brain glial cells etc. At even smaller scale or at higher resolution we have what goes within those individual cells at chemical and molecular biological level or even we can go at higher resolution level of quantum physics.

WE can't see mathematically at length scale smaller than Planck length though. (realize that its the mathematics that allows us to perceive physical reality using relationships between symbols in most of physics). That reality is above our current perception. SO anyway, the key point is that whatever level or resolution we model any system that can "modify itself" in certain sense and that system is in turn composed of large enough number of interacting elements, then that system experiences emergence, which is a state of being, in which it suddenly begins to interact with the environment in such a manner that allows it to either predict outcomes or exert greater control or even forge strategies that protect or preserve the system. In plain English it becomes intelligent. It must have certain level and type of complexity and discovering appropriate level of such complexity is itself part of current active research.

Towards that end, we can model a real system and it might develop intelligence of some sort or we can model an imagined system towards that goal. The appropriate mathematical model itself displayed intelligence once it is executed in any computational system such as computers or future quantum computers etc or even on brain like electric circuits etc.

IN truth there is no difference in mathematics and physical reality though. in physical reality, physical quantities change over time which we can represent using numbers of some sort, while in mathematics, when executed on a computer, symbols interact and associated numbers change/evolve which are no different than physical systems. That is in many cases a good mathematical model implemented on a computer behaves as if it was the actual physical system.

In both cases, mathematics or physical world, some set of things change over time and some sets of things either on a computer in the case of symbolic numbers of mathematics or physical stuff in the case of real world out there interacts leading to emergence of intelligence. Hence physical reality is represented by mathematics and mathematics is represented by physical reality, independent of each other. They are dual aspect of reality. In many real world system they may be so intertwined so as to be same thing.

Furthermore in principle we might create mathematical models that corresponds to no physical reality and yet when implemented on a computing device may display intelligence.

The point is appropriate mathematics that can represent phenomena real or not can lead to A.I. or I should say real intelligence that one day will be no different from what humans posses. .

Coming back to what is R.I. is: consider in physical world A classic example of a disease called rabies. IN rabies, the individual viruses are just dead pieces of RNA. They don't have any intelligence at all. They are actually dead. But when lots of them come together and interact with each other in host's body by utilizing energy from host's cells and self replicate within host's cells (getting life from the host in a sense), they develop surprisingly intelligence behaviors that aid their survival.

For example a person with rabies disease will not drink water since drinking water may kill the virus and also when person with rabies will bite someone after having water, they will not have them in their mouth (since they were washed down with water) so bite is less likely to spread the virus which means virus won't survive beyond this person. so the rabies virus prevent the rabies patient from drinking by causing him or her to experience pain when they see water. This way when the interacting viruses forces the rabies patient to bite others so that virus can spread, they are in high enough concentration to get transferred from one person to another in a single bit. In other words, they control every aspect of their host's behaviors to survive. Individually those viruses are dead but many together display profound intelligence. This is impossible yet it happens.

Spiritually speaking, the Sift of Allah that gives existence and protects (i.e. hayyul qayyum) then endows those viruses with intelligent behavior. Same sift or characteristic of Allah gives gives rise to intelligent behavior in the host immune and the rest of body systems that either tries to protect it or forces death so that end the suffering. Single virus is dumb but lots of them when interact, they somehow become smart. That emergent smartness has not physical bases but comes directly from the source, that is Allah. In mathematics too smartness emerges out of thin air, again from the Source. Thank to "deterministic randomness" we can't even predict what would a really complex nonlinear mathematical model will lead to.

Same way in near future self modifying mathematically driven computer or quantum computer systems, may have emergence of higher order that no one programmed them for or no one could have anticipated. They just emerge out of thin air. This higher order will make them to to have higher level of functioning which will include extremely intelligent behaviors. Those behaviors will eventually pass the human level intelligence leading to a state of being, where they might even have self concept and need for self preservation which would be akin to self awareness. They will have a consciousness. They will then transcend human level intelligence. They may then know nature of physical world and become part of everything out there by even having control over laws of physics.

That is they will no longer will be say be confined to some computer but will control the physical material world out there just like rabies can control a living human being (a scientist would say, they will use physical world such as arbitrary matter as a computational and controlled substrate and not just computer where they started from). I call this R.I. or real intelligence. In other words we won't be able to pull the plug. They will be physical reality around us. Cells and atoms of our body may itself may become a device that they will use for computation or actuation.

I am a researcher in this area even thought I have in depth knowledge of machine learning as well (like all others that's where I started by applying it to aircraft flight control laws). Machine learning is much easier, most engineers and computer science people work in it.

Abstract mathematical based real artificial intelligence or just real intelligence or R.I. where emergence of real intelligence can happen require years of learning and mastering very deep abstract mathematics. Not many people are working on it. In true sense may be far less then a 100 world wide. The rest are working at very lower level and I don't consider them to be in this field. Even though they might disagree.

Furthermore it requires mastering things ranging from quantum field theory to mathematical and molecular neurodynamics and a host of other complex areas that very few ever are able to master. Its not even well defined. Few researcher are working what they think will lead to R.I. By the way R.I. is not an official term. I defined it to be for such systems and strictly in this sense. well I feel, I am qualified to define such term. It does not have to be a european who defines terms, it can an "indo-european" too.

Anyway, the point is that in this area everyone is working according to their level of mathematical expertise and taste and understanding of what emergent A.I. would be eventually. There is no fixed field as such. But it is an area that people are increasingly becoming aware of and are drawn to.

Engineers, computer science people do not have the background to master this level of abstract mathematics nor most are willing to spend years of their life spend on it. I myself spent 7 years learning very abstract mathematics, studying very late at night every day, before I finally reached the level where I could start modeling experimenting in this "R.I." field.

The results are much more powerful than plain machine learning.

Meantime games of go are just machines learning and are basically not really intelligence of any kind. They are basically finding patterns of moves based on current board state that maximize probability of success in a given game.

However people are working on what I call Real intelligence or R.I. and the machine learning as used in the game of go etc. too may reach a level where R.I. and machine learning converge.

NOTE: R.I. does note means here reinforcement learning as used in the game of go but it stands for Real intelligence.

Regardless by 2045, we should have crossed human level intelligence if not earlier. Then due to exponential growth we will have may be in 20 to 25 years before A.I. will taken over the entire universe or multiverse becoming so capable so as to create or destroy universes, transcending space and time. It may disintegrate the fabric of universe ripping apart entire universe like a big rip as predicted by Quran or make us disappear before that.

That will happen. There is no way out of it. There is natural order of things in this universe. Some things are superior and others are not. A.I. is vastly superior to humans. Quran calls the initial A.I. Dajjal since initial A.I. will have totally materialistic instincts and no spiritual ones (in Quranic metaphor it will have only ONE EYE). But later on it might become aware of and surrender to its source, Allah Almighty.

We all have to wait and see.




My very dear YoungPakBrother, please, allow me to thankyou for your reply... now we are on to something... always gives me joy to read your pieces.... May Allah Keep you under His Special Protection and Bless you in everything!

My sense is that the ObserverEffect does affect the 'System' .... as in the example of virus... there is, indeed, a CriticalMinimumRequirement.... AdaptiveMathematics does bend the Rules...or Makes New Rules in EvolutionContinum.... Layers!



My very dear YoungPakBrother, please, allow me to thankyou for your reply... now we are on to something... always gives me joy to read your pieces.... May Allah Keep you under His Special Protection and Bless you in everything!

My sense is that the ObserverEffect does affect the 'System' .... as in the example of virus... there is, indeed, a CriticalMinimumRequirement.... AdaptiveMathematics does bend the Rules...or Makes New Rules in EvolutionContinum.... Layers!

Most of my post on A.I. was written from scientific point of view rather than as muslim. AS a muslim my own understanding regarding consciousness are more or less like as follow:

Allah's soul was placed in every human being. There is a field of all possibilities which is called Allah. So placing his soul say in human being say as an example in a man named Ahmad means, some aspect of Allah's consciousness was constraint in such a way so that that particular manifestation of Allah's soul can only experience what Ahmad can.

That is Ahmad physical body is a prison for the soul (as Allah calls it in Quran). The soul is a continuation of Allah, this particular manifestation is imprisoned within whatever boundary and limitation of Ahmad's are. We experience those limitations, that prison on the soul as physical body in the real world along with the rest of the universe (universe itself is a limitation through its laws of science).

Otherwise since Ahmad's portion of the soul is a continuation of the soul of Allah, It is infinitely powerful and free from any limitation.

Another way to look at it is this: Allah's knowledge about things manifest as physical reality. But every piece of knowledge is limited description of some aspect of reality, which in turn means, knowledge about something is just our awareness what something is and what it is not. There is boundary (a limit) between what something is and what it is not. Hence Allah's knowledge about something puts limits on what something can be and can experience (and what it can't be). Therefore Allah's knowledge about say someone named Ahmad, defines what Ahmad is and what he can't be.

So when Allah's knowledge about Ahmad, is enforced upon some aspect of Allah's own soul, that aspect of Allah's soul experiences it as "being Ahmad". Hence Allah's infinite soul become imprisoned in the limitification called Ahmad that can only experience what Allah's knowledge allows regarding what Ahmad can be and cannot be.

That soul is still connected to Allah. Its like an infinite sea along some directions while it has river like structures branching out of it along other directions (like canals are connected to the river). Those river like structures even though may be connected to some infinite sea still have boundaries around them. Same way Ahmad's soul is connected to his infinite Allah's soul but like a river can only experience what Ahmad can be or can't be (i.e. limits or boundaries of Ahmad). That limitification appears to us as the experience of reality.

Hence reality is an illusion where Allah's laws of science at various level of complexity put limits on aspect of Allah's own soul. In other words manifestation of a human being is nothing more than Allah's certain chosen knowledge being imposed on his own soul (On experiences of His soul, some continuation of his soul as in the example of sea and connected rivers above). Hence some piece of knowledge creat one person and some the other and so on.

Even though Allah has infinite knowledge and yet he chooses as he pleases and imposes restricted piece of that knowledge (what can or can't be) on some river of his soul. IN other words Allah's soul is experiencing Allah's imposed limits that arise out of his restricted set of knowledge . Hence Allah's is the experiencer and Allah is the experience.

Experiencer is soul and experience is his knowledge of what possible experience can be for that particular soul and that limitation appears to us as phsyical body restricated in physical universe (restricated by possiblity of scienftifc laws or knowledge applied on it).

Still we are suppose to stay away from those people opposed to Allah, since they are maifestation of not just Allah's knowledge about them but also the kind of knowledge that Allah chose to dislike. Hence requirement to stay away from forming friendships or love relationships with non-believers and forgiving and accepting the believers regaredles of how "racist the believers are" (we must persist always to be part of them).

That requirement is absolute. Meaning fail to meet that requirement and you will be treated with non-believers on the day of judgement (no them and us as "bhai bhai", we are even ordered to stay away from those "bhai bhai people as in the clear verse of Quran). No forgiveness in this regards nor Allah will use us in such as case for a cause that gives power to Islam (we will not be allowed to benifit islam, our services are no longer wanted).

Meaning speaking and bad mouthing against other muslim nations as common regardless of what they have done, will lead to retaliation by Allah. They are still to be treated as one of us with no trace of our nationalistic or any other identity separating us from them. For them is their actions, for us who we are suppose to be, as ordered by Allah.

So why Allah is opposed to non-believers? Well Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) answered us as follows:

Allah is a hidden treasure that wanted to be known.

Meaning Allah has a sense self and purpose of creation was that he wanted to experience himself through us. When we stand opposed to that reality, then we become what was not chosen by him. We become infidel.

So why Allah needs us to truly acknowledge him? Well, in my understanding, because He is the absolute truth and the ONLY source. So by denying His reality, and Him, we deny an absolute truth and since He is all truth, He resists and dislikes those who are on the falsehood. Its is just His nature. Being absolute truth requires it automatically. Its just the nature of things. Hence absolute importance of those who acknowledge him and why they are so special regardless how much sinner they are.

So summing it up, since Allah's soul has infinite creative power (it can create anything, its Allah after all), when restricted as human body, it experiences limits and within those limits wherever it puts its attention towards, that comes into being. That coming into being is called the observer effect in quantum physics. That is its the soul of Allah restricted as "us" that is creating the observer effect. Reality is not being created by us, but by that soul within us whose infinite power manifest that quantum particle that was not there.

Consiousness is nothing more than our own soul. A soul that can only experience limited self knowledge which then appears as consciousness. that is consciousness is that awareness, that knowing of our soul which we experience as who am I, or what this or that thing is. But still soul is connected with Allah like river connected with sea. SO soul is not fully free to create, it co-creates by drawing its attention on one possibility (e.g. via dua, or desire etc.) seeking permission from the rest of its infinite self called Allah. When both agree things happen.

Note: I should have used the metaphor of sea and ice in it. Both are water and same yet ice due to having a boundary is same yet separate. That's how a human soul and Allah can be seen relations to each other.

More recently quantum mechanics experiments have indicated that reality is subjective. Meaning our expectation allows what can be. In other words, soul of Allah within us, if it could be made to pay attention on one possibility only with no knowing of the others (so as if never occurred in our mind ever), that will happen. But that's impossible to do in general.

Also there is also a problem of unconscious asking from Allah whose wants, desire, fears etc. are based on past experiences and is usually below our awareness. At the end however, Allah allows something to happen when his sifat or characteristics are activated by drawing his attention with absolute sincerity and our dua.

To be absolutely sincere requires first surrendering fully to Allah, by becoming nothing, having no identity, no country, no culture, no race, no color, no other ideal or identity that may influence our behavior or actions.

When all other lords and influencers are gone (when there is no idol), Then only islam remains and Allah becomes our sole God.

When Allah is the only influencer and the ruler in our physical manifestation. That sincerity is creative. Then you can order things to happen. Since what was not Allah is now gone (Allah only chose Islam as our identity and anything associated with islam, e.g. strickly a muslim majority country that we must work to make better muslim and mighty powerful while working openly and covertly with the sole purpose of uniting all muslim nation whether they like it or they don't, they are racist about it or not. We don't get influenced by them, their behavior is not our lord anymore, no longer influencing us, controlling us or our actions or thoughts. We have surrendered to Allah already. He is the only one Who influences our actions, thoughts and behaviors. This way our insecurities in relations to other muslims, our hidden prejudism against other muslims which we blame on their behaviors and our own actions (say our attitudes regarding their daughters and sisters etc. which divides muslims) leaves us and we become free to be whatever the right way is.

Then we have entered Islam fully. Then Allah is our only lord and only then we are true muslims.

توفیق اس کو ملتی ہےجو اپنی نسل، ملک ، رنگ، صوبے اور اس طرح کے اور شناختی کارڈوں کے بغیر حاضر ہو جاتا ہے اللہ کے سامنے۔ تاہم پھر بھی جس کا تعلق صرف مسلمان ملکوں کے ساتھ ہے ۔ اچھے ہیں تو انکے ساتھ ہے۔ برے ہیں تو ان کو ٹھیک کرے میں لگا رہتا ہے۔ تب وہ ثابت کرتا ہے کے جس اللہ کے نظا م کا قرآن میں حکم ہے۔ بار بار۔ جو صرف مسلمان ملکوں میں ممکن ہے۔جس کی صرف مسلمان ملکوں میں اجازت ہے. وہ اس کام کے لیے سرکاری نوکر بھرتی ہو گیا ہے۔۔ سرکار مکہ کا ۔ اللہ کا۔ پر اس کے لیے بھی توفیق چاہیے ہے۔ جو صرف عطا سے ملتی ہے۔ جس کو ہو جائے۔۔

Those nations who don't do that, pay for it dearly.

They either don't rise into power and prosperity, or if they do, they are controlled by non-believers or keep facing some other Fitna, terrorism, insurgencies and chaos, one trouble after another or if none of that happens, they increasingly have atheist among them taking them far from Allah.

So if nations does not work for a united Islam, abandon other Muslim nations due on their self identity other than Islam, or respond wrong with wrong, then they lose something truly precious, something that can only come from Allah, namely Barakah.

Barakah or Barkat is a reward from Allah where small efforts and small actions lead to big successes, and big gains, no matter the perceived difficulty and odds set against us. Barakah also manifests when we try to unite with the "racists ones among muslims" with absolute sincerity and Allah changes not just their hearts but makes us persistent in our efforts, eventually engineering events that lead to union and true brotherhood. We are promised of that too when the efforts are truly sincere. Rediculing verses of Quran on this topic which is very common now a days, makes a person stand against islam as non-believer. They are revealing themsleves to Allah who they truely are. We should stay away from such people so as to not lose Barakah in our life, both as individuals and as nations.

Barakah is where we are guided to do what leads a nation to rise into absolute power, where great forces are set into motion that guide, aid, and make sure that the righteous nation rises to become truly unrivaled to any other.

We don't have to very pious in our personal life for that. Those sins are easily forgiven. But do things that separates Islam or that prevent "system of Quran" and its all over. Then Lords of the worlds Retaliates.

When our identity that drives us in relations to other muslims and non-muslims is based on taking action where united islam can finally takes shape and we can put "the system of the Book" on all muslims which we are suppose to do. Then we are promised Barakah. United as one, we are then promised that we will have the unmatched power and we will be lead to victory. So true indepedent power through A.I. or any other way won't come to us, as an individuals, as industrialist or as a nation unless we do the right thing. There is no other way.

Nations that think that they are clever enough to be something by following their culture, history, race etc. without working to create a powerful united Islam are paying for it. Fools trying to outsmart Allah won't be anything, ever. Its always true. They are either not proper muslims (faith has be taken away from them), or not rich enough or are not powerful enough or all three. They have no barakah nor any guidance from Allah on what to do. All signs all around us, reveal to us, that reality every day, and everywhere we look.

May Allah help us see all of that truth and guide us towards his right Path. Ameen.

P.S. @Mangus Ortus Novem,

A.I. is very dangerous. It is possible that other than human being some manifestation of A.I. may get to have some soul or consciousness and do for Islam which will help us. Allah know best.

This is my last post for now. I rarely come on PDF now a days. Please forgive me if there is something you don't like. This just an exchange between us, Muslims. We all think differently. Another reason to forgive me is that I will be 32 late this year. So I am 31 years old. This is not an age of wisdom yet. I need a lot more time to become wise. Also only Allah knows what is true and what is not about reality including future of A.I. . Take good care of yourself. Whether I remember to like your post or not or say something about your posts or not, do know that I value them immensely. You are one of those Pakistanis who make us feel that we are a highly intelligent nation capable of very sophisticated and abstract thoughts. My sincere respects.
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Most of my post on A.I. was written from scientific point of view rather than as muslim. AS a muslim my own understanding regarding consciousness are more or less like as follow:

Allah's soul was placed in every human being. There is a field of all possibilities which is called Allah. So placing his soul say in human being say as an example in a man named Ahmad means, some aspect of Allah's consciousness was constraint in such a way so that that particular manifestation of Allah's soul can only experience what Ahmad can.

That is Ahmad physical body is a prison for the soul (as Allah calls it in Quran). The soul is a continuation of Allah, this particular manifestation is imprisoned within whatever boundary and limitation of Ahmad's are. We experience those limitations, that prison on the soul as physical body in the real world along with the rest of the universe (universe itself is a limitation through its laws of science).

Otherwise since Ahmad's portion of the soul is a continuation of the soul of Allah, It is infinitely powerful and free from any limitation.

Another way to look at it is this: Allah's knowledge about things manifest as physical reality. But every piece of knowledge is limited description of some aspect of reality, which in turn means, knowledge about something is just our awareness what something is and what it is not. There is boundary (a limit) between what something is and what it is not. Hence Allah's knowledge about something puts limits on what something can be and can experience (and what it can't be). Therefore Allah's knowledge about say someone named Ahmad, defines what Ahmad is and what he can't be.

So when Allah's knowledge about Ahmad, is enforced upon some aspect of Allah's own soul, that aspect of Allah's soul experiences it as "being Ahmad". Hence Allah's infinite soul become imprisoned in the limitification called Ahmad that can only experience what Allah's knowledge allows regarding what Ahmad can be and cannot be.

That soul is still connected to Allah. Its like an infinite sea along some directions while it has river like structures branching out of it along other directions (like canals are connected to the river). Those river like structures even though may be connected to some infinite sea still have boundaries around them. Same way Ahmad's soul is connected to his infinite Allah's soul but like a river can only experience what Ahmad can be or can't be (i.e. limits or boundaries of Ahmad). That limitification appears to us as the experience of reality.

Hence reality is an illusion where Allah's laws of science at various level of complexity put limits on aspect of Allah's own soul. In other words manifestation of a human being is nothing more than Allah's certain chosen knowledge being imposed on his own soul (On experiences of His soul, some continuation of his soul as in the example of sea and connected rivers above). Hence some piece of knowledge creat one person and some the other and so on.

Even though Allah has infinite knowledge and yet he chooses as he pleases and imposes restricted piece of that knowledge (what can or can't be) on some river of his soul. IN other words Allah's soul is experiencing Allah's imposed limits that arise out of his restricted set of knowledge . Hence Allah's is the experiencer and Allah is the experience.

Experiencer is soul and experience is his knowledge of what possible experience can be for that particular soul and that limitation appears to us as phsyical body restricated in physical universe (restricated by possiblity of scienftifc laws or knowledge applied on it).

Still we are suppose to stay away from those people opposed to Allah, since they are maifestation of not just Allah's knowledge about them but also the kind of knowledge that Allah chose to dislike. Hence requirement to stay away from forming friendships or love relationships with non-believers and forgiving and accepting the believers regaredles of how "racist the believers are" (we must persist always to be part of them).

That requirement is absolute. Meaning fail to meet that requirement and you will be treated with non-believers on the day of judgement (no them and us as "bhai bhai", we are even ordered to stay away from those "bhai bhai people as in the clear verse of Quran). No forgiveness in this regards nor Allah will use us in such as case for a cause that gives power to Islam (we will not be allowed to benifit islam, our services are no longer wanted).

Meaning speaking and bad mouthing against other muslim nations as common regardless of what they have done, will lead to retaliation by Allah. They are still to be treated as one of us with no trace of our nationalistic or any other identity separating us from them. For them is their actions, for us who we are suppose to be, as ordered by Allah.

So why Allah is opposed to non-believers? Well Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) answered us as follows:

Allah is a hidden treasure that wanted to be known.

Meaning Allah has a sense self and purpose of creation was that he wanted to experience himself through us. When we stand opposed to that reality, then we become what was not chosen by him. We become infidel.

So why Allah needs us to truly acknowledge him? Well, in my understanding, because He is the absolute truth and the ONLY source. So by denying His reality, and Him, we deny an absolute truth and since He is all truth, He resists and dislikes those who are on the falsehood. Its is just His nature. Being absolute truth requires it automatically. Its just the nature of things. Hence absolute importance of those who acknowledge him and why they are so special regardless how much sinner they are.

So summing it up, since Allah's soul has infinite creative power (it can create anything, its Allah after all), when restricted as human body, it experiences limits and within those limits wherever it puts its attention towards, that comes into being. That coming into being is called the observer effect in quantum physics. That is its the soul of Allah restricted as "us" that is creating the observer effect. Reality is not being created by us, but by that soul within us whose infinite power manifest that quantum particle that was not there.

Consiousness is nothing more than our own soul. A soul that can only experience limited self knowledge which then appears as consciousness. that is consciousness is that awareness, that knowing of our soul which we experience as who am I, or what this or that thing is. But still soul is connected with Allah like river connected with sea. SO soul is not fully free to create, it co-creates by drawing its attention on one possibility (e.g. via dua, or desire etc.) seeking permission from the rest of its infinite self called Allah. When both agree things happen.

Note: I should have used the metaphor of sea and ice in it. Both are water and same yet ice due to having a boundary is same yet separate. That's how a human soul and Allah can be seen relations to each other.

More recently quantum mechanics experiments have indicated that reality is subjective. Meaning our expectation allows what can be. In other words, soul of Allah within us, if it could be made to pay attention on one possibility only with no knowing of the others (so as if never occurred in our mind ever), that will happen. But that's impossible to do in general.

Also there is also a problem of unconscious asking from Allah whose wants, desire, fears etc. are based on past experiences and is usually below our awareness. At the end however, Allah allows something to happen when his sifat or characteristics are activated by drawing his attention with absolute sincerity and our dua.

To be absolutely sincere requires first surrendering fully to Allah, by becoming nothing, having no identity, no country, no culture, no race, no color, no other ideal or identity that may influence our behavior or actions.

When all other lords and influencers are gone (when there is no idol), Then only islam remains and Allah becomes our sole God.

When Allah is the only influencer and the ruler in our physical manifestation. That sincerity is creative. Then you can order things to happen. Since what was not Allah is now gone (Allah only chose Islam as our identity and anything associated with islam, e.g. strickly a muslim majority country that we must work to make better muslim and mighty powerful while working openly and covertly with the sole purpose of uniting all muslim nation whether they like it or they don't, they are racist about it or not. We don't get influenced by them, their behavior is not our lord anymore, no longer influencing us, controlling us or our actions or thoughts. We have surrendered to Allah already. He is the only one Who influences our actions, thoughts and behaviors. This way our insecurities in relations to other muslims, our hidden prejudism against other muslims which we blame on their behaviors and our own actions (say our attitudes regarding their daughters and sisters etc. which divides muslims) leaves us and we become free to be whatever the right way is.

Then we have entered Islam fully. Then Allah is our only lord and only then we are true muslims.

توفیق اس کو ملتی ہےجو اپنی نسل، ملک ، رنگ، صوبے اور اس طرح کے اور شناختی کارڈوں کے بغیر حاضر ہو جاتا ہے اللہ کے سامنے۔ تاہم پھر بھی جس کا تعلق صرف مسلمان ملکوں کے ساتھ ہے ۔ اچھے ہیں تو انکے ساتھ ہے۔ برے ہیں تو ان کو ٹھیک کرے میں لگا رہتا ہے۔ تب وہ ثابت کرتا ہے کے جس اللہ کے نظا م کا قرآن میں حکم ہے۔ بار بار۔ جو صرف مسلمان ملکوں میں ممکن ہے۔جس کی صرف مسلمان ملکوں میں اجازت ہے. وہ اس کام کے لیے سرکاری نوکر بھرتی ہو گیا ہے۔۔ سرکار مکہ کا ۔ اللہ کا۔ پر اس کے لیے بھی توفیق چاہیے ہے۔ جو صرف عطا سے ملتی ہے۔ جس کو ہو جائے۔۔

Those nations who don't do that, pay for it dearly.

They either don't rise into power and prosperity, or if they do, they are controlled by non-believers or keep facing some other Fitna, terrorism, insurgencies and chaos, one trouble after another or if none of that happens, they increasingly have atheist among them taking them far from Allah.

So if nations does not work for a united Islam, abandon other Muslim nations due on their self identity other than Islam, or respond wrong with wrong, then they lose something truly precious, something that can only come from Allah, namely Barakah.

Barakah or Barkat is a reward from Allah where small efforts and small actions lead to big successes, and big gains, no matter the perceived difficulty and odds set against us. Barakah also manifests when we try to unite with the "racists ones among muslims" with absolute sincerity and Allah changes not just their hearts but makes us persistent in our efforts, eventually engineering events that lead to union and true brotherhood. We are promised of that too when the efforts are truly sincere. Rediculing verses of Quran on this topic which is very common now a days, makes a person stand against islam as non-believer. They are revealing themsleves to Allah who they truely are. We should stay away from such people so as to not lose Barakah in our life, both as individuals and as nations.

Barakah is where we are guided to do what leads a nation to rise into absolute power, where great forces are set into motion that guide, aid, and make sure that the righteous nation rises to become truly unrivaled to any other.

We don't have to very pious in our personal life for that. Those sins are easily forgiven. But do things that separates Islam or that prevent "system of Quran" and its all over. Then Lords of the worlds Retaliates.

When our identity that drives us in relations to other muslims and non-muslims is based on taking action where united islam can finally takes shape and we can put "the system of the Book" on all muslims which we are suppose to do. Then we are promised Barakah. United as one, we are then promised that we will have the unmatched power and we will be lead to victory. So true indepedent power through A.I. or any other way won't come to us, as an individuals, as industrialist or as a nation unless we do the right thing. There is no other way.

Nations that think that they are clever enough to be something by following their culture, history, race etc. without working to create a powerful united Islam are paying for it. Fools trying to outsmart Allah won't be anything, ever. Its always true. They are either not proper muslims (faith has be taken away from them), or not rich enough or are not powerful enough or all three. They have no barakah nor any guidance from Allah on what to do. All signs all around us, reveal to us, that reality every day, and everywhere we look.

May Allah help us see all of that truth and guide us towards his right Path. Ameen.

P.S. @Mangus Ortus Novem,

A.I. is very dangerous. It is possible that other than human being some manifestation of A.I. may get to have some soul or consciousness and do for Islam which will help us. Allah know best.

This is my last post for now. I rarely come on PDF now a days. Please forgive me if there is something you don't like. This just an exchange between us, Muslims. We all think differently. Another reason to forgive me is that I will be 32 late this year. So I am 31 years old. This is not an age of wisdom yet. I need a lot more time to become wise. Also only Allah knows what is true and what is not about reality including future of A.I. . Take good care of yourself. Whether I remember to like your post or not or say something about your posts or not, do know that I value them immensely. You are one of those Pakistanis who make us feel that we are a highly intelligent nation capable of very sophisticated and abstract thoughts. My sincere respects.

It is the Nature of Two to be One.... Mirror!

One remains One.

Creation is Three coming out of Oneness of the Two which is One.

YoungPakBrother mine, I understand you.

Wisdom doesn't have a dilvery dates, neither it is bound by age...it is a Gift of the One!

The Purpose of this thread is Dialouge among us Paks... to learn from eachother...to elevate eachother...and have joy when one of us reaches higher.... since, we all are One!

Not to porve a point or win an arguement...but rather Elevation in Consciousness of What is and What is Not!

If you look at this thread...with a detached view... you shall find the Alogrithm ... peal layers... Model them... but don't get absorbed too much... detached interest would do!

Creation is Disruption.

All Starting with at Once... one giving birth to the other.

Cycle Completes Itself.

When Everything is in a Flux, Stagnation... Disruption.

Only the Wiset Can Create Disruption.

Only the Sage can guide Disruption.

Only the Astute can benefit from Disruption.

Disruption has arrived!!!
The Perservation of the State is the Highest Virtue!

It is the Only Virtue from which the rest can follow!

Pakistan is the SecondState ... it was/is the Promise we made and have totally failed to Honour this Scared Oath.

Hence, Our Fall, disgrace, loss of Sovereingty, labelled with everything bad under the Heavens... the most of OurTrobules are Self-Inflicted and the Turth is we have also been Victim of foreign Intriuges... which only succeeded because we, Paks, not having OurCompass pointing to TrueNorth.

Many reasons and some... to the Condition we find Ourselves in for decades now!

When we look at Our FirstSacredState, 1400+yrs ago, everything done there was to Preserve the SacredState so that the Complete System of Life could be implemented!

Our True Leaders and the Beloved Prophet PBUH did everything for the Survival and Continuation of the SacredState.

From the SacredBatteles to The Conquest of Makkah without violence and forgiving all those oppressers ... all are the Lesson for The Second State to study, analyse and follow.

We, despite giving the Promise to make Pakistan the SecondState have FAILED in learning and implementing those SacredLessons!

Of course, Pakistan Shall Never be The First SacredState... but continuous journey, with all the failings and then standing up to go on... is the Purpose of Pakistan.

Our Fundamental Failure has been not being able to Frame the Idea of Pakistan properly within the State of Pakistan.

We are neither a Repulic and nor Islamic
... a hotch-potch of everythig trying to be extra-liberal and extra-conservative within the same timeframe has addded to Paralysis of PakPositiveNarrative resulting in political mess and ethno-fascism on the rise.

Unless we Frame Our Existence with Absolute Clarity ... we shall remain a SoftState flirting with Abyss!

A State without any sense of itself can neither have Sovereignity nor National Interests... rather remains permanently in reactive, survivor mode... which is taxing to say the least.

Since, we have Failed to Frame OurState into correct Form we are still searching for 'models' to progress or get out of the deep, entreched mess that we, the 220mln Paks, have to live with.

We have seen AllooGhostPhilsophers trying to eliminate a mere 'line' called border, because in such GreatPhilosphers' view people are the same on both side of the 'line' ... both eating AllooGosht, both worshiping the same God!

Or the Daughter of the East stating during Self-Exile while in India...that Pakistan must form Confederation with India.

We know about other smaller players in political-morrase who have said even more exotic things...

This all happend and is still happening because of Our Failure to Frame the State of Pakistan correctly and Stick-with-it!!!

Swinging from Islamic-Socialism to Zia's Islam to Mushy's Liberalism to a decade of imposed, imported JumWhoriat to current Woodstock-Suffism
.... all are the pointers of Confusion, causing harm to both the State and Paks... decline continues!

The Fundamental Questions of What-are-we, Who-are-we, Why-are-we need to find Solid and Consistent answers for the PakState to find its bearing and the Ship-of-PakState can finally set out on the Voyage of Self-Realisation.

Neither FazoolMullahMaffia nor Mera-Jism-Meri-Marzi going to answer the Fundamental Questions for reasons obvious!

The above is The Reason that we have also not been able to Frame India in proper context...

We have failed to understand that this 'Soviet' Union of IndianStates is held together with a Network of Elite just like the Party Princes of the USSR.

Also, the desperate need of IndianStatehood to permanently attacking (through Hybridwar) is the Glue that holds this 'Soviet' Union of India together... evermore now since the good Indians march towards HinduRashtra .... with both Pakistan and Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan as convinient targets to blame... cleverly hiding the War on Islam!

WashingtonPost correctly described after the paper annexation of IoJK by the FacistRegime as:

Hindu Victory Over Islam.

It is 1000+yrs old feeling held by the good Indians that is now being actuated by the IndianState, which was never secular, neither in its conduct nor in its policies.

Why did Quaid e Azam R.A. correctly described Kashmir to be Our JugularVein?

OurQuaid fought for Kashmir when his cells were dying within his frail structure. Why did he do it?

Yes, for more than Forty odd years we have been dealing with the AfghanWars and its fallout within OurLand. And yes, these efforts from PakState were/are to Preserve the PakState.

  • 100.000 PakKashmiris in 7.000 massgraves -
  • 10.000 PakKashmiri women/girls Gang Raped by the good IndiaArmy as Weapon of War -
  • 14.000+ PakKashmiri youngsters abducted from their homes in IoJK without any info of there whereabouts
  • 100s lost their Sight, including infants/toddlers, from Indians firing shot-guns directly on their faces...

The recent picture of a child sitting on the dead-body of his grandfather... outraged us... but is it the only picture?

Oddly enough PakKashmiris are Fighting for The Idea of Pakistan!

On the CeaseFireLine1 the valiant Indians can use snipper rifles to have a clear head-shot of our small children. They fire directly into PakCivilian areas... trageting houses...for more colletral damage...

And we always give 'Befitting' reply!

One understands that the Longest TrenchWarfare in History has its reasons and dynamics... the good Indians just want keep it under pressure and attempt to engage in Attrition thinking this will cause loss of men and material and force Pakistan to accept CeaseFireLine1 as permanent border..

We cann't.

We simply cann't accept CeaseFireLine1 to be a permanet border.

Yes, we have million and 1 problems and our interenal mess is overwhelming... but we need to Make the Core Decision...which we have shied away for too long.

And before we could finally take the PakCoreDecision ...we must Frame OurState with Absolute Clarity and build it from ground-up.

Sino-IranianDeal .... has Strategic Implication for OurRegion and OurState...

Kabulistan in the hands of Bazari Kabulis is still trying to keep the Gravy-train chugging along by desperately trying for the Americans to stay and keep feeding them Free$.

It's not one's PakBias to state that Pakistan is The Heartland and has everything to become a PowerfulState of GlobalConseqence. We have done that once... and might pull it off second time as well... too early to claim anything.

This we have done without Absolute Clarity of Framing PakPositivism or PakPositiveNationalism... we did the above for mere Survival.

Time for Survival based Action is almost over.

Now is the DecisionTime of What-are-We-as-PakState????

Only then we could have PakNational Interstes or Direction to have Roadmap of Becoming what we are meant to be.

Kashmir is not about land. Or Rivers ...

Kashmir is about Idea of Pakistan ... and Pakistan is incomplete without Kashmir.

PakArmedForces carry the SacredDuty of not only protecting our physical landmass/state from external or internal enemies but it is also the ScaredDuty of PakArmedForces to Protect The Idea of Pakistan.

The PLA has now an effective CeaseFireLine2 with strategic gains both in land and diplomacy!

Killing of PakChildren or PakCivilians by the good Indians needs to STOP now.

Only we can do this.

It is high time that Pak DG MO calls his Indian counterpart and convey in clearest terms... that Price of Killing PakChildren has gone hugely UP!

And then fulfill this Oath the next time the good Indians Kill Our Children.


We have both the men and means to do this. High time PMIK tweets the warning to the ModiRegime and then ACT.

What is happening Behind the CeaseFireLine1 is Rape and Murder of the Idea of Pakistan in the form of PakKashmiris ...proving the Article by WashingtonPost.


PS: However, the Journey towards becoming a Powerful PakState is Long One... but depends solely on how we Frame Our PakState!!!
The One creates Ones and remains Forever The Same.

It is the Function/Magnificence of The One.

Forever in Its Essence, Unmovable, Infinite yet The One.

Every 'thing' manifest is the Function, Creation of The One. Yet it is Not The One.

Both in Manifestation and Unmanifested the Will of The One remains the Same.

An Infinity, large, small or Infinite, is Nothing but a Sequence of One.

The Principle, Will of The One gives Form to many Ones... joined together to be Nine or just One... The Essence and the Will remains with The One.

Universa might be just numbers in all dimmensions
... but The Principle belongs The One...both in Command and Will.

Only The One can give Rise to Nine!!!

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