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MangusonianDialectics: Mysteries...resolved and unresolved.....

itna bhari sawal hum haal nahi ho paye ga ...

Indeed, the Spirit of the Universe is Calm, Detached and Impersonal.

It follows its Form and within this Form all the Shapes remain bound to their Functions.... both Creation and De-Creation. Or perhaps, better said, Finishing One to Start Another.

Sometimes, its the Functions that can guide the Understanding towards the TrueNature when the Definition is Opaque/Obscure.

Whilst understanding the Spirit of the Universe in its functionalities and their dovetailing qualities... we can sense the Spirit itself.
Seems to require becoming a Mirror to the Spirit and diving into it.

Or is there another manner in which we could define the Spirit of the Universe?

True. A Circle always complete itself.... even before the manifestation of it graces the material stage the Circle is Complete. The instant the Centre is there... Circle is ready.

The Majesty of the Circle
is too great for the limited mind of the BemusedObserve.... it can devour the Multiverse and still can have room for ten more...a million more... and it can be fall inwards to all Infinities and still retain its Form.

The Spirit of the Circle is beyond description... Language is limited for any expression... and it does appear that the SapienMind is limited too.

There are Symbols in everything... and all come from the Circle.

Only the blessed and the most wise can see and understand... albeit within the granted limitations....

The Spirit of the Universe is Alive, Vibrating to its own Rythm and possesses Intelligence which only the Mind as Vast as the Universe can comprehen.

Yes, this is the Only Choice!

And herein lies True Beauty.

The Soul is Creation of the Most Magnificent!
@Ace of Spades @Verve

It is not mere energy or just conciousness... it is a Form that is far beyond the capability of this person to even imagine.

Soul is alive...knowing only Joy and Pain.... a very Different Light Form than the material light... going beyond this will be self-deception by this person.

The Spirit needs Agency to exert itself...

In itself it can exist.

However, when a Conciousness becomes resonant with its Spirit.... it can make it a Big as the Universe or as small as a pebble.

Only Self can Raise/Expand the Spirit... Ego is necessay on the SapienPlain... beyond it it is useless.

Self can become the Mirror and then Become the Image within... again constrained by the Form.
That is the Rule. The First Principle applies everywhere to everything and every-non-thing.

Can we say that the Spirit is The Form... a Form can be minute or Infinite... remaining the same.?

And perhaps this Form... is state of Being in itself... having its own Intelligence... Living and Dying... Rising and Falling... Becoming and then Un-Becoming...

Regardless, the Spirit cann't jump out of the Circle... it is bound to live within its confinement.

@peagle the Spirit of Pakistan is Resilient...though it has shrunk in the past 74 years... times being a necessary measure to frame the thought.

We need to Expand the PakSpirit... and before that we must have Crystaline Clarity of PakSelf... which is currently in choas due to many a factors...

The Spirit of Pakistan is alive and is the driver which has kept us going... even when the CriminalEnterprise has wounded it.

The pervailing Nizam is in Fundamental Opposition to the Spirit of Pakistan... which gave birth to the Idea of Pakistan and then the Materialisation of OurLand...which has always been ours... only we got the small chunk. @StormBreaker

The Spirit of Pakistan drove millions of Paks to migrate ... a million plus Paks gave their lives.. and countless PakWomen gave their Honour... @SIPRA

It is the Spirit of Pakistan that is keeping the Struggle Alive in PakKashmiris of IoJK.... @PanzerKiel

We all are responsible for the Spirit of Pakistan and its StrongExpansion both within and without.

How else could we be Paks? @HRK

You explained the spirit very beautifully !

How deep your mind really is MashaAllah. What a man yaar !!!
You explained the spirit very beautifully !

How deep your mind really is MashaAllah. What a man yaar !!!

I think you @Mangus Ortus Novem have become a tortured soul, unnecessarily.
There was a different kind of fire burning inside you, more confident, gung-ho, more upbeat.
This new mangus is somewhat different.
Or, am I wrong?
I think you @Mangus Ortus Novem have become a tortured soul, unnecessarily.
There was a different kind of fire burning inside you, more confident, gung-ho, more upbeat.
This new mangus is somewhat different.
Or, am I wrong?
No !

Sir @Mangus Ortus Novem has come to realization that too much optimism isn’t suited to the condition of our country !

He has great hopes from this nation but the way it is recklessly headed by JAAHIL DACOITS and towards doomsday, He has become more concerned and depressed, Just like me.
No !

Sir @Mangus Ortus Novem has come to realization that too much optimism isn’t suited to the condition of our country !

He has great hopes from this nation but the way it is recklessly headed by JAAHIL DACOITS and towards doomsday, He has become more concerned and depressed, Just like me.


The only, single most important thing Pakistanis lack is optimism.
I have lost friendships because of it, the sick stupid idiotic imbecilic habit of Pakistanis of habitual self loathing, it is a sickness that permeates among our people.

I am in my forties, and I can count on a single finger the number of optimist Pakistanis I have met in real life, that count includes myself.

We are stupidly critical, without basis, without reason, we think just because it comes out of our mouth it makes sense.

I have never in my life met a critical Pakistan, who had a valid basis for their criticism.
I have not met a reasoned critical Pakistani on pdf either, all full of hot air and nothing more.

There are issues, they do exist in Pakistan, but no more then other countries, we make mountains out of mole hills. Other countries present mountainous issues as mole hills.
Mostly, I find only few real reasons to be critical about. Most critical events usually have reasoned basis, that requires balanced thinking, but Pakistanis do nothing but cry without providing any valid basis.

Please pick 5 topics and let us see if they deserve valid criticism.
Other countries hide their shortcomings and deny them outright.
But Pakistanis criticise their positives to the point of utter depression.

The only, single most important thing Pakistanis lack is optimism.
I have lost friendships because of it, the sick stupid idiotic imbecilic habit of Pakistanis of habitual self loathing, it is a sickness that permeates among our people.

I am in my forties, and I can count on a single finger the number of optimist Pakistanis I have met in real life, that count includes myself.

We are stupidly critical, without basis, without reason, we think just because it comes out of our mouth it makes sense.

I have never in my life met a critical Pakistan, who had a valid basis for their criticism.
I have not met a reasoned critical Pakistani on pdf either, all full of hot air and nothing more.

There are issues, they do exist in Pakistan, but no more then other countries, we make mountains out of mole hills. Other countries present mountainous issues as mole hills.
Mostly, I find only few real reasons to be critical about. Most critical events usually have reasoned basis, that requires balanced thinking, but Pakistanis do nothing but cry without providing any valid basis.

Please pick 5 topics and let us see if they deserve valid criticism.
Other countries hide their shortcomings and deny them outright.
But Pakistanis criticise their positives to the point of utter depression.
Are you based in Pakistan ?
I think you @Mangus Ortus Novem have become a tortured soul, unnecessarily.
There was a different kind of fire burning inside you, more confident, gung-ho, more upbeat.
This new mangus is somewhat different.
Or, am I wrong?

O Yaar meray,

Mangus is Mangus
... still retaining the Form...though in the same Form many a Shapes do exist simultaneously!

My PakPositiveNationalism is not a Choice but a Calling ... indepedent of my feelings or thoughts.

This thread is meant as exposition of such... musings.

Nothing more nothing less.

Just wish that YoungPaks take time to reflect on all matters... rather being on pre-conditioned autopilot of Reactionism.

The PakPostivism is based in OurHistory and it is a Continum.. not my invention...

I just gave it a name: PakPositiveNationalism.

True that I have not given it a Form by investing time into a thread... rather I have used it to guage .... to sense the depth of awareness among YoungPaks... and I am delighted to report that the most are PakPositiveNationalist.

Here it is imperative that I do underline that Nationalism is a Cancer... and we must avoid it at all costs... just look to the muhoos to our East and you will get the validation of this important point.

The PakPositiveNationalism is NOT the CancerousNationalism which kills others or lynches them... It is something Deeper and Lasting.

Afterall we have been here Constantly for the Past 5000+yrs!

A Soul needs torturing sometimes to grow and expand... afterall Spirit is but a Shadow of the Soul!


@The Eagle my dear Pak, if would kindly clean up this thread... I know you have alot on your plate...but still. Thankyou!!!
O Yaar meray,

Mangus is Mangus... still retaining the Form...though in the same Form many a Shapes do exist simultaneously!

My PakPositiveNationalism is not a Choice but a Calling ... indepedent of my feelings or thoughts.

This thread is meant as exposition of such... musings.

Nothing more nothing less.

Just wish that YoungPaks take time to reflect on all matters... rather being on pre-conditioned autopilot of Reactionism.

The PakPostivism is based in OurHistory and it is a Continum.. not my invention...

I just gave it a name: PakPositiveNationalism.

True that I have not given it a Form by investing time into a thread... rather I have used it to guage .... to sense the depth of awareness among YoungPaks... and I am delighted to report that the most are PakPositiveNationalist.

Here it is imperative that I do underline that Nationalism is a Cancer... and we must avoid it at all costs... just look to the muhoos to our East and you will get the validation of this important point.

The PakPositiveNationalism is NOT the CancerousNationalism which kills others or lynches them... It is something Deeper and Lasting.

Afterall we have been here Constantly for the Past 5000+yrs!

A Soul needs torturing sometimes to grow and expand... afterall Spirit is but a Shadow of the Soul!


@The Eagle my dear Pak, if would kindly clean up this thread... I know you have alot on your plate...but still. Thankyou!!!

Nationalism is indeed a cancer, wherever it exists, no matter the intended purposes, it turns into poison. The neighbour to the east has been a constant cancerous presence since it's creation in 1947. But it is an evil I am fairly comfortable with, the why is more detailed and perhaps for another day.

Patriotism is a far better value to own and spread, it is far more inclusive.

We all have our own experiences, I am an intensely private person, but I have my own set of experiences, they have been enriching. I met a Baloch separatist, who had lot of complaints, but when you speak with someone, and if they dislike you, the hate is clearly visible, if it is there. Not once did I feel hate from him, towards me and considering his stance, not towards Pakistan either. There was a lot of anger, but never hate, it actually surprised me, because our discussion was extremely open.

Around maybe 17 years ago, I met an MQM "worker" in Laos capital of Vientiane, he told me he was a businessmen, to which I replied "come on yaar" we both just laughed. He had his political complaints, but his love for his country just shined through, as I write this I actually have a smile on my face, that he is one of the most patriotic Pakistanis I have met in my life. We enjoyed couple of beers together in our first and last meeting.

I've come cross informed Pakistanis, angry Pakistanis, but never hateful towards their own nation. This is something I will touch upon in our other to be commenced discussion.
Pakistani nation already exists, Pakistaniate is so deeply engrained in the Pakistani soul, no one has realised how deep it is, except the foreigners, they know more then we do, but they have not been able to comprehend why that is, hence the constant struggle to find fault lines. The fault lines were closed long ago. So, other then just staying awake, there is nothing to worry about.

Our only crime, which you already have pointed out, we are extremely simplistic, and lack the capacity or the will to understand and explore anything beyond simple sound bites. Even if it means those sound bites hurt our own interests.

Watch this interview below, it is a simple topic, but just the depth and quality of discussion is just beautiful, the expressed ideas and the implied ideas being understood and answered by both the interviewer and the interviewee.
I cannot image such an intelligent interview these days. We were derailed by the Afghan mess, it has effected us in more ways then we realise. We are a capable nation, it is time to end our slumber and renew our journey.


The Power of Ijtinab.

Its magnificence in life can only be achieved with great care and foresight. @SIPRA @Ace of Spades @Reddington @xeuss

Indeed, it takes strength of character and bitter taste of experience to become proficient in the Doctorine of Ijtinab!

Whence the degree of finesse of Ijtinab is achieved, one becomes more effortless and freer. @peagle @Mentee @Signalian

Ijtinab has its on requirements and qualities... @StormBreaker

Perhaps, it is prerequiste of becoming a true to one's Self!

Self can become the Mirror and then Become the Image within... again constrained by the Form.
That is the Rule. The First Principle applies everywhere to everything and every-non-thing

Identity !!!

Observing or defying it defines both the physical and meta physical consequences-------.

Ay hik nahi ay dhoo ny.

They are not one but two separate beings ------.

The Power of Ijtinab.

Its magnificence in life can only be achieved with great care and foresight. @SIPRA @Ace of Spades @Reddington @xeuss

Indeed, it takes strength of character and bitter taste of experience to become proficient in the Doctorine of Ijtinab!

Whence the degree of finesse of Ijtinab is achieved, one becomes more effortless and freer. @peagle @Mentee @Signalian

Ijtinab has its on requirements and qualities... @StormBreaker

Perhaps, it is prerequiste of becoming a true to one's Self!


I have to admit, I needed to google the meaning, ahh the torment of Urdu plebs lol, but don't get too busy thinking about my class structure :p:

Indeed, Ijtinab is the basis of life, but we forget it is mostly taught or developed, by the self or otherwise, and not natural except among a small minority.

On a somewhat similar note, last night, I was watching this lovely lecture on stoicism. I provide a money back guarantee to anyone who does not enjoy it.

take your meds and do some work instead of thinking about it's nature.
Your mentality is of a slave who is bound to serve worldly desires, Like a donkey.

There is a rare portion of people who save up as much as possible just to get retired early and to cheer the beauty of life.

Beauty of nature, Beauty of Natural mechanisms, Beauty of the smallest and the smallest things, Beauty of the distinctive nature of every element, Person, species, Object, Body, Beauty of the Skies and that lies within, The cosmos, The Stars, Galaxies, The void, Beauty of Flowers and Butterflies that blossom in spring, Beauty of the dimensions and the mysterious nature of the generalization that we call ‘Universe’.

This mysticism, The original concept of Sufis, That’s what I see every time Sir @Mangus Ortus Novem posts, To some, Those are mere words, But those who spend a good time observing and thinking, Know the depth of the words and the thoughts spent behind them.
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