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MangusonianDialectics: Mysteries...resolved and unresolved.....

Mangus Ortus Novem

Jun 7, 2008
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Each and everything .... forced to perform within the confines of its fundamental nature.

Intertiwned, dependent independence...all moving..in stationary condition... cricle always completing itself... Nature's Nature....governing Blueprint... By Design? By Accident?

End result..same, same, same...

Science..yeah.. science... a LivingOrganism... seeking ...seeking... fruitions after fruitions... moving towards the End...so that the Beginning can be reached... Science, Science...living, breathing... @masterchief_mirza

Humans confined to HumanCondition ...captive in HumanBlueprint!

Right before everyone... each system wishing, desiring, trying desparately to its stability... each System a LivingOrganism...Living, Living...struggling not to die...dying, dying..

Everything moving towards its end...starting slowly and then hasting, hasting... to the End...for Beginning...Circle Completes Itself!!!

Chaos CAN NOT exist... @Reddington

Everything is a Story. Story is Everything..without Story Nothing can exist. Chaos is a Story. Order is a Story. A Tree is a Story... Stories, stories..lies, lies..stories, stories... @SIPRA

Truth, truth..story, story... Beginning, Middle and THE End. SameStory. SameStory..forever, forever, forever....

Illusions of Individuality a story, story...

Concousness a Story... a SingleStory...UnendingStory!!!

Seed to seed..in between a story...

All happening at once..everywhere..everywhere at once happening... yet it is snippets.. that are percieved...

Imagine Seeing Everything all at once..and Understanding it at once...

There are Infinite Infinities...and there are Less Infinite Infinites.. large Infinities..and small Infinities...

This Nothingness is so filled with Everything..so alive, so kicking... terrifying with it potentialities...

Science is a living organism...

So is Khottaismo...

HumanCondition shall remain Captive of HumanBlueprint! @Indus Pakistan

The ObviousUniverse Nothing but a Wave!!!
You speak in riddles even on a good day, but this is truly a metaphysical lament conceived in some hitherto unknown plane of disembodied existence. I can say only this much - Pakistan itself cannot escape its destiny. None of us mere mortals can either.

Much has been said by Pakistanis of Quaid of late, sometimes with malevolent intent towards our long suffering Indian Muslim counterparts, sometimes just to give us Pakistanis a brief moment of succour whereby we may remain oblivious to the pain being dealt out across the border and continue to function in our somewhat entranced state of being.

For all that he so clearly and profoundly understood well beyond what was within rights, I wonder if he knew all along that Pakistan's destiny would ultimately boil down to a simple binary choice - to either destroy its tormentor or be consumed by it. There is no other outcome for this besiegement.

To my irrelevant and unlearned mind, this is surely the end game. Destiny has become a matter of absolutes - we deny the truth of its simplicity as a matter of egotistical convenience and self-preservation.

This is the fundamental nature of all earthly conceptual units of existence - individual, tribal, national - the confines of which we all must perform within.
"Dil mat ganwa, khabar na sahi, saer hi sahi
Ae be-dimagh aaena tamsaal daar hae"

Each and everything .... forced to perform within the confines of its fundamental nature.

Intertiwned, dependent independence...all moving..in stationary condition... cricle always completing itself... Nature's Nature....governing Blueprint... By Design? By Accident?

End result..same, same, same...

Science..yeah.. science... a LivingOrganism... seeking ...seeking... fruitions after fruitions... moving towards the End...so that the Beginning can be reached... Science, Science...living, breathing... @masterchief_mirza

Humans confined to HumanCondition ...captive in HumanBlueprint!

Right before everyone... each system wishing, desiring, trying desparately to its stability... each System a LivingOrganism...Living, Living...struggling not to die...dying, dying..

Everything moving towards its end...starting slowly and then hasting, hasting... to the End...for Beginning...Circle Completes Itself!!!

Chaos CAN NOT exist... @Reddington

Everything is a Story. Story is Everything..without Story Nothing can exist. Chaos is a Story. Order is a Story. A Tree is a Story... Stories, stories..lies, lies..stories, stories... @SIPRA

Truth, truth..story, story... Beginning, Middle and THE End. SameStory. SameStory..forever, forever, forever....

Illusions of Individuality a story, story...

Concousness a Story... a SingleStory...UnendingStory!!!

Seed to seed..in between a story...

All happening at once..everywhere..everywhere at once happening... yet it is snippets.. that are percieved...

Imagine Seeing Everything all at once..and Understanding it at once...

There are Infinite Infinities...and there are Less Infinite Infinites.. large Infinities..and small Infinities...

This Nothingness is so filled with Everything..so alive, so kicking... terrifying with it potentialities...

Science is a living organism...

So is Khottaismo...

HumanCondition shall remain Captive of HumanBlueprint! @Indus Pakistan

The ObviousUniverse Nothing but a Wave!!!
What is the meaning of mangus and ortus and novem ?
Tried google to no luck, o_O
You speak in riddles even on a good day, but this is truly a metaphysical lament conceived in some hitherto unknown plane of disembodied existence. I can say only this much - Pakistan itself cannot escape its destiny. None of us mere mortals can either.

Much has been said by Pakistanis of Quaid of late, sometimes with malevolent intent towards our long suffering Indian Muslim counterparts, sometimes just to give us Pakistanis a brief moment of succour whereby we may remain oblivious to the pain being dealt out across the border and continue to function in our somewhat entranced state of being.

For all that he so clearly and profoundly understood well beyond what was within rights, I wonder if he knew all along that Pakistan's destiny would ultimately boil down to a simple binary choice - to either destroy its tormentor or be consumed by it. There is no other outcome for this besiegement.

To my irrelevant and unlearned mind, this is surely the end game. Destiny has become a matter of absolutes - we deny the truth of its simplicity as a matter of egotistical convenience and self-preservation.

This is the fundamental nature of all earthly conceptual units of existence - individual, tribal, national - the confines of which we all must perform within.

Brother mine,

I fail to disagree with you!

You were tagged for a purpose and that purpose is served!

Pakistan has an existential choice, indeed. Not of our own making but imposed upon us...after 72 years of appeasing the Indians at that!

We just wanted and want to live our lives...in a normal manner...well, in Pakistani style that is... but not allowed. For the filth nextdoor considers it imperative to have us gone, broken at least...so that it can pick up the pieces... I can never forget APS..and as long as I am here.. I shall never let Paks to forget APS..courtesy Indians..our children killed!

Our policy of live and let live has failed.

It shall keep on failing...even more so now than ever before... time for live and let die is knocking at our door. Let us just say Momentum of History is in sight!

I do despise mocking of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan ...they pay the price of our existence...same way PakKashmiris have done so far...and not that different from Afghanistan in a way.

Whence I feel improved I shall compose three pieces on this subject. I shall like to tag you for critique....

Lament or Protest or mere Detach Observation of the ObviousUniverse is immaterial as its materialty is wrap we wear...

You delight me. Always have... and that Voice I hear in you..well.. let us keep it unsaid!


Simple in its very nature, its very being is so difficult to comrehend... was challenge. Perhaps, the approach was wrong, perhaps understanding quotient... perhaps forced complexity to see the Simple!

QuintEssence the Spirit of the Matter. Simple.

@Juggernaut_is_here can you define Simple?

something that can be defined with the least amount of rules and the bare minimum of framework------------------->Occam's Razor and all..
something that can be defined with the least amount of rules and the bare minimum of framework------------------->Occam's Razor and all..


Circle is Simple! In itself contains the most complex framework and rules..

Perhaps another time... would be nice to know without reference to others...

Is Originality Simple?



Slow Silence. Fast Silence. Long Silence. Short Silence.

Eloquent Silence. Vulgar Silence.

Temperary Silence. Permanent Silence.

Ryhtmic Silence. Out of Tune Silence.

Loud Silence. Quiet Silence.

Beuatiful Silence. Ugly Silence.

Not just sealing of lips, Silence.

Stoic, Patient Silence.

Frustrated, Noisy Silence.

Poised Silence.

Agitated Silence.

Language of Silence, rich, varrying, shalow, deep...colourful, monochromatic...Language still!

Not limited to Humans alone, Silence.

Law of Nature, Silence!

What is Silence?

Tiny grief.

Immense grief.

Passing grief.

Staying grief.

Shallow grief.

Deep grief.

A toy car got broken. Grief. Tears. Honest tears. Loss. Grief. Kiss. Hug. Promise. Smile. No more grief.

Loved one feels the pain, grieves. And then the one feels that pain, grieves. Tears for Tears. Grief for Grief.

A staying one. A never going one. A growing one.... sublimating into permanent form ... living as a parasite from within... becoming a being on it is own.... Grief.

The little girl grieved... warned of complaining... died.... No more Grief.

Everything is a wave.

BrainWave. HeartWave. Sub-Material is just a wave.... The Universe is a Wave. Gravity is Wave.

Plants feel.

Aminals feel.

Emotion on this Earth is measurable... a Wave.

Laniakea. Laniankea. Laniakea.

Laniakea....do you grieve? Do you feel?

Are you just a machine?

One can see you.... parked on a small planet... the outest node of a galaxy, which is almost a discard from you Laniakea... one can see you.... You are seen now. No more hiding!

Material. Just material. Is that you then, Laniakea?

Just a Feather... helpless, slave...confined ....at the mercy of something ....drifting, drifiting without purpose. Is that it?

Or those BlackHoles of yours... are your throbbings.... your Grief???

Is that were all the screams, tears or wailings go? Into your BlackHoles....

Are your supernovaz... just unctrolled emotions... your breakdown?

If it is all material...then why..why the Function of Pain and Pleasure? Mere drivers...of existence...motivation to survive... Why?

Why if all is just mechanical ...then Funciton of Grief is given to Life? Is it not a Bad Design??? A Contradiction....

One can see you see... now...where can you go.. from a discarded speck, a nothing can see you... and you cann't feel the Wave of the Grief? Contradiction...Contradiction....

It is your turn, Laniakea, to feel the Grief...

All of it...from the first moment..from the first sense of pain to now ..this day... you need to feel this Grief... you need to own this Grief...

The idea of being nothing is rejected.

You can not pretend to be indifferent..for you are seen now.. can be held in the mind...given a feeling...even an emotion ... so now being part of you... one is you, Laniakea...feel the pain.

Feel the grief...spread it everywhere...

This speck of being nothingness is rejected....now being product of start dust of your dead parts.. you need to feel also... cann't remain just a MentalUniverse...

Spread the Grief everywhere, Laniakea... let all known...

The indifferent Universe...rejected!

Own it Laniakea. Own it!

Time for you to prove!

Why must one has soul...while you, Laniakea, remain soulless?

Quality exists because of it Atributes.

Atributes need Aspects.

And Aspects need........

One makes Two.

Six makes One.


Smpile Quality.

Complex Quality.

Quality... so Simple.

Quality... so Complex.

Everything exists because of Quality. Poor or Strong. Life or Death. Quality!

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Minute. Barely existing... and yet...

Point. The QunitEssense of everything.

Start of Everyhting.

End of Everything.


In the endless possiblities of the rising and falling probabilities... Point is the Sublimation.
The Genesis. The Finality.

The small Infinity has a Point.

The Infinitely large Infinities have a Point.

All Structures can only be because of the Point.

Understanding it is, perhpas, also a Point.

Each and everything gets its Fundamental Nature from its Point.

What is the First Point?

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