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MangusonianDialectics: Mysteries...resolved and unresolved.....

Yes. Thesis—antithesis—synthesis. The circle continues regardless people observe it or not. The logic of nature is inherently independent of observers and hence, objective.

Object in itself is nothing but a transient sublimassion within time-space continum...lacking permance... Subject to fall, decay... antropy... dissolution...readying the stuff for the next sublimation...i.e. Object. Cycle indeed.
Circle Always completes itself.

Observation on the other hand is bound by many other factors.... despite requiring the Objectification of the Observer... in itself... what is it?...
Mere continiuation of the Observer-Object or utilising the Observer as a vehicle...for its Inent. ...

Thence where it comes from in this impersonal/mechanical nature which is indpendent of the Observer?

How can both within and without be
... happening at the very same time?
Object in itself is nothing but a transient sublimassion within time-space continum...lacking permance... Subject to fall, decay... antropy... dissolution...readying the stuff for the next sublimation...i.e. Object. Cycle indeed.
Circle Always completes itself.

Observation on the other hand is bound by many other factors.... despite requiring the Objectification of the Observer... in itself... what is it?...
Mere continiuation of the Observer-Object or utilising the Observer as a vehicle...for its Inent. ...

Thence where it comes from in this impersonal/mechanical nature which is indpendent of the Observer?

How can both within and without be
... happening at the very same time?
The much of mechanism (cause) which runs the whole universe, is unknown to us( observers). Yet, we may observe some of the results ( effects). The universal mechanism doesn't depend on our opinions or observations. That makes it objective. Allah is objective reality as he doesn't depend on anything or anyone's subjectivity. The Natural law is in fact Allah's law.

Minute. Barely existing... and yet...

Point. The QunitEssense of everything.

Start of Everyhting.

End of Everything.


In the endless possiblities of the rising and falling probabilities... Point is the Sublimation.
The Genesis. The Finality.

The small Infinity has a Point.

The Infinitely large Infinities have a Point.

All Structures can only be because of the Point.

Understanding it is, perhpas, also a Point.

Each and everything gets its Fundamental Nature from its Point.

What is the First Point?


You are absolutely amazing. So are your writings. Very subtle, abstract and yet so inspiring. How inspired I am from all this, is described by the following inspiration given below. (by the way I am longing off now so that I can rest).

you inspired the following thinking with keyword "point" as in my next post.

The point of all things is the ONE that can’t be pointed to. That may be the very first point.

As you mentioned, still that one that cannot be pointed too, even THAT ONE began all existence with a point. Then after we come to existence, we become imprisoned by set of a points (or should I say points of views) imposed upon us by our unique past. More and more point of views begin to imprison us until we get to the point where either we die in the dungeon of our point of views or we may become lucky enough to have the very special Tofeeq, freeing us from all flawed point of views. We finally get the very guidance pointing us towards the right direction, we so desperately need, even when we know not.

Its when we drop all points of views, when all become so utterly pointless, only then that we can fully and wholly return to the very source that stared us from absolute pointlessness (nothingness).

Meaning when we allow all expectations and preferences to drift away and surrender (have true sajda) to what is and what comes from our true source, Allah, we are suddenly free from all those things that were not meant to have any point in our finite existence, in the first place.

Freedom comes to us when we are pointed towards the direction where we were meant to be, by the very same source that started all from a point or should I say pointlessness.

When we let go all point of views, only then we become free from them, letting go our fears, and sorrows, today or tomorrow, liberating ourselves from all gains and losses, reaching a point where we allow ourselves to have absolute trust in Allah so that our Source of all existence can finally keep safe our vulnerable heart.

Salam to one who is given tofeeq and is guided by the meaning and point of views that ONLY come from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and not from this world, this flawed illusory existence and our experiences in it.

So wherever we point and where ever we are at every point in our life, He is there for us, always. Its called being Rahman, His sift.

If we chose to return to Allah, by his tofeeq and guidance of course, we will feel and see that at every point in space and time, in each and every cell of our being, in all of our circumstances, Allah’s eternal light is shining. Then good things start waiting to happen.

So we finally feel safe with him. Then we become something entirely different and remarkable, reaching experience of our being, reaching a point, where Allah is closer to us than the things happening to us.
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You are absolutely amazing. So are your writings. Very subtle, abstract and yet so inspiring. How inspired I am from all this, is described by the following inspiration given below. (by the way I am longing off now so that I can rest).

you inspired the following thinking with keyword "point" as in my next post.

The point of all things is the ONE that can’t be pointed too.

As you mentioned, still that one that cannot be pointed too, even THAT ONE began all existence with a point. Then after we come to existence, we become imprisoned by set of a points (or should I say points of views) imposed upon us by our unique past. More and more point of views begin to imprison us until we get to the point where either we die in the dungeon of our point of views or we may become lucky enough to have the very special Tofeeq, freeing us from all flawed point of views. We finally get the very guidance pointing us towards the right direction, we so desperately need, even when we know not.

Its when we drop all points of views, when all become so utterly pointless, only then that we can fully and wholly return to the very source that stared us from absolute pointlessness (nothingness).

Meaning when we allow all expectations and preferences to drift away and surrender (have true sajda) to what is and what comes from our true source, Allah, we are suddenly free from all those things that were not meant to have any point in our finite existence, in the first place.

Freedom comes to us when we are pointed towards the direction where we were meant to be, by the very same source that started all from a point or should I say pointlessness.

When we let go all point of views, only then we become free from them, letting go our fears, and sorrows, today or tomorrow, liberating ourselves from all gains and losses, reaching a point where we allow ourselves to have absolute trust on Allah so that our Source of all existence can finally keep safe our vulnerable heart.

Salam to one who is given tofeeq and is guided by the meaning and point of views that ONLY come from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and not from this world, this flawed illusory existence and our experiences in it.

So wherever we point and where ever we are at every point in our life, He is there for us, always. Its called being Rahman, His sift.

If we chose to return to Allah, by his tofeeq and guidance of course, we will feel and see that at every point in space and time, in each and every cell of our being, in all of our circumstances, Allah’s eternal light is shining. Then good things start waiting to happen.

So we finally feel safe with him. Then we become something entirely different and remarkable, reaching experience of our being where Allah is closer to us than the things happening to us.

May Allah keep you in His Special Protection!

You have no idea how delighted I am that you can percieve... more another time.

You take very good care of yourself!

Stay Blessed!!!
Each and everything .... forced to perform within the confines of its fundamental nature.

Intertiwned, dependent independence...all moving..in stationary condition... cricle always completing itself... Nature's Nature....governing Blueprint... By Design? By Accident?

End result..same, same, same...

Science..yeah.. science... a LivingOrganism... seeking ...seeking... fruitions after fruitions... moving towards the End...so that the Beginning can be reached... Science, Science...living, breathing... @masterchief_mirza

Humans confined to HumanCondition ...captive in HumanBlueprint!

Right before everyone... each system wishing, desiring, trying desparately to its stability... each System a LivingOrganism...Living, Living...struggling not to die...dying, dying..

Everything moving towards its end...starting slowly and then hasting, hasting... to the End...for Beginning...Circle Completes Itself!!!

Chaos CAN NOT exist... @Reddington

Everything is a Story. Story is Everything..without Story Nothing can exist. Chaos is a Story. Order is a Story. A Tree is a Story... Stories, stories..lies, lies..stories, stories... @SIPRA

Truth, truth..story, story... Beginning, Middle and THE End. SameStory. SameStory..forever, forever, forever....

Illusions of Individuality a story, story...

Concousness a Story... a SingleStory...UnendingStory!!!

Seed to seed..in between a story...

All happening at once..everywhere..everywhere at once happening... yet it is snippets.. that are percieved...

Imagine Seeing Everything all at once..and Understanding it at once...

There are Infinite Infinities...and there are Less Infinite Infinites.. large Infinities..and small Infinities...

This Nothingness is so filled with Everything..so alive, so kicking... terrifying with it potentialities...

Science is a living organism...

So is Khottaismo...

HumanCondition shall remain Captive of HumanBlueprint! @Indus Pakistan

The ObviousUniverse Nothing but a Wave!!!

Brilliant!!! Brilliat!!! What a read... brings me lots of joy to see a piece so delicately and abstractly written on tasawuf.

I will just leave some questions for you, not to contradict but to just further expand on the concepts you touched in your writing

HumanCondition shall remain Captive of HumanBlueprint!

What if you break free... what if it's the captivity we have created ourselves

This Nothingness is so filled with Everything..so alive, so kicking... terrifying with it potentialities

And indeed it's nothing, and those limitations from misery, joy, fear they are also nothing once you actually know that there is more to it.

Concousness a Story... a SingleStory...UnendingStory!!!

And what is consciousness, something of our own or a window given to us to just look in to the interpretation of our reality, that we created ourselves?
Brilliant!!! Brilliat!!! What a read... brings me lots of joy to see a piece so delicately written on tasawuf.

I will just leave some questions for you, not to contradict but to just further expand on the concepts you touched in your writing

What if you break free... what if it's the captivity we have created ourselves

And indeed it's nothing, and those limitations from misery, joy, fear they are also nothing once you actually know that there is more to it.

And what is consciousness, something of our own or a window given to us to just look in to the interpretation of our reality, that we created ourselves?

And so it begins.... what has already begun...

All of you are my strength, my delight!

I wish to draw all yours attention to The Idea of Pakistan and why it matters....

Now regarding your expansion... I am glad that you have picked up the under painting already... let us build it together.. Layer by Layer...

A start, but also the end. you can't move away form it, like an anchor, it's there. From the perspective of idea of Pakistan, it's inevitability to our destiny. Known to very few, but slightly and subtly it's moving towards it

Pakistan is not just another country!

Pakistan is .....

As The Momentum of History is already at the door.... all things accelerate....

There is Value in the Subtle, the Sublime... isn't it a Protection in itself?

We need to explore the Nature of Positivism in the Context of Being and Non-Being and how this effects the Objectification of Ideas in general ... and later in specific...

Always in the Point.
Like phenix to rise from its ashes.
One must turn into ashes first, so this is just the transition period of Pakistan.
The more miserable its seems, more the time come nearer.
AS mumtaz mufti said in "alakh nagri". That you should not worry about Pakistan as it has its gaurd up and running, you should worry about yourself that you are aligned with it not against it"
Like phenix to rise from its ashes.
One must turn into ashes first, so this is just the transition period of Pakistan.
The more miserable its seems, more the time come nearer.
AS mumtaz mufti said in "alakh nagri". That you should not worry about Pakistan as it has its gaurd up and running, you should worry about yourself that you are aligned with it not against it"

PakBrother mine AoA,


Thankyou... your message was needed...

I feel now I can write about Wali Pakistan or Pakistan Wali .... first thing I shall do...when my energy returns!

Stay blessed and remember me in your prayers!

How’s the meditation going big man ?
Hope you got the peace you were looking for ?

Lately, since two days, I am no less than a lady having P. Don’t know why but I am very angry but there is no reason to be...

Just inner ship without anchor.... find the anchor!

Surah Nas!

Darood Sharif and of course, prayer for yours truly won't hurt either.

Remember... submaterial....material...metamaterial....

I can say don't think too much but you cann't help it...built this way...find the anchor!
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