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Man in Saudi Arabia gets 1,000 lashes for driving stunts

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Nobody is comparing itself to that country other than the crime levels. For me I would rather not prefer to compare myself to the UK of all countries.:lol:

In any case your failed pariah state and their punishments are not comparable to those of KSA as I just clearly stated so don't drag your failures and make them ours.

You are the one waiting for the approval of some 35 year old English chav. Like we need his approval or anyones approval to do what we find correct. I am not commenting on their rules or anything. Only as a counter to his idiotic posts. I could not care less how they deal with criminals. They can give murderers 2 year long prison sentences for all I care. Their problem.

We have another philosophy and view of crimes and always had and it works for us.

It's not any longer. I am a proponent of most of my country's laws and I find that as an patriotic duty. Also it makes no sense to change something that works just to change it.


Noticed but you are all too familiar with this hideous Western moralizing. One can only laugh at it knowing the country of origin of those idiots and their history on this field.

In my world view I consider it barbaric for murderers to be treated better than most poor people across the world in UK prisons and for the pathetic punishments that murderers/rapists etc. get. That offends me. Where are the human rights here?
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Nobody is comparing itself to that country other than the crime levels. For me I would rather not prefer to compare myself to the UK of all countries.:lol:

In any case your failed pariah state and their punishments are not comparable to those of KSA as I just clearly stated so don't drag your failures and make them ours.

You are the one waiting for the approval of some 35 year old English chav. Like we need his approval or anyones approval to do what we find correct. I am not commenting on their rules or anything. Only as a counter to his idiotic posts. I could not care less how they deal with criminals. They can give murderers 2 year long prison sentences for all I care. Their problem.

We have another philosophy and view of crimes and always had and it works for us.

It's not any longer. I am a proponent of most of my countries laws and I find that as an patriotic duty. Also it makes no sense to change something that works just to change it.


Noticed but you are all too well familiar with this hideous moralizing. One can only laugh at it.

What is a chav? Chauvinist?
Im not seeking any approval of anybody. I just thought it was absolutely hilarious how you were comparing your tribal backward country to that of UK. It means you have two wires loose in whatever brain-matter sits within that skull of yours.
Silly Abdul.
Because you replied to post he quoted at me which is an indication that you are talking about me,

Why don't you get lost? Don't you have some Pakistanis or other Muslims to beat up in Londonistan so you can overcompensate for your failures here in life? Get lost from this thread as long as you are only trolling as your first posts clearly showed. Enough of this nonsense.
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Nope, see I don't hate the Muslims like the average EDL bigot but there core beliefs are admirable.

I have had interactions with BNP and EdL supporters many time. Many are outraged by the mess created by the mainstream political parties like Labour and the Conservatives. I believe economy is the main issue along with lunatics like Anjem choudhry being allowed to support terrorists and disrespecting the dead British soldiers.
Immigration is also a big concern for many Brits. 1 million illegal immigrants roaming the streets of UK. Tony Blair should be on trial for Iraq War and sending British soldiers to die for a useless war and for flooding Britain with illegal immigrants.
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Barely any Pakistanis in London, mostly Indians and Africans.
Luckily not too many Arabs!:rofl:

Well, that's because the Arabs in London are mostly living in the well to-do parts of London while you are probably living in the poor areas dominated by chavs such as yourself. Of course you don't see all those rich foreign Arabs in all of those fancy restaurants, clubs, hotels etc. either. Not your cliental.

Anyway enjoy your future. It looks bright indeed. Long live multiculturalism. I mean what would your tiny forsaken island be had it not been for multiculturalism? Just think about it. Poetic justice.
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So @Yzd Khalifa - Whats up with @al-Hasani ? :unsure:

I think his Chemistry Exam didn't go so well hence the Anger ! :(

Sorry, I am not angry at all. When I write harsh posts it does not mean that I am angry. Just getting my points across and its seems to have worked well for that idiot.

It went very well. Just got my answers. Got a B which is good considering the subject.
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