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Maliki calls for making Karbala the new Qibla .................

Islam kind of reminds me of KFC in some cases. The colonels picture is still on its outlets but everyone complains that the secret recipe isnt as good as it used to be.

I think some of these problems emerge because of deepening Shia-Sunni divide between the Muslims. When I was a child, I remember some Shia friends prayed in the mosque next to my school a practice that continues to decrease now. When I went to Tehran in 2005, I prayed in Tehran University mosque on two Fridays and I fondly remember that even today. One of my liveliest memories is when somebody in Tehran mosque sprayed perfume on me. The question that truly irked me there when some Iranians asked me,"Are you Shia?" knowing I was a Sunni.

Saudis have played a great role in increasing this divide. Even in Pakistan, some Saudi money is instrumental in killing of Shias. There were reports recently that Saudis went to extreme limits of cooperating with Israel to work out a joint strategy to prolong sanctions on Iran.

How is it for a shia praying at a mosque is SA? He should get sprayed with perfume in retaliation. But unfortunately I dont think they play that nice. Just curious. Why would they spray you with perfume??
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Just curious. Why would they spray you with perfume??

It was not perfume people usually use. Somebody there dropped some "uttar" on me. I do not know why, may be it was the way he dropped uttar or something, I still cannot forget it. These small gestures of appreciation, instead of talking about other sects in a derogatory way, would be what I would like to do. Problem is that people continue to say inappropriate things about others but they do not realize when such remarks are aimed at religion, emotions are easily inflamed and hatred among the two groups increases.
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It was not perfume people usually use. Somebody there dropped some "uttar" on me. I do not know why, may be it was the way he dropped uttar or something, I still cannot forget it. These small gestures of appreciation, instead of talking about other sects in a derogatory way, would be what I would like to do. Problem is that people continue to say inappropriate things about others but when such remarks are aimed at religion, emotions are easily inflamed and hatred among the two groups increases.

I would assume it was rose water.

Maliki is not a shia scholar or a religious figure. I am sure we can find lots of shia religious heads saying even dumber things. Let me not try to post even dumber things that have been called "fatwas" by sunni ulemas. Its just the bread and butter of the weak minds who find to protect their weak beliefs it is important to attack others. Catholics and protestants went through a similar trend as well when once a year their jaloos used to see fist fights in ireland. Not sure if it still happens, but it did.
Isn't the idea of qibla a form of idolatory? ?

that was upon the Directives from Allah via the Revelations. and Muhammad PBUH was the messenger of Allah, his actions were as per the Will of Allah Subhan Ta'alah
Maybe Maliki also received a revealation from his allah just like Mohammed did...
Isn't the idea of qibla a form of idolatory? ?

Maybe Maliki also received a revealation from his allah just like Mohammed did...

Are you Christian? Didn't Jesus receive revelation from 'his' Allah? Why are you giving a tag 'his' or 'her' before God almighty?
Despite this there are those who still consider shias Muslim

I understand what you are saying brother. its a dark day for us Muslims of the correct faith

you see this is a

A much needed respite for the True Muslims of the "correct" faith.

there was too much "unfair" and "undue" focus on Muslims these days

the TTP that behead our soldiers & play football with their skulls
the TTP that tosses the infants of shia families in Kabul river before rapping & killing their parents
the TTP that blows up mosques
the FSA & Al Qaeda that has Islamic fatwas supporting its anal sex (to hide bombs in anus), cannibalism & gang rape etc

all this pales in comparison to what this American puppet (with wrong sect) has said although he has no religious authority to say so (by the way , Muslims of "correct" sect dont really care what shias say anyway.

I think we should now openly praise the TTP for beheading all shias because Maliki has committed such a big sin
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@shuntmaster, if you are willing to learn let me explain, Qibla is just a direction, towards the symbolic house of God as directed by God. Jerusalem held the status of Qibla for Muslims but then the status was moved to Kaaba again as a symbolic hous of God not because it was a tomb or someone's house. The only association it had was with God. Now that I have explained don't continue with insulting the religion or we will all combinedly make sure that you are kicked out permanently.
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He can pray to where ever he want to..

I am 100% sure not even his family member would agree with him and would rather pray facing toward Makkah in the presence of him
I don't want to sound like anti shia but these fanatics do believe in a lot of such nonsense, and I truly mean it.
there are two ways to react
one way is to react like a Prophet and the other is to act like a Pharaoh

the Prophet, patiently and diligently points out the wrongs and shows the correct way to appease the God, he uses love & respect.

the Pharaoh resorts to violence, terror, hate, intimidation, butchery, murder and genocide.

look around you in the world and decide, who is acting like a Pharaoh? why the word Mosque now synonymous to terror and fear? why the world Allah o Akbar is loathed & feared because of its use by some Muslims who behead and resort to cannibalism and rape.

I regret the lost of "Human life" that will be taken away by the Kharjites who just got a boost from this ignorant lunatic PM of Iraq

He can pray to where ever he want to..

I am 100% sure not even his family member would agree with him and would rather pray facing toward Makkah in the presence of him
I dont mean any disrespect to Islamic scholars but I dare to say that his Qibla maybe White House.

Just ignore him. Makes life so much easier.
yet people keep on responding to him.

The Fitna has already spread on this Thread page 2 already, I suggest people read the below Ayah and close the Thread all trolls will disperse ocne and for all.

(Verily, We have seen the turning of your (Muhammad's) face towards the heaven. Surely, We shall turn you to a Qiblah (prayer direction) that shall please you, so turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid Al-Haram (at Makkah).) (2:144)
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I think some of these problems emerge because of deepening Shia-Sunni divide between the Muslims. When I was a child, I remember some Shia friends prayed in the mosque next to my school a practice that continues to decrease now. When I went to Tehran in 2005, I prayed in Tehran University mosque on two Fridays and I fondly remember that even today. One of my liveliest memories is when somebody in Tehran mosque sprayed perfume on me. The question that truly irked me there when some Iranians asked me,"Are you Shia?" knowing I was a Sunni.

Saudis have played a great role in increasing this divide. Even in Pakistan, some Saudi money is instrumental in killing of Shias. There were reports recently that Saudis went to extreme limits of cooperating with Israel to work out a joint strategy to prolong sanctions on Iran.

Don't you know true muslims go to Pakistan embassy for Friday prayer, why you didn't went there.
Yes but was he not a prophet? was he not receiving Revelations that time? How can you "forget" to mention that bit...

Or are you saying this guy is a prophet? :unsure: which did you mean? :unsure:

Thats apocryphal. Whereas chage of qibla a fact.

At least allow others to be rational.
From Wikipedia: Qibla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the traditional Muslim view, the Qiblah originally faced the Noble Sanctuary in Jerusalem. This Qiblah was used for over 13 years, from 610 CE until 623 CE. Seventeen months after the Islamic prophet Muhammad's 622 CE arrival in Medina – the date is given as 11 February 624 – the Qiblah became oriented towards the Kaaba in Mecca.

Dear many thanks for the nice history about the Qiblah, right now we are too much charged on the sectarian grounds to bother with the history. we are compelled to pounce on the other sect whenever the opportunity presents itself.

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