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Malaysia considering to expell Dr Zakir Naik

You tried that with Singapore already XD

Malays treat ethnic Chinese as a second class citizen, but the ethnic Chinese in Malay still work hard for the country that they called home. Malays should be happy that they get to live their easy lives with all the subsidized privileges while the ethnic Chinese do the hard work for them.

I have friends and who live in Malaysia so I know.

Its this mindset which is angering Malaysians.

Why should they be beholden to foreign immigrants?

Would China tolerate an influx of Malaysians who wouldn’t let China make its own laws without their consent?

Zakir Naik is just a casualty of the elevated influence and bullying of Indians and Chinese in Malaysia.

The root issue needs to be resolved.
Its this mindset which is angering Malaysians.

Why should they be beholden to foreign immigrants?

Would China tolerate an influx of Malaysians who wouldn’t let China make its own laws without their consent?

Zakir Naik is just a casualty of the elevated influence and bullying of Indians and Chinese in Malaysia.

The root issue needs to be resolved.

Is Malaysia beholden to Chinese immigrants or Chinese soft power?

Is Mahathir Mohamad or even Duterte a Chinese immigrant? I don't think so.

I totally understand your perception and how it seems unfair. But your perception is wrong.

It is no mystery that the Malaysian government treats Chinese ethnics like second class citizens and most government subsidies and aids are only for ethnic Malays. Things like this would never happen in Thailand, where ethnic Chinese are considered equal. Why can't the Chinese ethnics have political influence in the country they live and have families? Just because they look different so they should have no political influence in your country at all?

Now have you ever thought how those Chinese immigrants think about these policies? They hate it too, but they understood that it is not their place to come out against it so they shut up and just accept it.

The root of the issue is the failure for all Malaysians to see each other as brothers no matter their religions or how they look. You all live in the same country and all have the same home.

Calling for the removal of specific groups of people (and immigrants) is just a stupid and racist policy that will do no good to Malaysia's development and economy. Sounds like something Trump would say (even though he loves to hire undocumented immigrants LMAO)
Is Malaysia beholden to Chinese immigrants or Chinese soft power?

Is Mahathir Mohamad or even Duterte a Chinese immigrant? I don't think so.

I totally understand your perception and how it seems unfair. But your perception is wrong.

It is no mystery that the Malaysian government treats Chinese ethnics like second class citizens and most government subsidies and aids are only for ethnic Malays. Things like this would never happen in Thailand, where ethnic Chinese are considered equal. Now have you ever thought how those Chinese immigrants think about these policies? They hate it too, but they understood that it is not their place to come out against it so they shut up and just accept it.

The root of the issue is the failure for all Malaysians to see each other as brothers no matter their religions or how they look. You all live in the same country and all have the same home.

Calling for the removal of specific groups of people (and immigrants) is just a stupid and racist policy that will do no good to Malaysia's development and economy. Sounds like something Trump would say (even though he loves to hire undocumented immigrants LMAO)
Very well said, The bhumiputras (or the ethnic malays) enjoy a lot of benefits over the Chinese/Indian Malays.
There is an undeniable cold air amongst most ethnic groups there.
Dr Zakir Naik is the hero of Muslim Ummah.

What does Islam tells us? The more you're on the straight path, the more enemies you will have.

Let's analyse his life. What has he done? Make huge number of Hindus Muslims but how did he do that?

By pointing a gun at their head? No

He simply showed the light of Islam and they accepted it openly in a crowd of thousands.

India didn't like it was losing Hindus at such an alarming rate and Islam is shown in a positive light so they slapped terrorism charge on him. Even the Munafiqs in Muslims joined Indias narrative and spread hatred against him.

He finds asylum in Malaysia. What would a man who love the world more than he loves Allah do? He would shut up. But not my hero Dr Zakir Naik.

Dr Zakir Naik kept spreading the light of Islam in Malaysia. As always, he made even more enemies in Malaysia now. They wanted to expel him.

So he says the Chinese and Indians who want him expelled should leave the country first and boom, they use this opportunity to fulfill their desire.

The oldass Mahathir who at the age of 94 with his whole body in the grave still chose Kuffar over helping a Muslim. And he has banned Dr Zakir Naik from preaching Islam.

But my hero Dr Zakir Naik can't be silent.

InshaAllah, he is going to another country to burn the asses of Chinese commie and Hindu terrorists. Did i mention he condemned Chinese on their holocaust on Uighurs?

He is doing what majority of Muslims myself included don't have the courage to. Do Dawah. You think Dawah is this easy?

The Kuffar and Mushrikeen wanted Prophet Muhammad (saww) to stop preaching Islam. That was their sole reason for enmity.

How will the Munafiqeen hiding in Muslims and the Kuffar Chinese, Hindus not loathe the guts of a man who has spread Islam in a dirty extremist place like India?
Dr Zakir Naik is the hero of Muslim Ummah.

What does Islam tells us? The more you're on the straight path, the more enemies you will have.

Let's analyse his life. What has he done? Make huge number of Hindus Muslims but how did he do that?

By pointing a gun at their head? No

He simply showed the light of Islam and they accepted it openly in a crowd of thousands.

India didn't like it was losing Hindus at such an alarming rate and Islam is shown in a positive light so they slapped terrorism charge on him. Even the Munafiqs in Muslims joined Indias narrative and spread hatred against him.

He finds asylum in Malaysia. What would a man who love the world more than he loves Allah do? He would shut up. But not my hero Dr Zakir Naik.

Dr Zakir Naik kept spreading the light of Islam in Malaysia. As always, he made even more enemies in Malaysia now. They wanted to expel him.

So he says the Chinese and Indians who want him expelled should leave the country first and boom, they use this opportunity to fulfill their desire.

The oldass Mahathir who at the age of 94 with his whole body in the grave still chose Kuffar over helping a Muslim. And he has banned Dr Zakir Naik from preaching Islam.

But my hero Dr Zakir Naik can't be silent.

InshaAllah, he is going to another country to burn the asses of Chinese commie and Hindu terrorists. Did i mention he condemned Chinese on their holocaust on Uighurs?

He is doing what majority of Muslims myself included don't have the courage to. Do Dawah. You think Dawah is this easy?

The Kuffar and Mushrikeen wanted Prophet Muhammad (saww) to stop preaching Islam. That was their sole reason for enmity.

How will the Munafiqeen hiding in Muslims and the Kuffar Chinese, Hindus not loathe the guts of a man who has spread Islam in a dirty extremist place like India?
Of course he would win. If non-muslim win the debate, they will be thrown into jail for insulting Islam.

Of course he would win. If non-muslim win the debate, they will be thrown into jail for insulting Islam.

In India, a Hindu country?

So he says the Chinese and Indians who want him expelled should leave the country first and boom, they use this opportunity to fulfill their desire.

This is the main point lost in this debate.

His detractors show their wicked nature by misrepresenting his views to mean something he never said.

Unfortunately Malaysia is in the hands of these people, and Malays will have to take back their nation from foreigners.

There are plenty of other Muslim countries who will do justice for Zakir Naik.
Of course he would win. If non-muslim win the debate, they will be thrown into jail for insulting Islam.


Don't waste my time with bullshit like that. That has nothing to do with Dr Zakir Naik.

Dr Zakir Naik faced a sea of Hindus and not once has a Hindu been able to claim he said anything wrong.

Not a single Hindu in that sea of Hindus ever felt insulted to attack him and he did hundreds if not thousands of such questions and answers sessions. Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? But on the opposite Hindus loved Dr Zakir Naik because he showed their scripture in a good light and treated them with respect.

Take your bullshit away. Dr Zakir Naik is thrown away and Indian government hellbent on murdering him and making him a dead hero and you've the audacity to say non-muslim can't win an argument because they will be thrown to jail and you give a non-related some politicians crap as a proof?

His only crime was making people Muslim through the power of words and logic which burned the soul of every Kuffar who spews his inner filth about Islam. His crime was that he's the only simple Muslim Allah has blessed with so much fame that he uses to show the light of Islam to non-Muslims.
Looks like Zakir Naik is here to stay. :mad:

Dr M stands by decision to not deport Zakir Naik

By Hashini Kavishtri KannanAugust 22, 2019 @ 7:52pm

PUTRAJAYA: Dr Zakir Naik will not be deported to India, for now.
Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad reaffirmed his stand on not deporting the controversial Muslim preacher.
"As of now, there is no change (on my stand)," he said when asked whether he still stood by his decision of not sending Zakir back to his home country.
The prime minister said this at a press conference after the second series of meeting with civil servants, here, today.
Don't waste my time with bullshit like that. That has nothing to do with Dr Zakir Naik.

Dr Zakir Naik faced a sea of Hindus and not once has a Hindu been able to claim he said anything wrong.

Not a single Hindu in that sea of Hindus ever felt insulted to attack him and he did hundreds if not thousands of such questions and answers sessions. Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? But on the opposite Hindus loved Dr Zakir Naik because he showed their scripture in a good light and treated them with respect.

Take your bullshit away. Dr Zakir Naik is thrown away and Indian government hellbent on murdering him and making him a dead hero and you've the audacity to say non-muslim can't win an argument because they will be thrown to jail and you give a non-related some politicians crap as a proof?

His only crime was making people Muslim through the power of words and logic which burned the soul of every Kuffar who spews his inner filth about Islam. His crime was that he's the only simple Muslim Allah has blessed with so much fame that he uses to show the light of Islam to non-Muslims.
Zakar Naik is a coward, he knows non-muslim can't retaliate him here. He is just no different than those white power/nazis members fanning seeds of hatred.
Dr Zakir Naik is the hero of Muslim Ummah.

What does Islam tells us? The more you're on the straight path, the more enemies you will have.

Let's analyse his life. What has he done? Make huge number of Hindus Muslims but how did he do that?

By pointing a gun at their head? No

He simply showed the light of Islam and they accepted it openly in a crowd of thousands.

India didn't like it was losing Hindus at such an alarming rate and Islam is shown in a positive light so they slapped terrorism charge on him. Even the Munafiqs in Muslims joined Indias narrative and spread hatred against him.

He finds asylum in Malaysia. What would a man who love the world more than he loves Allah do? He would shut up. But not my hero Dr Zakir Naik.

Dr Zakir Naik kept spreading the light of Islam in Malaysia. As always, he made even more enemies in Malaysia now. They wanted to expel him.

So he says the Chinese and Indians who want him expelled should leave the country first and boom, they use this opportunity to fulfill their desire.

The oldass Mahathir who at the age of 94 with his whole body in the grave still chose Kuffar over helping a Muslim. And he has banned Dr Zakir Naik from preaching Islam.

But my hero Dr Zakir Naik can't be silent.

InshaAllah, he is going to another country to burn the asses of Chinese commie and Hindu terrorists. Did i mention he condemned Chinese on their holocaust on Uighurs?

He is doing what majority of Muslims myself included don't have the courage to. Do Dawah. You think Dawah is this easy?

The Kuffar and Mushrikeen wanted Prophet Muhammad (saww) to stop preaching Islam. That was their sole reason for enmity.

How will the Munafiqeen hiding in Muslims and the Kuffar Chinese, Hindus not loathe the guts of a man who has spread Islam in a dirty extremist place like India?

Zakir Naik hasn't managed to convert a single Hindu. What he did do was to radicalize a lot of them. GoI sensed trouble (as the Malaysians are finding out now) and tried to go after him.

Secondly the reason he is in the current soup is not because of his preaching. Malaysia is a Muslim majority country. People like him are a dime a dozen. He is absolutely unremarkable there. What actually happened is that he is your typical Indian unkill. Too god damn tactless. Malaysia maintains a delicate balance between the Malay majority and the Chinese/Indian minority. It's a sensitive topic. Naik, being the fuzzy goof he is, thought it'd be a good idea to play that card. Oops.
Dr Zakir Naik is the hero of Muslim Ummah.

What does Islam tells us? The more you're on the straight path, the more enemies you will have.

Let's analyse his life. What has he done? Make huge number of Hindus Muslims but how did he do that?

By pointing a gun at their head? No

He simply showed the light of Islam and they accepted it openly in a crowd of thousands.

India didn't like it was losing Hindus at such an alarming rate and Islam is shown in a positive light so they slapped terrorism charge on him. Even the Munafiqs in Muslims joined Indias narrative and spread hatred against him.

He finds asylum in Malaysia. What would a man who love the world more than he loves Allah do? He would shut up. But not my hero Dr Zakir Naik.

Dr Zakir Naik kept spreading the light of Islam in Malaysia. As always, he made even more enemies in Malaysia now. They wanted to expel him.

So he says the Chinese and Indians who want him expelled should leave the country first and boom, they use this opportunity to fulfill their desire.

The oldass Mahathir who at the age of 94 with his whole body in the grave still chose Kuffar over helping a Muslim. And he has banned Dr Zakir Naik from preaching Islam.

But my hero Dr Zakir Naik can't be silent.

InshaAllah, he is going to another country to burn the asses of Chinese commie and Hindu terrorists. Did i mention he condemned Chinese on their holocaust on Uighurs?

He is doing what majority of Muslims myself included don't have the courage to. Do Dawah. You think Dawah is this easy?

The Kuffar and Mushrikeen wanted Prophet Muhammad (saww) to stop preaching Islam. That was their sole reason for enmity.

How will the Munafiqeen hiding in Muslims and the Kuffar Chinese, Hindus not loathe the guts of a man who has spread Islam in a dirty extremist place like India?
So how would you like it if atheists start offering their 'dawah' to conservative muslim families?
Would you welcome this in your country?
Zakar Naik is a coward, he knows non-muslim can't retaliate him here. He is just no different than those white power/nazis members fanning seeds of hatred.

You are the hater here. You are criticizing a man for mocking his detractors. Those people were campaigning to have him kicked from Malaysia before he even mentioned them.

Shame on people like you. You should be kicked from Malaysia.

Zakir Naik is 100% correct in everything he said, and the vast majority of Malays support him. Politicians have to be appease foreigners in Malaysia to stay in power.

This situation won’t last.

Zakir Naik hasn't managed to convert a single Hindu. What he did do was to radicalize a lot of them. GoI sensed trouble (as the Malaysians are finding out now) and tried to go after him.

Secondly the reason he is in the current soup is not because of his preaching. Malaysia is a Muslim majority country. People like him are a dime a dozen. He is absolutely unremarkable there. What actually happened is that he is your typical Indian unkill. Too god damn tactless. Malaysia maintains a delicate balance between the Malay majority and the Chinese/Indian minority. It's a sensitive topic. Naik, being the fuzzy goof he is, thought it'd be a good idea to play that card. Oops.

That is totally incorrect, Zakir Naik managed to convert a handful of Hindus in every speech he gave in India. More importantly, he disproved Hinduism from its own scriptures.

He was such a threat to the Sanghis that they raided his office and tried to kill him.

He is a normative Muslim, there is nothing extreme about him.
Zakar Naik is a coward, he knows non-muslim can't retaliate him here. He is just no different than those white power/nazis members fanning seeds of hatred.

You need to get your head examined. :lol:

Comparing Dr. Zakir Naik to Nazis & White Supremacists. :rolleyes:

So how would you like it if atheists start offering their 'dawah' to conservative muslim families?
Would you welcome this in your country?

They're welcome to but the thing is, almost no atheist can give proof that there is no God. :D

And most of them are anti-social no bodies....how will they give dawah? :D
Zakir Naik is more suitable to operate in Islamic country...I hope he will find his home and settle down somewhere..He is a person who has knowlesge of Islam but his teaching is a challenge in multi cultutal country..
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