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Malaysia considering to expell Dr Zakir Naik

You obviously have not listened to any of his lectures and just have gone by tidbits which your propagandists feed you.

Zakir Naik himself apologized for the confusion of people like you, and stated quite clearly that these are manipulations to discredit Islam and specifically Islamic Dawah (Preaching.)

He was sad that this propaganda is dissuading otherwise susceptible people from listening to the true message of Islam.
Don't be silly, these speeches wasn't about dakwah. There are NO non-muslim there to convert. And no, apology not accepted because it is a non apology. There is no confusion there. Dude come on, we are not 5 years old. Maybe a christian might forgive him.
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Malaysia is definitely going down the drain.

We import cheap labor
A firm owned by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s brother is in talks with Dhaka and Putrajaya to provide a management system for the 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers Malaysia intends to allow in through a new business-to-business system.

Real Time Networking Sdn Bhd, in which Zahid’s brother Abdul Hakim Hamidi is executive chairperson, aims to provide an online system where, for a fee, workers can be registered and monitored from Bangladesh and Malaysia.

Zahid is also home minister, and the approval of foreign workers into Malaysia comes under his ministry’s purview.

Real Time’s online system – dubbed Workforce Management & Networking System (Workman) – is similar to that provided by Bestinet, a firm owned by former home minister Azmi Khalid.

[URL='https://thecoverage.my/news/2-1-millions-bangladeshi-to-overtake-indians-as-3rd-biggest-race-in-malaysia/']2.1 Millions Bangladeshi To Overtake Indians As 3rd Biggest Race In Malaysia

...and export brains.

Shu Lam/The Malay Mail Online
Why The Science World Is Freaking Out Over This 25-Year-Old's Answer to Antibiotic Resistance

Our national school are already being religious school.

PM Mahathir to overhaul Malaysia's schools, saying too much focus on Islamic studies now
"They are all learning about the religion of Islam and not learning anything else," he said late on Friday (Dec 21) at a dinner event.

"As a result, those who pass in schools are not very conversant with subjects that are useful for them to get jobs, but they are very good ulama (Muslim clerics)."
End Quote.

Now we are importing people like Zakir Naik and force to learn Jawi.

KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia's move to introduce Arabic script in the Malay language syllabus for primary school has upset non-Malay groups and stirred fears of creeping Islamisation in the racially diverse country.
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Meh, don't have interest in arguing further since it's just nonsense bickering from now on.

But i have some good news for you. Islam teaches us that as time for judgment day draws closer, Muslims will reduce in numbers and Kufr/Mushrikeen (atheists, polytheists etc) will increase until the last Muslim will die and then this world will end.

So congratulations, your kind is going to prosper soon. One of the prophecy about end times has come true which is Muslims will be gigantic in numbers but completely useless and being 2 billion strong, we're oppressed in China, Kashmir, India, Palestine, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Yemen, Syria just about everywhere and weccan't help them despite being wealthiest in the world. So end times are close.

I don't think this really is good news to be honest because Mushrikeen will burn for eternity in hellfire and will cry and regret their kufr but at least they have the pleasure of this world. 60-100 years of happy Kufr versus eternity of crying like losers for doing Kufr

At least we converge somewhere.
1. Mate I am just commenting of the subject in the post..where the mention of Jewish Holocaust was there? Yes, I condemn insult of Islam by dutch cartoonists, Salman Rushdie's work (Satanic Verses)... but my comment was on Subject (Expulsion of Zakir Naik from Malaysia)

2. I don't have to say or comment on it. It is your belief...and you can't push your opinions based on your belief onto others. This is what that clown is doing.
And when you say every religious book says it, Have you read every religious book?...Islam is 1400 Years old..their are other religions in the world that are thousand of years older to ours...their books don't even mention about that.

Besides, though I am not an expert in Quraan, I know the holy book says ," No compulsion is there in religion. Rectitude has become clear from error. So whosoever disbelieves in idols and believes in God, has laid hold of the most firm handle, unbreaking; God is All-hearing, All-knowing".
— trans. Arberry, Quran 2:256
So this clown does not need to force Islam on others by comparison/insulting other religions etc.

1. Are you sure about your claim?... check your facts before putting up an argument.


2. Again your opinion....doesn't substantiate my argument.

Irony of us Muslims is we are very emotional when it comes to religion ..which is good but ... but one needs facts/logic to push his point of view...arguments can't be won by using abuse, insult and throwing hollow opinions in the air.

I know other religions mention about Islam because Ahmad Deedat (May Allah give him Jannat ul firdous) spent his life quoting Bible to Christians and telling them your own book contains mention of Prophet Muhammad (saww) and Islam and no Christian could ever dispute with him on that.

Then Dr Zakir Naik came and to my surprise even quoted Hindus scriptures and showed them their own scriptures preach monotheism and has mention of Prophet Muhammad (saww). No Hindu has ever been able to refute it.

Unlike you and me arguing on the internet who don't even read Holy Quran everyday like it deserves, Dr Zakir Naik has studied Christianity and Hinduism and if he goes there on the stage and faces a crowd of millions worldwide and tells them your own religion contains mention of Islam then it is true.

As far as compulsion goes, that verse tells you you can't force Islam upon someone through sword, blackmail, on gunpoint, holding their family hostage etc. You understand what by force means?

Dr Zakir Naik doesn't hold someone on gun point or has someone's family hostage or blackmail someone so there is no compulsion. He is walking the path of Prophets and doing Dawah.

He's not insulting religions, he is actually praising other religions and showing the good in them. Before Dr Zakir Naik, i thought Hinduism was pure filthy polytheism religion, imagine my shock when Dr Zakir Naik said even it contains mention of monotheism.

I mean even Islam is called a religion of terrorism by the same filth who when they actually decide to read it then become devout Muslims. Dr Zakir Naik is a human and capable of mistakes, it only makes sense that Kuffar would take their anger of Islam on Dr Zakir Naik.

Islamophobia is a billion dollar industry and one thin bearded man is challenging that? Kuffar can't have that.
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Nothing wrong with what he said. If you want to deport him, then deport the Indians first. They seem to be causing more trouble than Zakir Naik.

Why do their loyalties not lie with Malaysia but with India first?? Don't they (especially the low caste/Dalits) get more rights in Malaysia?? Then why do they still show support for Modi??

No different than 8chan and stormfront. I suggest Malaysia should deport all Chinese and Indian instead. Problem solve huh.:yahoo:

I don't understand your 8chan/stormfront reference, please be more clear. I don't bite. :D

As for deporting Chinese/Indians, that's up to the people & government of Malaysia, pretty sure it won't happen.

If you're trying to put words in my mouth, you better watch it troll. I have had multiple trolls banned on PDF. :police:

1. Are you sure about your claim?... check your facts before putting up an argument.


2. Again your opinion....doesn't substantiate my argument.

Irony of us Muslims is we are very emotional when it comes to religion ..which is good but ... but one needs facts/logic to push his point of view...arguments can't be won by using abuse, insult and throwing hollow opinions in the air.

I don't know what angle you're trying to spin here troll.

Most of the cases that came under the Blasphemy Laws were/are legal and handled sensitive cases in which non-Muslims decried Islam and were blasphemous.

You want them to go unpunished?? Some even did such acts to divide society. You might be ok with letting wrong doers go free but in most part of the world, a thief gets their hands cut off and anyone that tries to harm society or its inhabitants, gets a case against them.

Sure, I can agree that in some cases, they have been misused but that's hardly the topic at hand. If you want to sling mud, I can take up the ChristChurch issue of New Zealand.

Your country has also killed millions, if not tens of millions, of indigenous people, the Aboriginals on its way to the present. It still denies them their very right.

You, like your ancestors, try to be a beacon of hope and justice around the world but forget that you (British, Americans, Aussies), coming from the same source (Britain/UK/England) have killed millions of humans around the globe and still do in current wars.

You should be the last one to lecture me or anyone on this forum about atrocities happening in Pakistan!

You better clean your own house before pointing out mistakes in my house.

Irony of us Muslims is we are very emotional when it comes to religion ..which is good but ... but one needs facts/logic to push his point of view...arguments can't be won by using abuse, insult and throwing hollow opinions in the air.

I have presented you with "facts and logic". See above.

Also, try to stay on topic, we're not discussing Blasphemy Laws, we're discussing Dr. Zakir Naik.

If you go off topic, you're doing the same thing if you were insulting me or throwing hollow opinions in the air. :D

You obviously have not listened to any of his lectures and just have gone by tidbits which your propagandists feed you.

Yup, literally half the people on this thread, if not more.

The Hate Bandwagon is strong in this thread. :rolleyes:

Zakir Naik himself apologized for the confusion of people like you, and stated quite clearly that these are manipulations to discredit Islam and specifically Islamic Dawah (Preaching.)

He was sad that this propaganda is dissuading otherwise susceptible people from listening to the true message of Islam.

He shouldn't have apologized, he said nothing wrong. He should have rebuked such propaganda against him.

It's just India and it's puppets in Malaysia pulling the strings, it's a simple matter, even a blind man can see it.

the Chinese Malays should behave in a better and more mature manner.

Believe me, the Chinese are atheists, if not Confucious, if given a free reign, they would attempt a takeover of Malaysia too and make the Muslim pop. suffer just like in Xinjiang.

Other than mutual benefits of the present and near past, we don't share anything with the Chinese.

Matter of fact, they have been enemies of Muslims for a thousand years since Islam spread into China. It's only in the near present that China aligned itself with the Muslim world because of mutual benefits, which will erode once China becomes a superpower or if the Muslims wake up from their deep slumber...
Chinese may not believe in god and are anti muslim...but they have maintained and given access to hindu mecca (kailash) for decades now....many hindus believe kailash is is in good shape only because of chinese and are very grateful for that one thing...if it was with india they would have plotted the the lands and corrupt politicians would have sold every inch of the land in kailash for bags of cash...inspite of the chinese posters here i have a soft corner for the china only for this reason :china:.
I don't know what angle you're trying to spin here troll.

Most of the cases that came under the Blasphemy Laws were/are legal and handled sensitive cases in which non-Muslims decried Islam and were blasphemous.

You want them to go unpunished?? Some even did such acts to divide society. You might be ok with letting wrong doers go free but in most part of the world, a thief gets their hands cut off and anyone that tries to harm society or its inhabitants, gets a case against them.

Sure, I can agree that in some cases, they have been misused but that's hardly the topic at hand. If you want to sling mud, I can take up the ChristChurch issue of New Zealand.

Your country has also killed millions, if not tens of millions, of indigenous people, the Aboriginals on its way to the present. It still denies them their very right.

You, like your ancestors, try to be a beacon of hope and justice around the world but forget that you (British, Americans, Aussies), coming from the same source (Britain/UK/England) have killed millions of humans around the globe and still do in current wars.

You should be the last one to lecture me or anyone on this forum about atrocities happening in Pakistan!

You better clean your own house before pointing out mistakes in my house.

First read your previous post ... then my reply and try to use your brain what reply links to which question/hollow decree of yours....and then only resort to your biased response.
Nothing wrong with what he said. If you want to deport him, then deport the Indians first. They seem to be causing more trouble than Zakir Naik.

Why do their loyalties not lie with Malaysia but with India first?? Don't they (especially the low caste/Dalits) get more rights in Malaysia?? Then why do they still show support for Modi??
Because Zakir Naik is lying. Show me prove that Indians in Malaysia support Modi. He can't. Did he even do studies? Did he have a source? He doesn't. This is why he is in trouble. And Chinese wasn't born here, well he got it wrong too, which is obviously wrong.

I don't understand your 8chan/stormfront reference, please be more clear. I don't bite. :D

As for deporting Chinese/Indians, that's up to the people & government of Malaysia, pretty sure it won't happen.

If you're trying to put words in my mouth, you better watch it troll. I have had multiple trolls banned on PDF. :police:
I don't think you have read 8chan / stormfront. They are hugely anti immigrants, especially muslim migrants. What he has done is fanning far-right anti Indian and Chinese sentiment by calling us migrants. He is no peace maker.

And we know who is Zakir Naik day by day.
Because Zakir Naik is lying. Show me prove that Indians in Malaysia support Modi. He can't. Did he even do studies? Did he have a source? He doesn't. This is why he is in trouble. And Chinese wasn't born here, well he got it wrong too, which is obviously wrong.

I don't think you have read 8chan / stormfront. They are hugely anti immigrants, especially muslim migrants. What he has done is fanning far-right anti Indian and Chinese sentiment by calling us migrants. He is no peace maker.

And we know who is Zakir Naik day by day.

You are quoting a hate website called AnsweringMuslims.Com to disprove Zakir Naik.

Do you realize that it is someone like you who does not belong in a Muslim country.

I wonder what majority of ethnic Malaysians will think you disparaging Islam with nasty abuse.

You only prove Zakir Naik’s statement correct.

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan another dumbo just came into this thread and by the looks of it....a paid Chinese troll. :lol:

Naturally we follow a religion originating from Arabia and our holy scripture is in the Arabic language, how much distance do they expect us to maintain from our Arab brethren?

So what if Muslim countries become Arabized, what business is that of Indians and Chinese origin Malays?
You are quoting a hate website called AnsweringMuslims.Com to disprove Zakir Naik.

Do you realize that it is someone like you who does not belong in a Muslim country.

I wonder what majority of ethnic Malaysians will think you disparaging Islam with nasty abuse.

You only prove Zakir Naik’s statement correct.
Did you watch the video? Your champion debater is a coward by rejecting debate. He is like the champion of heavy weight boxing by hit and run random people on the street. He only debates with unknowns or in Malaysia which has rules againts blasphemy. Your champion only debates with muslims crowds cheering him behind when the crowd can't even understand english to fool gullible people. Nice tactic.

I would care less what they think, if they care less what we think. Two way street. If they attack us, expect to be retaliated.
Malaysia's racial tension is simmering now, thanks to one man from India. Let's hope PH government knows how to prevent it from boiling.

Better shut up all parties talking on racial issue, and organise more Muhibbah events like racial integration picnics, parties and dinners.
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You are quoting a hate website called AnsweringMuslims.Com to disprove Zakir Naik.

Do you realize that it is someone like you who does not belong in a Muslim country.

I wonder what majority of ethnic Malaysians will think you disparaging Islam with nasty abuse.

You only prove Zakir Naik’s statement correct.

Naturally we follow a religion originating from Arabia and our holy scripture is in the Arabic language, how much distance do they expect us to maintain from our Arab brethren?

So what if Muslim countries become Arabized, what business is that of Indians and Chinese origin Malays?
I have heard this from Malay Muslim girls too
Especially those force to cover up.
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