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Malaysia considering to expell Dr Zakir Naik

You are the hater here. You are criticizing a man for mocking his detractors. Those people were campaigning to have him kicked from Malaysia before he even mentioned them.

Shame on people like you. You should be kicked from Malaysia.

Zakir Naik is 100% correct in everything he said, and the vast majority of Malays support him. Politicians have to be appease foreigners in Malaysia to stay in power.

This situation won’t last.
Zakar Naik knows he being kicked by some, but he had to attack the entire non-muslim to prove his point. He mocks everyone. Is akin to calling all muslim are terrorist. Is that fair to you?

If a person like him gets to stay here, then there is no shame being kick from Malaysia. The current government is weak, they have no choice but to surrender to populism. Its not the first time, muslim are excused from attacking other religion. If they did, caught in the act with full evidence, court verdict? Mental Illness.
Zakir Naik is more suitable to operate in Islamic country

And what's Malaysia?? A Hindu country or a Christian one? :lol:

Its not the first time, muslim are excused from attacking other religion.

No ones attacking any religion. Especially not Dr. Zakir Naik......it's called having a "debate".

Just cuz your feelings were hurt doesn't make the other person wrong.

If you continue on your path of destruction against Dr. Zakir Naik then you will be the extremist, not him.

If a person like him gets to stay here, then there is no shame being kick from Malaysia.

Lead by example, kick yourself from Malaysia if you don't like its policies or the people residing in it. :D
And what's Malaysia?? A Hindu country or a Christian one? :lol:

No ones attacking any religion. Especially not Dr. Zakir Naik......it's called having a "debate".

Just cuz your feelings were hurt doesn't make the other person wrong.

If you continue on your path of destruction against Dr. Zakir Naik then you will be the extremist, not him.

Lead by example, kick yourself from Malaysia if you don't like its policies or the people residing in it. :D

Sheer Hypocrisy mate...You hail from a country where under the famous "Blasphemy" Law" even mentally challenged people are not spared... just on basis of allegation of offending Islam.....and here is this men trying to prove that his religion is superior by insulting other religions openly for years on broadcast media and you think it's fine.

And by the way, how many such debates questioning Islam by non-believers are allowed or have happened in our religion.....any example?
Lead by example, kick yourself from Malaysia if you don't like its policies or the people residing in it. :D


The contempt and hate for ethnic Malays is too much.

There is Singapore for such people, that is a majority Chinese and Non-Muslim country.

Malaysia excluded them at independence because they wanted to maintain a strong Islamic government.

Malaysians are hard-working and nice people overall. They are not tough and brutally honest like Pakistanis, Turks, and Arabs. If anyone abuses their kindness though, they will get a rude awakening.

The contempt and hate for ethnic Malays is too much.

There is Singapore for such people, that is a majority Chinese and Non-Muslim country.

Malaysia excluded them at independence because they wanted to maintain a strong Islamic government.

Malaysians are hard-working and nice people overall. They are not tough and brutally honest like Pakistanis, Turks, and Arabs. If anyone abuses their kindness though, they will get a rude awakening.

Are you even Malaysian dude? I know Malaysians are nice people and the ethnic Chinese think that as well. (I don't know about Indians) So please don't incite more hatred and misunderstandings, because you are not doing Malays and Malaysia any good.

Calm down, people.
Are you even Malaysian dude?

I am Pakistani as my ID and flag shows.

The issue of Zakir Naik is something which united Muslims all over the world, from Africa, Arab countries to Eastern Europe, Asian Muslim countries.

He is a hero of Islam, our pride, and our leader.

We will defend him against any of Modi’s Politics, whether in India or Malaysia.
So how would you like it if atheists start offering their 'dawah' to conservative muslim families?
Would you welcome this in your country?

Are you kidding me? Atheists have been doing their preaching for decades and they've the most powerful weapon.

Every movie, every TV show, every comedy, every channel, everywhere God is mocked and it is extremely powerful and it's extremely impressionable than a single bearded man with a cap standing on a stage answering questions. The reach is unbelievable.

A lovable hero who everyone can relate to from kids to adults saving the day and the world, the person everyone has to become to be cool. A religious nut (every religious person is a nut freak in movies) says God help us. What does the super cool person says to the religious nut? You already know the answer.

I was watching Family Guy and it's a really hilarious and well-made show. I stopped watching because every few jokes later, God is mocked.

The reach of these movies is worldwide. You have Muslims, you have Chinese, you have Americans going WOHOO THE NEW AVENGERS IS OUT!!!!. The reach of Dr Zakir Naik? Heh.

Believe you me, if Islam was shown in a positive light the way it deserves in movies, tv shows, media, channels, atheism would be in far less numbers than it is today.

But despite all this dirt, atheism isn't growing at the rate that Islam is. Why? Because falsehood is a loser now and will be a loser in the afterlife.

Sheer Hypocrisy mate...You hail from a country where under the famous "Blasphemy" Law" even mentally challenged people are not spared... just on basis of allegation of offending Islam.....and here is this men trying to prove that his religion is superior by insulting other religions openly for years on broadcast media and you think it's fine.

And by the way, how many such debates questioning Islam by non-believers are allowed or have happened in our religion.....any example?

Why does your tongue get the stroke when it comes to Jewish holocaust? You get seizures or something when condemning this ridiculous law about denial of holocaust?


But when it comes to Muslims defending the person sent as a mercy for this world and the next for even the filthy haters like you, suddenly your tongue starts spewing dirt like a volcano emits lava. Why did the enemy of Islam in Netherlands who was arranging cartoon contests in sheer ignorance became Muslim and now preaches the message of Islam?

As far as Dr Zakir Naik is concerned, he proves without an ounce of doubt that every religion points to Islam and Islam is the only pure, uncorrupted religion from the Creator which should be followed if you want to go to heaven. Islam is superior because every religion says so. Every religion mentions the coming of another Prophet which will complete the religion. Islam says your religion is complete now and Prophet Muhammad (saww) is the Last and final Prophet and Prophet Muhammad (saww) is the Prophet that was prophecised in previous religion.

Islam is also superior because it doesn't have man-made lies added to it. Every other religion book is corrupted by powerful kings, priests for their own benefit and the message is lost.

Of course, the haters of Dr Zakir Naik aren't bothered with their salvation. They're so blinded by Satan in their hate for Islam and Dr Zakir Naik that they utter lies just to make a point.
Are you kidding me? Atheists have been doing their preaching for decades and they've the most powerful weapon.

Every movie, every TV show, every comedy, every channel, everywhere God is mocked and it is extremely powerful and it's extremely impressionable than a single bearded man with a cap standing on a stage answering questions. The reach is unbelievable.

A lovable hero who everyone can relate to from kids to adults saving the day and the world, the person everyone has to become to be cool. A religious nut (every religious person is a nut freak in movies) says God help us. What does the super cool person says to the religious nut? You already know the answer.

I was watching Family Guy and it's a really hilarious and well-made show. I stopped watching because every few jokes later, God is mocked.

The reach of these movies is worldwide. You have Muslims, you have Chinese, you have Americans going WOHOO THE NEW AVENGERS IS OUT!!!!. The reach of Dr Zakir Naik? Heh.

Believe you me, if Islam was shown in a positive light the way it deserves in movies, tv shows, media, channels, atheism would be in far less numbers than it is today.

But despite all this dirt, atheism isn't growing at the rate that Islam is. Why? Because falsehood is a loser now and will be a loser in the afterlife.

Why does your tongue get the stroke when it comes to Jewish holocaust? You get seizures or something when condemning this ridiculous law about denial of holocaust?


But when it comes to Muslims defending the person sent as a mercy for this world and the next for even the filthy haters like you, suddenly your tongue starts spewing dirt like a volcano emits lava. Why did the enemy of Islam in Netherlands who was arranging cartoon contests in sheer ignorance became Muslim and now preaches the message of Islam?

As far as Dr Zakir Naik is concerned, he proves without an ounce of doubt that every religion points to Islam and Islam is the only pure, uncorrupted religion from the Creator which should be followed if you want to go to heaven. Islam is superior because every religion says so. Every religion mentions the coming of another Prophet which will complete the religion. Islam says your religion is complete now and Prophet Muhammad (saww) is the Last and final Prophet and Prophet Muhammad (saww) is the Prophet that was prophecised in previous religion.

Islam is also superior because it doesn't have man-made lies added to it. Every other religion book is corrupted by powerful kings, priests for their own benefit and the message is lost.

Of course, the haters of Dr Zakir Naik aren't bothered with their salvation. They're so blinded by Satan in their hate for Islam and Dr Zakir Naik that they utter lies just to make a point.

Atheists have freedom of speech in most non Islamic countries. You are free to produce your own shows and movies to further your own stance.

But can atheists openly talk about how atheism is a superior stance, in Islamic countries? If not, then why should other countries let you abuse their freedom of speech?

Regarding the numbers, I have some revelations for you.
1. Atheists tend to be highly educated (can quote surgery's and the like), richer. Such people have less children on average.
2. Atheists can't come out openly in the following populous regions--middle east and other Islamic countries, southern USA, most African countries, Latin American countries, and the like. In India, they face a lot of family pressure, and a bit of social pressure. So, a lot of atheists are hiding.
3. The leadership and elites of most countries in the world tend to be less practicing, if not outright atheist.
4. Before the advent of the internet and social media, atheists had almost no voice. Yet, see how much have we grown in the past 2 decades.

A good time to compare numbers would be a decade or so later. Let's see who has the upper hand then.
Sheer Hypocrisy mate...You hail from a country where under the famous "Blasphemy" Law" even mentally challenged people are not spared... just on basis of allegation of offending Islam.....and here is this men trying to prove that his religion is superior by insulting other religions openly for years on broadcast media and you think it's fine.

And by the way, how many such debates questioning Islam by non-believers are allowed or have happened in our religion.....any example?

Blasphemy Laws are used very rarely and far in between whereas more people have been killed in terrorist attacks in New Zealand and other racially motivated attacks than "Blasphemy Laws".

You'll do good by staying out of this Kiwi. Why do you care so much about Dr. Zakir Naik?? Or are you another Indian hiding behind false flags huh? :D

Also, Non-Muslims have nothing to debate about since anyone, even a regular Muslim joe can defeat them in a debate. Unless you're libtard or a Western worshipping ***, that is. :rolleyes:

Its not a "debate", he said in during his speech. His speeches are racially charged.

Post sources. You're making remarks about him I have never heard.

And he's absolutely right, it's not even a "debate" with him....it's a moral & fact ridden thrashing. :lol:
Atheists have freedom of speech in most non Islamic countries. You are free to produce your own shows and movies to further your own stance.

But can atheists openly talk about how atheism is a superior stance, in Islamic countries? If not, then why should other countries let you abuse their freedom of speech?

Regarding the numbers, I have some revelations for you.
1. Atheists tend to be highly educated (can quote surgery's and the like), richer. Such people have less children on average.
2. Atheists can't come out openly in the following populous regions--middle east and other Islamic countries, southern USA, most African countries, Latin American countries, and the like. In India, they face a lot of family pressure, and a bit of social pressure. So, a lot of atheists are hiding.
3. The leadership and elites of most countries in the world tend to be less practicing, if not outright atheist.
4. Before the advent of the internet and social media, atheists had almost no voice. Yet, see how much have we grown in the past 2 decades.

A good time to compare numbers would be a decade or so later. Let's see who has the upper hand then.

Meh, don't have interest in arguing further since it's just nonsense bickering from now on.

But i have some good news for you. Islam teaches us that as time for judgment day draws closer, Muslims will reduce in numbers and Kufr/Mushrikeen (atheists, polytheists etc) will increase until the last Muslim will die and then this world will end.

So congratulations, your kind is going to prosper soon. One of the prophecy about end times has come true which is Muslims will be gigantic in numbers but completely useless and being 2 billion strong, we're oppressed in China, Kashmir, India, Palestine, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Yemen, Syria just about everywhere and weccan't help them despite being wealthiest in the world. So end times are close.

I don't think this really is good news to be honest because Mushrikeen will burn for eternity in hellfire and will cry and regret their kufr but at least they have the pleasure of this world. 60-100 years of happy Kufr versus eternity of crying like losers for doing Kufr
dr,zakir naik once said, pakistan was a mistake..
so, who has a last laugh now ..
Blasphemy Laws are used very rarely and far in between whereas more people have been killed in terrorist attacks in New Zealand and other racially motivated attacks than "Blasphemy Laws".

You'll do good by staying out of this Kiwi. Why do you care so much about Dr. Zakir Naik?? Or are you another Indian hiding behind false flags huh? :D

Also, Non-Muslims have nothing to debate about since anyone, even a regular Muslim joe can defeat them in a debate. Unless you're libtard or a Western worshipping ***, that is. :rolleyes:

Post sources. You're making remarks about him I have never heard.

And he's absolutely right, it's not even a "debate" with him....it's a moral & fact ridden thrashing. :lol:


No different than 8chan and stormfront. I suggest Malaysia should deport all Chinese and Indian instead. Problem solve huh.:yahoo:
1. Why does your tongue get the stroke when it comes to Jewish holocaust? You get seizures or something when condemning this ridiculous law about denial of holocaust?


But when it comes to Muslims defending the person sent as a mercy for this world and the next for even the filthy haters like you, suddenly your tongue starts spewing dirt like a volcano emits lava. Why did the enemy of Islam in Netherlands who was arranging cartoon contests in sheer ignorance became Muslim and now preaches the message of Islam?

2. As far as Dr Zakir Naik is concerned, he proves without an ounce of doubt that every religion points to Islam and Islam is the only pure, uncorrupted religion from the Creator which should be followed if you want to go to heaven. Islam is superior because every religion says so. Every religion mentions the coming of another Prophet which will complete the religion. Islam says your religion is complete now and Prophet Muhammad (saww) is the Last and final Prophet and Prophet Muhammad (saww) is the Prophet that was prophecised in previous religion.

Islam is also superior because it doesn't have man-made lies added to it. Every other religion book is corrupted by powerful kings, priests for their own benefit and the message is lost.

Of course, the haters of Dr Zakir Naik aren't bothered with their salvation. They're so blinded by Satan in their hate for Islam and Dr Zakir Naik that they utter lies just to make a point.

1. Mate I am just commenting of the subject in the post..where the mention of Jewish Holocaust was there? Yes, I condemn insult of Islam by dutch cartoonists, Salman Rushdie's work (Satanic Verses)... but my comment was on Subject (Expulsion of Zakir Naik from Malaysia)

2. I don't have to say or comment on it. It is your belief...and you can't push your opinions based on your belief onto others. This is what that clown is doing.
And when you say every religious book says it, Have you read every religious book?...Islam is 1400 Years old..their are other religions in the world that are thousand of years older to ours...their books don't even mention about that.

Besides, though I am not an expert in Quraan, I know the holy book says ," No compulsion is there in religion. Rectitude has become clear from error. So whosoever disbelieves in idols and believes in God, has laid hold of the most firm handle, unbreaking; God is All-hearing, All-knowing".
— trans. Arberry, Quran 2:256
So this clown does not need to force Islam on others by comparison/insulting other religions etc.

1. Blasphemy Laws are used very rarely and far in between whereas more people have been killed in terrorist attacks in New Zealand and other racially motivated attacks than "Blasphemy Laws".

You'll do good by staying out of this Kiwi. Why do you care so much about Dr. Zakir Naik?? Or are you another Indian hiding behind false flags huh? :D

2. Also, Non-Muslims have nothing to debate about since anyone, even a regular Muslim joe can defeat them in a debate. Unless you're libtard or a Western worshipping ***, that is. :rolleyes:

1. Are you sure about your claim?... check your facts before putting up an argument.


2. Again your opinion....doesn't substantiate my argument.

Irony of us Muslims is we are very emotional when it comes to religion ..which is good but ... but one needs facts/logic to push his point of view...arguments can't be won by using abuse, insult and throwing hollow opinions in the air.
His speeches are racially charged.

You obviously have not listened to any of his lectures and just have gone by tidbits which your propagandists feed you.

Zakir Naik himself apologized for the confusion of people like you, and stated quite clearly that these are manipulations to discredit Islam and specifically Islamic Dawah (Preaching.)

He was sad that this propaganda is dissuading otherwise susceptible people from listening to the true message of Islam.



No different than 8chan and stormfront. I suggest Malaysia should deport all Chinese and Indian instead. Problem solve huh.:yahoo:

The comparison is skewed, as it is the Hindu zealots under Modi who are the fascists.

Zakir Naik is merely the victim of an international manhunt.

Minorities of Malaysia should not be influenced by Modi and the GOI to behave in such a manner.

Instead, they should build friendly ties with religious Muslim Malays. They can take this incident to learn more about Zakir Naik, rather than defame his with lies.

I don’t expect much of Indians being fed Modi’s fascist hallucinogenic mushrooms, but the Chinese Malays should behave in a better and more mature manner.
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