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Malaysia considering to expell Dr Zakir Naik

Just tell me why no one dare to invite him again?

He was invited at that time because of Jakarta governor election. There is no secret that it was part of the campaign to go against Ahok. And there is no urgent reason any more to invite him after that crucial election, and anyway Indonesia itself has already had many Islamic preacher.
Wohi to. Debate karne gaya tha. Lene ke dene pad gaye.

Hindus failed to defeat him in public debate. He challenged them multiple times.

Instead, every time he converted scores of Hindus to Islam and increased in popularity due to his immense knowledge and mastery of religious scriptures.

Their embarrassment and anger led them to first censor him and then openly persecute his organization and followers.

Zakir Naik escaped India when Modi put a death threat on him.

Now we see that everywhere Indians reside, like in Malaysia and UAE, they have become willing recruits for RSS to further India’s political and religious agendas.

Malaysia will now enter an era of soul seeking and contemplation, and you will see ethnic Malays attempt to take back their nation from foreign immigrants.

It is unfortunate that Chinese origin Malaysians have joined the battle against Zakir Naik with the Indians, as they will become a casualty of the coming times.
To Pakistanis who think Malaysians targetting Naik is unfair, kindly have him. He is your problem and India/Malaysia will be glad to get rid of his hate racial/religious preaching.

The level of Pakistani Islamic superiority mentality is very much prevalent in this thread.
I am curios why the Pakistan government or its religion authority do not offer to give safe heaven to Zakir Naik. Malaysians of all races would definitely welcome Pakistani offer, if there is one.
I am curios why the Pakistan government or its religion authority do not offer to give safe heaven to Zakir Naik. Malaysians of all races would definitely welcome Pakistani offer, if there is one.
Why not keep Zakir Naik in Malaysia, we warned you and you were in defiance.:enjoy: Now deal with it, as for Pakistan Zakir will not go to another third world country, he'd rather go to Saudia where he can have the amenities and I hear he have a Saudi citizenship too.
Penang Mufti: Zakir Naik only presents the truth


PENANG: Penang Mufti Datuk Seri Dr Wan Salim Wan Mohd Noor has urged the people, especially the non-Muslims, to stop accusing controversial Muslim preacher Dr Zakir Naik as being an “extremist” or “slanderer”.

Describing Zakir as someone “very open”, Wan Salim said the former was willing to engage in a dialogue with anyone scientifically and rationally.

It is because of his excellent grasp in comparing religious knowledge and his arguments in upholding Islamic greatness, he is viewed as enemy by those who can’t face up to him.

“As such, I hope those who have a skewed view towards (Dr) Zakir, could change their attitude towards him and stop accusing him of many things,” he said in a statement today.

Earlier today, Zakir apologised to the non-Muslims for hurting them on his recent remarks, which he said was “taken out of context”.

He said although he had clarified his stance to the police, he felt he owed an apology to everyone who felt hurt because of this “misunderstanding”.

Zakir, who had been accused of causing racial discord in the country, added that he was against racism and was concerned about the episode as it has brought harm to the image of Islam.

Police had called in Zakir to record his statement last Friday and yesterday over his alleged racist remarks.

He is being probed under Section 504 of the Penal Code for intentional insult with intent to provoke a breach of the peace.

The preacher, who is a Malaysian permanent resident, is alleged to have made controversial remarks against Malaysian Hindus and Malaysian Chinese during a talk in Kota Baru on Aug 8, prompting calls for him to be deported back to India.

Elaborating, Wan Salim said every Malaysian citizen is aware that Islam is the official religion as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

“In line with this, Islam should be given more space compared to others to be portrayed so that the people fully understand the religion and its teachings through preaching, including to the non-Muslims.

“They should accept the preaching with good intention which is, among others, aimed at getting rid of the phobia and prejudice towards the religion.

“They should also know that Islam does not force anyone to accept the religion as clearly stated in the al-Quran and Hadis,” he added.



Guys, take a look at this twitter tag about Zakir Naik, detractors of his are mostly Chinese origin Malaysians, Indian origin Malaysians, Indians, and Ex-Muslims/Agents like Tawhidi.

More like temporary aligning of interests. Nothing more. You have to remember that india is a severely impoverished nation of 1.4 billion living in the world's biggest open sewer, who invents or creates nothing. They purchase and use Western/Russian technologies and sciences. Unlike Israel, the West and Russia have ABSOLUTELY nothing in common with indians whatsoever and can't relate to or empathize with them.

Ultimately due to their huge numbers, the West and Russia DO NOT want india to become TOO powerful as they would take away a bigger slice of the global economic pie from them. The West want to use india as a bulwark against China which is why they seem very accommodating to them FOR NOW but as events from 27/02/2019 has shown, india is not equipped to carry out this role.

The BIGGEST failure of Pakistan is that we have NOT BEEN able to make Pakistan into a POWERFUL, self-sufficient and advanced nation despite having COUNTLESS opportunities to do so. That has made many of our former allies resent us. Look at what Israel has achieved since 1948 and Bosnia since 2000. If we reached even half our potential, we could easily whack india and afghanistan all by ourselves and the whole world would just keep quiet, not wanting to mess with us. Instead we look for outside help.......:disagree:

It's not indian lobbying that's the issue, it's us Pakistanis. We have ruined ourselves so far.
No offence, you let west influence in too much. Free Speech, Freedom of xxx all sounds good, but those so called human rights are luxury, only consumable for highly developed countries, such as Swiss, Sweden.

For those ethnically/race/language/geographically divided countries, be careful to those dangerous policies. The west, especially UK and US are too good at divide and rule.

For developing countries, economy growth and national security are first priorities. Everything else is secondary.

No west countries developed by western democracy. No East Asia countries developed by western democracy. If there is, name one.

China was criticized a lot by western media, because China always control western influence.
Malaysia should expel all Indian and Chinese and invite Indian Muslim, Rohingya, Pakistani and Bangaladeshi instead.
Can't agree more, also invite Arab, Somali, Mauritania, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Niger, Djibouti, Sudan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Mali, Turkmenistan, Guinea and Indonesia.

Did I miss any countries?
Can't agree more, also invite Arab, Somali, Mauritania, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Niger, Djibouti, Sudan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Mali, Turkmenistan, Guinea and Indonesia.

Did I miss any countries?

What is the relationship of Chinese origin Malays with Chinese people?

Are the close or distant? Do Chinese Malays keep close contacts with China?

Democratic, liberal, Buddhist/Christian or do they fall more into Communist Atheistic mindset?

Malaysia should expel all Indian and Chinese and invite Indian Muslim, Rohingya, Pakistani and Bangaladeshi instead.

I don’t believe that foreign origin Non-Muslims have the right to restrict the religious, political rights of ethnic Malays in their own country.

You will see a strong backlash from ethnic Malays to take back their country from what they see as an invasion and occupation of their country by Non-Muslim foreigners who stifle their freedoms.

Zakir Naik wasn’t speaking anything more than what is the general consensus among Malay masses who want their country to return back into an Islamic nation, similar to Brunei.
Malaysia should expel all Indian and Chinese and invite Indian Muslim, Rohingya, Pakistani and Bangaladeshi instead.

You tried that with Singapore already XD

Malays treat ethnic Chinese as a second class citizen, but the ethnic Chinese in Malay still work hard for the country that they called home. Malays should be happy that they get to live their easy lives with all the subsidized privileges while the ethnic Chinese do the hard work for them.

I have friends and who live in Malaysia so I know.
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You tried that with Singapore already XD

Malays treat ethnic Chinese as a second class citizen, but the ethnic Chinese in Malay still work hard for the country that they called home. Malays should be happy that they get to live their easy lives with all the subsidized privileges while the ethnic Chinese do the hard work for them.

I have friends and who live in Malaysia so I know.

Let them send them away. They'll know what Malaysia is without them, another Egypt.
You tried that with Singapore already XD

Malays treat ethnic Chinese as a second class citizen, but the ethnic Chinese in Malay still work hard for the country that they called home. Malays should be happy that they get to live their easy lives with all the subsidized privileges while the ethnic Chinese do the hard work for them.

I have friends and who live in Malaysia so I know.
Every 5th person on globe is an Indian. India is trying its best to dominate the entire globe.
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