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Malaysia considering to expell Dr Zakir Naik

Here in the US, one of their most devoted agents is a possible presidential candidate being pushed forward by Progressives and Conservatives alike. Her name is Tulsi Gabbard.

They have effectively taken control of UAE foreign policy in our region and gained support of Iran, Oman, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Burma, and Sri Lanka.

Trump may be acting like he will support Pakistan, but his supporters, the white fascist Americans, are strong supporters of Hindu extremists and Zionists for forming an alliance against Muslims.

Pakistan has failed to lobby any country besides Turkey and China. We frankly have no other allies left in the world.

India has made sure of it.

More like temporary aligning of interests. Nothing more. You have to remember that india is a severely impoverished nation of 1.4 billion living in the world's biggest open sewer, who invents or creates nothing. They purchase and use Western/Russian technologies and sciences. Unlike Israel, the West and Russia have ABSOLUTELY nothing in common with indians whatsoever and can't relate to or empathize with them.

Ultimately due to their huge numbers, the West and Russia DO NOT want india to become TOO powerful as they would take away a bigger slice of the global economic pie from them. The West want to use india as a bulwark against China which is why they seem very accommodating to them FOR NOW but as events from 27/02/2019 has shown, india is not equipped to carry out this role.

The BIGGEST failure of Pakistan is that we have NOT BEEN able to make Pakistan into a POWERFUL, self-sufficient and advanced nation despite having COUNTLESS opportunities to do so. That has made many of our former allies resent us. Look at what Israel has achieved since 1948 and Bosnia since 2000. If we reached even half our potential, we could easily whack india and afghanistan all by ourselves and the whole world would just keep quiet, not wanting to mess with us. Instead we look for outside help.......:disagree:

It's not indian lobbying that's the issue, it's us Pakistanis. We have ruined ourselves so far.
Dr Zakir Naik serves four more with legal notices of demand
Published 15 hours ago on 19 August 2019



Islamic preacher Dr Zakir Naik leaves Bukit Aman in Kuala Lumpur August 16, 2019. — Picture by Firdaus Latif
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 19 — India-born fugitive televangelist Dr Zakir Naik has demanded that four others apologise and offer a reasonable settlement within 48 hours or risk being sued for defamation.

The four are Penang deputy chief minister II P. Ramasamy, Bagan Dalam assemblyman Satees Muniandy, former ambassador Datuk Dennis Ignatius and Klang MP Charles Santiago.

The notices of demand dated today (August 19) were served by legal firm Akberdin & Co following Dr Zakir’s police report made against Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran and the four last Friday.

Dr Zakir had in his police report said the five had wrongly quoted his August 8 remarks out of context, accusing them of twisting and manipulating his comments.

In the notice of demand to Ignatius, sighted by Malay Mail, Dr Zakir said he had made defamatory remarks in several articles entitled “Why empower a demagogue like Zakir Naik?” dated August 13, 2019, “Zakir Naik: Hypocrisy & double standards” dated June 18, 2019, “Zakir Naik and the radicalisation of Malaysia Baru” dated May 1, 2019 and “What’s so special about Zakir Naik?” dated July 12, 2018.

For Ramasamy, it said defamatory statements were found in an article entitled “Naik should not question loyalty of Hindus in Malaysia”.

Meanwhile, for Muniandy, defamatory statements were found in an article entitled “Lawmaker fumes after Zakir suggests Hindus here support Modi over Dr M” and for Charles, in a press release “Wednesday Cabinet Meeting Must Discuss Zakir Naik’s Meddling Into Politics” and later published as “Cabinet meeting must discuss Zakir Naik’s meddling in local politics”.

Earlier, Dr Zakir had in his police report claimed that he had instead praised Malaysia for its treatment of and for upholding the rights of the “Hindu minorities”.

Dr Zakir’s police report and letter of demand today come amid criticism over his alleged remarks about Malaysia’s minority communities, with the police yesterday confirming a total of 115 police reports lodged nationwide in relation to his case.

He was previously reported as having allegedly claimed that the local Indian community were more supportive of India’s Narendra Modi over Malaysia’s Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, but had since contested this.

In the letters of demand to the four, Dr Zakir via his lawyers demanded that all four admit liability, retract allegations made, immediately remove all alleged defamatory, untrue or false allegations, accusations and remarks against him from all social media and/or websites.

Dr Zakir also demanded that all four cease and desist from publishing and/or initiate publication of defamatory, untrue or false allegations, accusations and remarks against him.

Lawyer Datuk Akberdin Abdul Kader, who is representing Dr Zakir in this matter, confirmed the authenticity of the documents when contacted by Malay Mail.

He confirmed that the letters of demand to the four were served either by e-mail and/or by hand today.

Dr Zakir is wanted in his birth country of India, which has previously requested his extradition from Malaysia for him to face money-laundering charges in the courts there.

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Based on economy law...

Why is Zakir Naik popular?

Because that is what most people want to hear, despite if we think deeply, what he says are too controversial.

The problem is in Zakir Naik, but the biggest problem is in the society.

We have been degraded so low that such words is what we want to hear.
Is indian lobbying really that strong?????.......couldn't stop Pakistan from becoming a nuclear weapons state, the successful advent of CPEC or the Imran Khan summit with Trump. Can you give an example of the ability of indian lobbying?

Indian Lobby is very strong whereas Pakistani lobby is non-existent.

What you mentioned above doesn't take any foreign affairs. No one can stop any country from attaining nukes other than a invasion. NK did it, Iran almost did it.

CPEC on the other hand was given to us on a silver platter. The Pakistani Lobby didn't do shit about it.

Most recent example is their pull on Iran and other Muslim countries, including Bangladesh and Malaysia. You also can't count out Kashmir.

They have easily reduced autonomy of IoK and are commiting Hitler level atrocities without the whole world being unable to do anything.

Based on economy law...

Why is Zakir Naik popular?

Because that is what most people want to hear, despite if we think deeply, what he says are too controversial.

The problem is in Zakir Naik, but the biggest problem is in the society.

We have been degraded so low that such words is what we want to hear.

What're you blabbering about?? You don't even seem to write a single sentence correctly.

He's popular because he speaks the Truth and backs it with facts and immense knowledge.

He's a "problem" cuz he's a thorn in India's side. As soon as he starts harping against Pakistan and in favor of India, wait till Modi invites him to India and sits him on a golden throne.

Trump may be acting like he will support Pakistan

Yup, keyword "acting like it"....cuz he needs Pakistan for now.....but he and his supporters would rather be in bed with India, like you said it.

I don't even believe IK's visit to the US brought forth any fruits.....soon after, India revoked Article 360 (might be wrong on the number).....so well for the visit. :rolleyes:
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You people don't know Dr Mahathir, he doesn't bow to any foreign pressure, he blasted USA, he blasted China, he is a man who is not afraid to say what is in his mind. What is India in his eye? Indian has zero influence in Mahathir.

10 hours of questioning in police headquarter, ended after mid-night.
Zakir Naik undergoes 10 hours of questioning at Bukit Aman
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nat...questioning-at-bukit-aman#rrQKXJBbAzB3b4ZW.99

Zakir Naik apologises, says he isn't racist
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nat...es-says-he-isn039t-racist#w4iwQQ7WkREorvpE.99

Malaysia is made up of 13 states, so far 8 states have banned Zakir Naik from public speaking, some banned him from entering their states.
Zakir Naik banned from speaking in Melaka, says Chief Minister
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nat...elaka-says-chief-minister#2XwJjVdj45e6d4gv.99
Your giving India too much credit, Pakistan has been run by Swines for decades, serving their own self interests at the cost to the nation.

As hate-filled fascist animals, the Indian propensity for jealousy, hate, and anger has no limits.

All options are on the table against Pakistanis and Kashmiris.

We have to rise to meet the occasion. We are on the side of truth and justice. We stand for love and mercy for the whole world.

It is time for Pakistan, and more importantly Pakistanis all over the world, to rise to the occasion to defend our motherland and our relatives in Kashmir.

Every Muslim country and every Muslim who supports India must be shamed in public and called out whenever possible.

Our scholars should declare fatwa that supporting India is kufr and having warm ties with Modi is denial of Islam.

We need to step up our influence wherever we reside. Start with friends and family.
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You people don't know Dr Mahathir, he doesn't bow to any foreign pressure, he blasted USA, he blasted China, he is a man who is not afraid to say what is in his mind. What is India in his eye? Indian has zero influence in Mahathir.

10 hours of questioning in police headquarter, ended after mid-night.
Zakir Naik undergoes 10 hours of questioning at Bukit Aman
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nat...questioning-at-bukit-aman#rrQKXJBbAzB3b4ZW.99

Zakir Naik apologises, says he isn't racist
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nat...es-says-he-isn039t-racist#w4iwQQ7WkREorvpE.99

Malaysia is made up of 13 states, so far 8 states have banned Zakir Naik from public speaking, some banned him from entering their states.
Zakir Naik banned from speaking in Melaka, says Chief Minister
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nat...elaka-says-chief-minister#2XwJjVdj45e6d4gv.99

A national shame for Malaysia in front of the whole Muslim world.

I hope patriotic Malaysians take back their country from those who wish to ostracize our hero, Dr. Zakir Naik.

I am so disappointed at Dr. Mahathir Muhammad. Very weak behavior.


I guess they may have decided to let him stay but he can't give speeches any more in Malaysia.
Dr Zakir Naik now banned from giving speeches anywhere in Malaysia

He will leave Malaysia, most likely for Turkey.

Turkey came out very strongly in favor of Kashmiris and Pakistan. It will be a safe place for him to continue his very important work.

I guess they may have decided to let him stay but he can't give speeches any more in Malaysia.
Dr Zakir Naik now banned from giving speeches anywhere in Malaysia

He will lay low for a while and start spewing his hate again.. I think Malaysia and Dr. MM made a huge mistake by pandering to the extremists and letting this vile wanker claim refuge there.. I think they now realize the danger

Best to deport him to places begging to receive him.. There is a reason that Muslim majority nations in South East Asia like Malaysia and Indonesia have progressed perhaps 5 decades ahead of other Islamic countries especially in South Asia and the Middle East who wants to reverse rapidly back to the 4th century

And btw Erdogan's Turkey is way more prudent than to get a radical hate preacher in to the country, they have enough issues to deal with atm due to extremism in the neighborhood
He will lay low for a while and start spewing his hate again.. I think Malaysia and Dr. MM made a huge mistake by pandering to the extremists and letting this vile wanker claim refuge there.. I think they now realize the danger

Best to deport him to places begging to receive him.. There is a reason that Muslim majority nations in South East Asia like Malaysia and Indonesia have progressed perhaps 5 decades ahead of other Islamic countries especially in South Asia and the Middle East who wants to reverse rapidly back to the 4th century

And btw Erdogan's Turkey is way more prudent than to get a radical hate preacher in to the country, they have enough issues to deal with atm due to extremism in the neighborhood

Only "vile wanker" here is you buddy. Peddle this bs on some other thread.

Your hate for a religious persona is showing up.....I wonder who's the real "extremist" here. :D


I guess they may have decided to let him stay but he can't give speeches any more in Malaysia.
Dr Zakir Naik now banned from giving speeches anywhere in Malaysia

Another Muslims country bends their knee to India. Shame...:frown:
Indian Lobby is very strong whereas Pakistani lobby is non-existent.

What you mentioned above doesn't take any foreign affairs. No one can stop any country from attaining nukes other than a invasion. NK did it, Iran almost did it.

CPEC on the other hand was given to us on a silver platter. The Pakistani Lobby didn't do shit about it.

Most recent example is their pull on Iran and other Muslim countries, including Bangladesh and Malaysia. You also can't count out Kashmir.

They have easily reduced autonomy of IoK and are commiting Hitler level atrocities without the whole world being unable to do anything.

What're you blabbering about?? You don't even seem to write a single sentence correctly.

He's popular because he speaks the Truth and backs it with facts and immense knowledge.

He's a "problem" cuz he's a thorn in India's side. As soon as he starts harping against Pakistan and in favor of India, wait till Modi invites him to India and sits him on a golden throne.

Yup, keyword "acting like it"....cuz he needs Pakistan for now.....but he and his supporters would rather be in bed with India, like you said it.

I don't even believe IK's visit to the US brought forth any fruits.....soon after, India revoked Article 360 (might be wrong on the number).....so well for the visit. :rolleyes:

But is it indian lobbying or Pakistan's failure to become a self-sufficient, advanced and powerful nation despite having COUNTLESS opportunities to do so? Look at what Israel has achieved since 1948 and Bosnia since 2000. Had Pakistan done the same, we wouldn't have needed ANYONE'S support or help and could have achieved all our aims and objectives unabated.
There is no evidence of Indian lobby in Malaysia, in fact Dr. Mahathir has rejected Indian government demand to send Zakir back to India. Reluctant of Dr. Mahathir is persistent even today.

If Zakir Naik is deported, he won't go to India because Dr. Mahathir does not want to see him in jail.

For us Malaysians, peace and harmony among different races and religious is of paramount importance. There are many domestic scums trying to break our country, but a powerful influential foreigner like Zakir can cause even far great Havoc no Malaysians of responsibility wants to see.

The PATRIOTS (the veterans association of Malaysian armed forces) have already speak out against Zakir, the former IGP (inspector general of police, the police chief) also said he must be deported.

The majority of Muslim leaders here want to see him go, except only political opposition party PAS Pan Islamic Party, who have the unrealistic goal of turning Malaysia into an Islamic country to be ruled only by Muslims, and replacing our civil laws into Islamic laws.

Rescind his PR and send Zakir home, says ex-IGP
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nat...nd-zakir-home-says-ex-igp#VuAKxv3SjdDVusUp.99
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A national shame for Malaysia in front of the whole Muslim world.

I hope patriotic Malaysians take back their country from those who wish to ostracize our hero, Dr. Zakir Naik.

I am so disappointed at Dr. Mahathir Muhammad. Very weak behavior.

He will leave Malaysia, most likely for Turkey.

Turkey came out very strongly in favor of Kashmiris and Pakistan. It will be a safe place for him to continue his very important work.

1. Which Muslim world....and who in Muslim world care for scums like him?These kind of people , by excuse of interpretation of Quraan...push radical ideas of their mind into innocent and ignorant Muslims.

2. Your Hero? Why don't you take him in Pakistan....best suited place for him as well.
There is no evidence of Indian lobby in Malaysia, in fact Dr. Mahathir has rejected Indian government demand to send Zakir back to India. Reluctant of Dr. Mahathir is persistent even today.

On social media, I am only seeing Chinese origin and Indian origin Malaysians badmouthing Zakir Naik.

Ethnic Malays seem in favor of Zakir Naik mostly.

It seems that there is an organized and well-funded campaign to get rid of Zakir Naik.

For us Malaysians, peace and harmony among different races and religious is of paramount importance. There are many domestic scums trying to break our country, but a powerful influential foreigner like Zakir can cause even far great Havoc no Malaysians of responsibility wants to see.

I don’t think the government of Muhammad Mahathir will last this scandal, Indian origin and Chinese origin Malaysians have become too powerful and are now dictating the behavior and sentiments of both Malays and Islamic scholars.

You will see a strong backlash against this government and humiliation internationally for Malaysia in general in the Islamic world.
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