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Malala Yousafzai Wins Nobel Peace Prize for Pakistan.

In her speech she just focus on education and the word education is poison for Taliban and company same as mullah party, an educated Pakistan is the solution of our all problems.
Never really understood the hate against Malala. Good for her. Hopefully she continues to do what she has done.

She has a stronger will than me certainly.
I haven't read Malala's book so I cant comment on it. But lets be clear. The world does not need Malala's book to have a negative view on Pakistan. Pakistan has been very successful bringing a negative view all on its own. Mention Pakistan, the world thinks of Al Qaeda, where Osama bin Laden was killed, Drone strikes, terrorism, oppression of women, sectarian violence, lose nukes, etc.

You do make a good point that everything is murky and there could be hostile actors in play utilizing Malala for their own benefit but I don't think there is much to be gained from exploiting Malala. I don't think Pakistan's image on the world stage can get any lower than it currently it is today. And so far what have "they" accomplished?

Pakistanis have had a tough existence since they got their independence in 1947. So they take everything with a grain of salt and inject conspiratorial beliefs. So the Pakistani Government reaction to her was completely expected. They can't be seen to be that incompetent that they cannot defend a little girl going to school. And thus add doubt and suspicion to her story to show Pakistan is up against more powerful adversaries and thus it wasn't there incompetence at play. I do understand your position but I disagree with it.

I think Malala is just a decent person who is advocating girls go to school. She deserved the Nobel Prize.

I really wonder how you get to became an elite member when you don't even know the basic facts about war and history.

Holocaust can be discussed all around the world expect for those countries who passed the Anti-Nazi Laws in 1947.

This was designed to prevent Nazis from ever taking power in Europe again and one of the stipulation of those laws was denying the holocaust.

So countries that were not occupied by the Germans such as Canada, USA, Australia, you are completely open to deny the Holocaust but places that were occupied by the Nazis such as Poland, Austria, etc. You can't.

And what has Malala said that was against Islam?

Or are you basing that on the fact she worked with Christine Lamb who worked with Salman Rushdie who wrote a book called the Satanic Verses in which a person had a dream in which these verses were shown?

Look at the way @Oscar is debating me. He came with clear facts, citation and proper arguments and presented a counter narrative. I respect his views even though I disagree with him. Learn to articulate your facts properly and present them in a cohesive manner instead of rambling like a bumbling ignoramus.
Mr book is one way west uses to do propagandq you insult your country founding father defend those who abuse Islam and your country in shot be good western dog you get Nobel Peace Prize
Mr book is one way west uses to do propagandq you insult your country founding father defend those who abuse Islam and your country in shot be good western dog you get Nobel Peace Prize

Calm the hell down.

First of all the West has the freedom of speech in which any and all subjects are open to criticism and analysis. They are not there to sing praises.

So what if there is a book critical of Jinnah and Pakistan?

Jinnah ate pork and drank alcohol. Pakistan is tettering on being a failed state while India is sending satellites to Mars.

So if there is a book which looks harshly on these subject matters so be it. If you want to keep believeing that alls well in Pakistan, then keep living in your fools paradise.

As for Malala, she is a brave girl who stood up to the Taliban. You would have pissed your pants had that been you which the Taliban confronted.
Calm the hell down.

First of all the West has the freedom of speech in which any and all subjects are open to criticism and analysis. They are not there to sing praises.

So what if there is a book critical of Jinnah and Pakistan?

Jinnah ate pork and drank alcohol. Pakistan is tettering on being a failed state while India is sending satellites to Mars.

So if there is a book which looks harshly on these subject matters so be it. If you want to keep believeing that alls well in Pakistan, then keep living in your fools paradise.

As for Malala, she is a brave girl who stood up to the Taliban. You would have pissed your pants had that been you which the Taliban confronted.
She didn't stood to Taliban yes going to Mars with more than 40 crore living under poverty line yes Jinah used to eat them but left in last 15 years nothing wrong just west hates Pakistan and its nuclear program and you abuse Pakistan you qualify to be a perfect bitc# fully deserve to be awarded peace prize just like Dalai Lama loved by west because he works against China
She didn't stood to Taliban yes going to Mars with more than 40 crore living under poverty line yes Jinah used to eat them but left in last 15 years nothing wrong just west hates Pakistan and its nuclear program and you abuse Pakistan you qualify to be a perfect bitc# fully deserve to be awarded peace prize just like Dalai Lama loved by west because he works against China
It's time to stop blaming our issues on:

1. US Agents
2. Yahoodi Agents
3. RAW Agents

You will only get better if you confront your issues instead of sweeping them under the rug. Malala is raising and talking about a very important issue in Pakistan (Education) and anyone who faults her for it is an ignorant human being.
Congratulation to Malala.

Now waiting for Malala brand energy drink to come out like Bob Marley.

Great achievement... She is a great ambassador for Pakistan...

I am surprised to see how many senior pakistani members are critical of her....
Well she is a charming little girl and has faced real threats and shown more bravery than many, can be a good ambassador for the country. Yes there may be and there will be many foreign agencies who might use her for their own purpose hiding behind seemingly harmless NGO's and providing "Services", but that is the government and LE agencies job to control and counter. Any number of foreign people can apply for visas and may come to the country but who enters and leaves the country is very much in the hands of the gov.

Yes, before the shooting and the international fame. The girl truly wanted to get everyone in her locality to study. Its her father as I mentioned before who seemed to be focusing less on the message and more on the fame and funding for her.

I mentioned that the "handlers" whosoever they may be in her case, or Mukhtaran's or any of the many charities and educational partnership initiatives that operate here look for ways to send in people under various guises.
Now how will they gain this? By highlighting the girl and inviting donations and cover under her cause to be able to set up institutions and send in personnel as employees of the former. Now if it was just any other cause you cannot send in a that many personnel or put in that much money without inviting the glaring eyes of our rather paranoid intelligence hounds. But here is a popular cause that immediately invites interest, donations and various do-gooders willing to travel and set up schools and so on.

Its quite simple, if today you or I were to write a book on the virtues of Pakistan it really wont sell well. The opposite would.
I am surprised to see how many senior pakistani members are critical of her....
Only surprised? Does this not provoke any thought? All senior members (minus Zarvi the great) have vehemently apposed tyrannic TTP throughout, yet are not in support of Malala. This shows that TTP and Malala are two different issues and should be dealt, and analyzed individually.

1. Have you ever seen her conversing in English? This is her command (if it could be called command at all) of English today while in England. Was she really the one who wrote for BBC at the age of 9? several years ago in Sawat?

2. Writing anonymously for BBC against TTP - what kind of bravery is this? If she had revealed her identity and publicly condemned, and wrote against TTP while staying in Sawat, it would be a different thing but did that happen?

3. There are much more prominent educationists in Pakistan who literally devoted their ENTIRE life for the cause of Education in general and girls education in particular. Late Professor Anita Ghulam Ali is on such example. She was not even nominated for an international award let alone Nobel. What Malala has done in comparison to Professor. Ghulam Ali?

4. Her father owned a private School in Sawat in which she was a student. Due to TTP, his business went down and completely shut down when Army went into Sawat and used the School as a post. In her book (albeit who wrote it), she has expressed her disgust against Pakistan Army for using the School as an Army post. This clearly appears to be a case of conflict of interest. She did not speak for the girls of Sawat but for her father's business.
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Only surprised? Does this not provoke any thought? All senior members (minus Zarvi the great) have vehemently apposed tyrannic TTP throughout, yet are not in support of Malala. This shows that TTP and Malala are two different issues and should be dealt, and analyzed individually.
Promotion of right to education for girl child is a very noble cause...

I might not be very aware of the grievances that people have from her? can you summarize the issue

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